NOTW XXIII: The War Party -- Sign-up Thread

:hmm: 30 players, plus winson hughes who hasn't signed up yet but wanted to join gives 31.. Do we have to wait for two weeks?
Checking in. Thanks to CCRunner for spamming the DI thread.
It was most certainly NOT spam sir, thank you very much ;) It got you to join, plus I'm guessing Forest and Nictel. I know Winston followed my sig here and I'm not sure about Diamondeye.
((Where the hell were all of these people for my game?!?!))
Diamondeye is Niklas', IIRC, from our CIV MTDG team.

30 players, plus winson hughes who hasn't signed up yet but wanted to join gives 31.. Do we have to wait for two weeks?

We may have to wait for three. I made extra characters, but not this many, and some things will need changing. I'll work hard for Feb. 27th, though!
Wow. Have we ever had this many players before?
No, we haven't. Pinman aimed for the stars and hoped to get 30 for his game, we all told him it was impossible. :crazyeye:
Didn't NotW V have about 30 players? Also Snakes and Foxes got a full 36 eventually, I think.

Probably the main reason 30-player-games are so rare is because blind signups are a fairly recent invention, and before then, most GMs wouldn't have been optimistic (or masochistic) enough to manufacture 30 characters. Good luck Renata, is all I can say. :lol:
And just when I thought I had to scrap my two threads idea because finding 32 players would be impossible...

Welcome to all the 'new' players. It's nice to see fresh blood faces
It's obviously possible. Dang. We have a lot of people. Now let's hope all the new guys are active.
Didn't NotW V have about 30 players? Also Snakes and Foxes got a full 36 eventually, I think.
Here I was about to correct Niklas, and then you steal my thunder. :p Yes, Jono was adamant about scouring the corners of the CFC to get a full 30 players. Snakes and Foxes only got to 33 at any one time, I think, though a couple of people joined after it started.
I so agree with this.

Yeah, that's what I'm most worried about. Looks like we've got a pretty good cast this time, though. ;)
Ok ok, well, my "ever" started at NotW 8... :blush:
You'd have done well to play in NotW XX, seeing as how it never existed. There has never been a NotW with a multiple of ten, actually. Although I'll be sure to play in NotW XXX: Too Hot for TV (Wolves Gone Wild) :groucho:
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