Basically did a classic engineering rush followed up with Cataphracts. Settled on the plains hill, which had a wet sugar, a floodplain and a plains sheep. All with all weak food but I managed to work with it, mixing farms with cottages and growing the city to size 19 with decent output. A positive side effect of this was that it boxed Giggles in and gave me more room to expand south. Settled the second city on the stone and gave it the farmed sugar. Initially a weak city it actually became decent after IW.
I went something like Agri - Mining - Bronze - Masonry - Pottery, delaying AH for quite a while until I was ready to settle the peninsular cow city. Then Writing.
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I built the mids for some spiritual mids gaming. I started building them after city 3 was settled on the dye, around 2200 BC I think. I eventually expanded to 7 cities.
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Darius had been plotting but no stack was visible, then suddenly a bunch of swords showed up. I switched into his religion (Hindu) and got him to pleased, but he still declared somehow? Maybe because he started plotting at Cautious? Anyway, his stack was pathetic and couldn't do much. I eventually managed to take Gordium off him, but had to let him recapture. Then he accepted peace.
My economy was a disaster around the 5-city mark, as none of my cities had much commerce potential at that point (before IW). But when I got libraries up and started running rep dudes, things started picking up and I was doing well over 100 bpt at t100. Got a GS which I used for Philo, then another one to start a golden age while teching CS. Doing it after CS would have given me more output but I was lagging behind in tech and really needed to get to CS asap. Later I got an engineer and a scientist which I used to bulb Gunpowder and Chemistry. After that an artist from Persepolis and another scientist from either the capital or the cow city for a final golden age while teching Rifling.
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I DOWed Darius in the 700s, and he still didn't have Feudalism at this point. My trebs supported by ancient and classical units (including elephants, which Saladin kindly traded to me in exchange for 2 luxury resources) had great odds even without bombarding. He got rekt and capped after I took 4 of his cities.
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Darius had been the big guy up to that point so from then on everything was basically a cakewalk. I was over 1.5 times Hannibal's strength and my stack was already in position in a southwestern Persian city I had just conquered, so I went for him straight and he already capped after I took two cities. At this point I had loads of cataphracts that could often simply snipe the smaller cities.
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After Hannibal I moved on to Giggles. He had cuirs but only 6 cities and capped after I took one city. Same for Saladin. By this time I had cannons. Then Kublai who was really weak but in a DP with HC which I hadn't noticed. It didn't matter because both were pretty weak, even though HC had Grenadiers. I quickly capped Kublai and then went for HC, who was a bit more stubborn and capped after 4 cities.
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1555 Conquest, my third or fourth highest score on Immortal. Engineering rushes end the game so much earlier than Cuirs do.
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