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NoP NESII: The "New Imperialism"

#1 Person

The Cow
Jun 15, 2003
In a grassy knoll with internet
NoP NES: The "New Imperialism"



The world, 1880 C.E., the scramble for Africa begins, while across the world ancient civilizations are slowing becoming incorporated into new empires. In Asia, the French are setting their sites on Indo-China, while Britain and Russia battle it out in the Great Game, the competition for influence in central Asia. In Europe, the Alliance between the freshly unified German state and the old Hapsburg Empire threaten Russian interests in the Baltic, where the Ottoman Empire tries to hold it's grasp on it's remaining lands. France lost the Alsace-Lorraine in the Franco-Prussian war to Germany. Italy also unified itself, and is eager to find a place for itself in the alliances of Europe. In South America the War of the Pacific is raging, while the USA just finished “reconstruction”, and currently is an economic powerhouse. The second industrial revolution is underway throughout the Western Hemisphere and Europe, while small nations in the East and Africa need to modernize or be dominated.


I am sure many of you are familiar of my former attempts at NESes. However I realized that the NESes which I almost only join (historical NESes from 1700-1950s), happen to be the ones I never make. So, to remedy that, here is an NES from one of my favorite times of history. I WILL try and be far more prompt with the updates, and should be better able to do so this year than former years, particularly cause I love writing stories, and this era has plenty. So, pretty much, as long as I get orders from most of the major players (UK, France, Germany, Russia, USA (might change as time goes on)) I WILL update. Also do to my affection to this time period and familiarity with it, I WILL spur on events if there is any slum (USS Maine, anyone?), however lets hope that their will be no need. Each turn will be 6 months, athough I might find a need to slow things down as time progresses.

Spoiler List of Greviences :

I believe that in the last couple of years, NESes have been increasingly loosing the "S". Stories are becoming less and less common, and the Mod has been increasingly filling the role of a PC, simply computing numbers for battles and national development. An NES is NOT a computer game, and the primary elements of it is to relatively accurately portray a nation. There will be no "winners" in this game, it is simply a modelling of the world in 1880s, which will hopefully diverge from actual history at some point in a responsible way, and hopefully also have fun in building an nice nation.

Due to both the historical set up of this game, as well as my relatively through national descriptions, there should be no problem with remaining IC. Unless stated clearly in the Update, your nation is the same as it was at the time. So any questions regarding the nature of your state can be found on Wikipedia or any other resource available. Other than that, you have complete artistic licsense to do anything IC and reasonable to your nation as you wish.

As such I will ignore anyone who continuoisly give orders like those that follow, "spend 2 ecos into education." Obviously short orders are better than no orders, but you should elaborate! Perticularly for projects I expect some level of effort and involvement in your descriptions.

As for my original point about stories, I will not give anyone tangable rewards for stories, but I will look kindly on them, perticularly if they contain plans for your nation within them.

Spoiler rules, rough but accurate :



Pretty self explanatory to experienced players, some minor changes from the das-like standard rules. Most notably is I love projects with nice explanations. I discourage people from simply having orders like: “put all my money into improving infrastructure”. I prefer people to at least explain specifically what you plan to do, obviously though any orders are better than no orders.

As you might notice these are fairly anorexic in size, simply because pretty much everyone is familiar with them, so I do not see a need to go into much depth. They are mostly based off the ones found here (http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=244271).

Stats: Template

Country Name
Government: Leaders
Economy: (Base Economy/Eco centers/from colonies/total(Banked))
Army (mobilizable):
Military Upkeep:
Living Standards:
Brief Summary:


Different governments will have non-stat effects, including events and the like. I do not feel a perticular need to go into too much depth.
Example: Monarchy, Constitutional Monarchy, Republic, Despotism, Facsist


Who is in charge of the nation, in cases like the UK, where there is both a Monarch and Prime Minister, a slash will separate them and titles will be used to indicate which is which. I am afraid that for some of them I am unable to find online or in books who the leader is, and the space will be left blank (I appreciate it if anyone could help fill them in...).


Base Economy:
What you get from the land...

Economy Centers:
These are where there is large amounts of trade or industry, which indicated higher economic potential. Although they can be created via projects, there needs to be a good reason behind them. Also if there is any massive shifts in political situations which would encourage trade or industry in a city, they can be created. Also military attacks or other random events could destroy them.

Colonies/Other things:
These are additional economic benefits to your nation, normally from colonies. More on this in the next sections.

Total: Summation of above, subtract your military upkeep to know how much you have to spend per turn.

This is the amount you have in your national coffers. Also it could reflect bonuses you get for particular things in your orders or random events.


What sort of technological level your nation is at on a whole. It primarily effects your military effectiveness, but also effects all other stats. Only through random events or projects can they be advanced.

pre-industrial revolution, first industrial revolution, second industrial revolution


Invade, defend, and perhaps other options I haven't considered. For simplicities sake there are only Infantry, Irregular and Cavalry divisions. However you can create some sort of new elite units via some other way (projects, stories). Costs show below,

One Eco: (square root of Population, rounded up) Pop 1= 1 infantry division, Pop 2,3,4= 2 Infantry Division, Pop 5 = 3 infantry divisions
One Eco: 1 Cavalry Division


A strong navy is crucial to the survival of any empire, and for the defense of any surviving states. Naval Vessels are defined as Capital Ships, which are massive ships such as Ships-Of-The-Line, and squadrons, which are collections of smaller ships, like corvettes and frigates, which are excellent in a defensive role, like protecting shipping. Obviously in any naval conflict is necessary to have both.

One Eco: 1 Capital Ship (bombardment)
One Eco: 1 Squadron (shipping defense)


For your treasure's sake you can put your troops into a reservist unit at any time. However it will take some time to mobilize them, so they will not take part in any sort of attack unless remobilized (takes one turn), but they will still defend the mainland to lesser effectiveness than active troops.

Military upkeep

No equation is used to determine this, and it depends on troop and ship deployments. For example, Germany has more divisions than Britain, but since British troops are deployed around the world, they have higher upkeep costs.


Size of your nation/empire. Effects cost to improve infrastructure. Scale of 0-6


Population in your nation/empire. Effects cost to improve education and living standards. Scale of 1-6


Infrastructure will impact your economy slightly, as well as effectiveness of your military. Costs 2*area to increase by 1. Scale of 1-6


Education will impact your economy slightly, as well as likelihood of age advancements. Costs 2*population to increase by 1. Scale of 1-6

Living Standards

Living Standards will impact your economy slightly, as well as have some effect on confidence. Costs 2*population to increase by 1. Scale of 1-6


How well your people like you. Cannot be increased directly, but how in character your actions are and how well your people like you. An Ottoman Sultan announcing a conversion to Christianity, for instance, will surely decrease this.

Civil War (0) – Adoring (6)


Projects are anything else you wish to improve (fortifications, new naval units, etc.), or a massive project to increase many stats at once. Their cost will be determined by their proposed effects, as well as how well you describe them (simply saying “improve life expectancy to 6” leaves much to be decided to local leaders who always love larger houses). PM me your suggestions, and I will analyze them and respond with a cost. Costs will use the “turn” units. To improve a project by N turns, you must invest 2(N)-1 ecos. See chart below:

1 turn – 1 eco
2 turns – 3 ecos
3 turns – 5 ecos
4 turns – 7 ecos
10 turns – 19 ecos

The reason for this you are, in a sense, rush completing the project. Doing so takes more monetary contributions.

Colonies/Other Foreign Things of Importance

Many nations around this time are empires, some of those have colonies or other areas somehow or other indebted to the mother nation (protectorates). In addition, countries have other sources of income (Suez canal).

Colony Template:

Name : Type : Base Income/Eco centers : Confidence : Army (Militia)


Either really Colony or Protectorate.


Already described


Confidence in colonies is very important as rebellions are common. Your policies in the colonies must reflect what the people their want if you wish to keep this high.


This is the military your nation has stationed in the colony, it is NOT included in your Army Stats above.


Most colonies have some sort of native force in the region employed by the Empire. Generally this a good thing, as it lessens the strain on your military upkeep. However it can be a liability (Sepoy rebellion).

Brief Summary

I try to make this relatively through of your conditions. They will describe briefly your foreign relationships and the problems your nations face as well as your recent history. It is highly encouraged that you research your nation a little (at least read the wikipedia article...).

Anything else feel free to contact me a variety of ways:

Post in the thread (prefered)
PM (prefered)
IM (AOL: mc1093alpha)
Email (n1person@gmail.com) (no reason to do this, unless you need to send some large attachment or something)
PC Players

Germany- ShadowBound
Italy- bombshoo
Japan- JosefStalinator
Netherlands- The Loser
Russia- Azale
Futa Jalon- Head Serf
Bulgaria- Demetrias
USA- Insane Panda
UK- a_propagandist
Austria-Hungary- Symphony D.
Spain- ThomAnder
Ottoman Empire- Silver 2039
China- Justo
Serbia- SuperMath
Switzerland- carmen510
Transvaal- Communisto
Zanzibar- mythmonster2
Morocco- TaylorFlame
France- HMS Vanguard

PC stats

Organized via continent then common name (the Manchu Empire is listed under "C" (China) not "M").

Spoiler Europe :

Austro-Hungarian Empire/ Hapsburg Empire
Monarchy: Franz Josef I
Economy: (8/5/0/13(2))
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army (mobilizable): 40 infantry divisions, 25 calvary divisions (32 infantry divisions)
Navy: 6 capital ships, 12 squadrons
Military Upkeep: 3
Area: 4
Population 4
Infrastructure: 3
Education: 4
Living Standards: 3
Confidence: relatively high (4)
Projects: Project Modernisierung (+2 Base Economy, +1 Infrastructure) (2/15)
Brief Summary: The Hapsburg Empire has almost never been so strong both economically and politically. Recently entering in with an alliance with Germany, they form a powerful political block, dominating Central Europe. Also they were able to successfully lead a campaign in the Congress of Berlin to reduce Russian gains in the Balkans, creating a mostly independent Romania. Still Russia is a very dominating force in the region, and the Hapsburg wish to lessen Russia's influence as much as possible, while Austro-Hungary sets it's ambitions to the south.

Monarchy: Alexander von Battenberg
Economy: (3/1/0/4(2))
Technology: first industrial revolution
Army (mobilizable): 32 infantry divisions, 8 cavalry divisions
Navy: 1 squadron
Military Upkeep: 2
Area: 1
Population: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Education: 3
Living Standards: 3
Confidence: relatively high (3)
Projects: Technology (+1 Technology Level, +1 Education) (3/6), The Sofia to Varna Railroad (+1 Infrastructure, +1 Base Economy) (2/6)
Brief Summary: One of the newest nations on the European Stage, Bulgaria was a product of Russia's war with the Ottoman Empire, and the subsequent Treaty of San Stefano. In this treaty, a massive Bulgarian state was envisioned containing much of Ottoman Balkan's holdings. However the Great Powers, particularly Austro-Hungary and the UK, were worried about the expanding Russian influence in the area. The Treaty of Berlin established a much smaller Bulgarian state, as well as an semi autonomous provence below it, Eastern Rumelia. The Bulgarian government is very keen on establishing it's control over greater Bulgaria, and pitting itself verses the Ottoman Empire, and, to a lesser extent, Serbia.

Monarchy: Salvador Casañas i Pagés /Jules Grévy
Economy: 3/1/1/5(2)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): 4 infantry divisions (8 infantry divisions)
Navy: 3 capital ships, 12 squadrons
Military Upkeep: 2
Area: 2
Population: 2
Infrastructure: 4
Education: 5
Living Standards: 4
Confidence: very high (4)
Iceland : Territory : 1/0/1 : Adoring : 2 infantry divisions (3 infantry divisions)
Greenland : Territory : 0/0/0 : Adoring : 1 infantry divisions
Papa New Guinea : Colony : 1/0/1 : relatively low : 3 infantry divisions
National Background: Denmark lost the Schleswig-Holstein in 1866 to Germany, and have been wanting them back since. Currently it has poor relations with Germany, and strengthening economic and political ties to the UK and France.

French Republic
Economy: (7/7/6/21(0))
Technology: second industrial revolution
Army (mobilizable): 35 infantry divisions, 21 cavalry divisions, (46 infantry divisions)
Navy: 10 capital ships, 40 sqaudrons
Military Upkeep: 5
Area: 3
Population: 4
Infrastructure: 5 (4/6)
Education: 4 (4/8)
Living Standards: 4
Confidence: relatively low (2)
Algeria : Colony : 1/1/2 : relatively low : 5 infantry divisions ( 1 infantry division)
Senegal : Colony : 1/0/1 : relatively low : 3 infantry divisions
Ivory Coast : Colony : 1/0/1 : relatively low : 3 infantry divisions
Cotonou : Colony : 0/0/0 : relatively low : 3 infantry divisions
Gabon : Colony : 1/0/1 : very low : 3 infantry divisions
Cambodia and Cochin China : Colony : 2/0/2 : relatively low : 4 infantry divisions ( 5 infantry divisions)
French Guiana : Colony : 1/0/1 : relatively high : 3 infantry divisions
French Arabia: Colony : 1/0/1 : relatively low : 3 infantry divisions
Projects: none
Brief Summary: Despite military defeats in the Franco-Prussian War, as well as late industrialization, France is showing itself to be a major world power. Although not as strong as it's neighbors to the North and East, France has much potential in the modern age. It's colonies in Algeria and Senegal are starting to pay off, and it's capture of Cambodia and Cochin China are cashing in. France is still bitter over the war with Germany, and has relatively poor relations with much of Europe. Competition is mounting between France and England over colonization, which may lead to direct conflict. But they are far more worried about unified Germany to the East, who's pact with Austria-Hungary worries them.

German Empire
Constitutional Monarchy: William I
Economy: (11/10/2/23(5))
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army (mobilizable): 30 infantry divisions, 15 cavalry divisions (68 infantry divisions, 10 cavalry division)
Navy: 18 capital ships, 47 squadrons
Military Upkeep: 5
Area: 3
Population: 4
Infrastructure: 5
Education: 5
Living Standards: 4
Confidence: very high (4)
Projects: Investment (Base Economy +2, +1 Hannover EC) (6/14), Kleindeutschland (+1 Confidence, +1 Living Standards, +1 Education) (3/10)
Benin : Colony : 2/0/2 : relatively low : 8 divisions
Nambia: Colony : 0/0/0 : relatively low : 4 divisions
West Africa: Colony : relatively low : 4 divisions
Brief Summary: The freshly unified German Empire has shown itself to be perhaps the most powerful on mainland Europe, commanding the highest economy and strongest military. They were the first nation to start the “second industrial revolution” and are leading Industry in Europe. Also they had a decisive victory in the Franco-Prussian War in 1871, and had a large economic boost from reparation payments (their current banked ecos). Allied with Austro-Hungary in the Dual Alliance, they form a powerful political block that dominates much of Europe, only really checked by the UK and Russia.

Kingdom of Greece
Monarchy: George I
Economy: 3/0/0/3(0)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): 19 infantry divisions
Navy: 2 capital ships, 3 squadrons
Military Upkeep: 1
Area: 2
Population: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Education: 3
Living Standards: 3 (2/4)
Confidence: relatively low (2)
Projects: Mediterranean Trade Project (+1 EC at Athens, +1 Infrastructure) (1/6)
National Background: Greece separated from the Ottoman Empire officially in 1829. It has good relations with France and England, but relations with the Ottoman Empire are poor at best and there is much contention over the Aegean Islands while to the north there are border disputes. Greece is also eager to institute of Megila Idea, which would essentially found a new Byzantine Empire, centered at Constantinople. They have joined the Balkan League, embarking in a struggle against the Ottoman Empire.

Kingdom of Italy
Constitutional Monarchy: King Umberto I
Economy: (3/5/3/11(0))
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army (mobilizable): 14 infantry divisions, 5 cavalry divisions (30 infantry divisions, 5 cavalry division)
Navy: 7 capital ships, 13 sqaudrons
Military Upkeep: 3
Area: 2
Population: 3
Infrastructure: 3
Education: 4
Living Standards: 3
Confidence: relatively high (3)
Projects: Turin (+1 EC at Turin) (Completed) Congo (+2 confidence, + Economic Center at Vittorio, +Rubber Industry, +Diamond Industry) (2/15)
Congo : Colony : 2/0/2 : relatively low : 4 infantry divisions
Sabbia Bianca : Colony : 1/0/1 : relatively low : 2 divisions
Brief Summary: The unified Italian state has not faired as well as it's northern counterpart Germany. Although it has some influence and power, Italy is better known for it's corruption around this time, know as the “liberal period,” despite the authoritarian policies of Rome. However the education system has thrived, as primary education is free and compulsory. Italy has ambitions for a colonial empire in North Africa, bringing it in conflict with France and the aging Ottoman Empire. It has also begun a colonial campaign into the Congo, which is so well funded that it is already producing tangable results.

Kingdom of the Netherlands
Constitutional Monarchy:
Economy: (2/3/4/9(1))
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army (mobilizable): 7 infantry divisions, (5 infantry divisions, 6 cavalry division)
Navy: 4 capital ships, 12 squadrons
Military Upkeep: 2
Area: 1
Population: 2
Infrastructure: 5
Education: 5
Living Standards: 4
Confidence: relatively high (3)
Dutch East Indies: Colony: 2/0/2: relatively low: 6 infantry divisions (2 infantry divisions))
Dutch Guiana: Colony: 1/0/1: relatively low: 1 infantry divisions (0)
Madagascar: Colony : 1/0/1 : relatively low: 3 infantry divisions
Projects: none
Brief Summary: Although Netherlands lost it's lucrative Cape Colony in 1788, it continues to have good trade in the Dutch East Indies. However revolts in northern Sumatra (Aceh) worry leaders.

Principality of Serbia
Monarchy: Milan Obrenović
Economy: 2/0/0/2(0)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): 24 infantry divisions
Navy: none
Military Upkeep: 1
Area: 2
Population: 2
Infrastructure: 3
Education: 2
Living Standards: 2
Confidence: very high (4)
Projects: Railroads (+ Belgrade EC, +1 Base Economy, +1 infrastructure) (2/8)
National Background: Separating from the Ottoman Empire in 1817, it is one of the most powerful Slavic states, pitting itself against the Ottoman Empire. Currently there is an unpopular pro-Austrian king on the throne. They have joined the Balkan League and they are embarking on a so far successful campaign against the Ottoman Empire.

Spanish Empire
Monarchy: Alfonso XII
Economy: (3/4/5/13(2))
Technology: second industrial revolution
Army (mobilizable): 15 infantry divisions, 5 cavalry divisions, (10 infantry divisions)
Navy: 8 capital ships, 18 squadrons
Military Upkeep: 3
Area: 3
Population: 3
Infrastructure: 4
Education: 3
Living Standards: 3
Confidence: relatively high (3)
Spanish Guinea : Colony : 0/0/0 : relatively low : 5 infantry divisions ( 1 infantry division)
Puerto Rico : Colony : 1/0/1 : relatively low : 4 infantry divisions (5 infantry divisions)
Cuba : Colony : 1/1/2 : very low : 10 infantry divisions (2 infantry divisions)
Philippines : Colony : 1/1/2 : relatively low : 5 infantry divisions (10 infantry divisions)
Guam : Colony : 0/0/0 : relatively high : 2 infantry divisions
Projects: none
Brief Summary: After the Spanish Empire's decline in the early 19th century, most notably the loss of most of her colonies in the New World, Spain was rocked by a number of revolutions as well as civil wars. However now the mainland has settled with a new ruler, Alfonso XII, who seems to be bringing economic and political reform. But still the remaining colonies grow increasingly revolutionary. Continuous insurrections in Cuba, and occasionally the Philippines, forcer there to be a large troop presence on both those islands, straining the treasury. It has friendly relations with France, and strained relations with both the UK and Germany.

Russian Empire
Monarchy: Alexander II
Economy: (7/9/0/16(3))
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army (mobilizable): 63 infantry divisions, 24 cavalry divisions (34 infantry divisions, 15 cavalry division)
Navy: 10 capital ships, 23 squadrons
Military Upkeep: 4
Area: 6
Population: 5
Infrastructure: 1
Education: 4
Living Standards: 2
Confidence: relatively low (2)
Projects: Trans Siberian Railroad (+5 Base Eco, +2 Infrastructure) (4/20)
Brief Summary: Russia dealt a quick blow to the Ottoman Empire with the Treaty of San Stefano, gaining much of the Caucus Region, however their gains in the Balkans were below expectations, due to the Congress of Berlin. They still want to gain control of the Bosporus Straits. Tsar Alexander II famously liberated the Serf Population 20 years ago, but there is still displeasure amongst minority nationalities and the lower classes, and Russia is becoming forced to adopt some pretty authoritarian measures to quell revolutionaries and secret societies.

Swiss Confederacy
Direct Democracy/Federal Parliamentary Republic:
Economy: (4/2/0/6(4))
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): 3 infantry divisions (64 infantry divisions)
Navy: None
Military Upkeep: 1
Area: 2
Population: 3
Infrastructure: 4
Education: 6
Living Standards: 6
Confidence: "have our babies!" (7)
National Background: Switzerland is the famous neutral state of Europe. Tucked up in the Alps, while having it's entire nation able to be called up for military service, which is specialized in the mountain warfare, if conflict does erupt. It has no political relations, but does have strong economic ties to France and Austria, and, to a lesser extent, Germany.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Parliamentary Monarchy: Benjamin Disraeli/ Queen Victoria
Economy: (8/8/21/37(4))
Technology: second industrial revolution
Army (mobilizable): 9 infantry divisions, 15 cavalry divisions, (54 infantry divisions)
Navy: 23 capital ships, 65 squadrons
Military Upkeep: 11
Area: 5
Population: 5
Infrastructure: 6
Education: 6
Living Standards: 5
Confidence: very low (1)
Lesser Antilles : Colony : 0/0/0 : relatively high (3) : 1 infantry division
British Guiana : Colony : 1/0/1 : relatively low (2) : 1 infantry divisions (5 infantry divisions)
Gambia : Colony : 1/0/1 : very low (1) : 2 infantry divisions
Sierra Leone : Colony : 1/0/1 : relatively high (3) : 2 infantry divisions (4 infantry divisions)
Gold Coast : Colony : 0/0/0 : very low (1) : 2 infantry divisions
Lagos : Colony : 0/0/0 : very low (1) : 3 infantry divisions
Cape Colony : Colony : 1/1/2 : relatively low (2) : 8 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division
Aden : protectorate : 0/1/1 : relatively high (3) : 1 infantry divisions (2 infantry divisions)
Suez Canal : 44% of shares : 0/1/1 : n/a : n/a
British Residency of the Persian Gulf : Protectorates : 1/0/1 : relatively low (3) : 1 infantry division (4 infantry division)
Indian Subcontinent : Colony/Protectorate : 3/2/5 : very low (1) : 8 infantry divisions (16 infantry divisions)
Malaya : Colony : 0/0/0 : relatively low (2) : 2 infantry divisions (2 infantry divisions)
Australia : Colony : 3/1/4 : very high (4) : 2 infantry divisions (8 infantry division)
New Zealand : Colony : 2/0/2 : very high (4): 1 infantry divisions (5 infantry divisions)
Cyprus : Protectorate: 0/0/0 : relatively high (3): 5 infantry divisions (0), major naval facilities
Congo: Colony : 1/0/1 : relatively low : 3 Infantry Divisions
Madagascar: Colony : 0/0/0 : relatively low : 3 infantry divisions
Singapore: Colony : 0/1/1 :relatively high : 3 infantry divisions
Projects: Royal Department of Industry, Transportation, and Trade (+1 economy in UK, Cape Colony, India, Australia) (3/12)
Brief Summary: Commanding an impressive colonial empire, with a massive navy to boot, the UK is currently the world's main super-power. Although checked in influence in Europe by Germany and Russia, they remain unchallenged in the rest of the world, slowly assimilating small nations and empires into protectorates. In Africa many colonies are sprouting and might soon turn profitable, ,while in Central Asia and Persia a dangerous Game is being played with Russia for influence. Most notable result of this competition is increasing ties with the Ottoman Empire, who lend support for them during the Congress of Berlin to make a more favorable Balkan situation, while giving them Cyprus in return. However resistance in Afghanistan and in South Africa weaken this hegamonial power, particularly distressing domestic politics.

Spoiler Asia :

Manchu Empire (Qing China)
Monarchy: Guangxu
Economy: (6/3/0/9(0))
Technology: first industrial revolution
Army (mobilizable): 72 infantry divisions
Navy: 3 capital ships, 12 squadrons
Military Upkeep: 4
Area: 5
Population: 6
Infrastructure: 3
Education: 3 (1/12)
Living Standards: 3
Confidence: relatively low (2)
Projects: none
Brief Summary: China has been continually embarrassed by foreign powers of France and England. In 1860s, the opium wars showed how inept the military was, when a relatively small force of British Soldiers (2-3 divisions) occupied Beijing. Business interests in Europe are very excited in tapping into the massive market in China, but the traditional government has been barring their involvement, infuriating European Governments. In the north, situation is tense with both Japan and Russia, as these two nations have similar imperialistic goals in Manchuria. China is stuck in the middle of it all, while discontent amongst lower classes brews.

Empire of Japan
Monarchy: Emperor Meiji
Economy: (6/4/0/10 (2))
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army (mobilizable): 28 infantry divisions (8 infantry divisions, 5 cavalry division)
Navy: 6 capital ships, 12 squadrons
Military Upkeep: 2
Area: 2
Population: 3
Infrastructure: 3
Education: 4
Living Standards: 3
Confidence: very high (4)
Projects: HakariMusuda (+population in the long run, +confidence, +army quality/morale, etc) (4/5)
Brief Summary: Japan has undergone a radical transformation from an ancient kingdom to a moderate power. Since the Meijing Restoration, a radical westernization campaign, the economy of Japan has improved drastically. Further efforts are being talked about by the intellectuals, including a constitution. Their military has also undergone a radical reworking by a French Military Mission, and Japan has a military comparable in quality to that of the western world, worrying China. They have embarked on a highly successful campaign against Korea, but now face China.

Ottoman Empire
Monarchy: Abdul Hamid II
Economy: (7/4/0/11(0))
Technology: first industrial revolution
Army (mobilizable): 29 infantry divisions, 14 cavalry divisions, (20 infantry divisions)
Navy: 10 capital ships, 19 squadrons
Military Upkeep: 3
Area: 4
Population: 4
Infrastructure: 3
Education: 3
Living Standards: 3
Confidence: relatively high (3)
Projects: none
Brief Summary: “The Old Sick Man of Europe,” as described by the Russian Tzar, has been in the decline since 1808. Loosing much of it's Balkans and North African holdings, the Ottoman empire faces increasing financial troubles, and has been forced to loan from banks. Despite this, France and England have found themselves allying with the Ottoman Empire, helping it secure favorable terms in the Treaty of Berlin in 1878, although in exchange for Cyprus. the main enemy to the Ottoman Empire is Russia, who wishes to secure the Bosporus Straits, exactly what England does not want to happen, as it will be attacking their dominating control of the Mediterranean, and to a lesser extent the Balkans, where their territory is slowly being whittled away. The Ottoman Empire, although appreciative of British support, doesn't like to be seen as a second rate power, and is trying to ally with Germany.

Monarchy: Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar
Economy: 5/1/0/6(0)
Technology: First Industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): 13 infantry divisions, 5 cavalry divisions (4 infantry divisions)
Navy: 2 squadrons
Military Upkeep: 1
Area: 3
Population: 3
Infrastructure: 2 (1/5)
Education: 2
Living Standards: 3
Confidence: relatively high (3)
National Background: Persia has been caught in the middle of the Great Game between Russia and Britain. By 1880, Russia's border has meet Persia's, and the British are occupying Afghanistan. Persia is eager to restablish itself on the world stage and has undergone some modernization efforts, and their zeal to require Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan from Russia has risen to a dangerous level. In the East, campaigns in Afghanistan have lead to a significant military victory, but a sunni insurgency remains.

Monarchy:King Chulalongkorn
Economy: 5/1/0/6
Technology: first industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): 5 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division (4 infantry divisions)
Navy: 2 squadrons
Military Upkeep: 1
Area: 3
Population: 2
Infrastructure: 2
Education: 2
Living Standards: 2
Confidence: very high (4)
Projects: Commercial Docks (+1 EC at Bangkok) completed
National Background: Siam is currently being used as a buffer between French Indo-China and British India. Siam is currently modernizing with the help of Belgians and has sizable influence in the area. They recently signed trade pacts with numerous countries, most notably trading weaponry, which they have turned on Laos to the north, and Malaysia in the south

Spoiler Africa :

Egyptian Empire
Economy: (3/1/2/5(-2))
Technology: second industrial revolution
Army (mobilizable): 18 infantry divisions, 12 cavalry divisions, (20 infantry divisions)
Navy: 1 capital ship, 4 squadrons
Military Upkeep: 2
Area: 3
Population: 3
Infrastructure: 1
Education: 3
Living Standards: 3
Confidence: very low (1)
Massawa : Colony(?) : 1/0/1 : relatively low : 3 infantry divisions
Harer : Colony(?) : 1/0/1 : relatively low : 4 infantry divisions
Projects: none
Brief Summary: Although Egypt has managed to increase it's industry and education to near european levels, mounting debt is significantly draining the economy, they already had to sell their shares of the Suez canal to pay off debts. This debts are causing higher taxation, and many fear that the entire nation could erupt into revolt. Britain and France, however, have massive investments in Egypt and are surely worried about them.

Kingdom of Futa Jalon
Monarchy: Yenye Issa Maal
Economy: (3/0/0/3(1))
Technology: first industrial revolution
Army (mobilizable): 3 infantry divisions, 2 irregular divisions, many tribal warriors
Navy: none
Military Upkeep: 0
Area: 1
Population: 2
Infrastructure: 1
Education: 1
Living Standards: 1
Confidence: Very High (4)
Projects: none
Brief Summary: Although formerly having a thriving slave trade with Europeans, the abolishment of slavery in the Americas has significantly hampered Futa Jallon's economy. They have also used these weapons in a highly sucsessful campaign in the north against various tribes. Most notably, their campaign's against the Futa Toro have raised many eyebrows over the harsh destruction of the native population.

Monarchy: Hassan I
Economy: (3/1/0/4(0))
Technology: first industrial revolution
Army: 4 regular division, 1 cavalry division
Navy: 3 squadron
Military Upkeep: 1
Area: 2
Population: 1
Infrastructure: 1
Education: 2 (2/4)
Living Standards: 2
Confidence: relatively high (3)
Brief Summary: Morocco has excellent foreign relations with all European Power, other than Spain, as well as the US (Morocco is the oldest ally of the United States, and the embassy there is the first property the US owned abroad). Morocco's independence is granted by the Conference of Madrid, however whether Spain will respect that agreement is uncertain, they are eager to find new lands to colonize, and secure their hold on the Pillars of Hercules.

South African Republic (Transvaal)
Economy: 2/0/0/2(0)
Technology: First Industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): 6 infantry divisions
Navy: none
Military Upkeep: 1
Area: 2
Population: 1
Infrastructure: 1
Education: 1
Living Standards: 1
Confidence: very low (1)
National Background: This Boer state is currently engaged in the Boer War with the United Kingdom. The population is getting extremely worried, as they see their neighbor to the south, Orange Free State, being completely pillaged and destroyed by the United Kingdom. Practically everyone is eager for peace.

Sultanate of Zanzibar
Monarchy: Barghash bin Said Al-Busaid
Economy: 2/1/0/3(2)
Technology: First Industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): 3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division (2 divisions)
Navy: 3 squadrons
Military Upkeep: 1
Area: 2
Population: 1
Infrastructure: 1
Education: 1
Living Standards: 1
Confidence: relatively low (2)
National Background: Since the official prohibition of the slave trade in 1876 by the British in the region, Zanzibar has surived through the exportation of spices. The mark of their previous slave trade is still apparent, as massive swabs of Central Africa East of Lake Victoria have been completely depopulated. However this Sultanate, like the tribes in West Africa, are on economic decline as colonial Empires advance into the region.

Spoiler North America :

Dominion of Canada
Parliamentary Monarchy: Sir John A. Macdonald / Queen Victoria
Economy: (2/3/0/5(0))
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army (mobilizable): 5 infantry divisions, 3 calvary divisions (5 infantry divisions)
Navy: 3 squadrons
Military Upkeep: 1
Area: 5
Population 2
Infrastructure: 2
Education: 3
Living Standards: 3
Confidence: relatively high (3)
Projects: none
Brief Summary: Although Canada is still technically part of the British Empire, it has a high level of autonomy given to it in the 1867 British Northern America Act. Recently, the National Act was passed by the nation, starting many new changes to the nation, including construction of a trans-continental railroad, and reformations in tariffs and Immigration.

United States of America
Representative Democracy: Rutherford B. Hayes
Economy: (16/10/0/26(5))
Technology: second industrial revolution
Army (mobilizable): 10 infantry divisions, 5 cavalry divisions, (15 infantry divisions)
Navy: 9 capital ships, 14 squadrons
Military Upkeep: 3
Area: 5
Population: 5
Infrastructure: 4 (8/10)
Education: 6
Living Standards: 5
Confidence: relatively high (3)
Projects: Standard Oil (+2 base economy, +1 Cleveland EC, + American Oil Industry) (4/10), US Steel (+2 Base EP, +Pittsburgh, PA EC, +Steel Industry dominance) (1/12)
Brief Summary: USA, although an economic powerhouse, is relatively un-involved with foreign politics, except those in the Americas, as dictated by the Monroe Doctrine. However, whether they continue this isolationist policy is uncertian. Mostly they have been introspective, placing their economic power in internal developments. Many internal problems remain, particularly among the working class, as shown in the Great Railroad Strike of 1877. Many industrialists fear that this would destabilize the nation, but their fears seem unwarranted. They currently have unrivaled economic prosperity and their “Manifest Destiny” seems to be fulfilled, for the moment.

Spoiler South America :

Spoiler Oceania :


NPCs are arranged by continent

Spoiler Europe :

Spoiler microstates :

Economy: (0/0/0/0(1))
Technology: pre-industrial revolution
Army (mobilizable): none
Military Upkeep: 2
Area: 0
Population: 1
Infrastructure: 6
Education: 3
Living Standards: 3
Confidence: relatively high (3)
Projects: none
Brief Summary: Goust is a tiny city state in the Pyrannis Mountain Range. It has a population of around 150, with no military force, and no real economy other than subsistence agriculture and weaving.

Economy: (0/0/0/0(1))
Technology: Second industrial revolution
Army (mobilizable): guards
Military Upkeep: 2
Area: 0
Population: 1
Infrastructure: 6
Education: 3
Living Standards: 3
Confidence: relatively high (3)
Projects: none
Brief Summary: Tavalora is a small island city state off the coast of Sardinia.

San Marino
Economy: (1/0/0/1(0))
Technology: second industrial revolution
Army (mobilizable): (1 infantry division)
Navy: none
Military Upkeep: 2
Area: 0
Population: 1
Infrastructure: 6
Education: 4
Living Standards: 4
Confidence: relatively high (3)
Projects: none
Brief Summary: One of the city states that never joined the United Italy, this small state is unlikely to be important anytime soon.

Economy: (1/0/0/1(0))
Technology: second industrial revolution
Army (mobilizable): (1 infantry division)
Navy: none
Military Upkeep: 0
Area: 0
Population: 1
Infrastructure: 6
Education: 6
Living Standards: 5
Confidence: very high (4)
Projects: none
Brief Summary: This small micro nation has a small military and some economic power. It has extremely good relations with the Austria-Hungarian Empire.

Monarchy: William III
Economy: 1/0/0/1(0)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): 1 infantry divisions (3 infantry divisions)
Navy: none
National Background: Currently in a personal union with the Netherlands, Luxembourg is de facto part of Netherlands. It also has strong ties to both Germany and France, and is a strategic city between the two.

Co-principality/Monarchy: Salvador Casañas i Pagés /Jules Grévy
Economy: 1/0/0/1(0)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): (1 infantry divisions)
National Background: Andorra, wedged between France and Spain, is a co-principality, with two leaders decided upon by France and Spain. With low population and nearly no economy or military it is unlikely to take up a major role in world event anytime soon.

Kingdoms of Sweden-Norway
Constitutional Monarchy: Oscar II
Economy: 3/2/0/5(0)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): 8 infantry divisions (5 infantry divisions)
National Background: Norway joined with Sweden in the Act of Union in 1815. However recently, the Norwegians are feeling increasingly repressed by the Swedish, and the Union is growing unstable. It has strong economic ties to the United Kingdom and Denmark.

Principality of Montenegro
Monarchy: Nikola I Petrović-Njegoš
Economy: 2/0/0/2(0)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): 4 infantry divisions (5 infantry divisions)
Navy: 2 squadrons
National Background: Montenegro separated from the Ottoman Empire in 1852, and recognized by the world powers in 1878, and is currently a secular Monarchy, with strong ties to Italy and some animosity with both Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire.

Economy: 3/0/0/3(0)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): 8 infantry divisions (10 infantry divisions)
Navy: none
National Background: Separating from the Ottoman Empire officially in 1878, while before fighting a long war of independence and unification. It has good relations with Russia, thereby pitting itself against the Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary.

Monarchy: Louis I
Economy: 3/1/3/7(0)
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): 6 infantry divisions (5 infantry divisions)
Navy: 4 capital ships, 12 squadrons
Goa: Colony : 0/1/1 : relatively high : 3 infantry divisions
East Timur: Colony : 1/0/1 : very high : 1 infantry divisions (3 infantry divisions)
Angola: Colony : 0/0/0 : relatively low : 4 infantry divisions
East Africa: Colony : 1/0/1 : relatively low : 4 infantry divisions (2 infantry divisions)
Macao : Colony : 0/0/0 : relatively low : 1 infantry division
National Background: Despite the loss of Brazil, Portugal has a strong colonial empire, and has a good start in the scramble for Africa. It hopes to unite it's two colonies in the region via a land route.

Spoiler Asia :

Oman and Muscat
Economy: (1/0/0/1(0))
Technology/Era: Pre-Industrial Revolution
Army (mobilizable): 2 infantry division
Navy: 1 squadrons
Brief Summary: This small Emirate is greatly coveted by both France and the UK. It used to command a formidable empire itself, owning Zanzibar and it's holdings. However, after a Emir's death, the Emirate was split between his sons.

Monarchy: Renaudip Singh Bahadur
Economy: 1/0/0/1(0)
Technology: pre-industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): 1 infantry divisions (militias and Gurkhas)
Navy: none
National Background: Nepal has been increasingly open to foreign relations, receiving many foreign political leaders from Austria, including heir to the Austrian Throne, Franz Ferdinand, and numerous British officials.

None: Warlords
Economy: 0/0/0/0(0)
Technology: pre-industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): 1 infantry divisions (various militias and irregulars)
Navy: none
National Background: Currently under-going a civil war, Bhutan is a tiny country with no economy and no influence what so ever.

Upper Burma
Monarchy: King Mindon
Economy: 2/0/0/2(0)
Technology: pre-industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): 6 infantry divisions (4 infantry divisions)
Navy: none
National Background: Lower Burma was lost to Britain in 1853, and it seems increasingly likely upper Burma, too, will fall. Although currently at peace with Britain, unstoppable British interests covet this piece of land, as it has both resources and strategic importance.

Empire of Annam
Monarchy: Tu Doc
Economy: (3/0/0/3(0))
Technology: First Industrial Revolution
Army: 5 infantry Division, (4 infantry divisions)
Navy: 2 squadrons
Brief Summary: Annam, like many other small countries, doesn't seem to have too promising of a fate. The southern part of the nation, Cochin China, was taken by a joint French and Spanish force, and is currently administered by France. The reasoning for this attack and subsequent colonization was poor treatment of the small minority Christian population and missionaries. In the peace treaty, all Annam's ports are open to French trade.

Economy: 1/0/0/1(0)
Technology: pre-industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): 1 infantry divisions (2 infantry divisions)
Navy: various small vessels
National Background: A large Malay state.

Kingdom of Sarawak
Monarchy: Charles Anthoni Johnson Brooke
Economy: 2/0/0/2(0)
Technology: first industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): 2 infantry divisions (2 infantry divisions)
Navy: various small vessels
National Background: Ruled by the White Rajahs, Europeans, the state is having much success. European style civil service and governmental reforms are having a positive effect on the nation, and it has yet to be exploted by Europeans like the rest of Malay or Borneo.

Economy: 2/0/0/2(0)
Technology: pre-industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): 3 infantry divisions, (2 infantry divisions)
Navy: 2 squadron
National Background: A remnant of a massive trading empire, Brunei is a realively well off nation with some influence in the region. Obviously imperialism is changing this.

Malaya States
British Occupied Monarchy:
Economy: 1/0/0/1(0)
Technology: pre-industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): 1 infantry divisions
Navy: none
National Background: The Malay Stats have been taken over by the Siamese, although one still remains intact, the kingdom of Johor. However it is effectively ruled by the British, but not yet formed into a colony.

Sultanate of Aceh
Economy: 1/0/0/1(0)
Technology: first industrial revolution (although military is second I.R.)
Army (Mobilizable): 3 irregular divisions
Navy: none, (coast held by dutch)
National Background: When Sumatra was given to the Netherlands from Britain, Aceh was listed as part of it. However, the British had no real control of this strategic part of the island, and when the Dutch tried to occupy it, they were rejected by the Sultan. As such, the Dutch invaded, but, to their suprise, Aceh's military was rapidly modernized and greatly expanded. Currently the the Sultan is in control of the country, while Dutch influence is limited to the capital and coastal areas. Guerilla warfare is employed by the opposition to stop the spread of Dutch Influence.

Spoiler Africa :

Orange Free State
Republic: President Brand
Economy: 0/0/0/0(0)
Technology: First Industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): irregulars,
Navy: none
National Background: Fearing British influence into their nation, Orange Free State has recently joined the Transvaal Republic in a massive campaign against the British. However it's lands are being destroyed as the British puncture through a key hole in their defenses.

Ashanti Confederacy
Decentralized Confederacy:
Economy: (1/0/0/1(0))
Technology: Pre-industrial revolution
Army: 1 irregular division
Navy: none
Brief Summary: The Ashanti Confederacy is located right above the British colony in the gold coast, a very vulnerable position. Although they formerly had a large empire across Ghana, they have been declining since well before European Colonization of the area.

Sokoto Caliphate
Monarchy: Mu'adh bin Bello
Economy: (2/0/0/2(0))
Technology: first industrial revolution
Army: 1 regular division, 4 cavalry division
Navy: none
Brief Summary: This large Empire is starting to peak, as it is constrained by their neighbors and the forested land to the south.

Tukulor Caliphate
Economy: (2/0/0/2(0))
Technology: first industrial revolution
Army: 2 regular division, 1 cavalry division
Navy: none
Brief Summary: This Empire is threatened by both the Sokoto Caliphate to the East, and French expansion to the West.

Economy: (2/0/0/2(0))
Technology: first industrial revolution
Army: 2 regular division,
Navy: none
Brief Summary: This state was founded in 1822 by the American Colonization Society as a location for freed slaves, similar to Sierra Leon to it's north. It is effectively a U.S. Puppet, and is currently controlled by the “True Whig Party,” and influenced by French and Britain.

*Ottoman Occupied* Monarchy:
Economy: (2/0/0/2(0))
Technology: first industrial revolution
Army: 2 regular division,
Brief Summary: Although by de jure, Tunisia is part of the Ottoman Empire, de facto it has been independent since 1700. In recent events, Italy tried tried add it to it's empire, however the Ottoman Empire found an opening to expand it's control in North Africa, and stepped in to defend it's ally.

North America! Coming Soon

South America! Coming Soon
Updates and Maps

Thank you to Insane_Panda, who definently helped make the map as accurate and nicely colored as it currently is.

Starting Situation

Spoiler Starting Map, Jan 1880 :


Update 1: The Silence in Europe

Key Events:

Economic Boom in USA
Boer War Heats Up
Siam Invades Laos
Balkans Situation Escalates

Spoiler Update 1, July 1880, current :

Black dotes are fortifications/troop placements


Update 2: The Continued Silence in Europe

Key Events

Boer War Boils Over
Tunisian War between Italy and Tunisia, Allied with the Ottoman Empire
Humanitarian Situation in the Orange Free State and Western Africa
Persia Intervenes in Afghanistan
Japan Invades Korea
Laos Defeated
Chile Owns the War of the Pacific
Economic Boom Continues in the USA

Spoiler Update 2, January 1881 :


Update 3: The Balkan War

Key Events

Boer Continues
Balkan League Forms
Balkan War Begins
Korea Surrenders to Japanese
China invades Japanese Occupied Korea
Malay States Invaded
Afghanistan Invaded

Spoiler Update 3, July 1881 :


Current Conflicts (causality (killed) estimate)

Since Update 1
Boer War: United Kingdom vs Transvaal and the Orange Free States (mil: 27,000 , civ: ~20,000)
Since Update 2
Futa Toro Crisis: Futa Jalon vs Civilian Population of Futa Toro (mil: 500, civ: ~ 9-12,000)
Burkino Faso War: Futa Jalon vs Tukulor Caliphate (mil: 3,000 civ: <100 )
Since Update 3
Afghan Intifada: Afghanistan and the United Kingdom vs Sunni Insurgency (mil: 1,000, civ: 800)
Sino-Japanese War : China (with German Assistance) vs. Japan (mil: ~80,000, civ: ~500)
Balkan War: Bulgaria, Serbia, and Greece vs. Ottoman Empire (mil: 50,000, civ: ~700)
Aceh Insurgency: Aceh Rebels vs. Netherlands (mil: ~500 civ: <100)

Former Conflicts

War of the Pacific: Chile vs Peru (and formerly Boliva) ( 1,2,3 ) (mil: 50,000 civ: ~1,000)
Tunisian War: Ottoman Empire and Tunisia vs Italy ( 2 ) (mil: ~7,000 civ: <100)
Champasak War: Siam vs Laos ( 2,3 ) (mil: 15,000 civ: <200)
Futa Jalonian Expansion: Futa Jalon vs Futa Toro ( 1,2 ) (mil: ~5,000 civ: ~1,000)
German Nigerian War: Germany Nigeria Company vs. Aro Confedercy ( 3 ) (mil: ~5,000 civ: ~13,000)
Second Anglo-Afghan War: Afghanistan and Persia vs United Kingdom ( 2 ) (mil: 10,000 civ: ~1,000)
Joseon-Japanese War: Japan vs Korea ( 2,3 ) (mil: 20,000 civ: 8,000)
Malay Annexation: Siam vs. Malay Stats ( 3 ) (mil: 5,000 civ: <100)
UK signing in.
Russia signing in as well, when do you think the first update will be?
Wait, Switzerland has 70 infantry divisions in reserve? That's a lot.

Anyway, I'll join once I can see stats for the Americas.
Edit: here is a quote from Wikipedia about it:

wikipedia "Military of Switzerland" said:
Paragraph 19 of the revised constitution of 1874 extended the definition of the federal army to every able-bodied citizen, swelling the size of the army at least in theory from below 150,000 to more than 700,000, with population growth during the 20th century rising further to some 1.5 million, the second largest armed force per capita after the Israeli Defence Forces.

Azale: lets say in the friday after next! the 18th!
Bulgaria here reporting for duty.
Well, I guess Switzerland can mobilise all its army, but I think the fact tha almost the entire country is fight would cause some demestic problems, no?
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