Nobles' Club 269: Gilgamesh of Sumeria


May 21, 2018
The Nobles' Club series started out as a way for Noble-level (and below) players to improve their game. Most of the original participants now play at much higher levels, so this has become a way for advanced players to help others learn to play better. You can play your own game at any level and with any mod, but it would be nice to comment on the games of other players and give them advice.

Our next leader is Gilgamesh of Sumeria, whom we last played in NC 219. The Summerians start with Agriculture and The Wheel.
  • Traits: Gilgamesh is Creative and Protective. Creative gives every city +2:culture: for free, and gives a +100% :hammers: bonus to Libraries, Theatres, and Colosseums. Protective gives all Archery and Gunpowder units a free City Garrison I (+20% City Defence) and Drill I (+1 First Strike chance) promotion, as well as a +100%:hammers: bonus to Walls and Castles.
  • The UB: The Ziggurat, a Courthouse which requires Priesthood instead of Code of Laws to build, and is 25% cheaper to build than a regular Courthouse (90:hammers: instead of 120:hammers: on Normal speed).
  • The UU: The Vulture, an Axeman with 6:strength: instead of 5:strength:, but only +25% vs. Melee units rather than +50%.
And the start:

Spoiler map details :
Fractal, Temperate Climate, Medium Sealevel.
Spoiler edits :
Resource swaps were done to give every AI nearby strategic resources, the player's starting position was swapped with an AI, and a river was added to the player's land to give it a bit more beef.
Spoiler isolated? :
The WB-saves are attached (zipped; they are bigger than standard saves). To play, simply download and unzip it into your BTS/Saves/WorldBuilder folder. Start the game, and load your favorite MOD (if you use one, if not, check out the BUG MOD), select "Play Scenario", and look for "NC 269 Gilgamesh Noble" (or Monarch, etc., for higher levels). You can play with your favorite MOD at the Level and Speed of your choice. From Quick-Warlord to Marathon-Deity, all are welcome! We stuck with the name "Nobles Club" because it has a cool ring to it.
Spoiler what's up with specific difficulties :
In each scenario file you can select your level of difficulty, but that doesn't give the AI the right bonus techs by itself. Use the Noble save for all levels at and below Prince. The Monarch save gives all the AI Archery. Emperor adds Hunting; Immortal adds Agriculture; Deity adds The Wheel.
Spoiler for players on Monarch or above :
You should add archery as a tech for the barbarians (if you don't, the AI will capture their cities very early). This cannot be done in the WB save file and must be done in Worldbuilder as follows:
Spoiler how to add techs to the barbarians :

  1. Zoom in all the way so you can't see the rest of the map.
  2. Use the CTRL-W key (or the menu) to enter the worldbuilder. Avoid looking at the mini-map in the lower right corner.
  3. By default you're in "player" mode (look in the box in the upper right; the icon that looks like a person should be selected). You'll get a drop down menu labeled with your leader's name. Barbarians are at the bottom, so cover the rest of the list with your hand if you don't want to see who else is on the map. Select "Barbarians".
  4. Select the "Technologies" tab in the box on the left.
  5. Find Archery (the arrow head icon; 8th row, 3rd column from the right) and click it.
  6. Exit the worldbuilder.
  7. Zoom out again after the map fades, and start playing.
If you're playing at higher level than Monarch, consider also giving them Hunting at Emperor, Agriculture at Immortal, and The Wheel at Deity.
Spoiler huts and events :
Note: The standard saves have no huts and have events turned off. If you want tribal villages and random events, choose the saves with "Huts" in their names. If you want huts but no events, select the Huts saves and use Custom Scenario to turn on the option that suppresses events.


One trick I decided to edit into the starting screenshot, because I so rarely get to do something meaningful with Paint, is that you can hover over a tile to see if it has access to Fresh Water regardless of whether the source thereof is actually revealed to you. It's rare that this occurs, but it can give you a better idea of your land and where would be a good place to settle. In this case the Cow, the plains hill 1E of the Cow and the grass hill 1NE of the Cow all report Fresh Water. This means that the desert tile 1N of the Cow must be an Oasis.

For what that's worth in this particular instance :mischief:.

As for where to settle, I'm not sure :think:. I'm guessing send the Warrior 1SW to see if there's food near the SW PH, and settle it if so, otherwise I'm not sure. PH start is of course nice, but if there's no obvious food nearby it might be better to go with the assured grassland sheep and settle something like 2W, or maybe 1N2W (2N2W?) for a future super-Bureau (and super unhealthy :yuck:) capital? What do the experts think :)?
Sheep is ofcourse nice, but it's not as impressive as wet corn or pigs.
And I think that oasis+PH+cows nearby trumps that. Can farm a floodplain or even two to get some early growth in.
A second city close to sheep grabs that into the empire soon enough.

Without more info, I would be inclined to go AH.
The oasis and rivers might even give enough commerce to go for mining->bw next, but when starting with agri+tw, early pottery could also be nice. With settlement on the PH and the cows, early production would likely be sufficient to get a warrior barb defence up.

If one would be aiming for a super burocracy capital from T0, settle on the PH by the cows, and settle SE of the sheep with second city would give 7 floodplains and only 2 unhealth.
There is enough time to build a palace there before CS. :D
For me, both SIP or ph seem fine. My style would be to go for ph though. With CRE it's easy to grab what we missed with 2nd/3rd city. 1N and 1NW have their merits surely too.
No love for 1W (or SIP, but sampsa has approved that one) ?

By 'ruining' a FP either with SIP or 1W, you have 7 in the capital, which means you get only 2 :yuck:. 1W means you can put a city on that PH right next to the oasis. PH capitals are nice of course, but it's also nice to grab a pile of FPs for those juicy cottages. Hopefully there is happiness somewhere.

Feels like I should complain about something here, though.... not sure what... :sad: :D
I think 1NW is better than 1W so you can work that oasis early. I like the PH best though.
Hmm yes, don't know how I missed 1W. I like the oasis, but the amount of fps is worrying if 1N or 1NW. At least 1NW catches 4 forests. 1N is probably worst of the mentioned possibilities.
Spoiler T0, I climbed that PH. :

I moved warrior to that location to see if there was something up north that could warrant a spidering of both cow+sheep, but with only more floodplains I went straight for the hills.

Gold! And I was considering the oasis yummy enough to warrant AH->Min->BW. :)

You are too kind, @AcaMetis !

Spoiler :
You didn't settle on the gold? :D

Going to the PH had a very nice reward here. One tile off coast can be a little awkward, but it's fine here really. Always the worry of killing seafood, tho.

I've plugged along as well, and played to 1AD on Immortal.
Spoiler :
Moved warrior SW (after thinking about NW and NE), and after some pondering decided to settle 1W. These FP capitals are rather nice, and as mentioned earlier, 7FP means only 2 unhealth, which is fine (7 x 0.4 = 2.8, rounded down to 2 :yuck: ).

A bear shows up early, and causes some dancing.
Spoiler :
Wow! :eek:

NC 269 bear pawned.jpg

Had just moved away the first guy because I didn't dare to take it on with full fortification. Then the new bloke struts up and just casually throttles it with his bare hands unscathed. What a guy!

A while after, a barb spear shows up in the SW forest, which is a concern. Maybe I was lucky, but he kept going back and forth, looking to invade, and then not doing it, several times only two tiles from the worker that was improving the copper... Another guy chops, and then the Vulture deals with it. Phew!

The land looks really nice. Not a ton of happies, but gold is always pleasing, and there is Wine too. More importantly, we have access to both marble and stone. Means I took a chance on the Oracle, and managed to chop it out in T82, which must be late. I picked Metal Casting.

Also settled on the stone and worked on the Mids. Capital didn't have many hammers, but we were a little lucky with hammers popping out of the ground.
Spoiler :

NC 269-Five regrowths.jpg

Together with some third ring forests, we were able to chop out the Mids. Must have been early T90s. Got a little failgold from Artemis as well,

Don't mind all the upset citizens. These things happen :blush: I was waiting on the first GS to build an Academy. Hopefully it is worth it here with such a nice capital, although I tend to regret it in these isolation games.

Turn 98, and it's finally time for... FISHING! :lol:

Had only settled 5 cities at this point, but did eventually settle a 6th up NW. It's a decent enough spot, can work a wine, and the iron decided it. Otherwise I may have put it on the south coast somewhere, or not bothered until after Astro.

Am glad naming standards worked out.
Spoiler :
NC 269-Trireme didn't die.jpg

Didn't know about that island until almost at 1AD. Noticed it when borders expanded a third time, and a barb galley came over. Turns out there is yet another island over there, and some naughty barbs have settled on top of a pig. Is that what they call a pigsty?

Haven't looked into taking it yet, nor exploring it, because I needed that trireme to heal, then move over to the west, so I can turn it into a caravel.

Here's the situation in 1AD.
Spoiler :
1 turn from Optics. Could probably have gotten there earlier if I hadn't diverted for Monarchy. But on the other hand, then the capital would have been a little smaller. And it will be nice to have some of these wines improved at Astro anyway, when we can hopefully land some more happy resources.

NC 269-1AD overview.jpg

NC 269-1AD techs.jpg

For a time it felt like I had way too few workers, so I ended up with 8 for 5 cities. A bit much, though there is much to do as well. By now I'm not sure what to do with them, so have built improvements for future cities, and roaded a bit, plus some pre-chops.

At full pelt we're currently doing 211 :science:, which may have been improved a little if I moved more cottages to the capital, and dropped those new ones. But the idea is to improve them, so it makes more sense like this I reckon.

Interestingly, I'll have exactly 50g next turn to upgrade the trireme. Wish it was a little further west, but can't hit everything on the money.
Spoiler :

I thought about it, just to spite you others. :D
Regarding seafood, the worst aspect is mentally imho. But I was telling myself when settling that there could be 3 fishes out there and they would not bother me the least, with this good land inland I want to claim that first. Fishing might be ages away really. So in reality, it shouldn't matter and should be ignored.
But it does hurt your soul and cripples your morale abit, seeing that orphaned seafood for the rest of the game. :|
Played to CS in 475AD.
Spoiler :
Won't play out this one, but did play to CS, and have just double-revolted to Buro+OR. Judaism has spread to us, which looks like the best bet. Have settled some cities and traded. Not all of the AIs are on friendly terms, which makes things easier. The other land is also pretty close, so we can probably get across in 1-2 turns. Cuirs may be possible here, as longbows haven't gone around to everybody yet, though that would still take a while since we lack many techs. Got some more resources as well, but not as much as hoped. And it's frustrating when you think nothing more is available, so you trade away resources for money. Then Sugar pops up for one turn, you have nothing, and can't cancel deals yet, and next turn it's gone.

The home continent is so strong here, that it might be more tempting to just go UN or even space. Just to avoid the shenanigans of intercontinental warfare.

NC 269-T134 land.jpg
NC 269-T134 diplo.jpg
NC 269-T134 techs.jpg



Spoiler T13 :

Continued north with the warrior, scouted the coast too and found a offshore island.
On my way back to the fogbusting hill I saw a lion walk toward the warrior and dissappear, that was nice as I didn't have to fear the warriors life as he climbed the hill (as much).

Worker is just out and I'm given a tough choice, improve the cow first for more warriors faster, and overall better worker path?
Or sheep first for faster growth? Either pasture will be done T16 and by the the food bar will be at 9/22, that means 5 turns with the cows and only 4 turns with the sheep.
I choose the sheep, as a turn faster to pop2 also means a turn extra working the oasis.. and that might snowball to something like two turns faster to pop3.

Have not encountered anyone yet, so iso seems likely, but could still be some large landmass to the west, or possibly land beyond the crabs.
Planning for iso now.
The floodplains area is the focal point of this map imho. With wine a monarchy detour is abit encouraged, although just the presence of gold alone could warrant a straight beeline.

Stone is available, so pyramids might be really nice, although I'm inclined to not bend myself backwards to build them. Perhaps settle city3 1N of the rice to grab stone in time, that would be nice as it would relieve capital of the golden curse too.
Or something along the river beside the rice and get stone in second ring.... Or settle a fourth city on the stone, although I don't like such cities, they become such a drag later on.

First and foremost I want a nice second city, and 1W of horse looks good and safe, and it would enable a easy grabbing of crabs later on.
Something by the sheep is also possible.

Will go mining->bw now, and after that likely pottery.
I want to build a large number of warriors quite early on to establish a good perimeter, and if I could reach pop4 before bringing the gold online, that would feel very nice as Sheep+cow+oasis almost makes it possible to grow capital after that while working gold.
Getting stuck on pop3 with the gold would feel awkward imho.

Thinking that worker->worker->settler is sensible here. with gold the techs fly in so fast, and with only one worker I won't be able to do all I want.

Spoiler T33 :

I count alot, and figure out that worker has time to make a road on that cow. It will likely be very useful later on. I have nice production and will finish the current warrior and build two more, ending up at 6 warriors total at around T29-T30.

I like fiddling around with micro like this. This is a big reason I like diety. Barbs play a much larger role and figuring out how to play the early game as safe as possible is nice. Here I plan a path for the warrior to enter a forward position in a safe manner. It takes a while longer, but I don't have to risk him walking on flatland.

This guy had the unfortunate to face a barb archer, but as he was standing in a forest he got about 50% odds and won, and since the peninsula was then safe (barb archer was busting) he could walk out. Now when the worker is mining the gold, he can dare take a peek out for seafood.

This one I want to go south and while I'm at it, I walk as far out as I can do safely, fogbusting just a tiny bit while in transit anyway. (I don't give these chain-orders, it's just for illustration.)

This guy is super curious and wants to check for seafood, but no can do. His job is to keep that peninsula safe.
I'll send a fresh warrior down and relieve him, because I want him as a veteran with woody at the front. And while they are two on the peninsula, one can take a quick look.

I'm nearing pop4, and I have the choice of working the gold and stack up 6 overflow, or work the oasis and reach pop4 a turn sooner, and finish warrior with 3 overflow.
Reaching pop4 sooner and getting food in the bank is often better, but I check if the overflow by working gold could quicken next build.
And as it cannot, I just go with the oasis.
Ofcourse... this overflow COULD help in the next-next build, but I don't bother calculating that far ahead, I got a relaxing game to play. :D

This guy here isn't greedy either. There is no reason for him to push further. I would like to see more, but if he ventures out alone and dies, he might have given a barb a promotion. Warriors should always work in pairs if possible, if one dies the partner can take vengence and avoid creating a super barb.

A worthy foe, the warriors make a sneaky plan to buddy up in the forest across the river. From there they will sling insults to the archer, taunting him to cross the river into the forest to his doom.

The peninsula is safe, and they have checked for seafood. The veteran is moving toward the front asap, but all the while they keep all tiles safe.

I roaded a turn too long, should have jumped into the forest but forgot to stop worker... But now he is on the track to cut everything down.
I make a plan for how to move, and take into account adjacent tiles to maximize chances for regrowth.
This one is percticularly good to start with, as it only has one tila ajacent to itself, and once the forest is gone two other forests have gotten this tile as a possible spawnoff. By cutting this down I increase the odds of regrowth!

Spoiler T51 :

Call me chicken, but I know there is a barb archer there somewhere. I wait for the opportunity to see him climb that hill SW of sheep, or show himself to the southern warrior, and if that happends I would climb the forested hill with that lone warrior. But before that opportunity, he waits for the veteran woody and they will jump up as a duo.

I want second city close to the sheep, and was considering which spot to settle. My intuition was that the northern one would have had way too many floodplains and I would settle the southern one, but after the pre-game discussion, I now know that they are equal, so I choose the northern spot.
Can improve sheep right away, and it shares two cottages with capital, and even one cottage with the future horse/corn city (yellow dot).
Worker goes into that forest and chops it away before the settler arrives, only 8 hammers but I don't know if there is anything better to do while waiting.

Red spot first, and then I probably have to go right on the stone.
I want a good city SW of the rice, spidering horse+gold+floodplains and alot of rivertiles.
A filler can then be placed by the whale. None of these cities can reach the stone in a timely manner, so a city will have to be placed there right away.
Not sure if it should be city3 or city4 yet though.

The woody got there, and they climbed the hill together. A barb archer vas visible in the distance, that archer has now moved further south. Another archer and a warrior is also dancing around. Quite crowded there!

I try to ignore upkeep costs at this stage of the game. This is simply the price i _need_ to pay, in order to skip archery.

The duo fortify on the hill and make ready for the fight. The other warrior moves out abit to possibly take up position in that forest 1W of sheep.

Woddy dies even though he had good odds, (archer had 26.7%) but the other one kills the warrior who had 3% odds. The injured archer has 2.3 hp.
I move the sheep warrior back, and the one who was fogbusting by the wine have to abandon post to secure the city, unfortunate but necessery.
I would have liked to build another warrior in capital, but with 45 hammers overflow, I couldn't bear it.
The warrior still on the hill gets to stay there. He will get good odds and almost certainly kill one archer, and hopefully injure the other one so I can retaliate. And with luck he will kill both.

Not so lucky. :/
Ofcourse I don't take this fight, but both warriors team up in that forest instead.
Next turn the archer attacks but dies

A barb warrior disturbs the pasture construction and the worker have to dance around abit. I chop out two new warriors.

These fights are obvious to take. That barb could cause problems with pillage if left alone, and with two warriors available I know I can kill him.
This one succeeds, and getting 4 xp can be really nice in some situations too.

Last post in the sequence with a focus on barb handeling.

Spoiler T53 :

And one more maneuver... Here I had a warror on the rice, but when I saw a barb comming out there I marched forward right away. That region is highly likely to be empty as the barb warrior was fogbusting there. And when the barb leaves that space I want to fill that vacuum quickly. This can often be a better choice for the forward defenders than to stand and fight. Let the barbs march toward the city and bypass them to secure a more forward area.
With this capital here, there is also no danger at all, with alot of hammers this capital can churn out an endless stream of warriors, holding it's own even against spears.

But no spears for me, it appears I have gained dominance of the island.
Now the next phase is to figure out how to get away with the absolute minimum of fogbusters possible while still keeping everything safe.
On this island we have 3 coastal seafood resources so busting barb galleys is likely also good.
Regarding settlment now.. I'm tempted to be really cocky and settle horse/corn now and settle on stone as the fourth city and make a try for pyramids in Eridu.

Spoiler T95 :

Had libraries up in Eridu+Uruk at T61, but there was so many yummy tiles that I couldn't stomach running scientists. :D
At this point, i have started to pivot away from any pyramids plans, and instead interest myself more for that marble.
Going for monarchy now to ensure happines and for the wine later on.

I feel like both wonders and religions are flying away very fast this game... T58 confu. At least two wonderbuilders.
I saw something in demographics early on with one creative very likely starting coastal, so I suspect thats someone like Gandhi or Louis thats built Colossus.

Settled Lagash on the marble, it kind of needs to help Kish with some of those floodplains, and nice to not have to worry about making a quarry later on.
Kish is comming online nicely, started with improving the horse and chopped the forest on the way to the corn and then improved corn with two workers the turn it came into culture. One worker then did another chop and finished the granary very timely.

Have four workers now, building another one because now I want to get cottages up in a hurry.
I also changed that settler build in Uruk, as I want to whip out future settlers in Kish and Eridu instead, Uruk got to slow-build it's granary and then made another worker.

Cities develop so much faster with the tender care of multiple workers right from the get go!


Monarchy is just in, and here I contemplate either going straight for optics, or doing some marble play.
Pyramids are built this turn too.
I was abit worried as wonders went to fast that I wouldn't have time to put some hammers into parthenon, and wouldn't be able to get GLib. Also since I barb-busted the entire island heroic wasn't really on the table. But I went for marble anyway. Eridu looked strong with copper and hills and many forests left.

This turn I settled both Niburu and Ur, both from 4-pop whips from Kish and Eridu. Not entirely sure it was wise to opt for 4pops as I didn't have much sensible things to put the overflow into though.
I have stocked up cash and snailed abit through masonry while waiting to commit.
Statue of Zeus was built this turn, which was worrying too, someone has gone for aestethics. But I cranked up the slider and commited to litterature here. With cheap libraries everywhere I knew I could at least somewhat salvage the situation by self-failgolding natepic if I got completely shafted with Parthenon/GLib.

I whipped Ziggurat much earlier, but left it in the queue unfinished until I had masonry+aestethics ready.

A few turns later, litterature is in. I start the race with the overflow from a whipped vulture

Spoiler T115 :

Empire overview at litterature. Ur is abit slow and annoying, but I needed wine somehow.
I'm whipping barracks for overflow too. Trying to keep cities in sync so that all good tiles are worked at all times while staying under the happycap and building some warriors as military police. Alot of fun micro here.
T96 someone discoveres philosophy.. thats abit early I think.

Shwedagon goes now too, abit tense now on the GLib finishline. Very stiff competition for the wonders!
Confucianism and Judaism is the two most spread religions, so I suspect someone who doesn't care much for religion went for some of the early ones by chance.
The confu-guy with colossus/GLH is likely to blaze ahead in tech alot.

I get one wonder too! Yay!

GLib is finished I make an academy. Prioritizing the palace build here now to let other cities put some hammers into natepic.
I'm screwing up astro bulb, but I think I'm building a strong enough economy that I could selftech half of it, if I can't get out two more scientists in time.

At metalcasting, starting to get annoyed that the wonderhorders doesn't want to build partheon. :|

T112 Partheon is FINALLY built and I can start to research.
But just when I started to get happy about that, I see a barb city on grassland pigs, and my day is ruined.
Nice with two offshore islands though, Will help alot if I get stuck between currency and astro.

Goooold, goooold, all the gold! :D

I seem to have gotten away with 6 workers. Probably due to me getting them so early that they where always ahead of the curve.

Paying alot of upkeep for all the warriors. The few ziggurats I have finished helps abit with city upkeep. I rather like that they come at priesthood. Makes for a nice build before you can put relevant hammers into forges.
In iso, there is often a period before MC where hammers is more or less worthless, and you put hammers into barracks that might become useful 50 turns later.

And 1AD overview.
I have had a settler at 8/100 in Niburu which I intended to 4pop whip, but poor Niburu has been holding the gold for Uruk which is even more food-poor. I choose to do a 3pop whip of forge instead, as doing a 4pop whip w/o forge at this stage felt like I'm leaving hammers on the table.
I kind of wanted to have that crab island settled already though.
Ur will put 30hammers overflow into natepic, and probably Kish too, but have to think about if whipping the forge there is worth it.
Uruk is on the path to become a beast when it comes to hammers, and I would really like to get heroic done there. I think I'll build more warriors to send the 3 vultures up to the barb city. It's more of a gamble than with swords but if it goes well, it will be so much faster.

@Pangaea regarding 1AD update
Spoiler :

Oh, you got oracle AND pyramids! :D That was nice. The AIs where hogging wonders like crazy in my game.
I ended up ignoring the stone, not sure that was so wise but I didn't like the look of stone-city when there was so many other juicy spots available. :|

Good naming of the trireme, I tend to name the starting warrior to Rambo too and that often works!
Screw those pig-settling barbs. :/

Regarding academy... Yeah, thats tough.
If one pays attention and doesn't forget (I often do) then it's often a cakewalk to make sure that a city starts to work on the third scientists at say.. T90. 300/6 = 50, so if one does that you get the second guy for astro at T140 which can often be fast enough.

But when there are good land, and cottages to work and whips to be made... Well, I often end up delaying that scientists too long.
Sometimes the situation can be saved with GLib, or by accelerating abit with a specialist engineer (no harm done if a engineer spawns, can do a GA, and 100% certainty for scientist could have been to late to be relevant anyway).

But with this strong land, commerce everywhere.. Then just steamrolling through half of Astro is often possible too. I see that there are possibilities for two offshore islands and if we can trade for currency that will give nice traderoutes everywhere even prior to astro.

Spoiler T150 :

Situation at optics
Got one trireme upgraded on the western shore with a explorer ready to jump onboard. On the east I have two triremes, the southern one I just last turn killed a second barb galley with, when I had only 1.7 health. That gave me 3 xp for a total of 5xp, so I can promote it to +1speed, thats super nice.
The odds where about 60-70 to kill the galley, but I figured it was worth it, if it died I had the northern one as a backup.
Not enough cash to do it right away though.
I'm whipping abit, and trying to rush in some failgold hammers into natepic, as I want to get natepic up in capital asap, to hopefully get a second GSci in reasonable time so i don't have to self-tech half of astro.

I meed Saladin and Capac early, they are the Hindu/Buddhist duo thats poorly spread they want compass and litterature so I get everything I need from them, I figure they are the least threats and will be largely irrelevant in the game, so I don't care about trading with them both, even though they hate me for it. I also trade for all small stuff I can get too.
The sword at last got it's 10xp needed, and a vulture finishes the city and the impatient settler finally gets to settle a second offshore city.

Natepic finishes, and I try to accelerate the GPeson as best as I can. I run a engineer for a few turns too, dilluting the odds more but getting the GPerson a turn sooner.

The explorer and the GSci meet, and I get speedboats! Yaaay!

RNG was kind enough to not screw me over.
I double-bulb astro next turn and total income goes from 215 per turn to 283.

Have been waiting some turns for this trade, can't get CS if you want to bulb astro. :/
I revolt to burocracy+organized religion.

Got so excited by CS that I forgot to check resource trades, what a lovely smorgasbord of goodies!
I often do things like that with the gold. Trade away my source to get another from some AI. This keeps the power of the resouces with me, and ties up as much as possible, so they don't trade with each other.

T142 August DoWs Cathy, don't think that will work out well for him. I join the war on Cathys request a few turns later.
T143 I get engineering for gunpowder from Ramsy.

Avoiding paper so I can put a bulb into chemistry, but I do get Banking from Lincoln. I then broker Banking to Ramsy for CoL and a stack of cash

Two turns untill I hopefully get a GSci. I have about 200 beakers left that I could put into chemistry to not overflow beakers with a bulb.
So I run 100% through hunting->archery, that way I will have alot of stored overflowing beakers that I can put straight into steel after the chem-bulb.
I got confu-spread and spreading that, have not revolted yet though.

I get a GSci and realize I have screwed up getting CoL, now philosophy is in my way to bulb chem. So I have to pay a unreasonable price by giving astro to cathy. :( Oh well, she will like me alot after this.
1152/3042 in chemistry, and the bulb gives me 1725. I finish it and then continue to roll all overflow from hunting/archery into steel.

Spoiler T165 :

Ramsy stops me after end turn, and wants to give me drama for astro, but only if I give him 370g too. He has almost finished Astro it seems.
So I trade Astro for PP with capac, and then I forget to sell Astro to Ramsy for his gold.

Heroic epic is done, this is this citys fate now. To build units until the endtimes. I build knights but probably I should have built trebs, but I'm greedy for XP and really want my siege to have vass/theo added to them.

I get the failgold that will carry me through to steel and abit more.
Oh, right when I got chemistry, I started to build a group of privateers to hopefully ruin things abit for Lincoln/Cathy. Thanks to the ziggurats I have visibility on cathy with ease.

Cathy libs scientific method. Hopefully she techs physics and communism and other stuff before chemistry. :D

Capac settles that northern island. I feel rather good about myself that I didn't go all out REX-mode and have instead stayed abit more focused on preparing for war, I can take that city from him later with ease, Saladin is the prime target though, he is so close and he got pyramids too!

I built 5 privateers, I was planning on 4 but must have misscounted. Have gibbed some caravels to get one of them to combat1+medic, but I only attack on open water and I never attack the strong galleons which I only get 70% odds against.
I smash seafood and blockade their ports.
Seattle have already starved down from pop19.
Good girl Cathy goes physics too, wee! :D

I very much enjoy the tech situation. Lincoln has gotten rifling which is abit annoying, and many of them have RP too. But my intended first target Saladin looks really nice. And with monopoly on chemistry/steel/Milsci I have a lasting advantage for some time and there is no rush trading for stuff. Better keep the overall pace slow.

Got abit disoriented... Have still not revolted to confu, and I'm in bur/OR, I was waiting for this GPerson to start a GA to avoid revolts. And that have caused me to postpone whips of cannons anticipating vass/theocracy.
I should probably just have continued to whip, to get a earlier attackdate on Saladin.

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