A few years ago, I recall scientists and eco-nuts going on and on about global 'cooling'. You would think that they would welcome some warmth. I certainly would, I live in Canada, it is as cold here as always.
Besides, I dont care about a bunch of polar bears and seals that enjoy life on ice. If it melts, tough sh*t. I am leaning toward the theory that warming is natural. Our sun is a big nuke that has been blowing up for the past umpteen million years. It has not stayed at the same temperature all that time. If it is not a temperature change, it could verywell be a change in the Earths orbit. We might have drifted a bit closer to the sun. We dont produce enough gas emmisions to affect the planet on such a grand scale, in fact, according to many an eco-nut, global warming began before we started to use a lot of cars. (Also according to many an eco-nut, the avarage temperature around the world changed a wopping 2 degrees celcius... The HORROR!)
BTW, How in holy h*ll would a nuke cause this oh so very terrible global warming? Would it not just mess up land and make the air in that and surounding areas unfit to breath? Why would global warming produce desert? Why would the water level rise? Why should we care? We have far more pressing matters on the mainland. Like the depletion of forests for example. (I shall be very pleased when they finally do run out of lumber, I wonder what they will say then?)
How about dealing with the smog that stays over most major citys? Or maby water pollution would suit your taste? No? What about the curios lack of fish in our waters?
-By the by, this is not ment to be offencive or derogatory in any way. I have nothing against people who say that fish dont have meat, that cloning is evil, that the world ended 2 years ago, that god is on their side, that Americans know nothing about the world, that Canadians spend their entire lives finding new ways to say ay?, that the world is flat, that the world is at the center of the universe, that dogs are better than cats, that Civ 3 stinks, that video games make kids want to kill each other and that cats are boring. Really, I dont...