NOTW LIV - The Masque of Death
A dozen members of the great and the good (and a few others) have been invited to a masquerade ball in the Imperial Palace to mark the start of the winter festivities.
Unfortunately, amongst those numbers are certain traitors to the Empire who seek nothing less than the defeat of the Empire and the imposition of a twisted tyrant as its ruler,
with the worship of their dark god supplanting the Imperial pantheon.
It is up to the loyal guests, whether they be noble, clergy or common folk, to root out the vipers in their midst and ensure that fifteen centuries of Imperial tradition are not lost!
A dozen members of the great and the good (and a few others) have been invited to a masquerade ball in the Imperial Palace to mark the start of the winter festivities.
Unfortunately, amongst those numbers are certain traitors to the Empire who seek nothing less than the defeat of the Empire and the imposition of a twisted tyrant as its ruler,
with the worship of their dark god supplanting the Imperial pantheon.
It is up to the loyal guests, whether they be noble, clergy or common folk, to root out the vipers in their midst and ensure that fifteen centuries of Imperial tradition are not lost!
The Setup
* The Loyalist faction are those loyal to the Empire. They need to identify and eliminate all the Traitors.
* The Traitors seek to defeat the Loyalists and seize control of the Empire. They will win if they ever equal or outnumber the remaining Loyalists at the ball.
* Complicating the issue is the fact that this is a masquerade ball and it is a severe breach of protocol to reveal yourself before the conclusion of the ball, which is scheduled to end on the seventh evening. Do not shame your ancestors by defying Imperial protocol, lest unpleasant effects occur!
* Similarly, if the Traitors cannot achieve their goal by the end of the seventh night, then they have failed to take control of the Empire and will be swiftly identified the next morning and put to death.
Posting and PMs
* There is no posting at night as per NOTW rules. Further, there is to be NO communication of any kind outside the game thread, except via PMs to or from the GM or within QTs that I will set-up.
* Role-playing your character is to be encouraged, but not strictly necessary.
Day and Night Phases
* Day will last 48 hours and Night 24 hours. These may be changed in unusual circumstances as I see fit, but only if it is necessary.
* There are special abilities, which may take effect in either the day or the night phase, and each character has a special mask to hide their identity in public, which will come into play later. When you wish to use a power, please send me a PM with the current day and phase in the title, using the name of the power you wish to use. For example, you might send me a PM entitled Masque of Death [D2], with the text saying that you wish to "use Procrastinate on Takhisis".
* You will vote for players you want lynched during the day, using the format, Vote: Visorslash. Votes must be in bold to count. You do not need to add a Vote: tag, just bolding the name will suffice. I will take your final vote as the last one. If you wish to unvote, simply: Unvote; Vote: ATPG.
* You may also lay a support vote for a lynch candidate (e.g. Support: Backwards Logic) who has more than one vote in their disfavour, which reduces the vote-count by one.
* There may be powers or items that can influence these votes.
* The Traitors, including any other characters who can attack someone, may use either their Combat or Magic statistic to attack another character. Your target will defend with the same statistic. Each statistic ranges from 0 -3.
* If you have greater power when attacking, your target is killed. If you have lesser power, they are unhurt and you are injured.
* If you have equal power when attacking or attacked, you are injured. If you are injured again without being healed, you are killed.
* If multiple people are involved in the fight, each side takes the same damage (unwounded, wounded or killed).
Death and Burial
* When a character is killed, either by the evening lynch, night-kill or other power, their role and faction will not be revealed until the end of the next phase, as their body will lie in state until its burial at that time.
* If you have been killed, please remain quiet until after your character's burial, at which point you may make one farewell post if you choose and then I will ask you to refrain from commenting on the rest of the game, except in the designated QT for that purpose.
Game Participation
* If you miss two day phases in a row (or any higher number in total at my discretion) then you will be replaced (or, if necessary, your character will die). Voting is not strictly mandatory (though not voting severely harms the Loyalists' chances), but attendance is.
* As such, if you don't think you will have fun in this game or you will be unable to participate properly, please don't join. An inactive player is simply stealing a place from a potential player who would otherwise participate.
* Current reserve players: Jarrema and azzaman333.
Those Attending the Masquerade Ball
* Archmage - Chamberlain - Courtier - Diplomat - Hierophant
* Inquisitor - General - Knight - Magician - Merchant
* Noble - Politician - Priestess - Rogue - Servant - Spy
Alive (5/16)
3. Backwards Logic
6. Autolycus
8. Snerk
9. Legato Endless
12. Winston Hughes
Awaiting Burial (0)
Dead (11)
KingMorgan - Rogue/Assassin (Lynched, Day 1)
Riedquat - Politician (Venom Struck, Day 1)
Bladescape - Courtier (Killed, Night 1)
BSmith1068 - Magician (Killed, Night 1)
spaceman98 - Priestess (Lynched, Day 2)
Sprig - Knight (Killed, Night 2)
Coyosis - Spy (Lynched, Day 3)
Choxorn - Hierophant (Killed, Night 3)
Takhisis - Noble (Lynched, Day 4)
Newyn - Diplomat/Awnshegh (Lynched, Day Five)
Visorslash - General (Lynched, Day Six)
Midday: [TIMER=5/27/2015 11:00 PM GMT+1; Midday has arrived][/TIMER]
Day Seven ends: [TIMER=5/28/2015 10:00 PM GMT+1; Day Seven over][/TIMER]
Day One begins; Midday One; Day One ends. Day Two begins; Midday Two; Day Two ends. Day Three begins; Midday Three; Day Three ends. Day Four begins; Midday Four; Day Four ends.
Day Five begins; Midday Five; Day Five ends. Day Six begins; Midday Six; Day Six ends. Day Seven begins; Midday Seven.