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Nukes, Global Warming, & You.

Iron Weasel

Nov 17, 2007
In my current game, just by sheer coincidence, I saved approximately 8 turns before Boudica finished The Manhatten Project.

I have never really used nuclear weapons before, but I figured that since I had a save game, I could "experiment" with ICBM's and Tactical Nukes. Hannibal was my closest neighbor that I don't have Friendly relations with, so he was selected to be the guinea pig.

Popped off a couple ICBM's at his largest population cities and within a few turns I was invading his continent (Hemisphere map, random number of continents) and taking cities left and right. That's when I started getting 2 or 3 "Global Warming strikes near xxxxx" notifications per turn. In total, I lost maybe 12 tiles, 1 was an aluminum mine and the other was an oil tile. I have multiples of those resources, but I founded Mining Inc. So every little bit helps.

Does the Global Warming only affect the nation that launches the nuke or is it truly random?

Does the number of Global Warming events correlate with the number of nukes launched?

I ask this because I quit with the nukes after I started having mass Global Warming but 15 turns or so later Boudica went nuts launching like 8 nukes in one turn against Wang Kon. I played another 10 or 15 turns and never saw any other notifications.

I'm trying to decide if it would be better to start from the save point and not use nukes, or just tough it out and kill off Hannibal.
Global warming is only occurs after the first nuclear explosion (could be a power plant melting down rather than a nuke). After that there's something like a 20% chance of a tile changing to desert each turn, per nuke detonated, so global warming is directly proportional to nuke usage. It's random, and can hit anywhere on the planet regardless of who's slinging nukes or where they're going.

In total, I lost maybe 12 tiles, 1 was an aluminum mine and the other was an oil tile. I have multiples of those resources, but I founded Mining Inc. So every little bit helps.

Generally you can rebuild resource improvements after global warming strikes, and indeed you can end up with some very strange combinations of resources and desert due to it.
oops MrCynical said what i said, i just didn't notice that post somehow :crazyeye:. the only thing i'd add is that you don't get any notification when an AI nuke plant melts down, so sometimes the random global warming starts "out of nowhere" from your perspective, which tends to irritate me.
I know where the global warming comes from in this game...all those ICBM's Boudica and I were throwing around. :lol:

I reverted back to my prior save. About 20 turns later I had Peter and his 3 vassals declare war on me. :crazyeye:
Global warming is only occurs after the first nuclear explosion (could be a power plant melting down rather than a nuke). After that there's something like a 20% chance of a tile changing to desert each turn, per nuke detonated, so global warming is directly proportional to nuke usage. It's random, and can hit anywhere on the planet regardless of who's slinging nukes or where they're going.

Generally you can rebuild resource improvements after global warming strikes, and indeed you can end up with some very strange combinations of resources and desert due to it.

I had been looking for numbers like this. But realistically,why would GW happen at random anywhere? Shouldn't it have a higher concentration near tiles that were directly hit by an ICBM?
Why warming anyway ?! It's post-nuclear Winter not Summmer after all :D Having hard time finding evidence (or even speculation) connecting Nuclear Plant meltdowns with Global Warming as well....
Mod to change "warming" to "winter"? :crazyeye:

Anyways, Does Nuke warming ever stop? or does it keep on until 100% of the world is desert?
When does it stop :nuke:
the connection between global warming and nukes is called cutting corners, and no it dont stop till all tiles that can be are changed its just the more you nuke the faster the dust ball you get (1=20/1000 so more like 2% chance per turn per nuke/plant detonated)
There seems to be nothing in the code to make it stop.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I think that global warming starts at some point even if there would be no nuclear explosions at all.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I think that global warming starts at some point even if there would be no nuclear explosions at all.

Thats what I used to think (Being a CivI to CivIII player, so... ;) ) but in CivIV Global Warming only starts if there is a melt down or nuke being launched. And since the AI is extremely trigger happy with nuke :mad: , you can bet that it will happen in almost every game at any setting that is higher than settler. :D I have seen AI launching nuke at barbarian, mind you! :crazyeye: Talk about gross overkill. :lol:
I'm also assuming the variables between ICBMs and Tactics are the exact same, except for range and cost. Though I'm not 100% sure how the new patch handles SDI interception between them.

I used to be under the impression tacticals got through the SDI, but I've had enough of those shot down lately that I'm not sure what's what anymore.

I also wonder, doesn't leaving irradiated tiles also contribute to global warming? Seems every time I figure this stuff out, a new patch or expansion comes out.
Actually, I do know that ICBM's do MORE DAMAGE than tactics, but again I never got to see how the mathematics of this breaks down. I can put together that shelters have a 50% penalty to nukes and that's about it.
I was thinking tactical nukes will not be intercepted by SDI, as it says "Chance to intercept a ICBM"... Don't have first hand experience on this however...

From looking at the code, leaving tiles with fallout does not give you any GW. The GW routine is very plain so i do not think i missed something.
Hmm, I am guessing that the tactical nukes getting shot by the SDI now could very well be a bug. I will assume so until someone here proves me otherwise.

In any case, I do think these issues are important, as nuking is much more important in BtS than previous editions. No more perma-banning from the UN, and with run away culture civs on other continents, you MUST find a way to slow down their wins.
Thats what I used to think (Being a CivI to CivIII player, so... ;) ) but in CivIV Global Warming only starts if there is a melt down or nuke being launched. And since the AI is extremely trigger happy with nuke :mad: , you can bet that it will happen in almost every game at any setting that is higher than settler. :D I have seen AI launching nuke at barbarian, mind you! :crazyeye: Talk about gross overkill. :lol:

Really? Granted, I play at a lower difficulty level (paying Noble until I get over the urge to stop neglecting my military/over-focusing on 'pretty cities') but I don't think I've ever seen an AI use a nuke...

EDIT: Oops, after I thought about it I realized I typically control the UN, and run the nop-nukes ban... :) guess that would explain the no-nukes thing in my games, huh? :p
Talking about so many nukes I really miss the planet busters from SMAC that didn't give GW.:crazyeye:
Really? Granted, I play at a lower difficulty level (paying Noble until I get over the urge to stop neglecting my military/over-focusing on 'pretty cities') but I don't think I've ever seen an AI use a nuke...

EDIT: Oops, after I thought about it I realized I typically control the UN, and run the nop-nukes ban... :) guess that would explain the no-nukes thing in my games, huh? :p

there was a bug in vanilla that prevented the AI from building ICBMs. there weren't any tactical nukes of course, so they couldn't build any nukes. that bug was fixed ... in July of this year, when BtS came out :crazyeye:. so anyone who stuck with vanilla and skipped warlords never ever saw AI nukes at all until BtS came out. i imagine it takes some getting used to. :lol:

I have seen AI launching nuke at barbarian, mind you! :crazyeye: Talk about gross overkill. :lol:

that was another patch note that cracked me up. this time in warlords, in the may 2007 patch.
"AI no longer dumps their entire nuclear arsenal on the barbarians" *giggle*
Why warming anyway ?! It's post-nuclear Winter not Summmer after all :D Having hard time finding evidence (or even speculation) connecting Nuclear Plant meltdowns with Global Warming as well....

Hear, hear!

oops MrCynical said what i said, i just didn't notice that post somehow :crazyeye:. the only thing i'd add is that you don't get any notification when an AI nuke plant melts down, so sometimes the random global warming starts "out of nowhere" from your perspective, which tends to irritate me.

Agree aswell - Though I have to add that the human player seems harder struck by GW, but that's probably just me.

there was a bug in vanilla that prevented the AI from building ICBMs. there weren't any tactical nukes of course, so they couldn't build any nukes. that bug was fixed ... in July of this year, when BtS came out :crazyeye:. so anyone who stuck with vanilla and skipped warlords never ever saw AI nukes at all until BtS came out. i imagine it takes some getting used to. :lol:
that was another patch note that cracked me up. this time in warlords, in the may 2007 patch.
"AI no longer dumps their entire nuclear arsenal on the barbarians" *giggle*

:O Didn't know that, so I haven't seen AI nuking at all´- maby in the current game!
Talking about so many nukes I really miss the planet busters from SMAC that didn't give GW.:crazyeye:

Instead of GW we got berserk aliens and mushroom growth on us if you used lots of them. :D (A bit better but not much, and thats how nukes should be! Nukes in Civ IV are too weak! :p)
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