#1 Person
The Cow
NoP NES: The "New Imperialism"

The world, 1880 C.E., the scramble for Africa begins, while across the world ancient civilizations are slowing becoming incorporated into new empires. In Asia, the French are setting their sites on Indo-China, while Britain and Russia battle it out in the Great Game, the competition for influence in central Asia. In Europe, the Alliance between the freshly unified German state and the old Hapsburg Empire threaten Russian interests in the Baltic, where the Ottoman Empire tries to hold it's grasp on it's remaining lands. France lost the Alsace-Lorraine in the Franco-Prussian war to Germany. Italy also unified itself, and is eager to find a place for itself in the alliances of Europe. In South America the War of the Pacific is raging, while the USA just finished “reconstruction”, and currently is an economic powerhouse. The second industrial revolution is underway throughout the Western Hemisphere and Europe, while small nations in the East and Africa need to modernize or be dominated.
I am sure many of you are familiar of my former attempts at NESes. However I realized that the NESes which I almost only join (historical NESes from 1700-1950s), happen to be the ones I never make. So, to remedy that, here is an NES from one of my favorite times of history. I WILL try and be far more prompt with the updates, and should be better able to do so this year than former years, particularly cause I love writing stories, and this era has plenty. So, pretty much, as long as I get orders from most of the major players (UK, France, Germany, Russia, USA (might change as time goes on)) I WILL update. Also do to my affection to this time period and familiarity with it, I WILL spur on events if there is any slum (USS Maine, anyone?), however lets hope that their will be no need. Each turn will be 6 months, athough I might find a need to slow things down as time progresses.
Spoiler List of Greviences :
I believe that in the last couple of years, NESes have been increasingly loosing the "S". Stories are becoming less and less common, and the Mod has been increasingly filling the role of a PC, simply computing numbers for battles and national development. An NES is NOT a computer game, and the primary elements of it is to relatively accurately portray a nation. There will be no "winners" in this game, it is simply a modelling of the world in 1880s, which will hopefully diverge from actual history at some point in a responsible way, and hopefully also have fun in building an nice nation.
Due to both the historical set up of this game, as well as my relatively through national descriptions, there should be no problem with remaining IC. Unless stated clearly in the Update, your nation is the same as it was at the time. So any questions regarding the nature of your state can be found on Wikipedia or any other resource available. Other than that, you have complete artistic licsense to do anything IC and reasonable to your nation as you wish.
As such I will ignore anyone who continuoisly give orders like those that follow, "spend 2 ecos into education." Obviously short orders are better than no orders, but you should elaborate! Perticularly for projects I expect some level of effort and involvement in your descriptions.
As for my original point about stories, I will not give anyone tangable rewards for stories, but I will look kindly on them, perticularly if they contain plans for your nation within them.
Spoiler rules, rough but accurate :
Pretty self explanatory to experienced players, some minor changes from the das-like standard rules. Most notably is I love projects with nice explanations. I discourage people from simply having orders like: “put all my money into improving infrastructure”. I prefer people to at least explain specifically what you plan to do, obviously though any orders are better than no orders.
As you might notice these are fairly anorexic in size, simply because pretty much everyone is familiar with them, so I do not see a need to go into much depth. They are mostly based off the ones found here (http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=244271).
Stats: Template
Country Name
Government: Leaders
Economy: (Base Economy/Eco centers/from colonies/total(Banked))
Army (mobilizable):
Military Upkeep:
Living Standards:
Brief Summary:
Different governments will have non-stat effects, including events and the like. I do not feel a perticular need to go into too much depth.
Example: Monarchy, Constitutional Monarchy, Republic, Despotism, Facsist
Who is in charge of the nation, in cases like the UK, where there is both a Monarch and Prime Minister, a slash will separate them and titles will be used to indicate which is which. I am afraid that for some of them I am unable to find online or in books who the leader is, and the space will be left blank (I appreciate it if anyone could help fill them in...).
Base Economy: What you get from the land...
Economy Centers: These are where there is large amounts of trade or industry, which indicated higher economic potential. Although they can be created via projects, there needs to be a good reason behind them. Also if there is any massive shifts in political situations which would encourage trade or industry in a city, they can be created. Also military attacks or other random events could destroy them.
Colonies/Other things: These are additional economic benefits to your nation, normally from colonies. More on this in the next sections.
Total: Summation of above, subtract your military upkeep to know how much you have to spend per turn.
Banked: This is the amount you have in your national coffers. Also it could reflect bonuses you get for particular things in your orders or random events.
What sort of technological level your nation is at on a whole. It primarily effects your military effectiveness, but also effects all other stats. Only through random events or projects can they be advanced.
pre-industrial revolution, first industrial revolution, second industrial revolution
Invade, defend, and perhaps other options I haven't considered. For simplicities sake there are only Infantry, Irregular and Cavalry divisions. However you can create some sort of new elite units via some other way (projects, stories). Costs show below,
One Eco: (square root of Population, rounded up) Pop 1= 1 infantry division, Pop 2,3,4= 2 Infantry Division, Pop 5 = 3 infantry divisions
One Eco: 1 Cavalry Division
A strong navy is crucial to the survival of any empire, and for the defense of any surviving states. Naval Vessels are defined as Capital Ships, which are massive ships such as Ships-Of-The-Line, and squadrons, which are collections of smaller ships, like corvettes and frigates, which are excellent in a defensive role, like protecting shipping. Obviously in any naval conflict is necessary to have both.
One Eco: 1 Capital Ship (bombardment)
One Eco: 1 Squadron (shipping defense)
For your treasure's sake you can put your troops into a reservist unit at any time. However it will take some time to mobilize them, so they will not take part in any sort of attack unless remobilized (takes one turn), but they will still defend the mainland to lesser effectiveness than active troops.
Military upkeep
No equation is used to determine this, and it depends on troop and ship deployments. For example, Germany has more divisions than Britain, but since British troops are deployed around the world, they have higher upkeep costs.
Size of your nation/empire. Effects cost to improve infrastructure. Scale of 0-6
Population in your nation/empire. Effects cost to improve education and living standards. Scale of 1-6
Infrastructure will impact your economy slightly, as well as effectiveness of your military. Costs 2*area to increase by 1. Scale of 1-6
Education will impact your economy slightly, as well as likelihood of age advancements. Costs 2*population to increase by 1. Scale of 1-6
Living Standards
Living Standards will impact your economy slightly, as well as have some effect on confidence. Costs 2*population to increase by 1. Scale of 1-6
How well your people like you. Cannot be increased directly, but how in character your actions are and how well your people like you. An Ottoman Sultan announcing a conversion to Christianity, for instance, will surely decrease this.
Civil War (0) – Adoring (6)
Projects are anything else you wish to improve (fortifications, new naval units, etc.), or a massive project to increase many stats at once. Their cost will be determined by their proposed effects, as well as how well you describe them (simply saying “improve life expectancy to 6” leaves much to be decided to local leaders who always love larger houses). PM me your suggestions, and I will analyze them and respond with a cost. Costs will use the “turn” units. To improve a project by N turns, you must invest 2(N)-1 ecos. See chart below:
1 turn – 1 eco
2 turns – 3 ecos
3 turns – 5 ecos
4 turns – 7 ecos
10 turns – 19 ecos
The reason for this you are, in a sense, rush completing the project. Doing so takes more monetary contributions.
Colonies/Other Foreign Things of Importance
Many nations around this time are empires, some of those have colonies or other areas somehow or other indebted to the mother nation (protectorates). In addition, countries have other sources of income (Suez canal).
Colony Template:
Name : Type : Base Income/Eco centers : Confidence : Army (Militia)
Either really Colony or Protectorate.
Already described
Confidence in colonies is very important as rebellions are common. Your policies in the colonies must reflect what the people their want if you wish to keep this high.
This is the military your nation has stationed in the colony, it is NOT included in your Army Stats above.
Most colonies have some sort of native force in the region employed by the Empire. Generally this a good thing, as it lessens the strain on your military upkeep. However it can be a liability (Sepoy rebellion).
Brief Summary
I try to make this relatively through of your conditions. They will describe briefly your foreign relationships and the problems your nations face as well as your recent history. It is highly encouraged that you research your nation a little (at least read the wikipedia article...).
Anything else feel free to contact me a variety of ways:
Post in the thread (prefered)
PM (prefered)
IM (AOL: mc1093alpha)
Email (n1person@gmail.com) (no reason to do this, unless you need to send some large attachment or something)