Stop talking about your meaningless lives for one second and look at me!
I've made a new discovery that will
revolutionise magic. Seriously, this one is going to put my name in lights so you might want to start being pretty nice to me right about now!
It's a newly-discovered incantation, a
memory chant that will give you perfect memory of anything you want! Like say you want to remember the seven colours of the rainbow:
Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet
Impossible right? There's loads of them. But once I cast this devilishly simple and yet fiendishly complex cantrip, you'll never forget those colours again. Stand back as I do you all a
huge favour!
The thaumaturge concentrates hard for a few seconds, then in a majestic voice, utters the words of her spell.
Rancid Old Yucky Gargloyles Basically Invented Vegetarianism
Do you feel the raw magic power? That's the colours of the rainbow being burned
permanently into your subconscious, ready for recall at a
moment's notice!
I've already sent letters out to the
really powerful people notifying them to record this discovery as being mine and mine alone, and probably soon I'll be getting letters back begging for me to take a place in their hallowed halls of learning, so none of you opportunists better even
think of stealing my idea! Especially you
Winston Hughes you wrathful witch, I see that devious look on your face!
Yes, that one.