I think this is big brain.I like your plan. Move warrior SE to check the coast and settler to PH to see if there's any grain. If there is nothing worthwhile, move back to 1W from starting position on turn 1. As we already have wheel , worker can make route to cows while we wait AH.
Turn 1
Spoiler :
I think this is big brain. I didn't do it first time but moved settler to PH next try and lo and behold - wheat! Yeah OK I knew it was there but I've been wondering about the value of sacrificing a turn scouting before settling and this is a great example of where one settler move can reveal so much (15 or 16 tiles fully uncovered) and still not penalise the player more than a turn if it doesn't look good. Of course this time it worked out very well. Ag is far quicker to tech than AH and AH comes online just as the wheat is improved, no roads made. Much better capital for pumping settlers and workers too. I will look for this move on other starts.