Nooma 1 - 5CC Pangaea


Its not made by MGLs
Feb 19, 2006
Game Version: Conquests 1.22f
Map: 60% Water Pangaea
Terrain: All random
Barbarians: None
Tribe: Random
Map Size: Standard
Difficulty Level: Demigod
Variant: 5 City Challenge (Strict)


Standard rules regarding forbidden tactics apply

I'm in favor of either random tribe or the celts, and either emperor or demigod. If someone has confidence that we can do a higher level, then I might be willing to go higher.
Five city eh? I'm gonna have to read up on the rules of that one.

Celts is fine, the civ doesnt matter to me all that much.

But, I'm in.
I'm up for a 5CC Demigod challenge.
Bede is playing this, hmm maybe I give this a try too, C3C is more thrilling than CIV anyway :D
Random is always good.
Okay, everything's updated, and here's our selection of starts:




My personal choice would be to take the Babylon start and settle in place, but I'd rather move the worker onto that BG and see (1) if there is a bonus grassland 1s1se of the settler and (2) if the water is salty or not.

As for strict (never at any time more than 5 cities) or loose (no more than 5 cities at the end of the turn only), this'll be strict.
I like the Mongolian start for the silks, the bonus grasses, the river, the scout and the UU. If we settle in place we lose only one field to the sea, or we could move 1NE.

To my eye the other two starts look bland, the Babylon one particularly unrpomising because of all the mountains.
Mongols look the best, the others bland as Bede pointed out already...we need good spots for a 5CC.
Mog is cool.

For reasons mentioned above.

EDIT- Babylon, I think, isnt TOO unpromising because there are hills and mountains, which means there could be iron.
Okay, Mongols it is. Lets get going. The roster will be the order in which we get the save the first time around. 20 turns for the initial run, then 10 after that.

Turn 1 (4000 BC)
Move scout and worker and see two hills (and a BG) that we can get by moving the settler west onto a tobacco. Since we have very little production, I decide to go through with it.

Turn 2 (3950)
Found Karakorum, set production to a scout. Worker starts road, scout starts scouting. Science set to the wheel at 1.9.0 (breaking even) so we can be sure to get horses.

Turn 3 (3900)

Turn 4 (3850)

Turn 5 (3800)
Scout sees a nice city spot northeast of Karakorum.

Turn 6 (3750)

IBT: Karakorum finishes scout, starts on warrior

Turn 7 (3700)

Turn 8 (3650)

Turn 9 (3600)

Turn 10 (3550)

Turn 11 (3500)
Worker finishes mine starts on other BG

IBT: Karakorum grows +expands, and finishes its warrior and starts on a scout

Turn 12 (3450)
Warrior fortifies, scouts move, nothing happens.

Turn 13 (3400)
See an Indian warrior and a green border right next to it. India has BW, Masonry, Alphabet, Ceremonial burial, both our techs, and 30 gold. I’m guessing we’re against the Ottomans/Persia and the Aztecs, who we’ll be meeting soon. I raise science to 10.0.0 (gaining 0)

Turn 14 (3350)
Green is indeed the Aztecs. They have no gold, BW, ceremonial burial, masonry, and both our techs.

IBT: Karakorum finishes scout, starts on settler

Turn 15 (3300)
Lower science to 1.9.0, gaining no gold

Turn 16 (3250)

Turn 17 (3200)
Find Indian border in some nice jungle-fog, as well as a congregation of Ottoman spearman and warriors from India and Aztecland. The Ottomans have BW, masonry, alphabet, ceremonial burial, and again, both our techs. Gah.

Turn 18 (3150)

Turn 19 (3100)
The third scout finds nothing but ocean northwest of us. We may be on a peninsula.

Turn 20 (3050)

This looks to be a wonderful start. We’ve got 3 luxuries (the magic number!) and we may well have a peninsula to ourselves. But we’re close to Monty, and using scouts to explore, so he will attack us if we don’t build up an army. 10 turns to whoever gets the save first.

Spoiler Map of the world :


The save
No time for playing, but enough time for a quick dotmap which includes some pretty bad locations. Red and light blue seem good, except that they would leave a bunch of space where putting a city would have too much overlap. I didn't realize green wasn't on the river, and it has too much overlap. Blue has 5 coast and 2 sea tiles. Pink is pretty terrible; it may be better to use a colony for the wine (although it seems an AI could settle there).

Red seems like a good spot for the next city.


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red look good though it wastes a BG, but it is coastal and grabs all the important resources. I would wait for the rest to see where horses and iron are.
Red looks really good. The wheat and the trees will make up for the lost BG so no biggy and it has some big time commerce potential.

Light blue is the best of some pretty weak choices and green gives us a solid front line, but will leave Red dangling. Pink will definitely go to an AGRI civ if there is one out there.

played 15 turns
we met Carthago, up all known techs, no trades
on turn 5 found Ta-tu on red dot and meet Germany that is down pottery, but can only get wheel from them
trade that and use it to trade BW from Carthago
then sell wheel to India for 50gold, get alphabet for wheel + 25 gold from ottomans

trade alphabet/wheel+18gold to Aztecs for IW and CB
finally get masonry for IW from Germany
set research to min on writing

find that we are blessed with 2 iron and 2 horses near our sites

started a granary for faster growth in our capital and a worker in Ta-tu
we should grab the horse spot in the north soon

on turn 15 a Indian settler pair appears and surely want to steal our horses, we better block that pair

the situation
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