Norway: The Country of Peace Meets the Religion of Peace


Breakfast Connoisseur
Nov 2, 2001
Seattle, WA
Norway: The Country of Peace Meets the Religion of Peace

Norwegian police have discovered that a large number of Pakistani taxi drivers, many of whom have already been charged with tax evasion in one of the worst cases of welfare fraud in the nation's history, have close contact with Pakistani gangs and operate as couriers of arms and drugs. In the city of Oslo it is documented that criminal Pakistani gangs also have close ties to Jihadist groups at home and abroad. This despite the fact that Norway, a nation of peace and home to the Nobel Peace Prize, should presumably get along just fine with Islam, which is, as we all know, a religion of peace.

Minister Bjarne Håkon Hanssen from the Labour Party has called for increased immigration from Pakistan because this would be good for the economy. The majority of Muslims voted for the Labour Party in the 2005 elections, which the left-wing coalition won by a very slim margin. Eighty-three percent of Muslims voted for Leftist parties, just as all over Western Europe. Kristin Halvorsen, the leader of the Socialist Left Party, began her election campaign in 2005 in the Pakistani countryside, praising all the "blood, sweat and tears Pakistanis in Norway have spent on building the country." She is now Norway's Minister of Finance.

In 2007, Minister of Justice Knut Storberget said that the Norwegian Constitution Day, May 17th, is for "everybody," and that it's appropriate to demonstrate this by displaying a multitude of flags and cultures. It is now permitted to celebrate it by waving the flag of the United Nations. The editor of a Multicultural newspaper has suggested that the Norwegian national anthem should be translated to Urdu because this would be good for integration. Norwegians are supposed to celebrate their independence by singing their national anthem in Urdu, by wearing the national costume of Ghana and by waving the flag of the UN, an organization that is actively trying to curtail their freedoms and subvert their independence. This would be the equivalent of Americans celebrating the Fourth of July by waving the UN flag and by singing the Star-Spangled Banner in Arabic.

(Rest of article in the link below)

Just putting this article out for people. Now I have NO clue as to the legitimacy of the 'Global Politician' or whether it's a news site claiming to be objective like Fox News, but if this article is real, it sounds a little scary.
Scandinavia. I seriously thought that was going to be the last bastion of hope. Now where the h3ll am I going to retire? Greenland?
wow. this really reaffirmed by belief that thousands of VICAgents are about to destroy the world.
I suspect that the credibility of this article here (if any) will survive only as long as it takes for the next Norwegian to enter OT.
I don't know about that.. The website is strictly objective when it discusses American education politics. If the website is biased, it's definitely not Ann Coulter biased.
Scandinavia. I seriously thought that was going to be the last bastion of hope. Now where the h3ll am I going to retire? Greenland?

Greenland is still Danish soil. And please don't ruin my plans.
Greenland is still Danish soil. And please don't ruin my plans.

More soil, less ice, all the time. So eventually/soon it will be more hospitable to large permanent settlement, and then.... dum Dum DUM!! thing you know we'll be having threads like this about Greenland.


There's gotta be some place...
Come on, this article is so clearly bs that anyone who knows how Scandinavia is, should be able to see it.

More soil, less ice, all the time. So eventually/soon it will be more hospitable to large permanent settlement, and then.... dum Dum DUM!! thing you know we'll be having threads like this about Greenland.


There's gotta be some place...

You know, lots of people already live permanent on Greenland.
I suspect that the credibility of this article here (if any) will survive only as long as it takes for the next Norwegian to enter OT.

Come on, this article is so clearly bs that anyone who knows how Scandinavia is, should be able to see it.
Actually, the first bit (about or stupid politicians) is more misrepresentation than utter bs. But "there are already clear signs that large portions of mainstream media in Norway have been working according to UN instructions" is bs.
Then we have an anecdote from a Muslim who isn't paying taxes.
Spoiler singular of data :

It's also slightly pulled out of context. The original is from the story of a Muslim who went to Mecca and reconsidered his life.
sub-sourced article said:
Jeg kunne knapt sove om jeg fant Allah i åndedragene mine. Hvorfor? Fordi jeg jobbet for en pakistansk butikk, men arbeidet der er helt "uoffisielt": Hverken sjefen eller jeg betaler skatt til norske myndigheter. Jeg har videre 100 prosent uføretrygd og mottar full stønad fra trygdebudsjettet, og jeg skammet meg ikke over det. Jeg må være lur for å tjene mest mulig penger, fordi dette er det eneste formålet mitt med å være i Norge. Allah, derimot, er alltid imot penger som er tjent ved hjelp av knep, og sier at den slags penger ikke er lovlig i det hele tatt for en muslim.
fixed version of quoted article said:
I could barely sleep if I found Allah in my breath. Why?"I worked in a Pakistani shop, but all of the work there is 'unofficial.' Neither the boss nor I pay taxes to Norwegian authorities. In addition to this, I receive 100% disability benefits and welfare. I have to be cunning to make as much money as possible, since this is my only objective with being in Norway." Allah, however, is always against money earned by trickery, and says that that sort of money is not allowed at all for a muslim.

Unni Wikan was mocked long and loud after her statement and came as close as she could get to recanting it without actually doing so.

And in general the article is exaggerating loudly. A good replacement for it all would be "Muslim immigrants are overrepresented in the crime statistics" and leave it at that.
And in general the article is exaggerating loudly. A good replacement for it all would be "Muslim immigrants are overrepresented in the crime statistics" and leave it at that.

Specifically, nominally Muslim immigrants from certain selected countries are significantly overrepresented, while nominally Muslim immigrants from other countries are not, or only to a smaller degree. Also, non-Muslim immigrants (nominally belonging to some other religion, or to none) from certain selected countries are also significantly overrepresented. This seems to indicate that the problem, such as it is, may have to do with cultural issues other than religion. A main factor may be the absence of a strong "correcting" peer pressure in some communities.

Furthermore, many people seem to confuse immigrants with non-immigrant foreigners. There are many cases of foreigners who commit crimes while staying here temporarily (typically on tourist visas), including probably most of those connected with international organized crime (drug trafficking, etc.) These people are not typically closely connected to the mainstream of any immigrant community and their actions should not be considered to reflect on any such.
OP said:
The editor of a Multicultural newspaper has suggested that the Norwegian national anthem should be translated to Urdu because this would be good for integration. Norwegians are supposed to celebrate their independence by singing their national anthem in Urdu, by wearing the national costume of Ghana and by waving the flag of the UN


There's a fine line between multiculturalism and silliness.
Just putting this article out for people. Now I have NO clue as to the legitimacy of the 'Global Politician' or whether it's a news site claiming to be objective like Fox News, but if this article is real, it sounds a little scary.

Now you crossed the line. Multicultural police (Multipol) will come to get you. You'll be tried for the crime of spreading politically incorrect materials. The chances are you'll get the death penalty which will be executed in a multicultural manner - they'll stone you to death.

(brave new world, get ready to it, people...)
20% of all people in Södermanland has a foreign background. 1/3 people I meet in the streets are "coloured". But when again, I don't blame immigrants for being more criminal. Though it's a bit STRANGE that the suburb Skiftinge, that has very many immigrants, have a very high amount of criminality compared to other parts of Eskilstuna.
Winner is completely right and not at all off the mark with his crystal clear predictions of how the future will be. Just look at the past. Norway censored the Muhammed cartoons, refusing to print them at all, definitely not printing them before the US did, and the Norwegian embassies were never torched or attacked. Norway was not specifically named as an anti-Muslim country during the ensuing turmoil, nor did the Norwegian Foreign Ministry send a letter to their embassies in the Middle East stating that freedom of speech was one of the pillars of Norwegian society, and the Mujahideen Army definitely didn't call for terror strikes against Danish and Norwegian targets. The Norwegian Minister of Foreign affairs didn't threaten to sever diplomatic ties, and the national TV channel "TV2" certainly didn't show a documentary on the cartoons a year ago in which the cartoons appeared repeatedly. Finally, the Norwegian Prime Minister never complained about violations of international law, instead offering to pay reparations to Syria due to the economic loss caused by the cartoons forcing Muslims to abandon work and riot in the streets.

Hey, wait a moment. :p
^So what's the point...<?>...that Scandinavia is the beautiful unspoiled Northman/Norseman haven that I'm still hoping it is? Completely untouched by the 'dark' hand that is polluting the once-pure nations to the south?

You don't have to answer that entirely un-PC question... just nod in my direction...
Oh. Ok. Eww.
^So what's the point...<?>...that Scandinavia is the beautiful unspoiled Northman/Norseman haven that I'm still hoping it is? Completely untouched by the 'dark' hand that is polluting the once-pure nations to the south?

You don't have to answer that entirely un-PC question... just nod in my direction...

Depends where you go. Dont have to go to far away from the cities before its all clean and pure for you. Unless you go all the way north, we have a few hidden there in the snow. Shouldnt be to hard to spot tough.
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