North American Union Capital?

Make it submersible. Really it wouldn't be any worse than any current city. At least it would have the ability to move around if under attack.

In the case of a world ending scenario it could even be built with space capable rockets to ensure the continued survival of the Human race. ;)

Or better yet, a flying aircraft carrier!


Washington DC because Canada and Mexico should become a part of the United States of America. Mexico was considering it a few years ago and several Canadian provinces have secession movements.

Only Quebec has a serious secessionist movement. Second most active would probably be Newfoundland, but its not really that large.
...several Canadian provinces have secession movements.

No they don't. Quebec has the most obvious separatist movement, but they would never agree to throw their lot in with the U.S. Alberta is probably the next up, and despite being pro-U.S., it's also a tiny minority, and filled with lunatics. Albertan separatists are also similar to Confederate separatists; they stop complaining when the Federal Conservative Party takes power.

Edit: Ah yes, and Newfoundland. If they separated, I'm pretty confident they'd opt to stay independent.
Ah yes, and Newfoundland. If they separated, I'm pretty confident they'd opt to stay independent.
Wasn't Newfoundland actually a separate country once, back when Canada was still a British Dominion? I'm guessing they just want to revive that state of affairs.
It was a Dominion, then it built up too much debt, so Briatin took over again. After WWII the British didn't like paying for Newfoundland so Canada basically bought them off (just like BC and PEI). But there are still people alive from back then and the results of the referendum to join Canada were highly debated (going to the right parts of Newfoundland, namely where old people are in large numbers, and mentioning anything about Joey Smallwood can still get your ass kicked).

Really, the only provinces that chose to join Confederation because they wanted to were Ontario and Quebec, which were one entity at the time, and had strong opposition and never voted on it. Nova Scotia only joined because London made them.
DC sucks flying rat poo as a national capital. How could it get better as a pan-national capital?
Woo! New Pan-American capital burns itself to the ground every halloween! WOO! I'm sticking with Oklahoma City. Crapton more central than Detroit and plenty of open spaces around it. Also, major interstate connectivity.
Please no Oklahoma. I've driven through it and all that it acomplished was depressing me. If we have to go central America, then St. Loius is a far better choice. At least they have the arch there. What does Tulsa have?

Minneapolis/St. Paul is still my prefered choice.
Missouri was a crap hole while I was there. I imagine not much has changed. God I hated Fort Lost in the Woods.
Missouri was a crap hole while I was there. I imagine not much has changed. God I hated Fort Lost in the Woods.

for like a year and I was in kindergarten BUT STILL
The parts of Missouri I drove through were nice. Green and relativly hilly. Of course that is only the southeast part of the state. The rest could be complete crap.
I did Basic there and was stuck for several months afterwards as well... I cannot imagine being there as a child.

Oh I have no doubt it could look good in passing, but it was crap to live in. Stick to the coasts is my opinion, or at least the real mountains not those little hills in the east.
I did Basic there and was stuck for several months afterwards as well... I cannot imagine being there as a child.
Yeah, my dad was S-3 (or S-2, I forget), and then XO of the 10th IR for awhile. It was only a year, so it wasn't too bad. After that they shipped him out to NTC to be an observer/controller, which was both much better and infinitely worse ;)
KC is about the only section of Missouri I am okay with.

:p VRWC I don't hold it against anyone stuck there. I just really didn't like the place. Probably because it was there I heard the immortal phrase uttered by a Private taking a piss:

"Damn it! There's a tick on my d--k!" (Thankfully not me, but damn I laughed so hard when he tried the match trick to get rid of it :lol:).
The only notoriety OK has is for people fleeing from it because it is a dusty wasteland. Also why would you put the capital in the middle of nowhere? Yeah it may be central geographically but it is still 1000 miles from anywhere important. Detroit is better because of it's proximity to pretty much every major canadian and eastern city. OKC would just make it an easy target for crazy southern militias and mexican cartels. The cartels another good reason to have the capital on the canadian us border. Real life isn't civ4, there's no distance maintenance from the capital. I can't thing of a single major capital in the world that is centrally located.
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