Nobles' Club 278: Huayna Capac of the Incas

@konata_LS I can limp my way to a space victory, especially with state property. But corporations add a whole new layer of micromanagement.
And to do it efficiently seems hard.

I recently finished the second (or third?) attempt ever and timings where completely off.
The costs where completely off the scale, and I where down at -4000k gpt at 0% research.
Not used to strike economy, so all the wrong galleons that I relied on to settle islands and spread sushi/mining where disbanded, and I had to resort to selling techs every turn to pay the fee to spread corporations.
I also waaaaaaay overbuilt infrastructure, having almost all health buildings in about a third of my cities, something that I didn't find time to enjoy, as I finished the tech tree much faster than anticipated.
I also had 6 GPeople standing around toward the end, waiting to start another GA.

I'm quite in sync with the phases and twists and turns in most military games, but when to pivot and what to focus on during the spacerace I have very little intuition on.
It's not like it's easy to build up intuition when games take 40-60 hours either. :D
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