north american scum
Ciudad Juárez
Minneapolis/St. Paul Minnesota. Nice connections to Canada, not too big, lower crime rates, we get real seasons, access all 4 major forms of transportation, what else is needed?
EDIT: Why would Memphis bring conspiracy theories?
My thoughts exactly.I seriously think this is a good idea. It's on a busy border with Canada, has fairly good connections to other cities, is in the Midwest, and could use the assistance from a new industry--pan-American government. It might be the push the city needs (as competent a manager as Dave Bing is, competent management alone won't be able to turn the city around completely). Plus it would probably be an excuse to force the intransigent suburbs to give a little.
Somewhere in California, perhaps, to represent the mixture of Hispanic and Anglic culture? It would certainly be fairer than plopping it somewhere in the Thirteen Colonies.
Somewhere in South Dakota or Nebraska... a little south of the geographic center of North America. Sparsely populated, low building costs, and most importantly, have English as the official language.
London, Ontario is a horrible choice.
You might as well put it in Waterloo, Ontario if your going to do that.
Washington, DC. The capital of the most important country in North America. And the world.
What do you think Californians think of having the capital in Washington?
Compromise: The executive is in Detroit, the legislature is in Juarez. (That's theoretically how they do it in the EU, though the EP plays down its meetings in Strasbourg).