Nobles' Club 270: Napoleon of France

There could be some merit in settling 2E with the settler, thats still in reach of the corn, and it would claim alot of land with capitals culture.

I took this idea and moved my Settler east, because I want to see what will happen. I also increased my difficulty to Monarch. (I usually play at Prince.) I might lose the game because of a low-food capital and high difficulty, but after I won NC268 Victoria, I feel that I don't need to win this game.

Spoiler 875 BC T80, Monarch :

4000 BC T0. Give Archery to barbs. Warrior moves northeast and climbs on the hill. Settler moves southeast. T1. If the Settler moves southeast again, it would be on the coast. I want to be further inland, so the Settler moves northeast. 3920 BC T2. Settle my capital, la Reine du Poulet, 2 tiles east of my original position. This spot is bad. I want to claim more land, but this is only a small peninsula. Can't reach the fish 3 tiles east of Reine. It would be better to restart the game and put my capital by the clams, but I decide to continue with my bad capital spot.


Want Bronze Working and Fishing, so a Worker can chop forests to make Work Boats. T6. Meet Zara Yaqob of Ethiopia. T10. Learn Mining. T12. Find Ethiopian culture in northeast. T17. Complete my 1st Worker. T22. Complete farm on corn near Reine. T24. Reine grows to size 2. Learn Bronze Working and see lucky copper near Reine! T28. Complete mine on lucky copper. Reine grows to size 3; switches production from Warrior to Settler; works corn farm, copper mine, and flood plain. T29. Learn Fishing. Meet Shaka of Zululand. Forest grows 2 west of Reine. T37. Learn Pottery. Worker goes idle for a turn, to delay my 1st forest chop. 2480 BC T38. Complete a Settler, who uses my road to immediately settle la Palourdbeaucoup (2nd city, 3 tiles west of Reine, where other players probably have their capital). Return corn to Reine. Send the forest chop to Palourdbeaucoup for a Work Boat.

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T41. Promote my 1st Warrior to Woodsman II (with only 4 XP, because Napoleon is Charismatic)! T46. Zara Yaqob settles 2 tiles north of the ivory in the northeast. I might grab the ivory if I settle closer. T47. Learn Sailing. T48. Complete a Settler. Revolt to adopt Slavery. 2000 BC T50. Settle la Vache de l'Est (3rd city, 1 tile southeast of the ivory); but the Zara is Creative and annexes the ivory on the same turn. T51. Learn Hunting, but can't make ivory camp. T57. Learn Animal Husbandry. 1600 BC T60. Settle la Vache d l'Ouest (4th city, between fish and cow north of Palourdbeaucoup). The Zara's Hinduism spreads to Vache de l'Est. Revolt to convert to Hinduism. T62. Learn Mysticism. T66. Ethiopian revolt begins in Vache de l'Est, will take 2 turns. Learn Masonry; try for the Great Lighthouse in la Palourdbeaucoup. T72. Learn Writing; open borders with the Zara and Shaka. 1000 BC T75. Settle la Surcolline (5th city, near clam and horse north of Vache de l'Ouest). T79. Hurry the Great Lighthouse in Palourdbeaucoup. This removes the 3 angry citizens, shrinks city from 8 to 4. 875 BC T80. Win the Great Lighthouse.

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Shaka and I each have 5 cities, and the Zara has 3 cities. My civ would be smaller and weaker if I didn't have the lucky copper by my capital, la Reine du Poulet. I built 4 Settlers, all at Reine, all with the copper mine.

I'm also lucky that my northeastern city, la Vache de l'Est, didn't defect to Ethiopia. After the 1st Ethiopian revolt, there was a small chance of a 2nd revolt, until I hurried a Monument and put 4 Warriors there. La Vache de l'Est now has a French majority and might steal the ivory from Ethiopia; but the Zara might take the other ivory in the north.

I'm also lucky to have lost no units to barbs. My Warrior ran away from a bear. I would get in trouble if a barbarian attacked my northwestern city, la Surcolline. I didn't put a road on my copper; I have 7 Warriors and 3 Workers. I also have a Work Boat, about to connect the clam by la Surcolline. After I grab the cow and horse near the coast, my next group of resources is in the northern jungle. I'm on my way to Iron Working, so I can chop jungle. Then I want Mathematics, then Calendar, to put plantations on the resources.
Seems like there is a long way to go on many parts of the game yet to be comfortable with immortal

Spoiler Spoiler T164 :

I continued yesterday until turn 164. After crushing Zara, the economy was broken, and it took a long time before I manage to catch up on the other players. Some failed gold from wonders and a couple of babarian cities helped.


I went for music, and managed to get there first for the Great Artist. I didn't go into GA at once, as I didn't have philosophy or bureaucracy yet. After using my second GS for philosophy, I went into GA and managed to get 1 GM and 2 GS out - helping me on the way to Lib. Saved the GM for gold/upgrades on next attack.

My plan was to go for Cuirassier and attack Sury, by upgrading elephants, but not sure If it might be better to go for rifles, and let my smaller cities grow a bit more. Any input?


Spoiler Spoiler :

Yeah and an observation - I would have struggled a lot more if not everyone was at war with Shaka. This has luckely made it possible for me to grow in peace without have to worry to much on Sury attacking me
Played this out on immortal. 1440ad domination.

Spoiler Details :

Settled on plains hill. Rexxed to 3 cities. Annoyingly Ethiopians grabbed the horse site. Found another source and went HA. Took down his horse city and eventually had to ceasefire for a turn as too many defenders in capital. Worked a treat as he moved 2 metal units out. Left him with 1 jungle city and I took 3-4 techs for peace.

Once i realised sury had no metal i moved in. Shaka had declared on him. Between us we wiped out Sury.I took 5-6 of his cities including 1-2 holy cities one of which I built a shrine with my first GP.

At this point i built a few phants in case Shaka headed my way.. Shaka was pleased.

Sumerians declared on Dutch. I used my HA and phants to disrupt the Dutch while I teched to cuirs. Think I razed 2 of his cities.Toku was also at war with Dutch. Meanwhile Shaka headed off to Toku to attack him with a 20+ strong stack. I met Toku really late

Teched to cuirs grabbing G artist from music.Took Sumerians down to 2 cities before he actually capped. I was still at war with Dutch and Japanese. Toku eventually vasselled to Dutch which was annoying. Dutch were my next target. Along wth Shaka soon after as I had 70-80 cuirs at this point. I bribed Shaka onto Dutch before this. At my peak I was losing 130-180 gold a turn.

Eventually had enough land for domination.

I think the game was won after Ethiopians and Sumerians fell. Probably would of got the vassals much quicker with no other wars ongoing.

Spoiler 1020 AD T162, Monarch :

To recap, I had settled my capital 2 tiles east in a bad spot. In 875 BC T80, I completed the Great Lighthouse.

I believe that I'm on a continent with only Zara Yaqob of Ethiopia and Shaka of Zululand. My France is in the west, Ethiopia is in the center, and Zululand must be in the east. In 800 BC, Shaka converts to Buddhism. I don't know who founded Buddhism, so Shaka must have met a 4th civ. Either the continent is larger than I guessed, or Buddhism crossed the sea.

In 550 BC T93, I settle la Jungleville (6th city, 7 tiles north of my capital). My new city is unhealthy and would lose 1 food per turn, but isn't in starvation; I guess that cities can't starve below size 1. I soon bring Workers to connect a road (+4 health from clam, corn, cow, fish) and chop jungle. After I learn Calendar in 275 BC T104, I build plantations for dye and spices. In 250 BC T105, Ethiopia steals 3 tiles from la Jungleville's 1st ring; I lose rice and dye. In response, I hurry the Monument in la Jungleville. I guess that the city 5 tiles east of la Jungleville got its 3rd border expansion.

In 175 BC T108, I settle la Plage Loin (badly named 7th city, near marble, northwest of Surcolline) and also meet Gilgamesh of Sumeria, the founder of Buddhism, who has a scout near Ethiopia's capital. I agree to export a clam and fish and import a gold from Gilgamesh, who has only 3 cities total. I now have 3 cities on Ethiopia's border: la Plage Loin in the northwest, la Jungleville in the center, and la Vache de l'Est.


But I don't like the city name "la Plage Loin", because "loin" isn't an adjective in my dictionary. I change it to la Plage Éloignée.

In 125 BC T110, I learn Alphabet, so I can see the techs of the 3 other known civs. I am the only civ with either Alphabet or Calendar. The Zara is also missing Mathematics. Some of them have Archery, Meditation, or Polytheism. Shaka has Horseback Riding. Gilgamesh has Metal Casting and Construction.

I have found the Hindu holy city of le Gondar, 3 north and 1 east of la Vache de l'Est, and 5 east of la Jungleville. Holy cities get extra culture, which explains why I lost the 3 eastern tiles of the 1st ring of la Jungleville, and why I can't grab the ivory (now 60% Ethiopian 39% French) in the 1st ring of la Vache E. To fix this problem, I would declare war on the Zara and conquer le Gondar. I need Construction (for Catapults to bombard the 60% defense) and Engineering (for Pikemen to have a chance against War Elephants), but I decide to research Currency before Construction. I don't know whether it is better to skip Currency. I want Currency because it might speed up my research, when it adds 1 trade route to each city, and allows trading gold with other civs.

I have room for 3 more cities. I settle la Fin de la Terre (8th city, 1 AD T115, on a rice tile in the far west), la Sansvache (9th city, 1 AD T115, between la Jungleville and Reine), and la Dauphinville (10th city, 25 AD T116, south of Reine). La Sansvache has no resources and la Dauphinville can only take the copper from Reine.


I settle la Fin de la Terre on top of rice, because I don't want to lose the clams. La Plage Éloignée must be 3 tiles away from la Debre Berhan in Ethiopia, and must be close enough to its clam. Then la Fin de la Terre must be 3 tiles away from la Plage Éloignée; but the only way to do this, and reach the other clam, is to settle on rice. (If la Debre Berhan would be 1 tile east, I would not settle on rice.) I build Monuments in both la Plage Éloignée and la Fin de la Terre, because I want quick culture, but I can't make a Hindu Missionary.

As my Scout moves east, I find all other civs: Suryavarman II of Cambodia in 25 AD T116, Willem van Oranje of the Netherlands in 50 AD T117, Tokugawa of Japan in 225 AD T124. Everyone is on my continent. I forgot to read the map spoiler, so I don't know whether the map might be Pangaea or Terra.

I learn Currency in 75 AD T118. I sell Alphabet and Mysticism to Shaka, who pays 20 gold and stops trading with the Zara. I sell a spice to Gilgamesh, who pays 2 gold per turn. Shaka and Gilgamesh have Construction; Suryavarman and I have Currency; Willem and I have Calendar. On later turns, I continue to collect more gold from trades. For example, I trade with Suryavarman to get Meditation, and sell Meditation to Willem, who pays 40 gold.

I learn Construction in 175 AD T122, but then I need to detour to Metal Casting and Machinery before I can research Engineering. In 350 AD T129, the Zara learns Theocracy and founds Christianity in Debre Barhan. In other games, the founder of Christianity often builds the Apostolic Palace. In this game, I might need to defy the Apostolic Palace if it would stop my future war against the Zara. Also in 350 AD T129, I revolt to adopt Hereditary Rule and Organized Religion.

In 375 AD T130, I have 10 cities and rank 1st in crop yield. Shaka has 11 cities; Willem has 9 cities; Suryavarman has 8 cities; the Zara has 8 cities; Tokugawa has 7 cities; Gilgamesh has 5 cities. I put all my espionage weight on Suryavarman, because his Cambodia is nearby (the next civ east of Ethiopia), large, and near the front of the tech race.

Gilgamesh completes the Mausoleum of Mausolos in 475 AD, so I get 245 gold for failing to build it in la Palourdbeaucoup. My border with Ethiopia moves in 500 AD T135, as la Jungleville takes back the rice and dye in its 1st ring, but loses the banana in its 2nd ring.


I whip the slaves and hurry Forges in 4 cities in 520 AD T136. This costs 3 population in each of la Surcolline, la Vache de l'Ouest, la Palourdbeaucoup; 2 population in Reine. I will chop my civ's last 2 forest tiles to get the Forge in la Sansvache. I now rank 4th in population but 1st in crop yield.

The 1st war of the game begins in 540 AD. "Willem van Oranje declares war on Tokugawa! Shaka declares war on Tokugawa! Zara Yaqob declares war on Tokugawa!" It can't be an Apostolic Palace war, because the AP isn't built; I guess that 1 of Willem, Shaka, or the Zara gave gold or techs to bring the other 2 civs into the war. I would like to attack the Zara, but I have only 2 Catapults, and want time to build more units.

In 620 AD T141, I shrink la Palourdbeaucoup from size 12 to 6 to hurry the Colossus, which is complete in 640 AD T142, at the cost of 2 unhappy for twice whipping the slaves. I like the extra commerce in my coastal cities from both the Colossus and the Great Lighthouse.

In 660 AD T143, I learn Engineering. I want Civil Service for Maceman, and Guilds for Knights, but because Civil Service also spreads irrigation, I decide to get Civil Service before Guilds: I research Feudalism, then Civil Service, then Horseback Riding, then Guilds. I learn Civil Service in 800 AD T150 and Guilds in 940 AD T157.

The help, Game Concepts, Irrigation, only says, "Civil Service enables irrigated farms to become a source of irrigation themselves." There is more to know. I had a previous game where a tundra farm didn't spread irrigation. I now believe that only grassland and plains can spread irrigation. Also, a city on grassland or plains can spread irrigation. This is how I can irrigate the corn southeast of la Palourdbeaucoup.

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The corn farm isn't by fresh water. (It is near the head of a river, but the river flows away from the corn.) I am spreading irrigation from the river north of Reine. The river gives fresh water to the grassland farm of northwest of Reine. The farm spreads irrigation to Reine. The hills west and east of Reine would block irrigation, but Reine itself is a plains city, so Reine spreads irrigation to the grassland farm southwest of Reine. Finally, that farm spreads irrigation to the corn. (Other players probably don't have a city on Reine's tile, so they might put a plains farm there.) I have also spread irrigation through la Jungleville (a grassland city) to irrigate a corn.

I learn Banking in 1020 AD T162. It is about time to start my war against Zara Yaqob of Ethiopia. I might win my war, because I am 1st in crop yield and 2nd in production (and only 1 hammer behind 1st). My 12 Workers have improved most of my tiles. I am getting hammers from 15 of my 16 mines. (I have no workshops and 1 waterwheel.) For techs, I got Engineering, Civil Service, and Guilds by research; and Literature, Philosophy, and Paper by trade. I want to open two fronts.

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At the northern front, I want my units from la Plage Éloignée and la Jungleville to attack the Christian holy city of la Debre Barhan. I have 4 Catapults in this area. My culture has retaken the bananas from the Zara.

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At the eastern front, I want my stack from la Vache de l'Est to attack the Hindu holy city of le Gondar, site of the Kashi Vishwanath (a great source of gold). I have 5 Catapults here. I never got the ivory in the 1st ring of la Vache E; its tile is now 55% Ethopian and 44% French.

The war might go badly. My army of 9 Catapults, 6 Pikemen, 3 Macemen, 5 Axemen, 4 Chariots might be too small. (I also have 2 Triremes.) My cities might become unhappy, because the Zara has the Statue of Zeus. The Zara or Suryavarman will probably complete a Hindu Apostolic Palace, so they might force me to either stop the war or defy the AP. Most of my cities have Hinduism, and to defy the AP would be to add 5 unhappy in each Hindu city. As soon as I begin the war, the hostile Ethiopia will cut my trade with all foreign civs. I have Banking so I can adopt Mercantilism, good when I have no foreign trade. I will also adopt Vassalage; but I can't adopt Theocracy. Ethiopia is already a Theocracy, and the Zara's units have more XP than my units. Ethiopia can build War Elephants. Even if I pillage the 2 nearest ivory camps, the Zara has 2 more.

The Zara has made peace with Tokugawa, but their civs are far apart, so they wouldn't fight much. Willem and Shaka are continuing their war against Tokugawa. This game had no other wars. The continent is large, probably Pangaea. Every civ has converted to Hinduism or Buddhism. I share Hinduism with the Zara and Suryavarman, who are both friendly toward me (but I hate how the Zara's culture pushes my border). 3 of 4 Buddhist civs are pleased toward me, but Tokugawa is annoyed. This is in 1020 AD T162 before I declare the war.
I now have a large empire of 19 cities, and will need a long time to finish this game.

Spoiler 1610 AD T232, Monarch, War of the Shrine :

To recap, I had settled my capital 2 tiles east in a bad spot. I completed the Great Lighthouse in 875 BC T80 and the Colossus in 640 AD T142. It is now 1020 AD T162 and I am about to attack Zara Yaqob of Ethiopia with my army of Catapults, Pikemen, and Macemen.

My demographics are 1st in crop yield but 7th (last) in land. I want to conquer more land, or else the other civs might plant more crops on their land, then win the game before I can win. Ethiopia has the only nearby land. I covet the Zara's city of le Gondar, because it is only 3 tiles from my city of la Vache de l'Est, its culture takes away the ivory in my city's 1st ring, and it has the holiest shrine of Hinduism (the Kashi Vishwanath). I declare the War of the Shrine.

"The revolution has begun!!! Napoleon k14 nc270 adopts Vassalage! Napoleon k14 nc270 adopts Mercantilism!" To the Zara, "Your head would look good on the end of a pole. (WAR)" He drops from +10 Friendly to +1 Cautious. At the northern front, I put my stack by the Christian holy city of la Debre Barhan. At the eastern front, my Chariots pillage the horse and ivory near the Hindu holy city of le Gondar. This is the 1st turn of the war. I end my turn, and the Zara attacks my units, and also completes the Hindu Apostolic Palace. I lose 2 Macemen and an Axeman. My melee units are vulnerable to Ethiopian Crossbowmen.

I vote for myself in the AP election of 1030 AD T163. I win the AP residency, so I won't need to defy resolutions. I get votes from Suryavarman (who likes my Organized Religion), but the Zara's cities are too small, so I would win with only my own vote.
I notice that I still have active deals exchanging resources with foreign civs. This seems wrong, because all the possible trade routes go through hostile Ethiopia. Later in 1130 AD, Suryavarman declares war on Shaka, and I lose my active deal with Shaka. The only path from me to Shaka crosses the cultures of Zara Yaqob and Suryavarman. During these wars, the Zara would stop my trade, and Suryavarman would stop Shaka's trade, so Shaka and I can no longer trade resources. I keep my deals with Gilgamesh and Willem because they still have a path to me; the Zara stops me, but not them. In 1030 AD T163, I cancel and redo some active deals, and my cities become more happy; but in 1140 AD T174, because I lost the deal with Shaka, my cities become less happy. To fix happines, I raise my culture rate from 0% to 20% in 1140 AD. I can raise the culture rate because I got Drama from Suryavarman in 1030 AD.

The war continues. I proceed to bombard both la Debre Barhan and le Gondar. The Zara stops attacking my units and starts adding defenders to le Gondar. La Debre Barhan is the first city to fall, in 1080 AD T168.


I move units east from la Debre Barhan to attack le Yaha, site of the Apostolic Palace. The Zara tries to attack Jungleville with a Maceman and 2 Chariots, but fails after my 1st Knight slays the Maceman.

I try to attack le Gondar in 1140 AD T170, but fail. I lose 4 Catapults, 1 Knight, 1 Pikemen, and slay only 1 Crossbowman. I have pikes, because I expected to fight War Elephants, but I had not seen a War Elephant, and my pikes are useless against the defending crossbows and maces. I need different units. Gunpowder has unlocked my unique unit, the French Musketeer. In the next turns, I move Musketeers, Knights, Catapults toward le Gondar; and the Zara brings his first War Elephants (so my pikes become useful).

At the northern front, I conquer le Yeha (with the Apostolic Palace) in 1180 AD T178, but I lose many units; the defenders were on a hill. I lose every Pikeman in my northern stack. At the eastern front, both sides enlarge their stacks at le Gondar. In 1380 AD T198, my big stack attacks le Gondar. I lose 8 of my 15 Catapults. I attack with Musketeers, Knights, and Maces; I lose 1 Knight and slay 14 defenders, but 12 other Ethiopian units survive to hold le Gondar. One turn later, my slightly wounded Musketeers and Knights, plus 2 Pikemen, slay the 12 survivors. So le Gondar falls in 1390 AD T199.


The Kashi Vishwanath in le Gondar yields 20 gold per turn, before multiplication by the Market. The Zara stacked many units to defend the holy city, and delayed its fall for many turns, but during the delay, my northern army conquered la Debre Barhan and le Yeha and began to bombard the Ethiopian capital, l'Askum. The battle of le Gondar is the largest battle in the entire war, and might be my most difficult victory in Civilization IV.

My eastern army moves east from le Gondar and conquers l'Addis Abada in 1500 AD T210. One turn later, my northern army conquers l'Aksum in 1505 AD T211.


The Zara is now defending cities with the Ethiopian unique Musketman, the Oromo Warrior, who resists the collateral damage from my Catapults. I had slain a few Oromo Warriors at le Gondar, but there were more defending l'Addis Abada and l'Aksum, and I lost all but 1 Catapult at those 2 cities.

The fall of l'Askum brings Stonehenge, the Hagia Sophia, and the Statue of Zeus under my control. Stonehenge is good for me because Napoleon is Charismatic, so each Monument from Stonehenge also adds 1 happy. The Statue of Zeus, before the Zara lost it, had doubled my war weariness and was a brake on my economy. In the turn when l'Aksum falls, I see 11 unhappy from war in some of my cities. One turn later, I see no more than 6 unhappy, I drop my culture rate from 40% to 0%, and I stop producing Wealth in 3 cities.

I am the first civ to Military Tradition (Cuirassier) in 1515 AD T213, trade it to get Replaceable Parts and Chemistry. This ends my 50 turns of residency; I had never proposed any resolutions. I settle 2 more coastal cities: la Côte Vide (1530 AD T216, between le Gondar and l'Addis Abada) and la Côte du Poisson (1535 AD T217, reaching a fish between le Yeha and l'Aksum). To end the war, my northern army with Cao Cao (Medic III Chariot) advances east from l'Aksum to conquer le Lalibela in 1590 AD T228; and my eastern army under Nebuchadrezzar II (other Medic III Chariot) moves northeast to bombard l'Adulis (the Zara's last northern coastal city). I merge the two armies and conquer l'Adulis in 1610 AD T232. Ethiopia capitulates.


The Zara keeps his last city of Qohaito (on the southern coast), becomes my vassal, and pays 80 gold plus his world map. During the war, the Zara had proved that the world was round. His map shows that there are probably no islands.

I started the War of the Shrine with 10 cities, conquered 7 cities, and settled 2 more cities in conquered land, so I now have 19 cities. I conquered my 1st ivory, sugar, pig, gold, and wheat. I entered the war in the medieval era, fought most of it during the renaissance era, and ended it in industrial era.

During the war, I lost 46 Catapults, 5 Knights, 4 Triremes, 4 Pikemen, 3 Musketeers, 2 Caravels, 2 Cuirassiers, 2 Maceman, 1 Axeman. I killed 23 Oromo Warriors, 20 Catapults, 16 Longbowmen, 14 War Elephants, 14 Macemen, 12 Crossbowmen, 8 Caravels, 7 Chariots, 6 Workers, 5 Pikemen, 3 Axemen, 2 Galleys, 2 Great Generals, 2 Swordmen, 1 Archer. (I also killed 1 Warrior, but that was a barb.) My big mistake was to never build Trebuchets. Most of my 46 lost Catapults died when attacking cities; Trebuchets are better at attacking cities.

Before the war ended, in turn 213, I gave the Apostolic Palace residency to Suryavarman (this ends my 50 turns of residency); but Suryavarman converts from Hinduism to Buddhism, so there is another election in turn 223, when I retake the AP residency. I accepted Suryavarman's invitation to join the war against Shaka in 1575 AD T225, but Suryavarman capitulated to Shaka in 1600 AD T230. After the Zara capitulated to me in 1610 AD T232, the Zara and I are at war against Suryavarman and Shaka.

I am almost ready to conquer more cities. My army is massed by l'Aksum, near the border with Suryavarman's Cambodia. I am producing my first Cannons and am 4 turns away from Rifling (Cavalry). I will probably win this game unless Gilgamesh or Willem makes a Cultural Victory. (Gilgamesh has never been in a war, and Willem is out of war after Tokugawa capitulated to Willem.) My win would be exceptional; I tend to lose my games.
Well done. Yes, Trebuchets are a huge step up from Catapults - aside from the +100% city attack bonus, they bombard defenses down much faster, too.

Cats vs Oromos, Longbows and Xbows means a lot of dead Cats. But as the saying goes, quantity is its own quality :smoke:
Domination Victory at Monarch in 1921 AD T341.
Normalized score = 66025
Split into 2 posts:

Spoiler 1832 AD T286, Monarch, War of Our Lady :

To recap, I had settled my capital 2 tiles east in a bad spot. I completed the Great Lighthouse in 875 BC T80 and the Colossus in 640 AD T142. I conquered the Hindu holy city in the War of the Shrine: I invaded Zara Yaqob's Ethiopia in 1020 AD T162; the Zara capitulated in 1610 AD T232. I'm now in a war against Shaka of Zululand and his vassal, Suryavarman II of Cambodia.

For most of the game, I refused to join other civs' wars, but 7 turns ago, I joined Suryavarman in war against Shaka. 2 turns ago, Suryavarman capitulated to Shaka. This isn't a disaster for me, because I have the largest civ (1st in crop yield, 3rd in land) and expect to conquer cities from both civs. Important to this war is the city of l'Angkor Thom, site of Notre Dame "our lady". Cambodia built Notre Dame, Zululand has it now, and I want it in France; so this is the War of Our Lady. My army is by l'Adulis, about to cross the Cambodian border.


It is now 1610 AD T232, the turn that I conquered l'Adulis from Ethiopia and ended the War of the Shrine. Because the Zara is my vassal, I have the right to demand a resource in tribute, but I have never done so in any game. In this game, I agree to export a banana and import the Zara's last resource, a rice. I don't need another rice now, but I want my Great Merchant to found Sid's Sushi later.

One turn later, in 1615 AD T233, I split my army and they cross the border. Cao Cao moves east toward l'Angkor Wat (the city, not the wonder!), and Nebuchadrezzar II moves southeast toward le Rajavihara. (Another turn later, in 1610 AD T234, I visit the espionage screen and move all my espionage points from Suryavarman, who is weak, to Willem, who ranks 1st in score.) Suryavarman has few units, but Shaka's units appear around Cao Cao's army, and force Cao Cao (Medic III Chariot) to retreat in 1645 AD T239. (When Cao Cao flees, I strangely promote his last Catapult to Medic I, to stay with a few other survivors. They flee one turn later.) Nebuchadrezzar has less trouble, so le Rajavihara falls in 1610 AD T232.

In 1690 AD T248, I learn Democracy and begin 3 turns of anarchy to change civics. I must go from Slavery to Emancipation; I also change Hereditary Rule to Slavery, Vassalage to Nationhood, and Organized Religion to Theocracy, but stay in Mercantilism. Cao Cao, who had fled almost to l'Aksum, conquers l'Angkor Wat (the city, not the wonder!) in 1700 AD T250, 1 turn before I exit anarchy. When I click end turn, Willem (and his vassal Tokugawa) declare war on Shaka (and Suryavarman). Yes, this happens after I had slain many of Shaka's units. I'm now in a race to take Shaka's city and capitulate him before Willem does so.

Now in Nationhood, I begin to draft Riflemen. I have the Globe Theatre in la Palourdbeaucoup, the city with the 3 clams and 1 fish. It has too much food and was often spawning angry citizens until it completed Globe T. (This is my 1st game with Globe T.) The city with Globe T can never become unhappy, so I draft 10 Riflemen (over 10 turns) from La Palourdbeacoup. The last draft click says, "+3 unhappy for 91 turns", but the Globe Theatre cancels the penalty. I draft my other cities from west to east; a wave of conscripted Riflemen surges east toward the front, and arrive in time to attack l'Angkor Thom.

Willem distracts Shaka, who stops attacking me in Cambodia. I grab 2 more Cambodian cities, then cross Shaka's border and conquer l'Angkor Thom and le Yasodharapura, both in 1170 AD T264.

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I take Notre Dame in l'Angkor Thom! I also find the Hanging Gardens in l'Angkor Thom and the Great Wall in le Yasodharapura. This is good, because every city in France will get 2 happy from Notre Dame and 1 health from the Hanging Gardens.

I try to open Shaka's trade table but click the wrong thing, and make peace by mistake. To undo the mistake, I reload the auto-save, replay the turn, and again take both cities. Now that I have the trade table, I can see that Shaka refuses to capitulate, so I continue the war. In the next turns, Suryavarman breaks free from Shaka, but immediately becomes a vassal of Shaka again. His army hides in Cambodia's last 3 cities. No cities fall on the Willem-Shaka front; both sides forgot to research Steel (Cannons) and must use Catapults or Trebuchets. (Suryavarman did build a few Cannons.) Willem and Shaka make peace; Shaka moves units to my front; Shaka's stack attacks my Nebuchadrezzar's army, but I counterattack, and their survivors run away.

After I research Military Science (Grenadiers), I research the techs for Sid's Sushi. It is 1812 AD T276 when I learn Corporation, obsolete the Great Lighthouse, and use my Great Merchant to found Sid's Sushi in le Gondar (the Hindu holy city).


After I end my turn in 1828 AD, Suryavarman renounces Shaka for the 2nd time. He immediately (in 1830 AD T285) capitulates to me.

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I trade resources and open borders with Suryavarman. Shaka wants to capitulate, but I wait a turn so I can conquer one more Zulu city. Then (in 1832 AD T286) Shaka capitulates. I don't want to continue the war, because I want to prepare for my next war.

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I conquer 10 cities during the War of Our Lady, and receive 1 more city, le Khangela, as Shaka capitulates. Le Khangela becomes surrounded by Gilgamesh's Sumerian culture. Shaka keeps 5 cities (with Shwedagon Paya, an obsolete wonder) and Suryavarman keeps 3 cities. At the end of the war, both sides had Riflemen and Cavalry, but I also had Cannons and Grenadiers. There were no air units and no railroads. Shaka's Cavalry slew many of my units, but I had more units, and my Cannons won the war. My France, which has been in continuous wars since 1020 AD T162, finally returns to peace in 1832 AD T286.

I want another war. I would normally try a Cultural Victory, but I don't have enough culture in this game. I have 4 victories in Civ IV: 2 Cultural and 2 Diplomatic; but in both diplo wins, I won the UN vote while I was close to a culture win. In this game, I completed only 2 world wonders (the Great Lighthouse and the Colossus), and I don't get culture from conquered wonders. With my low culture but large military, I expect to win Conquest or Domination well before I can win Culture.

I can't win a Diplomatic Victory via the Apostolic Palace. After the War of Our Lady, I spread Hinduism to Gilgamesh, so Shaka is the last civ without it; but Shaka never gets Hinduism, so the AP can never propose my win. I can't spread Hinduism to Shaka because he is in Theocracy. I can't ask Shaka to exit Theocracy, because I am also in Theocracy. If I would give a Hindu city to Shaka, then I might or might not win via the AP. I want to keep my cities for the next war, so I don't give a city to Shaka.
Spoiler :
I can't win a Diplomatic Victory via the Apostolic Palace. After the War of Our Lady, I spread Hinduism to Gilgamesh, so Shaka is the last civ without it; but Shaka never gets Hinduism, so the AP can never propose my win. I can't spread Hinduism to Shaka because he is in Theocracy. I can't ask Shaka to exit Theocracy, because I am also in Theocracy. If I would give a Hindu city to Shaka, then I might or might not win via the AP. I want to keep my cities for the next war, so I don't give a city to Shaka.
One thing you can do in that situation is gift missionaries to the AI missing the AP religion. Most of the time they'll use them to spread the religion to their cities even when they're running a different religion in Theocracy, though rarely they'll just leave the units sitting around doing nothing for no clear reason. At least I believe I've seen the latter behaviour before once.

In fact spreading religions through gifting missionaries rather than using them directly is better in general, since in addition to freeing up units slots faster when you drop them off at the nearest border rather than march them to distant cities yourself AIs also don't suffer from the chance to fail spreading a religion.
Spoiler 1921 AD T341, Monarch, Someone's Last War :

To recap, I had settled my capital 2 tiles east in a bad spot. I completed the Great Lighthouse in 875 BC T80 and the Colossus in 640 AD T142. I conquered the Hindu holy city in the War of the Shrine: I invaded Zara Yaqob's Ethiopia in 1020 AD T162; the Zara capitulated in 1610 AD T232. I capitulated Suryavarman and Shaka in the War of Our Lady, which ended in 1830 AD T285, and I plan to go to war against someone else.

I want to attack Willem (and his vassal Tokugawa). The world is round (the Zara's maps prove it), so my navy would go west across the ocean to attack Willem's east, while my army goes overland to attack Willem's west. I have a problem: my boats don't know how to cross the ocean! (In the last war, Suryavarman's Frigate sunk my Caravel, and I built 3 more Caravels and sacrificed 2 of them to sink the Firgate.) I need more techs!

I had founded Sid's Sushi in 1812 AD T276. I finally learn about railroads in 1836 AD T288. I learn Combustion (Destroyer, Transport) and found Creative Constructions (by Great Engineer) in 1844 AD T292. CreateCon makes culture, and I didn't want Gilgamesh or Willem to found it and win a Cultural Victory. I need to learn Astronomy (obsoletes my Colossus and Stonehenge) to unlock my next techs. I get another Great Engineer, who founds Mining Inc in 1868 AD T304. I build missionaries and executives to spread Hinduism, Sid's Sushi, and either CreateCon or Mining Inc in my own cities. I learn Flight (Airport) in 1874 AD T307, and begin to draft Infantry on the same turn.

Before I am ready, Willem starts the war in 1878 AD T309.


At the beginning of Willem's Last War, he and I are about equal in power, but my civ is much larger than his. Tokugawa is Willem's vassal, Gilgamesh is neutral, and the other 3 civs are my vassals. Shaka is my buffer; Willem must fight through Shaka to reach my own cities. I have enough espionage on Willem to investigate his cities, so I know that he is using Dikes, Factories, and Coal Plants to increase his hammers. (The Dike is the Dutch unique Levee, but also adds hammers to coast and ocean tiles; so Willem gets hammers that no other civ can get.)

Willem immediately conquers Shaka's city of le kwaDukuza. My stack of Cavalry, Grenadiers, and Cannons (all from the last war) moves east from le Khangela (my city surrounded by Gilgamesh's culture).

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I take le kwaDukuza in 1880 AD T310. There's no option to liberate le kwaDukuza to Shaka (who might not want such a vulnerable city), so I hold it.

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The battle of le kwaDukuza continues. Willem is still building railroads, and holds back a stack of 10 Infantry to guard a Worker, so his big attack isn't until 1886 AD. Nebuchadrezzar II (Medic III Chariot) flees from le kwaDukuza in 1888 AD T314, just before Willem takes the city. This is my only loss of a city in this entire game.

Willem never gets any more cities. My Infantry and Fighters arrive in Shaka's Zululand, and help Shaka to slay any units of Willem or Tokugawa who go beyond le kwaDukuza. Fighters are airplanes, and Willem has no air force to oppose them, so my Fighters freely bomb his resources, mines, and workshops, or bomb his city defenses, or strike his units. (Later, Willem gets a few Machine Guns or Destroyers to intercept my planes, but by then, I have too many planes.) It gets worse for Willem in 1901 AD T321, when my navy (of Destroyers and Transports) lands my Cao Cao's army by Willem's city of le Rotterdam, which falls in 1902 AD T322.

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In 1903 AD T323, I learn Radio (Bomber), my last wanted tech. I turn off science and adopt different civics. I skip the anarchy by using a Great Engineer to start my only golden age. I exit Representation, Nationhood, Mercantilism and adopt Universal Suffrage, Vassalage, Free Market. Now I need 64% of Land Area for the Domination Victory. I have 49.09% and Willem has 26.00%, so if I conquer enough of Willem's or Tokugawa's cities, then I win the game. I must do this before Gilgamesh wins a Cultural Victory. He has 51005, 18070, 7432 culture in his city; needs 3 cities with 50000 each. (Gilgamesh later builds a spaceship part and never comes close to a Cultural Victory.) I need 30% culture for happiness, but can use 70% gold with Universal Suffrage to buy more Tanks and some Bombers.

I have a tech advantage for the rest of war, as my Tanks and Bombers slay enemy Infantry and grab cities. Willem's civ implodes. His capital of l'Amsterdam, with most of his wonders, falls in 1914 AD T334.


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I grab more cities. I liberate le kwaDukuza to Shaka. Tokugawa was Willem's vassal, but Tokugawa breaks free, and then Willem becomes Tokugawa's vassal. Tokugawa implodes like Willem; I end the game with all but 1 of Willem's cities, and all but 2 of Tokugawa's. I need 64% of Land Area, but my conquered cities suffer some turns of, "Vive la Resistance!", before they expand borders. I get my Domination Victory in 1921 AD T341. This is my earliest victory ever, normalized score = 66025.

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The game uses a map to show how my French Empire expanded along the continent from west to east; but my purple is only slightly darker than Gilgamesh's purple, so the map is hard to read.

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In fact, Shaka's yellow Zululand bisects my purple French Empire. Gilgamesh's purple Sumeria is southwest of Zululand. The blue spot is Suryavarman's city on Gilgamesh's northern border. The purple desert southeast of Zululand belongs to me, not to Gilgamesh.

Willem's Last War became his fall. Before the Last War, Willem had joined the War of Our Lady to fight Shaka, but he failed to take any cities; Willem only helped me by distracting Shaka while I won the war. Then in the Last War, Willem finally took a city from Shaka, and slew almost my entire eastern army, but this success was too late; I won by building 66 Tanks and 19 Bombers. (I lost 4 Tanks and no Bombers.)

The game's early wars were, in my opinion, the more important wars. Willem, in his early war against Tokugawa, seems to have grabbed only 1 city before he accepted Tokugawa's capitulation; and l'Osaka, the city so grabbed, wasn't too great. While Willem got almost nothing, I got more in my War of the Shrine against Zara Yaqob, when I grabbed 7 cities, and added their hammers and beakers to my French Empire. These 7 cities included le Gondar, the great Hindu holy city.

I found the Kashi Vishwanath and a Market in le Gondar, and soon added a Bank and Grocer (to increase the gold from the Kashi Vishwanath). I later founded Sid's Sushi and CreateCon here. In 1890 AD T315, I completed Wall Street in le Gondar, my last national wonder for this game.

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I put 3 national wonders in cities conquered from the Zara: these were the Heroic Epic in l'Aksum (the old Ethopian capital), and the National Epic and Wall Street in le Gondar. I put 3 national wonders in cities settled by me: Globe Theatre and Oxford University in la Palourdbeaucoup, and Forbidden Palace in my far western city of la Fin de la Terre. (Because the world is round, any far eastern cities would be near le Palourdbeaucoup and have less maintenance. This was not so good, because I had no far eastern cities until the game was almost over.) I also moved my Palace from Reine to l'Angkor Wat in old Cambodia.

I liked Napoleon's traits, Charismatic and Organized. I don't recall having Charismatic in previous games, but the trait aided my wars in this game, both by giving more promotions to my units, and by adding a little happiness to offset my war unhappiness. Organized was good for Lighthouses in my coastal cities, and for Courthouses during the War of the Shrine, when my conquests increased city maintenance, and I needed Courthouses to cut maintenance. The Musketeer (French unique Musketmen) helped me with its extra move, but the Salon (French unique Observatory) came too late. I built Libraries in most cities, and I built enough Universities to get Oxford U, but I almost never wanted Observatories. I wanted 3 Salons in cities near Gilgamesh, because a Salon has an artist specialist; but I completed only 1 Salon before the end of the game.

I had the only civ to adopt Nationhood; the AI civs never drafted units. This might be good for me in future games, only if I survive long enough to learn Nationalism. I won this game at Monarch difficulty, but I might not win future games.
Spoiler :
I take le kwaDukuza in 1880 AD T310. There's no option to liberate le kwaDukuza to Shaka (who might not want such a vulnerable city), so I hold it.
You can't liberate cities that have hostile units near them, including Barbarian units.

Beyond that congrats on the win :goodjob:.
D&D adversarial GM approach:

Settle 1E here, then a city 1E of cows to kill ALL the seafood. No half measures!

@krikav :

Spoiler :

Well played game judging by the victory date. Did not read in detail yet as I'm debating playing this one out, hope you understand.

@keaaa :

Spoiler :

Good job on posting a game. I think you will learn more from this game than 10 offline ones :)

I read your last report but it is hard to give detailed feedback without a save. Based on your screenshots you have 14 cities and a tech lead at 1040AD, so you have clearly done a lot right.

Sury seems to have Engineering but not sure if he has a big army. Safest play is probably tech up to Cavalry and steamroll the whole continent. Maybe bribe Shaka on Gilga later on to slow him down.

@Kernigh :

Spoiler :

Interesting choice to move the capital, you've shown a lot of restraint I think! Good work on stepping up a level and posting a detailed report, and congratulations on the victory.

@Gumbolt :

Spoiler :

A quick and decisive report to match the outcome of your game. Very well played!
Did not find the time until now to finish the game, but here it goes :)

Spoiler Spoiler :

I decided to use Lib for Military tradition and started training elephants for upgrade while teching gunpowder. This did take longer than it had to, basically because I was slow in sending my GM away for the money. I also managed to get a second GA through Taj Mahal, and switched to theocracy. Anyway on 1170AD I was ready for war

It all went very well, and by something 12xxAD Sury capitulated


I was on my way to rifle, had a second GM, and waiting for cavalry before attacking Gilgamesh and Shaka (which had capitulated to him earlier), Toku was bribed against me.

This war was quite slow, but by 1595AD Gilgamesh and Shaka had capitulated, and my cavalry was ready for taking on Willem van Oranje


He was much easier than the others, and had almost no troops. So by 1630AD he was capitulated and Domination victory was won


It was a fun game, with action from early on :)

I think it would have been much harder if Shaka was not part of the game, as he kept the others occupied after the war with Zara (or if I shared boarder with Shaka).

Also see that there is a lot to learn around the different leaders and how they behave + the economic prat of the game.

There are some improvement on when to take screenshot - seem to forget while playing
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