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NOTW L: The Immortals [Game Thread]


Jan 30, 2006
Wellington, NZ


Prologue - A vision of disaster is foretold.
The Demon - Exar sets out to confront his Enemy
Night Zero - Exar the Vampire King is attacked by a Demon
Day One - Sita the Mystic Seer is Found Immolated
Night One - Some people get some mana.
Day Two - Classical Hero the elven scout is found lacking most of his blood and Takhisis the Ursuper is found Immolated
Night Two - Robbiecon is Lynched by the Vampire King
Day Three - Jerrema the Ljosalfar Priest is found Immolated
Night Three - Autolycus the Sheaim Magistrate was lynched
Day Four - topsecret the Governor of Calcaria died from Blood Loss
Night Four - thomas.berubeg the Kasavan Ranger was lynched
Day Five - Kennigit the Luentinum Bowman was found Sacrificed to the Demon
Night Five - Seon the Luentinum Servant was given a clean death.
Day Six - BSmith1068 the Durnovarian Swordsman is found Immolated, while SouthernKing the Amurite Chanter and Backwards Logic, the Glevum Axeman were killed though being drained of blood
Night Six - Askthepizzaguy the Prespurian Regent survives the lynch
Day Seven - Visorslash the Prespurian Lord was disturbed on his nightly stroll. TheLastDays the Calcarian Aide was Slaughtered and Askthepizzaguy the Prespurian Regent is revealed as an usurper minus a lot of blood
Night Seven - The Black Knigh, Governor of Luentinum, is Lynched. He was the final Usurper
Day Eight - A Demon is found as Winston Hughes the Sheim Merchant bows down to the power of the Sun
Night Eight - Stuck In Pi, the Amurite Consul is accused of being a demon and Lynched
Day Nine - The Sun claims its second victim as it's bright light extinguishes KingMorgan, The Amurite Firebow.
Night Nine - An Epic Battle unfolds as the Demon is defeated. Several People fall in battle including classical_hero the Durnovarian Jailor, kill fire the Glevum Innkeeper and johnhughthom the Luentinum Aristocratic. However in the midst of battle, Bad Player the Calcaria Adept escapes.
Epilogue - The Vampire King abdicates his throne and sets out with the Adventurer and Hunter into Sheaim lands to track down the escaped Adept.

Player List

  1. Darth Feather the Amurite Wizard
  2. choxorn the Governor of Durnovaria
  3. PaulusIII the Kasavan Captain
  4. Catharsis the Gregori Adventurer
  5. Frozen In Ice the Durnovarian Adjudicator
  6. spaceman98 the Ljosalfar Ambassador
  7. Verarde the Governor of Glevum
  8. Ekolite the Sheaim Emissary
  9. Zack the Ljosalfar Hunter
  10. Nintz the Sheaim Knight
  11. Exar the Vampire King

  1. Kennigit the Luentinum Bowman - Killed Day Five - Immolated
  2. TheLastDays the Calcaria Aide - Killed Day Seven - Slaughtered
  3. Backwards Logic the Glevum Axeman - Killed Day Six - Blood Loss
  4. topsecret the Governor of Calcaria - Killed Day Four - Blood Loss
  5. Visorslash the Prespurian Lord - Killed Day Seven - Immolated
  6. Takhisis the Calcaria Guardsman - Ursuper - Killed Day Two - Immolated
  7. Autolycus the Sheaim Magistrate - Killed Night Three - Lynched
  8. robbiecon the Glevum Moroi - Killed Night Two - Lynched
  9. Jarrema the Ljosalfar Priest - Killed Day Three - Immolated
  10. The Black Knigh the Governor of Luentinum - Usurper - Killed Night Seven - Lynched
  11. thomas.berubeg the Kasavan Ranger- Killed Night Four - Lynched
  12. classical_hero the Ljosalfar Scout - Killed Day Two - Blood Loss
  13. SouthernKing the Amurite Chanter - Killed Day Six - Blood Loss
  14. Seon the Luentinum Servant - Killed Night Five - Lynched
  15. Askthepizzaguy the Prespurian Regent - Ursuper - Killed Day Seven - Blood Loss
  16. BSmith1068 the Durnovarian Swordsman - Killed Day Six - Immolated
  17. Sita the Mystic seer - Killed Day One - Immolated
  18. Winston Hughes the Sheaim Merchant - Demon - Killed Day Eight -Met the Sun
  19. Stuck in Pi the Amurite Consul - Killed Night Eight - Lynched
  20. KingMorgan the Amurite Firebow - Demon - Killed Day Nine -Met the Sun
  21. kill fire the Glevum Innkeeper - Killed Night Nine - Immolated
  22. johnhughthom the Luentinum Aristocratic - Killed Night Nine - Decapitated
  23. classical_hero the Durnovarian Jailor - Killed Night Nine - Decapitated
  24. Bad Player the Calcaria Adept - Demon - Killed Night Nine - Escaped
~ ~ ~​

Exar, the Vampire King staggered in to the manor, blood leaked out from his body and left a sickening trail behind him. Sita screamed in horror and rushed to her liege. He collapsed on the ground before Sita or the manor guards could reach him. And it was only then that she could appreciate what she saw. It was unlike anything she had ever seen, Exar’s extravagant armour appeared melted in parts and fused with his body, while other parts were bare and revealed ravaged flesh that looked like it had been scooped out with a large fork or claw. To see this immortal warrior like this, whose strength was without peer, was a blow to the souls of all men and women.

Sita knelt down by her lord, her tears adding to the dark pool that was expanding around where her liege lay. “Why did you go? Why, Why! I told you not to, I warned you, I begged you…” She put an arm out onto Exar’s chest. She felt his heart still pumping and his check moving with each shallow breath. He opened his eyes briefly at her touch and looked at her, eyes that were filled with sorrow. “Demons.” The word barely made it from his lips before his eyes closed once again. Sita took a knife from her belt and drew it across her wrist. Blood dripped down from her wrist and bright red dots formed and mingled amongst the deep crimson stains on Exar’s armour, she drew her wrist to Exar’s mouth and whispered “Drink my lord, you yet still live.”

~ ~ ~​

The news of the attack spread like a tremor throughout the lands. The neighbouring nations acted swiftly and sent diplomatic contingents to publicly condemn the attack and help prevent any escalation in tension. Even at the heart of the Calabin Empire, the news caused angst and concern. Flauros the Calabim Emperor paced around the chamber “Where is that Woman? Does she vex me on purpose?” he muttered to himself. A cloaked lady stepped silently out of the shadow. “No, My Lord. I do not. What would ask of me?” Flauros looked at the cloaked lady sharply. “You’re needed in the East.” The cloaked lady looked slightly bored. “Does the rumour of demons frighten you, My Lord?” Flauros shrugged off a look of annoyance “Less so than you might think, what I am concerned about is a shift in the balance of power. We would do well to continue the status quo” The cloaked lady bowed and turned to depart. Flauros called after her “And Losha, don’t go revealing yourself too soon, your presence maybe inflammatory.”

~ ~ ~​

Exar was sitting in his bedroom chamber, toying with a silver chalice when his door opened and Sita slipped in. “My Lord, shouldn’t you be resting?” Exar’s eyes gleamed in the reflection of the chalice contents. “I’m told that we have many a noble and distinguished guests with us recently.” Exar swirled the contents of the chalice, put it to his lips and then drained it. “It wouldn’t be good of me to keep them waiting now, would it?” Sita started to object when Exar raised his index finger to his lips “Care to give me a run down on who to expect?” “Diplomatic envoys from all three neighbours, your local governors, some Lords from the capital and, of course, every bloody one else” she rattled off quickly as if it was something unpleasant. “I am much more concerned about…” “I know what you are concerned about and please be at ease, a reasonably amount of my power has returned and I have enough strength to deal with whatever is out there.“ Sita looked at her lord. His cool and calm demeanour radiated out from him and soothed her chaotic mind “We need to discuss the demons, My Lord” “Indeed” he replied “But let me welcome our guests first, if not to just show them that I am alive and well.”

The reception hall was a large ornate room; beautifully carved wood and impressive paintings of wild animals embellished the walls and ceiling. They gave an impression of flamboyancy without resorting to gems and other precious metals. A small but elaborately carved chair was centred upon the solitary dais. In front of which, stood the Vampire King slightly overlooking all his guests. “I am glad to see the rumours of your demise are exaggerated.” The Shieam Emissary bowed low. “The Shieam state deplores that attack against your good self and gives its assurance that neither it nor its agents bare responsibility for this. Furthermore, we greatly appreciate the friendship that has been sustained between our peoples and once again we denounce all collaboration with the Other Realm.” A murmur swiftly rose up around the room. Exar spoke loudly to cut the murmur off “Thank you Emissary, I do not forget the friendship that our peoples have enjoyed.” Exar looked around the room and saw an old acquaintance. He beckoned to the Prespurian Lord who, like the Emissary before him, bowed low “Your father sends his regards and is glad to hear you are well.” Exar chuckled “And how about yourself” The Prespurian Lord looked up with a wry smile “Only fools mess with immortals. And only fools believe that one, such as yourself, can perish.” A Guardsman rushed up to Exar and whispered something into his ear. Exar roared “Close the doors and gates, let no one in or out of the manor. You, you and you follow me! Now!” The three governors of Calcaria, Durnovaria and Luentinum looked at each other blankly then hastily followed.



Sita’s charred body was strewn around the chamber, apart from dismemberment; it bore the same burn marks that had covered Exar’s body. “It seems the demon still lives…” Exar, was staring at the bloody and ravaged torso, he had his back turned to the three governed huddling behind him. “I underestimated the demon in battle and have underestimated it again. There will not be a third time.” Exar turned to the Governors, his anger and hate emanated from him like a heat wave. “You will find those responsible for this! Find them and we will be able to put an end to this demon for good.” The governors bowed in unison “As you wish, my liege!” Exar turned to leave but paused as he noticed two mana orbs lying on the floor partly covered by Sita’s torso. Exar picked them up and strode with the governors back to the reception hall.

All the manor occupants had gathered in the reception hall. The hushed tones that filled the hall were snuffed out when Exar and the governors returned. The cold anger and fury still radiated from him as his took his place on the dais. He dropped the two mana orbs on the ground with a crash and raised his voice. “My Adviser is dead! I have reason to believe that it was caused by the same demon that attacked me.” He paused and a look of pain passed briefly over his face “Though I am weaker than I am normally am, I have no doubt that we have the strength here that is need to defeat this evil.” Exar reached into his cloak and pulled out a third mana orb. Darkness swirled around this orb unlike the others. Exar held it up high above his head. “I require a Champion, someone who would claim this Death mana and the other orbs, to defeat this demon and those responsible.”


Sita the Seer was Immolated
Spoiler Alignment :
she was a Human Innocent.


Exar's Character Sheet
Name: Exar (NPC)
Role: Vampire King
Nation: Calabim
Race: Immortal

Alignment: Innocent
- Primary Victory Condition: Eliminate all threats.
- Secondary Victory Condition: Survive to the end game

6 (20)

Death Mana
Law Mana



Natural Abilities:
Complete Lynch - Causes 10 Damage to target and the Vampire King heals 2 strength.

Partial Lynch - Causes 5 Damage to target

Personal Objective:
Acquire 3 orbs of Death Mana.

Exar, the Immortal Vampire King, Son of the Calabim Emperor, Flauros, rules over the eastern part of the Calabim Empire. The land was conquered by himself and his armies in a distant past, forgotten by almost all save perhaps Exar himself. He is a well-respected leader and his immense power has kept the region stable and free from conflict.

National Diplomacy

Sheaim state is 'Cautious'
Ljosalfar state is 'Neutral'
Amurite state is 'Cautious'

Items up for Vote
Claims for the Death Mana in DimGray
Claims for the Law Mana in Orange
Claims for the Raw Mana in DeepSkyBlue

There are no accusations this first Day

Raw Mana belongs to me, Visorslash

My Lords, I must request the Raw mana be allocated to me. I will be able to put it to good use in hunting out those who would harm us.

The others I will dictate to those who support me, your loyalty will be rewarded.
Death Mana for me, Jarema
I am a priest. I can hold it out of the hands of evil beings.

Claims for the Raw Mana for Visorslash
Visor, what you want to do with raw mana?

I can vote law mana into hands of someone who will support me. Well, maybe not those evil Sheaims.
Death Mana for me, Jarema
I am a priest. I can hold it out of the hands of evil beings.

Claims for the Raw Mana for Visorslash
Visor, what you want to do with raw mana?

I can vote law mana into hands of someone who will support me. Well, maybe not those evil Sheaims.

Death Mana for Jarema

You have chosen wisely friend, I will not forget this.

What I do with the raw mana is for me to know, as what you do with the death mana is for you to know. I trust you have the noblest of intentions for our party?
What I do with the raw mana is for me to know, as what you do with the death mana is for you to know. I trust you have the noblest of intentions for our party?

If our foes know what we do, it would be easy for them to counter no?

you are wise beyond your age, my friend
I greet you all and in the name of our good relations I feel that the Death Mana would serve well in the hands of Jarema, a priest of our Ljosalfar allies.

I also agree, that the Raw Mana should belong to Visorslash. A lord among our people will surely know how to wield it.

I request that the Law Mana be put in my, TheLastDays', hands. I swear to wield it in the name of our just Lord Exar to stand guard against this current crisis.

(oog: My activity might be a bit low over the next 3-4 days but it will get better after that. Also, the timer doesn't seem to work for me?)
I greet you all and in the name of our good relations I feel that the Death Mana would serve well in the hands of Jarema, a priest of our Ljosalfar allies.

I also agree, that the Raw Mana should belong to Visorslash. A lord among our people will surely know how to wield it.

I request that the Law Mana be put in my, TheLastDays', hands. I swear to wield it in the name of our just Lord Exar to stand guard against this current crisis.

(oog: My activity might be a bit low over the next 3-4 days but it will get better after that. Also, the timer doesn't seem to work for me?)

TheLastDays for the Law Rune, may you defend us with great vigor.

OOG: Timer works for me, 1 day 18 hours and 30 minutes to go.
TheLastDays should obtain Law Orb
Jarema can have the death mana, most delish thing I approve of your taste, sire, and Visorslash can have.... The raw mana... Whatever it's useful for.
I, Frozen In Ice need the Law mana for myself. It may be of use to help protect Exar. After all I am the Adjudicator.
Jaremma should have the death mana as he asks, for I have no reason to distrust him, and he claims to be a priest of my people, so one who can comprehend its functions better than I.

TheLastDays is one who realizes the global importance of what is transpiring. Hence, while Frozen In Ice makes a good case, I shall grant my humble vote to TLD.

KingMorgan should receive the Raw mana. Maybe he knows its purpose?
I wish to announce that I am PRESENT!!! :)

Spoiler :
[OOC/OOG: still very sick, give me another day to read all this. Complicated game] :sad:
choxorn as my governor may have the death rune.
Frozen In Ice for the law Rune. May he use it justly.
KingMorgan may have the raw Mana.

(OOC: I too will probably be minimally active until Monday.)
While I understand that you trust Jarrema, as a priest, to guard the death orb, aren't you forgetting that he is a foreigner? Who knows how loyal he is?

Let us keep it within our own ranks, I suggest my fellow governor Verarde

Visorslash may have the raw mana orb and Frozen In Ice appears to know what to do with the law orb.
There are no accusations this first Day

The Grigori adventurer is so shocked that his pipe falls out of his mouth.





Having delivered these stunning verbal blows, the adventurer retrieves his pipe and adventures off in search of palatial comforts.
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