After the game ended and I watched the replay, I learned that Justinian captured the barb city Numidian in 325 AD, after I took Gepid in 50 AD, before I took Sakae in 425 AD. These were the only barb cities. When I learned Paper and got a map, Numidian belonged to Justinian. Numidian is in the far east, near the end of Justinian's peninsula.
Recall that in 620AD T141, I have 11 cities and The Sistine Chapel. I plan to research Democracy (for The Statue of Liberty) and Banking (for Mercantalism). I now study my map, and find 2 open city spots near Numidian, and 3 spots along the north coast. I am building 2 Settlers.
My top 3 cultural cities are my 3rd city Trujillo, my capital Lima, and my 4th city Chiclayo. I will try to build cathedrals and wonders for more culture. If possible, I will found the 3 cultural corporations (Sid's Sushi, Civilized Jewelers, Creative Constructions). Some of my cities are building missionaries to spread my 5 religions and prepare for temples and cathedrals.
- 640AD T142: Want to trade my Music for Feudalism, but Suleiman and Frederick refuse. Begin to research Feudalism. AI players can see my beakers, might give Feudalism if I research part of it.
- 660AD T143: Music to Suleiman for Feudalism and 15 gold. Feudalism is on the path to Banking. Begin to research Machinery. Also, begin my 1st Forge in my 8th city Iquitos. Also, vote for myself in the Jewish Apostolic Palace election. At end of turn, Suleiman wins. Frederick and Willem vote for Suleiman; Brennus abstains.
- 700AD T145: Stop researching Machinery; switch to Liberalism. Frederick learned Music, so I can't trade my Music for Machinery.
- 780AD T149: At end of turn, complete University of Sankore in Lima.
- 820AD T151: Begin my 1st Scout in Iquitos. Some city needs a defender for happiness.
- 860AD T153: Learn that my Scout doesn't count as a defender. I will build 1 more Quechua before I learn Machinery. Also, switch from Liberalism to Nationalism. My gambit is to save some beakers by delaying Liberalism until I know Nationalism and can pick Constitution. The other civs can't research Liberalism; they don't know Paper.
- 880AD T154: Willem knows Civil Service. I give Civil Service to Musa for Machinery, map, 60 gold. Machinery is on the path to Banking.
- 920AD T156: Justinian knows Code of Laws. I give Code of Laws and Civil Service to Frederick for Engineering, map. Engineering is on the path to Steam Power (Levee).
- 940AD T157: Settle my 12th city Chimbote in the far northwest, 4N3W of Brennus's capital Bibracte. Brennus had left 1 neutral tile on his northwest corner. Chimbote has a fish, will have a whale. My Settler went here after Justinian expanded his borders, denying the 2 spots near Numidian and 1 other spot on the north coast.
- 1000AD T160: Settle my 13th city Ica on the north coast, 3N3W of Sakae. It takes Sakae's deer and might steal a horse from Frederick. Ica takes last open spot outside my borders (except for a bad spot in the desert).
- 1010AD T161: Willem has Paper. I give Paper and 260 gold to Justinian for Drama and Compass. Drama (for Theatre, culture rate) is essential to a Culture Victory; Compass is on the long path to Radio (for The Eiffel Tower).
- 1040AD T164: Great Scientist Carl Friedrich Gauss starts a golden age. He is from Lima and my 4th great person. (My 3rd was Great Engineer Zhang Heng from Lima, whom I save for Creative Constructions. My 2nd and 1st were prophets from Trujillo.) I want to use my golden age to build Forges and Courthouses in most of my cities, monasteries in my top 3 cultural cities, temples (to allow cathedrals), and Universities (to allow Oxford).
- 1050AD T165: Bell for Liberalism. Pick Constitution as my free tech; it is on the path to Democracy (for The Statue of Liberty). Then adopt Universal Suffrage and Serfdom. Chimbote, in the corner by Brennus, became my only Hindu city, but lacks hammers for Hindu Missionaries. Universal Suffrage will buy missionaries. (I can adopt Universal Suffrage because I have The Pyramids.) I usually ignore Serfdom, but my 24 Workers can use Serfdom to improve tiles, while I have too few specialists and workshops for Caste System.
- 1080AD T168: At end of turn, complete The Taj Mahal in my 11th city Sakae. It's here because I had 6 forests to chop. I have Mausoleum of Mausolos, so my golden age will have a total of 25 turns = 12 from Great Scientist + 12 from The Taj Mahal + 1 extra turn for completing The Taj Mahal during a golden age. I waited until I had Nationalism before starting my golden age.
- 1090AD T169: Frederick knows Philosophy. I give Philosophy to Justinian for Optics (on path to Radio), map, 70 gold. I give Philosophy, Drama, 355 gold to Musa for Guilds (on path to Banking).
- 1100AD T170: Accept Willem's offer: I give Philosophy, take Theology and 80 gold. I want the gold.
- 1120AD T172: At end of turn, Suleiman converts to Christianity. That's his blunder. The next AP election might be in T193. If Jewish Frederick votes for Jewish me over Christain Suleiman, then I might control The Apostolic Palace.
- 1140AD T174: Sell Guilds to 3 civs for Horseback Riding, maps, and gold. I use the gold to raise my science rate to 100% and finish Banking at end of turn.
- 1150AD T175: Gift a Jewish Missionary to Justinian. He will add Judaism to 1 of his cities and become an AP member. Adopt Representation, Caste System, and Mercantilism. I pick a free specialist (from Mercantilism) for each city: either an engineer, scientist, or artist. Added to each specialist are 3 beakers from Representation and 2 culture from The Sistine Chapel.
Also in T175, redo my trade deals. Take everyone's gold per turn. Stop importing fish, after I connected fish at Chimbote in the corner by Brennus. Keep my horse, as nobody wants it. Earlier turns had exported my horse to Willem or Frederick.
- 1160AD T176: Settle my 14th city Juliaca 3N of my 3rd city Trujillo. This spot is inside my culture. Juliaca will add culture to defend my banana from the Ottomans, and to attack a German gem. The gem is 2S2E of (German) Hamburg, 1N1W of my 6th city Huancayo, and 2N1E of Juliaca.
- 1170AD T177: Gift a Jewish Missionary to Musa, so every civ will be an AP member. Also, settle my 15th city Tacna 2N3W of my 4th city Chiclayo. It can work a copper and 2 dyes that were inside my culture but too far from Chiclayo and Huancayo.
- 1200AD T180: Give Nationalism to Willem for Astronomy (on path to Radio), map, 110 gold, and Willem adopting Mercantilism. I had beakers in Astronomy.
- 1230AD T183: A Great Prophet joins Chiclayo as a super specialist. I sell Nationalism to 3 civs for Divine Right, maps, and gold.
Also in T183, Suleiman tries for a Diplomatic Victory. In T184, I see 76 votes for Suleiman, 466 votes for me, but 532 needed to win. The game continues. Frederick and I are the only Jewish leaders. I might win if Willem or Brennus is Jewish, but Willem wouldn't quit Free Religion (his favorite civic), and Brennus doesn't like me and wouldn't convert in a trade deal.
- 1240AD T184: Divine Right to Willem for map, 130 gold.
- 1260AD T186: Bell for Democracy; begin The Statue of Liberty. Also, A Great Scientist constructs an Academy in my capital Lima.
- 1280AD T188: Last turn of my golden age. I now have Forges and Courthouses in most cities; The Forbidden Palace in my 8th city Iquitos; enough Universities to begin Oxford University; 3 Jewish Synagogues, 2 Buddhist Stupas, and 2 Taoist Padogas. My demographics fall from 2033 gold, 472 production, 360 food in T188 to 1854 gold, 368 production, 361 food in T189. (I learned Replaceable Parts between these turns; it added a few hammers to my watermills and windmills.) Also, Mansa Musa adopts Free Religion at the end of T188. Musa stops hating my Judaism.
- 1290AD T189: Can I get Musa's votes? I need 484 votes to assign cities, or 585 for a Diplomatic Victory. I have 304, Frederick has 184, Musa has 69. Frederick and I together have 488, Musa would get me to 557, not enough for a Diplomatic Victory. I will continue toward a Culture Victory.
- 1300AD T190: Frederick knows Constitution. I sell Constitution or Banking to some other civs. My terms push 2 civs into Caste System. I don't tell Suleiman to convert to Judaism; he can keep his Christian blunder.
- 1330AD T193: I vote myself into The Apostolic Palace. Results (shown on T194) list everyone but Suleiman voting for me, but I don't need their votes.
- 1350AD T195: At end of turn, silver appears 2N of Chiclayo.
- 1360AD T196: Justinian has Chemistry. I give Chemistry and 140 gold to Frederick for Corporation. Sell Chemistry to other civs; push Suleiman into Mercantilism.
- 1390AD T199: Bell for Steam Power. Begin to build Levees. Steam Power delays Radio and my next wonders, but I want Levee hammers to build those wonders. At end of turn, complete The Statue of Liberty in Chiclayo. That's a 2nd free specialist in every city (because all my cities are on the continent; there is no city on the island between Musa and Justinian). In T200, some cities pick an engineer and a scientist as their specialists. My game uses few Angkor Wat priests.
- 1430AD T203: Use the AP to assign Mansa Musa's city of Gao to me. I can assign a city if I have the most culture on the tile, I am an AP member and Jewish, and the owner is an AP member and not Jewish. (I poisoned Musa with a Jewish Missionary in T177.) Frederick votes No, but he lost half his votes when he dropped Judaism for Free Religion. I get enough Yes votes.
Gao is my 16th city. I had 3 cities (Lima, Chiclayo, Piura) pushing culture on Gao. Chiclayo is building my 1st set of cathedrals and has stolen a cow from Djenne, but Piura has lost its sheep (for the 2nd time) and starved from size 11 to 8. Gao can now help Piura by swapping a farm tile. The assignment erases Malian culture on Gao's tile and its 1st ring of 8 tiles. It also preserves Gao's cultural buildings; Gao now yields 32 culture per turn. (This includes 4 culture from a Terrace; the game converted a Granary to a Terrace and doubled its culture from 2 to 4 for being an old Granary.)
Also, Gao has Islam, so I now have all 7 religions. I had founded Confucianism and Taoism. I ate missionaries from Justinian for Buddhism, from Willem for Judaism, and one missionary from Suleiman for Christianity. I picked up Hinduism after settling Chimbote.
- 1460AD T206: Sell Democracy.
- 1490AD T209: Begin selling Replaceable Parts.
- 1510AD T212: At end of turn, gold appears 2W of my 2nd city Arequipa.
- 1515AD T213: Bell for Combustion. A Great Engineer founds Creative Constructions in my 3rd city Trujillo. In my other games, I put the corporate HQs in different cities for culture. That was a mistake; each HQ has only 2 culture. The HQ belongs in the same city as Wall Street. As a company expands, it subtracts gold from other cities and adds gold to its HQ city. Wall Street can double this gold. I am building Wall Street in Trujillo, so I will put all 3 HQs in Trujillo.
In my other games, I delayed Combustion until after I founded Sushi and Jewelers. In this game, I would nerf my science when Scientific Method switches off my Great Library and my monasteries. I get Combustion before I will nerf my science. Hammers from Creative Constructions will help with wonders. Also, Steam Power to Willem for 380 gold, map, Military Tradition, and he adopts Mercantilism again.
Also in T213, assign Musa's Djenne to me.
Djenne is my 17th city. It has my only clam and ivory. It is the Islamic holy city, with
The Masjid al-Haram. It also has The Parthenon, but in 2 turns I will learn Scientific Method and switch off The Parthenon. I slowed my science to 30% so I can complete some monasteries in 1 turn before they become obsolete in 2 turns. Obsolete monasteries can still add culture.
Also, Djenne has a Confucian Academy. This counts as a cathedral, so I need 3 more Confucian Temples to build another one. (At the end of the game, I will not have a Confucian Academy in my capital Lima.)
- 1550AD T220: To prevent a Malian revolt in Piura, I add 3 Cuirassiers and a Longbowman to the defending Catapult. (This was the Catapult that bombarded Sakae.) I have spreaded Creative Constructions to Piura and my top 3 culture cities (Lima, Trujillo, Chiclayo).
- 1565AD T223: I fail to assign Suleiman's city Samsun to myself. All vote "no" but Musa and I. The "no" voters are Pleased toward Suleiman.
- 1590AD T228: At end of turn, complete Globe Theatre. I reach the limit of 2 national wonders in each of my top 3 cities: National Epic and Oxford University in Lima, Globe Theatre and Wall Street in Trujillo, Hermitage and Moai Statues in Chiclayo.
- 1595AD T229: At end of turn, complete Broadway in Lima, and learn Radio, just in time to begin The Eiffel Tower in Lima.
- 1605AD T231: Anarchy as I accept Hereditary Rule from Suleiman. This is only a slight delay. (In hindsight, I should have refused Suleiman's request, because I don't need his AP votes before the game ends.) At end of turn, Suleiman loses Samsun to my Incan revolt. Samsun is my 18th city.
- 1610AD T232: At end of turn, Celtic revolt in my 12th city Chimbote, the far northwest city on the corner by Brennus.
- 1615AD T233: There is no assignable city, so I propose a Diplomatic Victory. It fails: Musa votes for me; Willem and Justinian vote for Suleiman.
- 1620AD T234: A great engineer adds 840 hammers to Hollywood. A great artist founds Civilized Jewelers Inc in Trujillo.
- 1625AD T235: At end of turn, complete Hollywood in Trujillo.
- 1630AD T236: At end of turn, complete The Eiffel Tower in Lima.
- 1640AD T238: At end of turn, complete Rock N Roll in Chiclayo.
- 1645AD T239: At end of turn, complete Cristo Redentor in my 6th city Huancayo. In my other games, I failed some of these wonders. In this game, no other civ competed for Broadway or my last 4 wonders, because they all are still missing Electricity, even after I delayed Electricity to get Combustion.
- 1650AD T240: Adopt Universal Suffrage, Free Speech, Free Market, Pacifism, using Cristo Redentor to prevent anarchy.
- 1655AD T241: Refuse Justinian's demand to convert to Buddhism. Prevent a 2nd Celtic revolt in Chimbote by adding 3 Cuirassiers; it now has 6 Cuirassiers and a Quechua. I waited for my cities to produce Cuirassiers, then sent them by railroad; I had built rails from my empire, across the German and Celtic empires, to Chimbote. With worse luck, I would have lost Chimbote before enough Cuirassiers arrived.
- 1660AD T242: Bell for Medicine. A Great Merchant founds Sid's Sushi Co in Trujillo. Turn off science. Turn on 100% culture rate. Change my specialists to artists or merchants. No more scientists! Each of my 3 cities is above 30k culture. Game shows Chiclayo at 50k in 10 turns, Lima in 11, Trujillo in 12.
- 1665AD T243: Re-elect myself for The Apostolic Palace.
- 1685AD T247: At end of turn, return my Palace to Lima, 2 turns after I accidentally moved it to my 10th city Gepid.
- 1705AD T251: At end of turn, Lima and Chiclayo each reach 50k.
- 1710AD T252: At end of turn, Trujillo reaches 50k.
- 1715AD T253: There are 3 assignable cities. I propose to assign one, but never see the result, because I have a Culture Victory.
My capital Lima has an Academy (from a Great Scientist), 6 cathedrals (no Confucian Academy), National Epic, Oxford University, The Pyramids, The Great Library, The Hanging Gardens, The Eiffel Tower, Broadway, University of Sankore. My 3rd city Trujillo has 2 super specialists (1 engineer, 1 merchant), all 7 cathedrals, Globe Theatre, Wall Street, The Oracle, Angkor Wat, Chichen Itza, Hollywood, Sid's Sushi Co, Creative Constructions, Civilized Jewelers Inc. My 4th city Chiclayo has 2 super specialists (2 prophets), all 7 cathedrals, Hermitage, The Great Lighthouse, The Statue of Liberty, Rock N Roll, Moai Statues.
Toward the end of the game, most of my cities built either Wealth or missionaries. I gifted many missionaries of Confucianism and Taoism to other civs. As I ended the game, The Kong Miao had 60 Confucian cities, The Dai Miao (in my 9th city Pucallpa) had 55 Taoist cities, and The Masjid al-Haram (in my 17th city Djenne) had 16 Islamic cities.