Not-So-Useful leaders, city states, special abilities, traits (and so on)

Fixed that for ya.;)

no you didn't. while every pop singer is bland, unoriginal, and shameful to music, Justin Beiber is just another one and the specific hate of Justin Beiber because people go "ew, Justin Beiber" is silly and immature.
natural wonder - jersey shore

nuff said.

-300 science

Not-so-useful CIV:Atlantis

UA: Atlantian Legacy: Empire automatically self destructs on turn 40.

UU: Fish. Movement: 1 :c5moves:, 0 :c5strength: Provides +1 :c5food:food in the city in which it is stationed. Requires Fish.

UI: Flood. Tile becomes A deep ocean tile immediately. Destroys worker immediatly once finished.
Stupid truth always resisting simplicity.
-John Green
not so useful civ: Antarctica

UA: ice tiles provide plus 1 :c5science: . Cannot found cities.

UU: penguin 1 :c5moves: 0 :c5strength: .

UU: Seal 1 :c5moves: . 2 :c5strength: . dies if goes past tundra
Here is a wonder this time:

Ozymandias Statue:
Automatically retire from the game. Must be built on desert. Must have Masonry tech and a source of marble. Score increased after discovering Archeology.
The splash screen for this wonder already exists in the game and we can use the Percy Bysshe Shelley poem of the same name for the quote.

Here is the image:
Spoiler :
Here is a wonder this time:

Ozymandias Statue:
Automatically retire from the game. Must be built on desert. Must have Masonry tech and a source of marble. Score increased after discovering Archeology.
The splash screen for this wonder already exists in the game and we can use the Percy Bysshe Shelley poem of the same name for the quote.

Here is the image:
Spoiler :

*Elizabeth voice* Oh, its YOU.
Not so useful sea tile:

'Bermuda Triangle' -6 unmarked tiles on the map
Ships dissapear on entering - return to you 500 years later
Not-so-useful-CS: Pompeii
Found next to Krakatoa, if captured by a Civ, is destroyed the turn after and rebuilt the next turn. If resources are shared with an allied civ, the improvement is destroyed the turn after.
Rather than Krakatoa, you could just go all out and make a

Not-So-Useful Natural Wonder

Mt. Vesuvius
If founded next to, city is razed. Spain get's city razed twice as fast. Pompeii is the only city not razed (until it erupts, that is)
Not so useful Civ UA

Civ: India
UA: Half unhappiness from population, double unhappiness from number of cities.

Not-So-Useful Great General

Benedict Arnold
After providing a generous 20% combat bonus, GG immediately switches to enemy
Not So Useful Civ:

Principality of Sealand!

Leader: Roy Bates

UA: Complete Delusion: 0 Culture, Science, Faith, Production, Food in cities. Cities have no cultural borders. Starts only with a settler, on a one hex island in the middle of the ocean.

UU: None.

UB: None.
Norwegian Ice Skating Infantry (Not-So-Useful Unique Unit)
Melee unit
Movement on ice: 3 :c5moves:
Movement not on ice: 0 :c5moves:
Only the Norwegians can build it (after the independence from Sweden in 1905 and before the Climate Crisis).
After the Climate Crisis:
Naval unit
Movement: 1/2 :c5moves:
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