Nobles' Club 370: Napoleon of France


May 21, 2018
The Nobles' Club series started out as a way for Noble-level (and below) players to improve their game. Most of the original participants now play at much higher levels, so this has become a way for advanced players to help others learn to play better. You can play your own game at any level and with any mod, but it would be nice to comment on the games of other players and give them advice.

Our next leader is Napoleon of France, whom we last played in NC 353; we last played the French under De Gaulle in NC 364. The French start with Agriculture and The Wheel.
  • Traits: Napoleon is Charismatic and Organized. Charismatic gives every city, Monuments and Broadcast Towers +1:), and decreases the exp required for units to level by 25%. Organized cuts Civic Upkeep in half, and gives a +100% :hammers: bonus to Lighthouses, Courthouses and Factories.
  • The UB: The Salon, an Observatory with +1 free Artist, providing +1:science:, +4:culture: and +3 GA:gp:. Not a bad bonus for cities facing cultural pressure, but your Great Person Pool will never be free from Great Artist pollution again.
  • The UU: The Musketeer, a Musketman with 2:move: instead of 1:move:. If you're attacking someone with Mounted units and are afraid of Pikeman sniping the strongest units in your army, bring along Musketeers as stack defenders. They can keep up with their allies on horseback. Somehow :whipped:.
And the start:

Spoiler map details :
Inland Sea, Temperate Climate, Medium sealevel, +1 AI to balance the board.
Spoiler edits :
Two strategic resource swaps.
The WB-saves are attached (zipped; they are bigger than standard saves). To play, simply download and unzip it into your BTS/Saves/WorldBuilder folder. Start the game, and load your favorite MOD (if you use one, if not, check out the BUG MOD), select "Play Scenario", and look for "NC 370 Napoleon Noble" (or Monarch, etc., for higher levels). You can play with your favorite MOD at the Level and Speed of your choice. From Quick-Warlord to Marathon-Deity, all are welcome! We stuck with the name "Nobles Club" because it has a cool ring to it.
Spoiler what's up with specific difficulties :
In each scenario file you can select your level of difficulty, but that doesn't give the AI the right bonus techs by itself. Use the Noble save for all levels at and below Prince. The Monarch save gives all the AI Archery. Emperor adds Hunting; Immortal adds Agriculture; Deity adds The Wheel.
Spoiler what is demigod :
The difference between Immortal and Deity difficulty is akin to the difference between Noble and Immortal. Players eventually reached a point where Immortal was too easy, but Deity was still out of reach, and so neither difficulty provided a fun experience. "Demigod" is an otherwise standard Deity game where the AIs are only given their Immortal level starting units, in an attempt to bridge the gap.
Spoiler for players on Monarch or above :
You should add archery as a tech for the barbarians (if you don't, the AI will capture their cities very early). This cannot be done in the WB save file and must be done in Worldbuilder as follows:
Spoiler how to add techs to the barbarians :

  1. Zoom in all the way so you can't see the rest of the map.
  2. Use the CTRL-W key (or the menu) to enter the worldbuilder. Avoid looking at the mini-map in the lower right corner.
  3. By default you're in "player" mode (look in the box in the upper right; the icon that looks like a person should be selected). You'll get a drop down menu labeled with your leader's name. Barbarians are at the bottom, so cover the rest of the list with your hand if you don't want to see who else is on the map. Select "Barbarians".
  4. Select the "Technologies" tab in the box on the left.
  5. Find Archery (the arrow head icon; 8th row, 3rd column from the right) and click it.
  6. Exit the worldbuilder.
  7. Zoom out again after the map fades, and start playing.
If you're playing at higher level than Monarch, consider also giving them Hunting at Emperor, Agriculture at Immortal, and The Wheel at Deity.
Spoiler huts and events :
Note: The standard saves have no huts and have events turned off. If you want tribal villages and random events, choose the saves with "Huts" in their names. If you want huts but no events, select the Huts saves and use Custom Scenario to turn on the option that suppresses events.


Warrior 1NW to check the empty riverside grass tile, settle 1W if it's food, otherwise...settle 1W anyway? I'm not sure what to do with this situation bar pray that Bronze Working comes early. Oh, and obviously not make the mistake of settling a tile south somewhere to get the Furs in BFC. The capitol's third culture ring will grab those soon enough, and moving into tundra just to get some low food value commerce tiles isn't great.

That's my take, anyway. What do the experts think? :)
Warrior 1NW seems best, the south is for later, and going east will not provide immediately useful information.

Now speculating about the dark tiles, it looks like 2E1S of the settler is a PH without forest, so I think it is likely to hold a resource. All other second ring tiles look like forests, which at best hold mediocre calendar resources.

Sheep as only food resource does not look inspiring, as AH is quite expensive and I would like to chop ASAP. With another food tile the sheep can be mined for the early game.

If there is no farming resource to the west I think a longer settler walk may be in order. Maybe towards 2N, keeping the sheep and some forests and later rexing with a fur/sheep chopping city?
It's hard to see in the screenshot, but IIRC ingame you can see that 2N1W of settler is a green tile without a forest on it (can't check ingame right this second).
with char, the fur is less valuable at the start.
going NW would grab the sheep and the northern resourses the SIP BFC would have, just not the eastern. settling blindly sounds contrary to NC's games though
think I might explore with the settler for a couple of turns, finding good food sources is important. organized makes it forgiving to overexpand a bit, doesn't reward having a compact, small empire.
I've played the first 100 turns a couple times now mainly cos I forgot CHA adds happiness, that border pops need monuments, that monuments themselves are useful now for cheap +1 happiness and some other stuff (spoilers). Basically did the same moves but better

Turn 100

Spoiler :


Moved warr NW which revealed a green river tile, decided I wouldn't settle N on the hill as further away from green river and maybe I'd want to mine the hill. Went NW with settler which would keep the sheep in 2nd ring if I settled. Immediately found wet corn 1 tile N and decided to settle. First time I did this I forgot Wet Corn is better than dry sheep and teched AH first. This time I decided chopping asap looked pretty essential and whipping wouldn't hurt (much) either so teched Mining and BW. The sheep could wait.

Paris started worker. Warrior went to scout further west along the river. Tech came in nicely with worker finishing wheat. Decided build warr until size 2 then switch and chop and maybe whip settler. Thought I'd settle close in because I wasn't exploring the map and wanted to settle on the basis of what I could see this time. Hence Orleans 2720 BC which shares some cottages usefully with Paris.

Adopted slavery, research Pot and then AH. Cities built warriors when recovering from whipping workers and settlers. I chopped everything I could too and basically produced as much of both as I could. This is why cities are still small. After AH teched Myst for monuments (I usually play CRE so forgot about this first time).

1st warrior built went NE along river to scout and FB. 2nd built went NW to FB and found FPs and Gold. Decided as Perry and Ragnar both close I should claim this with 3rd city (Lyon 1760BC). Next warr to SE to FB and scout. He's still there. Having not found any copper IW seemed essential next tech as had seen a barb spear wandering E of me. Iron popped up nicely near Paris but as I didn't want to build expensive Axes when Archers would do for most defence I then teched hunting and Archery. After that it was Math to boost chop yield.

Barb spearman died to my Axe who himself was killed when healing in a forest by a Barb archer, I thought his odds were good enough to risk it. They weren't, or the archer got real lucky. Paris had to build another Axe and it was clear I'd need some archers too so production shifted and it wasn't until 1000BC I got my 4th city settled. Opted for coast rather than next to FP SSE. Thought I'd need a second border pop to get piggies anyway and I would settle X later to fill the gap. Still haven't.

With Rheims settled the warr went to explore up the coast and found dyes and marble. Since Greek border was close I settled these next with Tours 800BC. Marseilles was settled to stop Perry getting the Cow and Incense. Cities might have been better arranged but Lyon was settled without using hindsight where I put it first go as I hadn't scouted to the W yet. Still may settle for the wheat if Perry doesn't get there first.

An archer pushing east to FB found Gold, and Wet Wheat - both good, and Ragnar, bloody not good. Rushed to settle Chartres 525 BC. Decided Gold and WW would have to be in second ring as I wanted best defensive position. A Library will help secure them culturally after the monument.

After Maths it was time for Curr and then F and Sail to allow me to tech Cal - 6 turns away and will allow me to get incense and dye and Silk for happiness and trades. Monty is tech leader!!! (No one else has Alpha at least) and demanded IW off me. I'm not stupid so he got that and hope someone else will pay the price. He is now pleased with me. Ragnar however has just decided I'm his worse enemy. I dunno what to do about that. He surely will attack me. Monty is willing to war with him but dunno where is and he won't accept Curr as payment but he will trade Alpha + 10 gold for it. Should I go for it?

I have also have a settler just whipped in Rheims. Does he go to settle 1 south of Chartres to share Wet wheat and grab copper? If so do I risk settling E of the river to have deer too? Will 2 frontline cities support each other or split my defenders too much?

Decisions... decisions.

Last edited:
I opened it in the game. I suspect that the tundra hill 2S1W of the warrior is on the edge of the map, so there would be no ocean, and no seafood near the furs. I would settle in place unless the warrior (moving NW) finds a good tile. I don't want to waste a turn moving the settler, if there is a chance that the move doesn't help me.

I made a turn 0 save but have not yet moved.
I opened it in the game. I suspect that the tundra hill 2S1W of the warrior is on the edge of the map, so there would be no ocean, and no seafood near the furs. I would settle in place unless the warrior (moving NW) finds a good tile. I don't want to waste a turn moving the settler, if there is a chance that the move doesn't help me.

I made a turn 0 save but have not yet moved.
perhaps not a big help but the settler is sat on a juicy river grass tile. Maybe a move to a river plains tile to utilise a less cottage-able tile?
perhaps not a big help but the settler is sat on a juicy river grass tile. Maybe a move to a river plains tile to utilise a less cottage-able tile?
depending on the difficulty level it may not be worth compromising a present move for hopes of a better future.
I'd say above monarch or so, just kill the green forested river tile if nothing else is involved
Warrior 1NW seems best, the south is for later, and going east will not provide immediately useful information.

Now speculating about the dark tiles, it looks like 2E1S of the settler is a PH without forest, so I think it is likely to hold a resource. All other second ring tiles look like forests, which at best hold mediocre calendar resources.

Sheep as only food resource does not look inspiring, as AH is quite expensive and I would like to chop ASAP. With another food tile the sheep can be mined for the early game.

If there is no farming resource to the west I think a longer settler walk may be in order. Maybe towards 2N, keeping the sheep and some forests and later rexing with a fur/sheep chopping city?

depending on the difficulty level it may not be worth compromising a present move for hopes of a better future.
I'd say above monarch or so, just kill the green forested river tile if nothing else is involved

I'm on Monarch - I think @a pen-dragon is deity and seems to be willing to risk a turn 3 settle if the warrior finds nothing to the west. Fortunately for anyone deciding the warrior can usefully scout 1W or better still(?) 1 NW before deciding to move the settler or SIP @Kernigh
Spoiler Emperor, 1960BC T51 :

  • 4000BC T0: Warrior moves northwest, finds 2 tiles without forest: a grassland river 1S3W of my settler, and a grassland hill 2S3W. If the river tile hides a copper or horse, then I want to settle 1W. If the hill hides something, I can't reach it unless I lose the sheep. Settle in place my capital Ajaccio. See a river corn 2N1W of Ajaccio. Begin to build a worker and research Animal Husbandry (for sheep). Next techs will be Mining, Bronze Working (to chop forest).
  • 3040BC T24: Ajaccio begins a Settler at size 2.
  • 2720BC T32: Bell for Bronze Working. I have a sheep pasture, corn farm, and 2 tiles of road 1N and 2N1E of Ajaccio. Begin to chop forests. Next techs are Mysticism (for Monument), Hunting (for deer), Pottery (for cottage).
  • 2520BC T37: Settle Bastia 2S4W of Ajaccio. It needs a Monument to reach its deer.
  • 2040BC T49: Bell for Pottery. Revolt to adopt Slavery.
  • 1960BC T51: Settle Calvi 3W of Bastia. It has sheep, needs a Monument to reach its horse.

There is marble 8N2W of Ajaccio. I mulled settling a city on the marble, connecting it with a long road, and building The Oracle, but I prefer to settle better cities and not research Priesthood. My map has no copper and a single horse. I aimed for the horse (7W of Ajaccio).

I might have settled my 2nd city by the horse. I instead put my 2nd city closer to the capital, and my 3rd city by the horse. I don't know which way is better. The gap between the horse city and the capital would prevent a trade route. My 2nd city Bastia fills the gap and provides a trade route (via a chain of river tiles inside my borders), but Bastia also slows my growth (by having less food in its 1st ring).

The barbarians are nearby and the other civilizations are far away. I want to send out more warriors before I settle another city. I have no cottages yet, but I have chopped some forests to make room for grassland river cottages. My next techs might be Writing and Alphabet (to trade techs).
(Monarch) Late Domination Win 1822 - I had to cap every AI to make it over the land threshold.

Spoiler :


I developed as in my post earlier and settled just about everywhere I coud. Ragnar I bought off with gifts and a military build up in my vulnerable cities but Joao launched a surprise attack on me at Tours on the other end of my empire - I'd refused him tribute ages ago. Fortunately he was slow to develop the attack and I got defenders in there and then counter-attacked the besiegers. For good measure I bribed Monty into war with him. His remaining chariots ran off and we made peace. I adopted Ragnar's religion too and eventually he became friendly. This was Monty's religion as well which was a bonus but no one else's. The others were in another religion and Perry in his own which made him diplomatically a soft target. I teched to Cuirassiers 1110AD having been late to Lib in 1040 - I couldn't bulb it as usual but I was still first.

Cyrus went to war with Perry and I joined in. I wasn't really ready but I didn't want to risk Cyrus capping him. I took Corinth with Grt Lib and Parthenon and then Athens. He capped to me 1420. I got rifling by 1450 and converted nearly all my units to cav before war with Cyrus 1650. Before then I spread his AP religion throughout my cities so I could block his chances of a diplo victory and hopefully outvote any unwelcome peace votes etc. He swiftly capped in 1580 after I captured 2 cities and his capital, one of which I liberated to Perry to help him like me. I converted to Cyrus's, Shaka's and Charlies religion to help them like me thinking I might be able to conquer my way to winning an AP victory

Charley was next and was even easier meat than Cyrus. War 1630, peace after I took Vienna 1645. Shifted forces to my other front and DOWed Ragnar 1675. A handy AP vote in 1690 got my co-religionists to pile in and he capped after I got Nidaros in 1700. I went to war with Monty while Nidaros was still burning and got him capped at 1750. Then in a futile attempt to butter up Joao and Shaka in the hope they'd vote for me I gave them some tech including rifling. This was a dumb move as I decided I'd have to take out both to win quickly.

Portugal gave in quckly but Shaka wouldn't talk to me even after I took his cap in 1815. He got infantry too during the war making my cabalry army less useful and an AP vote for peace after I took his cap was vetoed by him. I had my own infantry of course by now but I'd neglected to build railroads (or do anything with my cities apart from churn out units) so my infantry we a long way off if he managed a counter-attack. I did minor attack from Charleys' territory and in 1820 he suddenly decided to throw in the towel.

Domination win 1822. Things were scrappy and ill organised in the end but I just wanted to get the game done. Civ has the one disadvantage as it's often patently obvious who's gonna win long before they actually do and grinding out the victory is tedious. I did see the developers of Civ 7 talking about people not finishing a game and so splitting the game into Eras(? is an attempt to make finishing a game more fun. I tried a Civ VI demo but didn't really like it and there seems to be a move towards more and more gimmicky traits and units which are often hopelessly broken and overpowered and I suspect Civ 7 will be more of the same.

Anyway, first time I've played this kind of map. Definite shock finding the edge of the world. I can see how this can give a more balanced game by ensuring each civ has 2 neighbours but I won't be deliberately looking to play more. Exploring the world is part of the fun and in Iso games I get to do it twice.


Spoiler Emperor, 920AD T156 :

After I saved my game in 1960BC T51, I mulled building a wonder. I decided against The Oracle. I would build The Apostolic Palace, but it needs a religion, and I might not have a religion. My best option might be The Great Library. After I research Writing and Alphabet, I would need to get Polytheism, Masonry, and Mathematics in trades; and to research Aesthetics and Literature; and to connect the marble to my capital.

I have not found other civilizations, but the Emperor AIs start with Scouts, and 5 of them have found me. There are 7 rivals (in victory conditions, conquest), so I am missing 2. I get a hint from my foreign advisor,


Montezuma is "Worst Enemy of Charlemagne". 1 of the 2 unmet leaders is Charlemagne. (Also, Joao II is worst enemy of Ragnar, but attitudes might change after more leaders pick their state religions.)
  • 1800BC T55: After I end my turn, 2 barb archers slay 2 of my warriors in the northwest. I will lose 3 more warriors in this area (between my France and Pericles's Greece), as the 3 barb units (2 archers, 1 warrior) accumulate combat promotions.
  • 1640BC T59: Bell for Writing. Open borders with all 5 known rivals.
  • 1280BC T68: After I end my turn, the barb archer with Combat III dies to my warrior 1N1E of Calvi. It was the only barb to enter my borders. It pillaged the road on my horse. Its death will allow me to connect the horse and build chariots.
  • 1120BC T72: Foreign advisor reveals that Shaka has Alphabet.
  • 1080BC T73: Settle my 4th city Bonifacio 2S7E of my capital Ajaccio. It has wheat, needs a monument for copper.
  • 1000BC T75: Pericles has Alphabet.
  • 800BC T83: Bell for Alphabet. I can get neither Polytheism, nor Masonry, nor Mathematics by trading in T83; I won't trade until T95. Set my science to 0% for a few turns, then research Aesthetics.
  • 600BC T91: Settle my 5th city Marbre-ville 7N2W of Ajaccio. It has marble, needs a monument for gold, and is 2W3S of a barb city Parthian. I would have settled a grassland cow further west, but Pericles took it.
  • 500 BC T95: Make my first trades: Alphabet to Montezuma for Iron Working and Fishing, then Aesthetics to Pericles for Archery and Masonry. Also, complete an eastward road (for foreign trade routes) from Alfaccio via Bonifacio to Ragnar's (Viking) Uppsala, and give my corn to Ragnar. I will research Polytheism, Literature (for The Great Library), Mathematics (for better forest chops).
  • 300BC T103: Discover that Cyrus is in this game. Alphabet to Cyrus for Sailing, Priesthood. Forget to open borders with Cyrus. Complete a northward road via Marbre-ville to Pericles's Greece.
  • 125BC T110: Open borders with Cyrus. Can't open borders with Charlemagne.
  • 50BC T113: Bell for Mathematics. Begin to chop into The Great Library. Next techs are Code of Laws, Civil Service.
  • 50AD T117: Attack and capture my 6th city Parthian. I have 9 chariots and 2 warriors; the barbs have 2 archers (1 with City Garrison II). (They had 3 archers in T116, but 1 of them attacked Charlemagne's chariot and died.) I only need 4 chariots (all 4 with Combat I): they die, withdraw, win, and win. At end of turn, complete The Great Library in my capital.
My France has fallen to 6th in crop yield; I might have expanded too slowly. I want to conquer some cities. I am at the southwest corner of an ocean (probably an inland sea); I can either go north and attack Pericles and the Buddhist nations, or go east and attack Ragnar and the Hindu nations. If I go north, Ragnar might attack my back. I prefer to stay at peace with Pericles (who has a small army) and trade with the Buddhists, so I want to attack eastward.
  • 100AD T119: Settle my 7th city Fer-ville 1N3W of Ajaccio (and 3N1E of Bastia) to grab an iron (1N of Fer-ville), before Pericles can take the iron with his 2 nearby settlers. At end of turn, "You have founded Confucianism" in Calvi. My free missionary will explore the world.
  • 125AD T120: Great Scientist Xi Ling Shi constructs an academy in Ajaccio.
I am following a recipe in Henrik's Engineering Attack GUIDE from 6 months ago (July 2023). The recipe uses an early Civil Service to adopt Bureaucracy and get more beakers toward Engineering. I don't have ivory (for war elephants), so I want Engineering (for trebuchets to attack Ragnar).

The video (where Henrik plays as Saladin) pairs Bureaucracy with an academy in the capital. I got a great scientist from Calvi. I didn't want Calvi to grow unhappy, so I moved 2 citizens off food and into the library, where they made great scientist points. My roads brought the great scientist from Calvi to my capital Ajaccio. The Great Library is also in Ajaccio, so my academy will boost the beakers from Bureaucracy plus the beakers from The Great Library.
  • 150AD T121: Open borders with Charlemagne. Literature and Code of Laws to Pericles for Construction (for catapult). Literature and Code of Laws to Joao II for Monarchy.
  • 200AD T123: Settle my 8th city Four-fourrures 3S1E of Ajaccio. It needs a monument for a sheep. It will have 4 furs.
  • 225AD T124: Get 324 gold by failing The Parthenon in Calvi. I want the gold more than the wonder; it will pay for my cities while I research Civil Service.

  • 400AD T131: Bell for Civil Service. Give Civil Service and 80 gold to Pericles for Calendar and Currency. Revolt to adopt Hereditary Rule and Bureaucracy. Will research Metal Casting, Machinery, Engineering.
  • 500AD T135: Lose my gold tile (1S2W of Marbre-ville) to Greece.
  • 520AD T136: By request of Charlemagne, close borders with Montezuma.
  • 540AD T137: Literature to Charlemagne for Monotheism and 50 gold.
  • 600AD T140: Literature to Cyrus for 220 gold.
  • 640AD T142: Great Scientist Johannes Kepler starts a golden age.
  • 700AD T145: By request of Pericles, I declare war on Shaka. I have a chariot in Greece, but the rest of my army stays out of the war.
  • 740AD T147: I lose Parthian's pig and a Marbre-ville's cottage to a Greek culture bomb, after Pericles sends a great artist to Pharsalos (5S1E of Parthian, 2S3E of Marbre-ville, 5N1E of Ajaccio).
  • 780AD T149: Bell for Engineering. Last turn of golden age. I will spend gold over my next turns to upgrade my spears into pikes and swords into maces.
  • 800AD T150: Civil Service and 25 gold to Charlemagne for Feudalism, 1 turn too late to adopt Vassalage during a golden age (to skip the anarchy). I will research Guilds.
  • 820AD T151: Currency and Metal Casting to Joao for Compass and 40 gold.
  • 840AD T152: Machinery to Joao for Meditation and 100 gold.
  • 860AD T153: Civil Service to Joao for Music and 50 gold.
  • 920AD T156: Ragnar declares war on Pericles. I want to attack Ragnar this turn.
There have been 5 war declarations, by
  1. Montezuma on Joao
  2. Shaka on Pericles
  3. Charlemagne on Shaka
  4. me on Shaka
  5. Ragnar on Pericles
  6. (soon) me on Ragnar
We have 3 Hindu warmongers (Montezuma, Shaka, Ragnar) versus a group of 4 (Pericles, Charlemagne, Joao, my Napoleon). Pericles, Charlemagne, and neutral Cyrus are Buddhist. Joao is Hindu. I have no religion; I wanted to adopt Buddhism, but it never appeared in my cities.


My civilization is too small. We seem to be around an inland sea, but I have only 2 cities near the sea, in an exclave squeezed by Greek culture. This exclave has almost no production.


My other 6 cities are in the southwest corner. Fer-ville (by the iron mine) is low of food, and Four-fourrures (by the quatre furs) has commerce but few hammers. I am left with 4 cities to produce most of my army. I have gathered 9 macemen, 5 pikemen, 5 catapults, 4 trebuchets, and 2 medics in my most eastern city. Ragnar's army is around Tønsberg, but the city has only 2 units (1 longbowman, 1 swordman). I can probably conquer Tønsberg this turn. Ragnar is missing the techs for maces, pikes, and trebs; but he has catapults, elephants, and longbows.

I have slain 7 barb archers, 3 lions, 1 barb warrior, 1 barb axeman, 1 swordsman of Shaka, and 1 wolf. I have lost 7 warriors and 2 chariots.
I had coincidentally played Roosevelt and Boudica right before trying this, so had recent experience with Organized and Charismatic, move to immortal going very well! Thought this one was going well too, until it clearly wasn’t!

Thought I played it smart - avoided wonders, grabbed land, had my (expected) most dangerous neighbor at friendly, but clearly did not tech fast enough - my engineering / musketeers stack was decimated when my target got rifling before I expected they could. Begin again!
I had coincidentally played Roosevelt and Boudica right before trying this, so had recent experience with Organized and Charismatic, move to immortal going very well! Thought this one was going well too, until it clearly wasn’t!

Thought I played it smart - avoided wonders, grabbed land, had my (expected) most dangerous neighbor at friendly, but clearly did not tech fast enough - my engineering / musketeers stack was decimated when my target got rifling before I expected they could. Begin again!
I feel your pain. I've just come away from my game where a certain AI launched a sneak attack (no plotting) on the only border city I have with him. It wasn't undefended. About 6 units and I whipped walls the turn he arrived. Still lost it.
I wasted 2 turns but decided to settle 1N of start.

On the map:

It's an interesting map with no near neighbors but also not many good city/food spots. Barbs weren't too bad as I spent some hammers on early warriors and delayed expansion a bit. I need to explore more to the east as there might be more land there, but it takes time to get those archers out there to explore.
I'm at Emperor (1 difficulty below Immortal). I attacked my neighbor with trebuchets in 920AD T156 and had an easy war until 1100AD T170, when my neighbor became a vassal of another nation. I then fought 1 versus 2. From T170 to T223, I lost 4 of my 5 conquered cities, then retook them. I made peace in 1635AD T237 with 7 conquered cities, but didn't capitulate anyone. I rank 1st in land area, so I might win this game. If this was Immortal, I might be losing the game.

My war followed Henrik's Engineering Attack GUIDE (July 2023). I ran to Civil Service and adopted Bureaucracy, then ran to Engineering. I began my war without musketeers; the guide says to have either war elephants or macemen (if resources allow). I reached Gunpowder during the war and built a few musketeers for defense.

Open the 1st spoiler to see my capital Ajaccio in T237. My capital uses Bureaucracy to increase hammers and commerce. It has a barracks, granary, forge, academy (from a great scientist), market, Heroic Epic, and the only world wonder built by me.

Spoiler Emperor, my capital Ajaccio in 1635AD T237 :


The wonder is The Great Library, built in 50AD T117, because I had a marble quarry. This wonder adds 2 free scientist specialists. I also have a free engineer from Mercantilism, and 2 great scientists and 4 great generals as super specialists. During the war, Ajaccio grew unhappy, so I added some longbowmen for Hereditary Rule, and whipped away some unhappy slaves to rush the market.

Open the 2nd spoiler for a timeline of the war. My stack of doom will have a Medic III chariot with Charles Martel, a historic French leader (grandfather of Charlemagne) and my 1st great general.

Spoiler Emperor, war from 920AD T156 to 1635AD T237 :

The Civilopedia says of the Vikings, "The main target for Viking aggression, however, was France. All throughout the ninth century the Vikings sailed up and down the Seine River with impunity, sacking French towns and monasteries at their leisure." My game seeks to reverse this aggression, as Napoleon's French declare war on Ragnar's Vikings in 920AD T156.

Ragnar has adopted Vassalage, so his units start with 5 EXP (if from cities with barracks) and 2 promotions. My units start with only 3 EXP (if barracks), but Napoleon is Charismatic, so I need only 4 EXP for the 2nd promotion. (After I adopt Mercantilism and Theocracy in 1240AD T184, some new units will start with 5 EXP.)


Ragnar and I massed our armies near my city Bonifacio and his city Tønsburg (3N of Bonifacio and just outside my borders). I am afraid of Ragnar's longbowmen and war elephants, but his Aggressive trait adds Combat I only to his obsolete melee units. Ragnar declared war on Pericles in 900AD T155. He has, in T156, a stack 1N3W of Tønsburg, a 2nd stack in the fog, and only 2 units defending Tønsburg. I declare war, have 2 workers put a road SE of Tønsburg, attack from the SE tile, and capture Tønsburg in T156. This reveals Ragnar's 2nd stack NW of the city.

Ragnar turns away from Pericles, loses his 2 stacks counterattacking Tønsburg, and loses a 3rd stack attacking Bonifacio. I get Charles Martel, my 1st great general, who becomes my Medic III. Charles Martel invades eastward, with trebuchets and macemen to attack cities, and pikemen to defend against war elephants, and some leftover chariots. He conquers Uppsala in 1060AD T166, then turns north and conquers the 2 coastal cities of Bjørgvin in 1100AD T170 and Haithabu in 1140AD T174, then turns south to threaten the capital.


A new Hindu Apostolic Palace had elected Ragnar in 940AD T157. Ragnar might use it to stop the war and return cities to him. In T166, I revolt to convert to Hinduism and get more AP votes. In T167, Ragnar proposes to stop the war. The resolution fails because Joao votes no. (If it passed, Shaka and I would have defied it.) Ragnar will propose in T177 to declare war on Charlemagne, and in T187 and T197 to stop the war, but those will also fail because Joao votes no. Then the AP will elect Montezuma in T207.

In 1100AD T170, "Ragnar has agreed to become a vassal state of Montezuma", who declares war on Pericles and me; and Pericles buys Charlemagne as a war ally. Pericles and Charlemagne are too far away, but Montezuma can cross Ragnar's culture to attack me, so I expect to fight 1 versus 2. I am also still at war with Shaka. I make peace with Shaka in 1180AD T178, when I see his stack, and before I see Montezuma's stack.


My most unlucky Knight failed a 99.1% chance to win and died to an axeman in 1140AD T174. Later, the game crashed and I replayed some turns, but the Knight failed the 99.1% again. (The crash helped me, because I moved a tech trade to 1 turn earlier and got more gold.)

Montezuma takes Haithabu from me in 1200AD T180. Pericles makes peace. I take Ragnar's capital Nidaros in 1210AD T181. Montezuma takes Bjørgvin in 1220AD T182. Ragnar, in his last big success, retakes Nidaros in 1240AD T184. I retake Haithabu in 1250AD T185. Charlemagne, having sent his stack from the other end of the map, helps me by taking Bjørgvin in 1270AD T187, then makes peace in T188. Montezuma retakes Haithabu in 1290AD T189. Charles Martel retreats from Haithabu via neutral Bjørgvin to Uppsala.

The war stalls from T190 to T210, as stacks from Montezuma and Ragnar die at Uppsala, while my stack collects promotions. Montezuma and I are both using knights and trebuchets. Montezuma has a golden age.

We trade cities as Montezuma takes Uppsala in 1505AD T211 and I retake Nidaros (from Ragnar) in 1510AD T212. Charles Martel defends Nidaros while I assemble a 2nd stack to retake Uppsala. In T217, the AP would transfer Bjørgvin from neutral Charlemagne to my enemy Ragnar. It passes, because I vote yes. I no longer need Bjørgvin's neutrality. I have my first few cannons, an advantage over Montezuma. My 2nd stack takes Uppsala (from Montezuma) in 1540AD T218 and Bjørgvin (from Ragnar) in 1560AD T222. A Viking revolt allows my knights in Nidaros to take Haithabu (from Montezuma) in 1560AD T222. Montezuma attacks with cuirassiers, an advantage over me; but I discover that if my cannons barrage his cuirassiers, my knights can slay them.

In T227, the AP would pass a resolution to stop the war (with Joao now voting yes), but I defy it. I take Roskilde (from Ragnar) in 1585AD T227. Montezuma takes Roskilde in 1615AD T234. I take Jelling (from Ragnar) in 1630AD T236 and retake Roskilde in 1635AD T237. If I defy the AP again in T237, my cities would be too unhappy. I vote yes in T237 to stop the war on Joao. Shaka had declared on Joao, but the resolution would affect all AP members and also stop my war.


Then I make peace with Montezuma in T237, taking his gold, before the AP would stop the war in T238. Ragnar survives in his last city.
Sheep has fresh water, so above tile is also wet. Zooming screen I could guess there are 3 green river tiles in a SIP cross + one wasted by a city. Not much.

Zooming reveals river continuation to the west and it is the place for the best Warrior move 1W1N - see the river structure + opening greater hidden tiles.

Moving Settler 1W1N is dangerous as we might lose forested tiles, settling on Sheep is a gamble. Only viable but questionable move is 1W.

Spoiler What was revealed by the Warrior move and the next turn :

1 green river tile is confirmed + 1 revealed and another one could be guessed.

If we move Settler 1W we lose a green river over Sheep, but save 1 original under the Settler and add 1 extra, in total 4 green river tiles.

3 vs 4 is not big deal but there is only one non-forested green river tile and I want cottage first and chop later, so I move Settler 1W. So in the end of T1 I get 5 river green tiles for cottages with 2 without forest - very nice for postponing Mining & BW, we can research Pottery for very early 2 cottages!! And revealed Corn with our Agri additionally will keep Worker busy!!
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Spoiler Playthrough up to T91 :

T19 - finished Pottery, Worker is busy with Corn, Warrior explored NW border of the map. 2 espionage points to Cyrus - eventually I want see his research tect, 1ept for Pericles & Ragrar to see research rate. The capital grows on Warrior after the Worker..

T32 - the capital grew to size 4 on Warriors, Mining + BW were reseached, 2 cottages completed, research rate is 15bpt, , next if Writing (11T) but via Hunting (4T) +AH (9T), another 2 cottages increase reseach rate, so detaour to AH is OK, I'm not in the need of Library yet. I'm going to chop 2 Workers, then Settler to settle it next to the river for auto trade route. Warrior to the west keep settling place safe. No Slavory till I chop Workers and Settler - I give them extra 1T! Granary is posponet too, I'd like 2 cottages grow!

T45 - Settler is ready to settle on the river corner with Deer & Sheep in 2nd ring - with 17bpt Writing is on its half way, Mysticism is 10T away. New city has 4 forests - one Worker starts chopping them for another Worker, two other Workers help the capital to get additional 3 cottages & with chopping other Settlers. Horses revealed by AH to the west, they will be captured in 1 ring by 3rd city along the river, so I'm not going for Archery )) Unfortunately I forgot to add Archery for IMM barbs, so I should expect Spearmen next ((

Addiotion of 2nd city positively impacted economy - research rate increased 17=>22bpt, taxes 2gpt.

T46 - converted to Slavory for 4->2 whip of Grannary, expect regrow in the capiial to size 6 for Lib 6->3 whip. Workers prechop, improve Sheep & build 2 missing river cottages.

T53 - got Writing, starts Myst, 2nd city got Worker chopped & those 2 Workers start chopping 3rd Settler (4 forests are available) to aquire Horses. The capital regrows to size 6 on Library, occasionaly chops go towards 4th Settler.

T56 - got Mysticism, 2nd city is ready to take 2 chops for Monument - to aquire Deer & Sheep in 2nd ring. Going for Alphabet in 17T, I'm sure I'll trade it for missing IW & Poly and hope I'll be the first to it. Research rate is 23 bpt, taxes 2gpt.

T61 - 2 barb Warriors invaded the capital, start re-growing on Warrior, after whipping Lib & finishing Settler with chops. Settler goes unprotected towards Pericles due to barb emergency, unfortunately barb city spawned near the desired spot, research is 27bpt, taxes are 3gpt.

T62 - Ragrar's Archer dealt with 2 barbs Warroirs - saved my Sheep improvement ))

T64 - the capital starts 2 scientists at size 5.

T65 - 4th Settler is heading towards Horses, decided to settle in 2rn ring to capture Corn in the corner of the map. 2 Workers are started chopping forest for Monument quick build. 3rd Settler is harrased by a barb Archer near the Greece border (( Research is 34bpt, taxes are 7gpt.

T70 - founded 4th city near Pericles' border by dodging a barb Archer, I hope Warrior protects hilled city, the barb Archer is now heading the capital. Noticed Fur is already accesible for the capital from the 3rd ring - cities could grow big now (7 with Monument, 8 in Capital)! Hunting was already researched!

I need to wait 10T more to get access to Horses, but Alphabet is 2T away, I'll get IW first. 4 Workers are not enough for 4 cities, and 5th settler is 3T away...

T72 - discovered Aplha, traded it for IW. Iron source is in 3rd ring of the capital - moving 1W of the initial Settler position now pays )) AIs don't want to trade Mesonary nor Polytheism. I'm still in the bottom of the score list but that should change soon.

Now I need few more Workers & cities. The capital gives a Settler next turn. My zero experience Warriors defend the capital against barb Spearmen & Archers (( I'm 10T away from developed Horses and 7T away from developed Iron (( Archery is 3T away - seems it is the safest choice...

T75 - got Archery and 2-whip Archer for the defence of the capital against a barb Archer - what a waste of food (( I'm going for Math and then for Currency.

T77 - a Spearman is threatening my 4th city, and an Axman is threatening my 2nd & 3rd cities - so researching of Archery just saved all my 4 cities at the right time! All new cities are at size 2, so I'll whip Archers 2->1.

Founded 5th city claiming Marble in 1st ring and Gold in 2nd, finally blocking Pericles expantion towards me. Taxes are 20gpt (( The income will recover after cities regrow from Archers' whip in next ~10T ((

T80 - all cities survived barbs attack relaying on whipped Archers. Iron is hooked earlier then expected by 4 Workers, because all were threatened by Barbs and Iron was a safe location. Now they are split towards Horses & destroyed Sheep.

T81 - got GS, as Math is 1/3 researched I built Academy, which gives additionally +5bpt in underdeveloped capital. I keep scientists working in the capital to get another GS in 33T - no other cities have Lib, no even have Granary, 2&3 have only Monuments for claiming resources and 4&5th cities are constructing Monuments to fight Greece culture and claim Gold + Iron.

T83 - 1-whipped Chariot in the capital to kill Axeman before any improvement destruction. Capital is at size 4, whilte the cap is at size 8 (( Need more Workers & cities. Barbs ruined smooth development. On the other hand all strategic resources are hooked and every city is protected by an Archer, so barbs are no longer a threat )) Seems I won't get Currency before T100.

T91 - researched Math, traded it for Masonry & Polytheism. Busy with Barbs I didn't follow trade options for Alpha. now it was gone. I'm nearly connected my empire, of two parts - 4th & 5th cities are blocking Greece and claim recource - have no income themselves. 2 workers are almost here to claim Marble and build a farm & cottages. Currency requires 17T, slider is at 30%, research rate is 27bpt.

Barbs sent lonely Worker into nowhere, I surrounded it it with a Warrior & a Chariot, what a present!! It will be 5th Worker. I suspect AI destroyed a barb city so barb Worker flees somewhere.

T93 - got foreign trade route via roads + empire completely connected. Most cities switched to Research. Slider is at 30%, rate is 31bpt, Currenct is 13T away. Barb Worker is not yet captured ((

That's all for today.
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