NOTW LII - The Immortals II [Game Thread - Concluded]


Jan 30, 2006
Wellington, NZ

Story so far...


Night Zero


The Council paused their seemingly never-ending bickering and looked at the intruder that had interrupted them. The Wizard stood at the entrance and although he disabled the guards that normally protected these sacrosanct halls, he dare not suffer the wrath of the Council should he enter uninvited. But never was he willing to beg for permission to enter either so he just stood there, adjusted his glasses and stared at a council member he recognised.

The Silence grew longer but as it did the Councils curiosity grew. Finally the druid spoke. “You know, I do believe he was dead. Surely one would not survive the wrath of the Vampire King when one is already at his mercy.” The Druid looked at the necromancer. “Have you been playing naughty games again dear? If you have it is a most impressive feat. I have never heard of one raising the dead from such a distance. And he looks so healthy too!” The Necromancer face looked pained but she shook it off. “I appreciate that you advanced years take there toll but surely you should know that such a feat is mere child’s play for me, however in this particular case it is not my doing.” The Shaman shivered at such an unnatural topic and spoke as well “Well shall we solve this mystery then?” The other council members nodded in agreement and the Archmage called out in a sweet tone. “Dear Wizard won’t you kindly join us in this hall?” The Wizard then stepped over the threshold.

The Wizard carried with him a sack which upon reaching the middle of the hall he emptied onto the ground. A Dozen or so Mana Orbs rolled out glistening in the light of the hall. “Oh respected council, I have travel across dangerous lands and escaped both Vampire Kings, old and new, to bring these to you. Before you ask, these are from Lord Exar’s personal possessions and I believe the keys to unlocking the Calabim immortality.” The Archmage surveyed the Wizard and then the Mana orbs “Well they look all pretty but what is it that you are proposing?” The Wizard was sure of himself “Grant me the empty seat on the council!” At that the bickering which normally filled the council rose up once more. The Firemages voice rose up to drown out the others “Does the Wizard think he can buy the council with a few trinkets? This is frankly insulting!” The Magician and Magus both agreed with the comment and the looks of contempt was unmissable. The Wizard held up his arms. “Whoa, calm down. I offer much more than that. Most of you already know me and the skills that I have to offer but more than that I have not been idle while our enemy attacks.” He indicated to the Mana Orbs. “I have imbued these orbs with a magic that will fend off our attackers. If you take these orbs we can perform a world spells which will remove the threat and allow us to take the initiative. With our combined power we can turn the tide.”

The Speech swayed most of the council and they pressed the Wizard for more details. He explained to them the incantation needed to perform the Worldspell and the time it would take. The Druid slammed his staff down as a sign of agreement. “Very well, we accept you into the council and we will perform the spell over this coming night.” The Council Members each took a Mana orb and started the incantation.
Morning One


The council members perform the incantation throughout the night. When the morning sun streamed through and illuminated the council chamber the incantation stopped. The council members were weary from the long night but eager to see the results of their work. So after a breeze entered in the room and slowly built up strength, the wind whipped around the room and brought with it an eerie and faint green mist. the mist circled the room spiraling in closer to the center where it eventually wrapped around the Wizard. The Wizard leapt for Joy. "Yes! Yes Yes! he exclaimed. "It worked! Nothing can stop me!" The Adept stepped up to face the Wizard "It worked? I sense anything different and don't you mean 'nothing can stop us'?" The Wizard looked at the adept with an evil leer as he replied "I am afraid Adept you will find tha...." The Wizard paused mid sentence as the others in the room began to take much closer attention to the actions of the Wizard. The Firemage's finger tips had already started to glow red. "Oh!" Wizard said softly. He looked down with what could possible be construed as a sad face. "It seems i can no longer hold onto this body in my new form." He looked back at the approaching council members and menacingly declared. "It matters not, for all your souls are mine! All that is left is for my assistants to collect them!" After that ominous statement the Wizard lifted his arms up and the bits of his flesh began to fall off until he collapsed in a heap of bones and melted flesh.


The Wise Wizard was:
Spoiler Alignment :

As the Wizard died the five mana orbs that he was carried dropped from his possession and rolled along the floor. There was a mad rush by the council members to gain an additional orb or to stop the orbs from rolling into the pile of goo that the Wizard had now become. During the scramble it was uncleared as to whom gained the orbs but several of them were quite content with the result. It was only then that the horror of what happened struck at the Council members memories and they were unable to recall what happened until much later in the day. Finally they remembered what the Wizard had said and they looked at each other trying to figure out who was helping him.


Accusation in Bold
Item Transfers in Purple

Night falls in: [timer=03/31/2014 6:00 PM +13:00; Day has finished][/timer] at 31 Mar 2014 6:00 PM (+13:00)
The Narcissistic Necromancer seems distracted at the moment, though not from the death of the Wise Wizard Sprig. He's caught a glimpse of his reflection in the puddled remains of the wizard and can't seem to be broken out of his trance. His voice is calm, almost soothing as he begins his conversation.

"Hey there beautiful. Been a while. I see you're looking as handsome and dashing as ever. That's right gorgeous. Everyday your looks blow me away and I'm stunned that someone could look as good as you. I could look at you all day and never be bored. Ah, I think I'll do that. Suits me juhhhhhhhhst fine.

"What's that, someone died? Pity. I should look into reviving them again. Bah, but then I'd have to look away from you. Can't do that, I'm enthralled by this glorious presence in front of me. What now? Someone's calling themselves adorable? Can't have that. Only I'm adorable. Autolycus needs to go. Not that he's competition mind you. Just gotta face facts. There's me, and then there's those wonderful adjectives that describe me. Can't have them describe anyone else. No we can't..."

The ramblings continue like this indefinitely. Would anything break his own spell?
I, choxorn, the Cunning Conjurer... shall Cun! Whatever that means.

Maybe I'll just scheme and plan or something.

"I think that Catharsis is bad, because there can only be one person who has a name beginning with C, and that's me."
Takhisis, you look suspiciously similar to me, you imposter!

Also I require one mana orb of any kind, nature requires your help.

Fanatical firemage rised up and yelled:

We should burn the suspects! Fire will cleanse the corruption that resulted in this hideous act of murder. For the first pyre, I propose Visorslash, the staunch shaman.

OOC: is this picture what you asked for, Sprig?
Your role PM's have a link to some player sprites. Each of you posts should contain a sprite. don't care if you use the some one over and ovre.

Fanatical firemage rised up and yelled:

We should burn the suspects! Fire will cleanse the corruption that resulted in this hideous act of murder. For the first pyre, I propose Visorslash, the staunch shaman.

OOC: is this picture what you asked for, Sprig?

At the bottom of the Role PM will be a hyperlink to my Photobucket account which will contain your character sprites. XXI new/NOTW LII/p13?sort=3&page=1


I did intend to put each picture into your role pm but at over 200 pictures and me running out of time, I think providing the link would be more apt.
The archmage appears to be on the verge of tears, whether from the death or the necromancer's accusation none can say."Oh, my! This is just t-t-t-terrible! My dear necromancer, of course you're the studliest man in all the land, even if your fascination with corpses is a bit ... odd. I'm just a simple country girl, all alone in the world, I could enver be competition for one such as you. After all, I'm not even male!"

Drying her tears, and plastering a smile on her face, Autolycus turns and sidles up to the Magus. "Why, BSmith, aren't you looking fine today? Perhaps you can spare care for a poor little archmage, all alone in the world. Maybe even let me get a closer look at just how majestic you really are!"

Autolycus gets down on her hands and knees to examine the remains more closely. "While it is true that fire can melt many things, good magician, I have heard tell that water melts we magic folk much better, at least Ozian water. For now, I think it much more likely that spaceman98 has aspirations of gathering all the orbs and destroying the council, given his claims to be supreme!"

Stop talking about your meaningless lives for one second and look at me!

I've made a new discovery that will revolutionise magic. Seriously, this one is going to put my name in lights so you might want to start being pretty nice to me right about now!

It's a newly-discovered incantation, a memory chant that will give you perfect memory of anything you want! Like say you want to remember the seven colours of the rainbow:

Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet

Impossible right? There's loads of them. But once I cast this devilishly simple and yet fiendishly complex cantrip, you'll never forget those colours again. Stand back as I do you all a huge favour!

The thaumaturge concentrates hard for a few seconds, then in a majestic voice, utters the words of her spell.

Rancid Old Yucky Gargloyles Basically Invented Vegetarianism

Do you feel the raw magic power? That's the colours of the rainbow being burned permanently into your subconscious, ready for recall at a moment's notice!

I've already sent letters out to the really powerful people notifying them to record this discovery as being mine and mine alone, and probably soon I'll be getting letters back begging for me to take a place in their hallowed halls of learning, so none of you opportunists better even think of stealing my idea! Especially you Winston Hughes you wrathful witch, I see that devious look on your face!


Yes, that one.
Being the eldest and thus smartest and most experienced member of our group, I feel like it is my responsibility to point out who is randomly responsible for the death of Sprig the Wise Wizard

I accuse Winston Hughes of being evil. You were born 50 jear late to try to outsmart me.


Spoiler :
OOC: In case you can't tell: I random.orged.

Backwards Logic, I choose you! Pound my fist, or suffer the consequences! Pound it!

In an attempt to communicate with the scrawny one, the Narcissistic Necromancer raises one hand blindly into a fist and waves it around awkwardly, trying to keep balance and continue his gaze into the pool. While he was unable to connect with the fist-bump, it was at least a great core workout.
Being the eldest and thus smartest and most experienced member of our group, I feel like it is my responsibility to point out who is randomly responsible for the death of Sprig the Wise Wizard

I accuse Winston Hughes of being evil. You were born 50 jear late to try to outsmart me.


Spoiler :
OOC: In case you can't tell: I random.orged.

What? I am the Supreme Sorcerer, so I am the smartest amongst us! Surely, anyone on this council would recognize that fact, based on my many years of work for the Amurite kingdom. So hence, you, Darth Feather speak either out of malice, or out of inexperience. Either you wish to deliberately undermine these proceedings, or you are not who you claim to be, and are hence ignorant of my supreme position!

What? I am the Supreme Sorcerer, so I am the smartest amongst us! Surely, anyone on this council would recognize that fact, based on my many years of work for the Amurite kingdom. So hence, you, Darth Feather speak either out of malice, or out of inexperience. Either you wish to deliberately undermine these proceedings, or you are not who you claim to be, and are hence ignorant of my supreme position!


Pah! I was doing my druidstuff when you were still afraid in the dark. So please wait until you are at least twenty years older and we can have this discussion again.

The Wrathful Warlock is standing quietly in the corner, idly punching a slave in the face and muttering angrily to herself, when she notices the Thaumaturge. Turning to face the slender young woman, the Warlock's features twitch with rage.

You lookin' at me, are ya?!

Reckon you's some kind of tough cookie, eh?!!

Reckon you's got what it takes to dance with me, do ya?!!!!

Well, go right ahead and try, why don't ya?!!!!!

You and all ya friends!!!!!!!

One at a time or all at once, I'll murder the damned lot of ya!!!!!!!!

Only then does the Warlock notice the Druid, at which point she suddenly goes very calm, her twisted features softening into something that looks more like peaceful serenity. Slowly, she steps towards the Druid, keeping her eyes on him the whole time, moving closer until her nose is almost touching his. This time, when she speaks it is so quiet as to be barely audible to anyone else...

I do hope you've been looking after yourself, Darth Feather, my very, very, very good friend. These must be stressful times for a man of your... advancing years. Puts a terrible strain on the heart, so I understand. Do, please, be careful. So very, very, very careful...
- ...Well.

I'll forgive that little outburst, warlock. It must be intimidating, being in the presence of a truly revolutionary thinker. Especially if one is in possession of a... smaller mind. Maybe I would lash out too, if I were like you.

I'll tell you what - when I'm older and even wiser, and the historians are writing my chapter of the History of Magic... I'll just ask them to leave you out, does that sound good to you? Wouldn't want your ancestors getting embarrassed.

The withered old plant the thaumaturge is addressing looks suitably forlorn. She's rather wishing she had made that speech to the warlock's face, instead of tripping over a table leg in her haste to exit as soon as the small woman looked at her.

Rancid Old Yucky Gargoyles Basically Invented Vegetarianism
Soon it would all be worth it.
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