no-wonders game


Mar 30, 2002
I was wondering, has anyone made a "no wonders" mod? It'd be pretty simple to do, but if I can save time, great. A check box for pre-game setup would be awesome.

I also wonder, what would people suggest as a bonus to the industrious to make up for a wonderless game? I'm thinking a bonus like the financial one, but at a lesser scale, would work. +1 for tiles already producing 3, perhaps?
how about an extra hammer per engineer specialist?
That's an awfully bit specialised, don't you think? Trait bonuses tend to be rather general and wide-ranged. How many engineers can you get in your nation, even if you try to run a specialist economy? By the time you can get very many (factories, etc), the +1 extra hammer per isn't too terribly big.
well i was thinking along the lines of not making it i feel the first suggestion would be.

and it would make engineer specialist more worth it =)
Maybe combine it with double production speed for Forge, Factory etc. That way it is easier to actually get those engineers. Maybe even free unlimited engineers?
Unlimited engineers would be, whoa. Too much. In searching around, I've seen a lot of proposals for making Industrious "+1 hammer to tiles that already produce 3" (like financial, but harder to trigger), and they say they've play-tested it to good conclusions. That would also let there be a useful Industrious/Philosophical leader -- although there'd be no +wonder production trait. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing to be lacking.
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