NutraNES: Aros Arisen


Unlikeliest of Slash Fics
Jan 30, 2009
Orders will be due Friday, June 18th @ 12:00 AM (MIDNIGHT) GMT -5


Players will assume the roles of the Immortals for this NES. At first I will only allow for eight players to exist, but as the course of the game goes on and new lands/peoples are discovered who knows what roles will open!

At the onset of the game the Wars of Five Spears has just broken out. Diplomatic relations, as little as they were, between the Aros Republic and the Dual Kingdom of Lachykos-Zelotage have broken down and the Immortal kings of Lachykos-Zelotage have declared war upon the Immortals of the Aros Republic. The A.R., though small in size, has a strong citizen army as well as a strong ally in the City-State of Sakkema. It will be up to the players to devise a way to defeat their larger enemy and bring glory to the Republic!

As Immortals the players are the virtual heads of the 'Republican' Government. They make and break foreign treaties, decide domestic issues of greater importance, and lead the citizen armies where ever they wish. The trick to playing an Immortal, however, is to working alongside your fellow Immortals as well as the Council of Patricians. Long gone are the days when the Immortals acted as one and the inklings of factionalism have begun to take root.

The Gods
It certainly is anybody's guess whether or not the Gods still exist after the Gamien War where God fought against God while man fought below. However the people still venerate the Gods as a precaution, and while the days of Zios and his ilk actively mingling in mortal affairs seem to be over it would be considered insane to not whisper a prayer to them before any undertaking.

The Three Fathers
The three heads of the Arosan pantheon are not the progenitor of the world, but the opportunistic sons of Titans who happened to seize Godhood from their primordial parents. Each is considered to be the paragon of a specific type of Arosan male.

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The God of the Sky, Law, and Hospitality may be the chief-most God of the pantheon, but he is not the most revered God in the eyes of most Arosans. He is often depicted as an older man, yet still in his physical prime with a lightning in one hand and a book of laws in the other. Supposedly he is a stern and unforgiving man in all matters outside of his 'household', and a jovial and welcoming man when in the company of honored guests and friends. He favors fathers and honorable politicians, while he despises those who spurn their guests or exploit their charges. He prides himself for his creation of the first laws and favors peace as he recognizes that there can be no order in war.

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The God of the Sea and nothing else, Dorarities duty is seen as so difficult and vast that he is often believed to be utterly absorbed in himself and his domain; because of this he is angered easily when some mortal happens to stray upon the sea and take Dorarities' attention from his aquatic charges. Like his brother Zios, Dorarities is depicted as an older man still physically capable and he carries a trident in one hand reins in the other. He is always, always depicted as riding a chariot drawn by hippocampi rearing back and in general looking wild so as to illustrate the violent nature of the sea. He despises sailors, ironically, as he sees them as pests who flit about his realm with little cause, which is why ships always have a musician on board to calm the sea. However, he does appreciate good seamanship, albeit grudgingly, but this rarely will stop him from destroying the seaman in question.

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The Keeper of the Netherworld and youngest of the three pantheon heads, Praxix is not a God of death so much as he is the divine being who tends to the afterlife. Subsequently he is primarily the God of Records. Unlike his other two brothers, Praxix is depicted as a young man who wears an expression somber beyond his years. Also unlike the other two, Praxix is often depicted naked and carries a many records in both his hands. He favors none in particular, save for perhaps those who have found ways to cheat death, as he regards all mortal creatures as his charge.

The Three Sisters
The three female heads of the Arosan pantheon who too were birthed by the Titans and seized Godhood from their parents. Each is married to one of the Three Fathers. Unlike as is the case with their male counterparts, only one of the Three Sisters is thought to represent the ideal Arosan woman.

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The Goddess of Wisdom and head of the Three Sisters (though Akyrosyne, Goddess of War, would hotly contest this) is married to Zios and presides over the lofty realm of knowledge in most, if not all, forms. Because of this she often is also said to be the Goddess of Justice, as she advises her husband in matters of law and more often than not can discern the true transgressors. She is depicted as a young woman who is not beautiful, but proper. She holds only scrolls in her hands and carries an owl upon her shoulder. Of the Three Sisters she is the most temperate, almost overly so in fact and she can rarely be decisive. She prides herself for her creation of the first songs, though she has long ago given up music to her half-son, Genylon God of Love. She also thinks herself a general, much to the chagrin of Zios, due to her vast understanding of tactics and stratagems. She would claim herself to be the Goddess of Disciplined Warfare where it not for Akyrosyne's fierce protection of her portfolio. She favors poets, librarians, scholars, and strategy-minded generals; she dislikes wanton soldiery and the destruction of any kind of book.

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The Goddess of War, Strength, Courage, and (oddly enough) Manliness, Akyrosyne is the wife of Dorarities. Like her husband she is dangerously obsessed with her portfolio and still more like him is fickle in who and exactly what she favors. In truth she could more accurately be called the Goddess of Bloodlust and Rampage as no matter who she favors bloodshed and destruction is likely to follow. She is the youngest of the Three Sisters and is often depicted as a young woman of immense, if unkempt, beauty. She never wears a traditional stola, but is always is clad in armor splattered with blood and dirt. She caries a sword and shield, both well worn and yet still magnificent in appearance, and always has her head tilted upwards so as to show her honor/extreme egotism. She and her sister Ionilemia have never gotten along due to their differing views on warfare and Ionilemia's attempts to seize War for herself (or at the very least split it between ordered and chaotic). She favors all soldiers, but abhors murderers and those who harm innocents in any other name but war.

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The eldest of the Three Sisters and Goddess of Fertility is paradoxically married to Praxix. From this union can we gleam the Arosan understanding of life and death: that all is fated to eventually end-including the Immortals as they too are children from this paring. It is believed that Praxix and Haimelia produced the first mortals and because of this every mortal's death has been recorded by Praxix. Haimelia primarily presides over motherhood and farming, and it is in her humble nature that Arosan women are supposed to find their model. She is often depicted as a homely woman, her eyes downcast and her empty hands clasped in front of her so as to represent her obedience and willingness to yield to her husband. She favors none as she considers all walks of life to be of her making.

The Children
Each of the subsequent members of the Pantheon have been born out of a copulation of the above six Gods. Though they may be the children of the first six Gods, they are no less important.

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Daughter of Zios and Akyrosyne, Sphasia is one of the first children to have been born and the first born outside of wedlock. Sphasia is the Goddess of the Hunt and Animals, a portfolio bequeathed to her by her mother. In fact Sphasia takes after Akyrosyne more so than Zios- she is wild and animalistic, often she is thought to be a wolf in the guise of a human. This probably stems from the means of her conception: Zios had long lusted after Akyrosyne, but could never lay with her due to the constant presence of her husband, Dorarities. So Zios waited for the two to get into one of the vicious arguments that they are known for and eventually his patience paid off. While Akyrosyne lay exhausted from her fight with Dorarities, Zios approached her in the guise of brilliant while wolf and mounted her. Akyrosyne, too tired to fight back, soon gave birth to Sphasia.

Sphasia is normally depicted as naked save for a snow-white wolf skin draped over her back. When she does wear clothes she wears a short knee-length chiton which her adoptive father, Dorarities, gave her on her ascension to godhood. She always carries a bow and full quiver of arrows and is followed by nymphs in the guise of animals. Sphasia favors hunters and chaste women, but beyond that she generally dislikes all other humans.

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The Son/Daughter of Dorarities and Ionilemia, Dynysso/Apothe is the God/Goddess of Love/Lust depending upon which side of the being is being worshiped. The Dual-God can be described as nothing short of horrifying: enraged by the rape of his wife, Dorarities stuck out against Zios by impregnating Ionilemia with all manners of ill thoughts and wanton lusts, creating the female Apothe. Upon Apothe's birth Zios, in a fit of equal anger, tore the child in half, but instead of leave her firstborn to die, Ionilemia sew the child back together with a strand of her hair. When she kissed the right half of the babe it ceased crying and smiled- in doing so becoming Dynysso. The Dual-God soon came to represent two sides of the same coin. Where Apothe, the left half, was driven by carnal desires and worldly pleasures, Dynysso was driven by the almost naive need to coddle and be affectionate. In truth Dynysso is a woman, but he hates his other half with such a passion that he refuses to even share a gender with her.

Dynysso/Apothe is often depicted naked with a stitched up tear down its middle. The left half is full and voluptuous, while the right has its breast cut off, vagina sewn up, and curves marred by numerous self-inflicted blows. Both sides can never been seen at the same time by any mortal, and to attempt to do so is seen as wildly taboo. Dynysso favors young lovers, poets, and artists while Apothe favors prostitutes and the vain.

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Son of Dorarities and Akyrosyne, Leion is the God of Fire, Metalworking, and Sculpture. He is the constant companion of his mother when she is warring, often creating new weapons as Akyrosyne breaks them in combat. He is also known as the Crippled God, a name he earned when upon his ascension to Godhood he opposed his father's ill-treatment of his mother. In a characteristic rage Dorarities hurled his son from the heavens, an act which destroyed the mighty God's left leg. Out of anger and the need to revenge himself, Leion adopted the portfolio of Fire, the natural enemy (and, tragically, prey) of the sea with which he used to forge a new leg for himself.

As he is not allowed back into the heavens and instead dwells in the mountainous staircase leading to it, Leion wears the simple clothes of any other artisan despite his divine nature. He is depicted as a man in his middling years, but so at the physical peak of any being due to the hard nature of his work. Despite the smoldering hatred he carries for his father, Leion is otherwise a mild-mannered and fair handed God. He favors blacksmiths, artisans, sculptors, and craftsmen of all kinds.

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The daughter of Praxix born out of parthenogenesis, Threne was said to have been created out of Praxix's need of someone to help guide souls to the Netherworld. Over time Threne grew bored of the immediate area of her father's home and sought to experience the lands beyond the dreary Netherworld. During her wanderings Threne is said to have crossed all corners of this world and the next, amassing such a knowledge of things that she became the Goddess of Travel, Medicine, and Trade. Although she is certainly intelligent, Threne still has a youthful nativity and curiosity that propels her to seek out new things, but often gets her into dangerous situations that are entirely avoidable.

Threne is always depicted as a young woman wearing travel-comfortable clothes, exactly what clothes changing depending upon where she is depicted. She carries a walking stick carved to look like a caduceus. She favors adventurers, thieves, merchants, and doctors. She in general finds it hard to dislike anyone because she finds each and every person interesting in their own right.

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The daughter of Zios and Haimelia, Phronyrna was the product of yet another one of Zios' lustful advances on one of his brother's wives. However instead of forcing himself upon Haimelia, Haimelia approached Zios as she was distraught that no child had been born from her couplings with Praxix. Phronyrna was subsequently born and Zios graciously took her under his charge, immediately raising her to Godhood and granting her the portfolios of the Hearth, Family, and all things domestic. Phronyrna was raised more so a servant than goddess- while Zios treated her fairly, he forced her to do all manner of tasks 'for the sake of the household' no matter how degrading they were. Because of this Phronyrna grew up humble, quiet, and calm and of all the gods she is quite possibly the most temperate.

Phronyrna is often depicted as a beautiful young woman whose face is often obscured by her stolla and stooped posture. She favors mothers and dutiful children, but has an understandable disliking of fathers no matter what their actions may be.

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Titans reborn as Gods, Odyssaom and Odyssosis were once one impressive being, but during the Revolt of Gods lead by Zios they were torn asunder by a strike of Zios' lightning, creating day and night. Later they were born to Haimelia as twins by an unknown father. From birth Odyssaom and Odyssosis had achieved Godhood. It is said that Odyssaom, the male, was born with the brilliance of the sun at his back while Odyssosis, the female, was born with the eerie glow of the moon in her eyes. Much to the surprise of all the other gods they grew into adults over the course of one day and immediately assumed their position in the heavens.

The two gods are always depicted naked and hand in hand, Odyssaom as a young man in his prime and Odyssosis as a beautiful young woman. Odyssaom carries a spear in his empty hand while Odyssosis carries a shield in hers. They favor no one as they consider their position as sun and moon as so far above mortals that they rarely notice them.

The History As The Immortals Know It
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There was once a time when the gods graced the earth as often as the sun's rays. Zios sat atop his marble and gold throne in the ancient city of Athanaseleus ruling over a united people, the Gamiens. Our ancestors were amongst the most blessed of all peoples in the known world, and yet they were simple. The Gamiens were primarily farmers, shepherds, and fishermen. They were not artisans, merchants, nor any of the other softer professions and knew not of luxuries or kindness for though the gods loved them, Gaia had made the Gamien land rocky and unforgiving.

Still yet the people were happy and prosperous in their own little way, but the gods were restless and wanted more.

Lead by Akyrosyne's lusting after bloodshed and Zios' unyielding want of a home more hospitable, the gods turned their greedy eyes east where the mighty-and rich-older gods ruled over peoples and lands far more prosperous than what the Gamiens had. The gods created trumped up charges and false accusations in order to kindle an unrighteous hatred so that the Gamiens would wage war on the mortal sphere while the gods did so in the heavens. Being simple our ancestors were fooled easily and so they took up their poorer arms and waged blood war upon a peoples called the Corians.

Believe what you must, but the Corians were not villains. They were what our ancestors deemed softer, as the Corians enjoyed everything that the Gamiens had not. Yet most of all the Corians were divided into fiercely independent city states and minor kingdoms. United under the gods our ancestors swept quickly through the first small Corian states that they encountered and for a time things seemed good. But things would not remain as such as the Corians realized that they could only fend off the vicious Gamien onslaught united together.

And so all the remaining Corian states formed a council and debated fiercely over who would lead their new, unified kingdom. No one state wished to yield their sovereignty and the arguments continued for years until the Gamien armies became too much of a threat to ignore in favor of petty politics. Desperate the Corians begged their gods to give them a sign, and the gods did them one better by raising up a Corian warrior to demi-godhood, or in other words making her an Immortal.

Her name was Odyrmyria and she was one of the most valiant Corian warriors during the early stages of the Gamien War. Upon learning that their leader was to be a woman the Corian politicians refused to acknowledge such a notion, for their society was then far more gendered than our own. However, with her newly gained prowess, Odyrmyria forced the leaders of the remaining Corian states to recognize her as their single and eternal leader.

Now united the Corian Kingdom began to fight the Gamiens in full, almost effortlessly beating back our ancestor's aggression. With blinding speed our ancestor's gains were taken and soon the Corians had begun to invade the Gamien homeland.

Our gods too were being fought back by those elder deities worshiped by the Corians, though exactly what transpired we do not know. It was not until the Odyrmyria stood at the gates of Athanaseleus with her mighty host that our ancestors began to realize exactly how dire the situation truly was. As the Corian armies stormed our ancestor's last stronghold the gods left them and so our people were scattered.

What happened to the gods is entirely unknown, but we still venerate them for the last gift they seemed to have given us. Amongst the surviving Gamiens twelve individuals who had proved themselves in the past decades of war were raised to the same demi-godhood as Odyrmyria. At first it was not known to them, but one by one each of the Immortals discovered their new nature and took it upon themselves to guide the broken Gamiens to a new home...

Arosan Values
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Auctoritas — "Spiritual Authority" — The sense of one's social standing, built up through experience, Pietas, and Industria.
Comitas — "Humour" — Ease of manner, courtesy, openness, and friendliness.
Constantia — "Perseverance" — Military stamina, mental and physical endurance.
Clementia — "Mercy" — Mildness and gentleness.
Dignitas — "Dignity" — A sense of self-worth, personal pride.
Disciplina — "Discipline" — Military oath under Arosan protective law & citizenship.
Firmitas — "Tenacity" — Strength of mind, the ability to stick to one's purpose.
Frugalitas — "Frugality" — Economy and simplicity of style, without being miserly.
Gravitas — "Gravity" — A sense of the importance of the matter at hand, responsibility and earnestness.
Honestas — "Respectability" — The image that one presents as a respectable member of society.
Humanitas — "Humanity" — Refinement, civilization, learning, and being cultured.
Industria — "Industriousness" — Hard work.
Iustitia — "Justice" — Sense of moral worth to an action.
Pietas — "Dutifulness" — More than religious piety; a respect for the natural order socially, politically, and religiously. Includes the ideas of patriotism and devotion to others.
Prudentia — "Prudence" — Foresight, wisdom, and personal discretion.
Salubritas — "Wholesomeness" — Health and cleanliness.
Severitas — "Sternness" — Gravity, self-control.
Veritas — "Truthfulness" — Honesty in dealing with others.
Virtus - "Manliness" - Valor, excellence, courage, character, and worth. Vir meaning "man".
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Immortals have no stats dealing with them save for three things: faction popularity, magical items, and private wealth. In the beginning very few Immortals will have any stat, but as the game progresses they will begin to amass the three.

Faction Popularity
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This is, in short, how popular an Immortal is with a respective faction (domestic or foreign) or noble family. It will be measured by a scale of .5 to 5, .5 being absolutely despised and 5 being worshiped like a God.

Magical Items
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Although not magical in the high fantasy medieval sense, this setting is still a magical place where odd things happen, strange creatures exist, and Gods irregularly intervene on the behalf of mortals (or Immortals, in the case of the players). One such manifestation of magic are magical items. These items will have a short description of what they look like and another description detailing exactly what it is they are intended to do. The descriptions of their powers will be vague so as to encourage inventive ways to use them.

Note, not all magical items will revolve around warfare.

Private Wealth
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There will come a time when simply requesting for funds from the Council of Patricians and the Council of Immortals will be tedious, if not outright stupid. At this moment the Private Wealth stat will shine.

Private wealth are all those assets that an Immortal may gain and choose not to report to the Republic. This includes monetary wealth, as well as land and loyal legions of soldiers. An Immortal's private wealth will only be known to him, those he wishes to report it to, and those lucky enough to gleam knowledge of whatever it is the Immortal is hoarding.

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Aros is the main source of stats for this game. The stats will be public, as it is assumed that all the Immortals can access the details of the city they rule over. As the game continues and new cities are conquered/formed their stats will be added to the stat lists. The following are the stats for Aros and each city under Republican Immortal control:

Name: The name of the city
Culture: The predominant culture of the city
Population: An approximate number of the city's inhabitants and outlying residents
Overall Income: Unmodified income of the city
Upkeep: The cost of maintainence which effects how much actual income is derived, Note this is will fluctuate
Corruption: The Amount of Income Which Just Happens to Slip into some private party's pockets, Note Immortals can be this private party
Actual Income: The actual spendable income of the city
Manpower: The number of men (and women, depending upon the culture) able to fight at that momemt, this will further be divided into the types of soldiers they can become (Ranged, Rich Infantry, Poor Infantry, Cavalry, etc. etc.)
Navy: The ships and kinds of ships available to the city as well as the cost it would be to build ships in that city
Infrastructure: The most abstract of abstract stats, there are three kinds of infrastructure- Public Buildings, Transportation, and Defenses. All are on a scale of 1 to 100 and can be increased by spending money and decreased overtime/via actions or events. Public Buildings deals with those facilities/programs that benefit the entire populace, such as circuses, bath houses, parks, etc. Transportation deals with things relating to moving easier, such as harbors and roads (both inside the city and out). Defenses deals with structures pertaining to the city's defense, which most of the time are its walls, gates, etc.
Factions: The various factions present in the city as well as the levels of popularity with various Immortals (or other entities)
Popularity: Overall disposition to the Republic & the Immortals
Trade Goods: Trade goods are of no real consequence to the Immortals unless they involve themselves in trade. This stat is simply to give players an idea of what kind of goods a city produces and the quality of those goods. Trade goods will be listed with the quality next to them, the quality ranging from bad-poor-normal-good-excellent.

Foreign Stats
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Foreign stats will be represented simply with the following:

Relative Power: An estimate of military power in relation to Aros'
Relative Wealth: An estimate of foreign wealth in relation to Aros'
Disposition: How favorable the nation is to Aros

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Factions within the Republic will have their own stats representing their relative power and wealth. These will be the only two stats specifically for factions.

Faction Power: A stat abstractly detailing a faction's strength overall in the Empire. I will also list specific centers of power for the faction
Faction Wealth: A stat abstractly detailing a faction's relative wealth across the board. I will also list specific centers of wealth for the faction

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Although at this point the Council of Patricians is little more than an auxiliary body of government, perhaps overtime the mortals within the Republic will gain power. At the moment the Senate only consists of two bodies, the Council of Immortals and the Council of Patricians.

The Council of Patricians is composed of the five major families of Aros and only include them. At the start of the NES the CoP has 100 members, votes are split evenly, and no one family holds dominance over the other. The CoP deals with minor domestic issues such as disputes amongst the populous and they can also propose new laws for deliberation in the Council of Immortals. Also the CoP must ratify any declaration of war or peace created by the Council of Immortals.

The Council of Immortals is composed of the immortals. Each immortal has a single vote and a decision can only be made with a majority of 4 out of 7. The CoI deliberates on all major domestic issues such as trade laws, farm zoning, settlement, etc. as well as military issues such as the drafting of soldiers, position of defensive forces, and the campaigning of war. The CoI also deals exclusively with all foreign bodies.

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The military will initially be composed of only a few types of units: Poor Infantry, Rich Infantry, Ranged (Type), and Cavalry. As the game goes on more types of soldiers will be opened.

Alongside the type of unit there will be the discipline and experience stats. Discipline will determine how cohesive the units are as a result of their training, experience will determine how the units will fare in the face of unexpected circumstances. Each stat will will be on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being low 10 being high. It is good to have a high stat for each!

Units in Detail

Poor Infantry
Poor Infantry are those average citizens pressed into service with little more than a pointy knife or extra sharp stick. They generally are terrible soldiers, but can be amassed in great numbers in little to no time.

Rich Infantry
Rich Infantry are derived from the nobility or those commoners rich enough to afford armor. These men (and possibly women) are excellent soldiers and strive to be called upon so as to demonstrate their worthiness. They are armed with actual armor and an array of weapons ranging from short and long swords and spears. It takes time for Rich Infantry to muster and generally is very costly.

Ranged is the catch all term for units devoted to pelting enemies from afar. Whether it be slings, javelins, or bows, the ranged use their weapons to great effect, but are best kept out of melee. What they are armed with differs from region to region, but most Ranged have little to no armor, a small knife, and their ranged weapon of choice. Also depending upon the region it may take longer or cost more to draft Ranged units.

Cavalry are the rarest of the current units. Cavalry are composed exclusively of the nobility, as they are the only ones rich enough to raise horses and devote sufficient enough time to train in the art of mounted combat. Cavalry thus are titans on the battlefield, often scaring their unmounted enemies. Cavalry can be either lightly armored or heavily armored, depending upon the region and its traditions. It takes some time and costs a lot to recruit cavalry.

Unlike the grounded troops, the Navy is not tied to the population of a city. Ships can be bought for a certain price, although it does take some time to build them and it will be noted whether or not it is feasible to have the ships ready to be used in the same turn.

Currently only triremes are available. These are the most basic of warships and can carry 200 soldiers for every one ship (or 50 horsemen for every one ship).

Republican Cities
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Name: Aros
Major City; Agricultural
Culture: Aros
Population: Medium; Growing (Population swell due to refugees;few Arosans are being born, however, due to extended warfare)
Overall Income: 150d
Upkeep: 25d (Walls & Via Appen/Sioth)
Corruption: 10d
Actual Income: 115d (1,500d Stored)
Manpower: 27,300; Poor Infantry (14,000); Rich Infantry (7,450); Ranged-Javelins (4,400); Cavalry-Light (1,400)
Navy: 40 Triremes (2d/1 Trireme), 2,000 Marines
Infrastructure: Public Buildings (20); Transportation (15); Defenses (10)
Factions: Farmers (Artemalces & Epicurus); Slaves (Cedros); Merchants (No Favor); Artisans (No Favor); Eluthyerus Family (No Favor); Sikorimos Family (No Favor); Penumar Family (No Favor); Diapthylos Family (No Favor); Kataxen Family (Aristomachos); Cult of Akyrosyne (Aristomachos); Cult of Dorarities
Trade Goods: Wool (Good), Linen (Good)

Name: Clementia
Major City; Agricultural
Culture: Zelotegan
Population: Medium; Decreasing (Population shrinking due to recent wars)
Overall Income: 100d
Upkeep: 20d (Walls, Small Harbor)
Corruption: 50d (High crime in the aftermath of the war, criminals roam both the countryside and city streets)
Actual Income: 30d (500d Stored)
Manpower: 20,000; Poor Infantry (10,000); Rich Infantry (6,000); Ranged-Javelins (4,000)
Navy: N.A
Infrastructure: Public Buildings (0); Transportation (15); Defenses (10)
Factions: Farmers (No Favor; Slaves (No Favor); Merchants (No Favor); Artisans (No Favor); Local Nobility (No Favor)
Trade Goods: Wool (Normal), Linen (Normal); Textiles (Good)

Republican Armies
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Grand Army of the Republic

The only army of the Republic currently operates as a volunteer citizen-army and thus costs no maintenance, but troops gain no experience or discipline in peace time- in fact experience and discipline resets at the end of every campaign. As a citizen army they will refuse to engage in a campaign that lasts too long and should they be convinced to abandon their homes for an extended period of time the economy will surely suffer.

Infantry is a polarized group of those richer citizens able to afford quality armaments and those poorer citizens not able to afford much. Rich Infantry tends to have a higher level of experience and discipline than the Poor Infantry, who generally lack both. However do not confuse the Rich Infantry's high experience/discipline as the signs of a strong, cohesive army, for the Rich Infantry is largely composed of glory-seekers who are reluctant to give up any opportunity to gain honor in battle, no matter how dangerous. This trait is also prevalent in the Poorer Infantry who hope to earn merit through battle, explaining why such poorly armed soldiers will throw themselves into battle with out proper armor. Rich Infantry are armed with spears, short swords, leather cuirass, helmet, and a large decorated shield. Poor Infantry are armed with poorer quality spears, short swords, and even knives; they have no armor and are tremendously lucky if they carry even a small shield.

Ranged troops are composed exclusively of poorer rural citizens, owing to the fact that no wealthy Arosan would engage in something so devoid of honor as ranged combat. Arosan Ranged troops tend to have low discipline, but slightly higher experience due to their time spent hunting in the wild. Also because of the fact they hunt beasts in their private life Ranged troops tend to be harder to scare than other poorer troops. As bows are expensive and hard to come by, Arosan ranged troops arm themselves with javelins with they throw with surprising strength. They carry enough for 5 to 7 volleys, sacrificing larger melee weapons for more ammunition. At their sides they carry long knives, but they are poor melee fighters. They wear no armor.

Cavalry is made up of the richest of rich Arosan citizens, more often than not members of the Patrician families. Although Aros does not have a strong cavalry tradition, the fact that its cavalry come from fiercely proud families who value martial skill makes its cavalry force very competent, if somewhat impetuous. Cavalry tend to have higher levels of experience than the rest of the army, but a lower discipline due to their glory-seeking nature and arrogance stemming from being the Arosan elite (not to mention the petty rivalries of the families bleeding into the army). They ride lightly armored horses, making them the fastest members of the army, heavier curiasses, long cuisses & greaves to protect their legs, helmets, and grieves a long sword, and a spear able to be thrown or used as a lance. They carry no shields.

Foreign Stats
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Sakkema City State
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Relative Power: Known to have a strong, if incohesive, infantry; Believed to have a smaller army than Aros
Relative Wealth: Almost as rich as Aros
Disposition: Allied with the Aros Republic and holds in high regard

Kingdom of Vorexia
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Relative Power: Little Contact
Relative Wealth: Little Contact
Disposition: Unknown, but probably cautious

City State of Salpe
Spoiler :
Relative Power: Perceived to be weaker than Aros
Relative Wealth: Far wealthier than Aros
Disposition: Amiable due to profitable trade relations

Spoiler :
Cult of Akyrosyne
Faction Power: Some, largely due to its wide appeal with martially-minded Arosan and the recent interest in war, hindered by its very young age and has yet to stabalize its power structure completely
Faction Wealth: Well Off, gleamed from donations of gold

Cult of Dorarities
Faction Power: Little, though it has a large support base, the people whom support it are far from positions of power
Faction Wealth: Well Off, gleamed from donations of gold

Zelotegan Nobility
Faction Power: Very powerful in the limits of Zelotage (Clementia), no power elsewhere
Faction Wealth: Extremely wealthy, due to the former richness of Zelotage (Clementia)

Faction Power: Very little, as they have yet to unite under any voice
Faction Wealth: Poor

Faction Power: Absolutely none
Faction Wealth: Absolutely none

Faction Power: Some, all the current power resides with the patrician families, but money alone does make a man somewhat powerful
Faction Wealth: Wealthy, given the favorable status of Aros' markets

Faction Power: Very little, as they have yet to unite under any one voice and cater to themselves
Faction Wealth: Wealthy, given the favorable status of Aros' markets

Eluthyerus Family
A family very much steeped in things most honorable men would frown at.
Faction Power: Powerful
Faction Wealth: Wealthy, given the favorable status of Aros' markets

Sikorimos Family
The oldest of the five patrician families, the Sikorimos were the first mortals to make demands upon the Immortals and have long catered to the 'mortal cause'.
Faction Power: Powerful
Faction Wealth: Wealthy, given the favorable status of Aros' markets

Penumar Family
The favorite of the plebeians, the Penumar are seen as the valiant defenders of the 'common man'.
Faction Power: Powerful
Faction Wealth: Wealthy, given the favorable status of Aros' markets

Diapthylos Family
The wealthiest of the five patrician families, the Diapthylos have their roots as Corin traders-turned-Arosans.
Faction Power: Powerful
Faction Wealth: Wealthy, given the favorable status of Aros' markets

Kataxen Family
The youngest of the five patrician families, the Kataxens pride themselves for earning their place amongst the patricians out of sheer military merit.
Faction Power: Powerful
Faction Wealth: Wealthy, given the favorable status of Aros' markets

Cedros (erez87)
Spoiler :
One of the wisest of the Immortals, Cedros is known as the the lorekeeper and librarian not just for the Immortals, but for the entire Aros republic. Under his sponsership a large library is maintained within Aros. It is said that he studied under Ionilemia, Goddess of Wisdom, herself.

Recently he has fallen from grace with the Arosan people due to his romantic-politics which saw the attempt to force an unpopular slavery reform onto the peoples. He has adopted a Sakkeman noblewoman, Baskymma, as his daughter.



School of Cedros

Faction Popularity
General Popularity- Falling (Your recent actions show you are not aware of our needs!)
Penumar Patricians- Very Unhappy (Slave and Citizenship Reforms have angered us!)
Kataxen Patricians- Very Unhappy (Slave and Citizenship Reforms have angered us!)
Sikorimos Patricians- Unhappy (Slave and Citizenship Reforms have angered us!)
Artisans- Content (Slave and Citizenship Reforms have angered us!)
Merchants- Content (Slave and Citizenship Reforms have angered us!)
Slaves- Celebrated (The Slave Reform attempt pleases us!)

Magical Items

Ichthyos (Masada)
Spoiler :
A sailor and naval general said to be rivaled only by Dorarities, God of the Sea. He initially came under fire for his vicious raids upon the Zelotagean and Lachykan coasts, but this ire has seemed to dissipate as the War of Five Spears proved... strange.



Faction Popularity
General Popularity- Normal (We are neither upset nor impressed)
Penumar Patricians- Unhappy (You have unlawfully attacked mortals!)
Kataxen Patricians- Unhappy (Many of the Immortals' decisions anger us)
Sikorimos Patricians- Livid (You have unlawfully attacked mortals!)

Magical Items

Epicurus (Seon)
Spoiler :
An orator and general whose pragmatism has earned him little love, but more than enough fear to make up for it. It is said his face has not changed from its stern scowl in over a hundred years and many mortal commoners whisper a prayer to Epicurus after sacrificing to Praxix, God of the Netherworld.

He has thus far proved himself to be a stalwart warrior and level-headed general, acting as a counterweight to Aristomachos' wildly violent nature. His battle with a strange red monster has been the focus of many rumors and stories. His most loyal followers seem to be the refugees of Haplesia, to whom he has shown only the utmost kindness and concern for their well-being.


Southern Vineyards
Trading Vessels x12

Faction Popularity
General Popularity- Celebrated (You have lead us to victory!)
Penumar Patricians- Very Unhappy (You have strong armed us out of Corian-Salpen trade!)
Kataxen Patricians- Content (You have begun to redeem yourself in our eyes)
Sikorimos Patricians- Normal (Though some actions anger us, you have proven yourselves as leaders)

Magical Items
Red Diamond

Matiea (Kentharu)
Spoiler :
The polymath of the Arosan Republic, Matiea can be found dividing her attention in every possible way. Although she excels at none of the endeavors she undertakes, he tends to succeed so well that many say that she is favored by all the Gods.

Alongside the Gods' favor is the favor of the entire republic and she has, as of late, been lauded as the hero of the Republic.



Faction Popularity
General Popularity- Very Celebrated (You are truly a blessing upon the people!)
Penumar Patricians- Content (You have begun to redeem yourself in our eyes)
Kataxen Patricians- Content (You have begun to redeem yourself in our eyes)
Sikorimos Patricians- Normal (Though some actions anger us, you have proven yourselves as leaders)

Magical Items

Aristomachos (das)
Spoiler :
A warrior by every right, Aristomachos is one of the few remaining men who fight in the ancient Gamien style. In all rights he is a terrible general- for him it is only about the slaughter and men follow him into battle partly out of fear and out of awe. Say what you will about his single-minded determination and unerring love of gore, but Aristomachos seems to be have been chosen by Akyrosyne herself.

Acting upon his ties to Akyrosyne, Aristomachos has recently set up a cult surrounding the war-goddess and its popularity has been on the uptake. As its high-priest he commands the ardent fervor of many a young, hotblooded would-be warrior.



Faction Popularity
General Popularity- Celebrated (You have lead us to victory!)
Penumar Patricians- Content (You have begun to redeem yourself in our eyes)
Kataxen Patricians- Celebrated (You are the high priest of our favored cult and a worth warrior!))
Sikorimos Patricians- Normal (Though some actions anger us, you have proven yourselves as leaders)
Cult of Akyrosyne- Extremely Celebrated (You established our faction and are our high priest!)

Magical Items

Artemalces (Anonymoose)
Spoiler :
The most silent of the Immortals and by far the most mysterious, Artemalces often can be found outside the city of Aros and in one of the many outlying rural villages. It is well known that of the seven he is the most skilled with the bow and some even say he can match the Goddess Sphasia in archery.

Those few Arosan living to the north of Aros have taken to Artemalces with a startling fervor. Because of his unbridled charity coupled with his mysterious nature, Artemalces now is the center of a rather disorganized rural cult.



Faction Popularity
General Popularity- Celebrated (You have lead us to victory!)
Penumar Patricians- Content (You have begun to redeem yourself in our eyes)
Kataxen Patricians- Normal (You have lead us to victory!)
Sikorimos Patricians- Normal (Though some actions anger us, you have proven yourselves as leaders)
Farmers- Deified (We worship the ground you walk upon!)

Magical Items

Xanthus (Immaculate)
Spoiler :
Hiorseman of the Republic, Xanthus once stood on the Immortal council when they ruled as virtually one entity, but upon the betrayal of Zelotage and Lachykos and the murder of the eldest Immortal Mikryno, he left the burgeoning Republic and has only recently just returned from his travels.

Rumored to be the favorite of Therene, he has brought back a small amount of Rhabdiens, people from the eastern side of the Appen Mountains, and a glorious host of warriors he calls the Companions of the Valiant Lance.


Companions of the Valiant Lance

Faction Popularity
General Popularity- Unsure (You are not known to us)

Magical Items
I would like orders to be e-mailed to me so I can more easily store and access them. Orders should have your IMMORTAL's NAME (YOUR NAME) TURN NUMBER in the title. Preferably in that order.

Orders can be extremely simple to extremely detailed and I would prefer a middle ground between those two. Orders should include your Immortal's actions in regards to tasks they have been assigned and tasks you wish to do. There is currently no limit to the amount of things you can do per turn so long as your resources can support your actions. The following is an example of orders:

Spoiler :
Dysnai (Nutranurse) Turn I Orders
Council Duties
+Go ahead and invest 10d into the celebration of lights, as I had promised to do during the council session. See to it, however, that my 10d is spent on venerating Dysani's own achievements during the war against the Tannii Barbarians. Make sure to highlight his efforts and Forti River and how he routed a force twice the size of his own.

Factional Duties
+Distribute 30d amongst the Farmers so as to gain their support and show my favor to them. Remind them of how the other Immortals have yet to cater to the needs of the rural peoples and how my own efforts up to this point have been to enfranchise the many small farmers in the countryside as opposed to the rich Patrician families.
+Spy upon the Kataxen Family using the aid promised to me by the Eluthyerus Family, in specific try to find some sort of damning evidence of their recent embezzlement of Republican coin.
+Spend 50d to arm the Farmers and promise them that if the next council session goes ill for them that Dysani will lead an armed riot against the Council of Immortals so as to pass the Anti-Enclosure Bill.

Misc. Duties
+Spend 500d on sponsoring a new colony south of where Sakkema once stood. Encourage the rural people to flock to the site as opposed to the urban Arosans
Update 0- The Beginnings of the War of Five Spears (212 A.F. - 213 A.F.)
Update 1- The Battle of Dimos (213 A.F. - 214 A.F.)
Update 2- The Lachykos Campaign (214 A.F. - 215 A.F.) Part1|Part2
Update 2.1- The Return of Xanthus (214 A.F.)
Update 3- The Eclipse (215 A.F.) Part1|Part2
Update 4- A Titan Falls (216 A.F.-226 A.F.) Part1|Part2|Part3|Part4

Spoiler Update 0 :

Spoiler Update 1 :

Spoiler Update 2 Map :

Spoiler Update 3 Map :

Spoiler Update 4 Map :

Grey- Mountains
Yellow- Hilly
Green- Light Forests
Peoples of the World

Spoiler The Arosans :

Descendants of the Gamians and a collection of native Anionian Tribes, the Arosans are a hard people used to having little and making much of it. The Arosans were first brought together after a series of small-scale wars between the Immortal-lead Gamien refugees and the tribes native to the area around the Heiron river. After a generation of bloodshed the Immortals convinced the last of the Anionians in the region to come to a summit where they would forge an agreement that would result in the creation of the Arosan Monarchy.

What followed is known to all. The Immortals shed their individual selves in order to rule as one autocratic entity under the leadership of Mikryno, the eldest of the Immortals. As generations passed the mortals grew contentious and sought to overthrow the monarchy in favor of a system more democratic. In the ensuing chaos two Immortals departed with followers, founding separate tribes of their own in distant lands, and the remaining were forced to allow for the creation of a mortal council to rule alongside the Immortals. Of course this did not sit well with the two Immortals Zelotage and Lachykos who would later rebel against the Republic, killing Mikryno in the process before being exiled in their defeat alongside their large followings.

The Five Tribes of Aros are what most people collectively refer to when refering to Arosans of this period. Despite having been in close contact for the past few centuries, the Five Tribes still maintain differences amongst them, some profound, others negligible.

The Oriastos are perhaps the most Gamian members of the current Arosan makeup. Their people claim to be direct descendants of the Gamians who first settled on the Anion peninsula and they guard this claim fiercely. They are generally the more influential members of mortal society and the majority of the tribe are merchants or politicians. In fact the Sikorimos and Eluthyerus families are members of the tribe, and both families seem to capture perfectly all the kinds of Oriastans there can be. Oriastans are concentrated largely in Aros, the city they claim to have built from the ground up.

The Legomai are one of the last tribes that reflect any of the native Anionian customs. Legomai are also urban dwellers of Arosan society and are found in Aros and other larger towns dotting the countryside. The Legomai are artisans through and through. It is rare to find a skilled worker of any kind who does not claim to be from the Legomai. As a result of this association a certain stigma follows those who would wish to be artisans, but are not a part of the Legomai tribe. Oftentimes a person in such a situation will lie about their ancestry, a grave offense in Arosan society and culture. From the Legomai hail the Penumar family whose dedication to the 'common man' stems from a romantic view of life typical of the tribesmen.

The Mastypte are what we would consider to be the 'middle class' of the Arosan society. They have no real set professions and number as largely in urban centers as they do in the countryside. The Mastyptean are scattered all across the Republic and are more migratory than most Arosans. Wherever there is a new enterprise to be made, be sure that it will be a Mastyptean who will venture out first. Most Arosan colonies are made up of Mastypteans, as are Arosan fleets. They are said to be braggarts and strongmen at heart, and the Kataxen Family which has risen from this tribe strongly embody this stereotype. However, what many seem to forget that behind the wild boasts and impetuous natures are a cold and calculating people seeking to rise to the heights of Arosan society.

The Eiritos and Ereunas make up the rest of the Arosan population. By in large they are rural people who lead rather unglamorous lives as farmers. It is rare for the Eiritos and Ereunas to leave their small villages except to sell excess crops or occasionally vote in politics they barely understand (but are mobilized by Patrician retainers for the promise of drachma). The Eiritos and Ereunas are divided by what areas they occupy: the Eiritos live in the southwest region of the Republic, while the Ereunas are in the south east, stopping just shy of the foothills of the Appen Mountains. However, as of late many of these farmers have taken the opportunity to uproot themselves and move to the north and into the newly acquired land in Lachykos. There they eek out lives under one of the many private factions who own land or as independent farmers.

It should be noted that all members of the Five Tribes are generally wealthier members of society as well as citizens. Under current Arosan law all citizens, save for those non-citizens granted citizenship for military service, must come from one of the Five Tribes, leaving out a substantial amount of 'Allies' to the Republic.

The 'Allies' of the Republic occupy a strange position in Arosan society. They are often looked down upon for the otherness they present, as they do belong to none of the original Arosan tribes. Molestation of the Allies is common and they rarely venture into Aros or other more urban towns (the exception, of course, being Sioth due to its nature as a harbor town attracting all manners of people). The majority of the Allies are peoples who were conquered by the Arosans during the early conquest phase of the Republic. These people have only half intergrated into the Republic, adopting the Arosan pantheon while still keeping their own traditional ways. Due to the recent Citizenship Reform much of the Allies are taking the chance to acquire citizenship once and for all, even if it means sacrificing their lives.

Society & Culture

Arosan society is a very hierarchal patriarchy. Women tend to occupy the homestead while men conduct business, although amongst the lower orders of society women often enjoy the same rights as men out of necessity. The Arosans are a grim people who have a strong tradition of ancestor worship; it is a common belief that no man can ever achieve deeds greater than their forebears. This fuels men and women to attempt to outdo their ancestors in all aspects of life, though mainly in the physical fields. Physical fitness is paramount in Arosan society partly due to the nature of the citizen-militia nature of the Arosan army. Obesity and skinniness is frowned upon alike, and any man or woman who is too fat or too thin is considered to be deeply flawed.

Citizenship is an important aspect of Arosan life. Although increasing numbers of people are attaining citizenship, it is still something largely held by the richer members of society. Citizens have the right to vote and are subject to more taxes than most, however citizenship confers a certain prestige to a man and allows him to better navigate the complex Arosan social world. Once attained citizenship is bestowed upon the citizen's legal descendants so long as they do not shame themselves or the Republic. Because of this citizenship is a very costly thing to obtain.

Arosans are by nature tenacious and conservative. They fear outsiders irrationally and are quick to subject the unknown with malice. Diplomacy with other peoples outside the Sakkemans, whom the Arosans have simply come to see as 'lesser' Arosans, is fleeting, and because of their xenophobic nature it is unlikely the Arosans will kindly receive many foreigners into their settlements. This has lead to many foreigners forming communities of their own, either within subsections of the larger cities or as cities in of themselves, as with the case of Haplesia. An Arosan's xenophobia is not as inhibiting as it would seem, however- they are quick to take what other peoples have to offer and re-brand to suit Arosan culture.

Spoiler The Sakkeman :

Cousins of the Arosans, the Sakkeman are also descended from the Gamian refugees and native Anionian tribes. The point of divergence comes from the great exodus that the Sakkeman leader, Queen Brygima, undertook during the chaos of the mortal revolt that resulted in the dissolution of the Arosan monarchy and the subsequent creation of the republic. To Brygima the notion of a mortal democracy did not sit well and with this ill-feeling in mind she collected her most loyal followers and traveled south for the rolling plains below the Appen foothills. There she encountered and subjected even more native tribes, steamrolling through their ranks with ease. At the very southern edge of the Anion Peninsula she founded the city of Sakkema, named after a local deity which Brygima said she encountered and slew in order to gain the right to settle in this new land.

The Sakkeman society closely mirrors the ancient Gamian one, though it has been influenced by many native traditions. The warrior class rules supreme in Sakkema, commanding not only respect but government positions. Early in Sakkema's history the warrior class grew so powerful that they were able to force the mighty Brygima to sign a compact that saw the creation of a Warrior Council to govern alongside Brygima. The powers of this council have steadily been increasing and it seems as if the time when Brygima must abdicate in favor of her mortal subjects is near.

Physical fitness is the core of Sakkeman society, even more so than in the Arosan culture. It is a common belief that all things can be attained with some manner of might, the problem comes from exactly how much might is to be applied. The society is almost split down the middle between those who espouse restraint and those who believe in excess. Religion further entrenches the two sides as Ionelima and Akyrosyne are the two main deities of the Sakkemans.

Strangely enough strength being the central focus of the Sakkeman has lead to a gender equality forming over the generations- provided that the woman in question can stand alongside her male counterpart. Families are raised by the community rather than as individual units, in stark contrast to Arosan society. Furthermore ancestor worship is almost practiced sparingly, and instead communities will worship exceptional individuals who came from the settlement regardless of familial ties. Men and women have a hand in rearing children and both have nearly equal statuses in the household, though women have the slight upper hand due to their 'intuitions'.

Tribal divisions akin to the Arosan Five Tribes are absent in the Sakkeman homeland. Though communities are fiercely tied to their own little histories, they all seem to acknowledge their common origin as settlers following Brygima (whether or not this is true differs from village to village). Competition between communities is common and even encouraged by the government, which believes that such competition can only breed a stronger peoples. Physical games are held annually and any man or woman can join them, however the main attraction is the Makidan. Held only every four years, the Makidan may only be entered by 'noble' Sakkeman who have proven themselves in other lesser games. It is a national event which draws Sakkeman-and occasionally Arosans-from all corners of the kingdom to witness the physical might of the competitors.

The Sakkeman army is a modified version of Gamian recruitment. Unlike with the Arosans, soldiers are not drawn up and disbanded as the situation sees fit. Instead the Sakkeman military is composed of many Taxis provided by the settlements in the kingdom. Numbering five hundred strong, each Taxis is commanded by a captain drawn from its rank and the Taxis is generally named after the commander for ease-of-reference. For obvious reasons it is considered a great honor to serve in the Taxis, let alone command one. The communities are expected to keep their soldiers trained and armed for war and no aid is provided by the state. However, in times of war a sum of drachma is paid to each settlement depending upon how many soldiers they provide.

This semi-professional approach to warfare leads to the creation of a large, well-trained army with little expense to the state, though the arms carried by the soldiers vary greatly and inter-Taxis conflicts are common. Sakkeman military affairs likely would have been a laughable attempt to get a squabbling mob to attack the enemy and not themselves, but command of the army has thus far been undertaken by the Brygima. The Immortal queen has done what no mortal can currently hope to do: unite the Taxis into one powerful weapon. With Brygima's tactics and strategems combined with the hardiness of the Sakkeman soldiers, any army they produce is worth a pause.

Conquering othre peoples has been a Sakkeman pastime for the past few centuries. To-date virtually all of the Hypean and Rhabdian lands have been subjugated putting the Sakkeman border along the small kingdom of Vorexia. Each of these peoples will be covered in their own sections. What is relevant to this entry is the status and treatment these people receive in Sakkeman society. Similar to the Arosans, Sakkeman see outsiders as dangerous entities very much worthy of suspicion at best. As a result of this outlook the Hypean and Rhabdian members of the Sakkeman kingdom are held firmly in a lower status. Citizenship is outright refused to both peoples and they are not allowed to cross into Sakkeman land without a permit (which must be purchased for a hefty price). However, the Hypean and Rhabdians share a hatred of the Sakkeman and are content to keep to themselves.
Reserved IV.
Reserved V.
Update 0​
The War of the Five Spears
212 A.F.​

Extracts from Klopisis' Histories
31.Perhaps some may as why I did not begin my Histories with the first example of Arosan Imperialism, or the War of the Five Spears. I recognize that the conclusion of this war would see the evolution of the agricultural Arosan city-state Republic into a Marremediean-wide empire, but I hesitate to call this cataclysmic event Arosan Imperialism for one reason: The war was not provoked by the Arosans.

32. [The Arosans] long ago made it up in their minds to expel the seditious Immortals Zelotage and Lachykos for attempting to overthrow their immortal brethren and subjugate the Arosan people in a manner that could be called nothing less than vile. These two Immortals cared not for the Arosan people, but for their egos, and as Cedros records in his own histories it was with a heavy heart that the remaining Immortals cast out their two brothers from the shining city of Aros. Yet unable to see their own actions as wrong or self-serving the two Immortals plotted and vowed to one day return to Aros to wreak bloody vengeance upon the people who would not have them...

The March of Zelotage-Lachykos

It almost came as a surprise to the Immortals seated in the Curia Hostilia when a man clad in purple burst into the building, an armed retinue behind him.

"Let it be known," he began as he drew his sword and raised it to the sky, "the time has come for the Gods' Own, the Kings Zelotage and Lachykos, to return to their rightful seat of power which you have stolen from them!" With that he spat at the feet of the nearest Immortal before piercing his breast with his sword. Those in his company did the same unflinchingly.

The Immortals sat silent, amazed and confused for what seemed like to them whole hours before the first of their mortal charges began to surge into the sacred building. A host of voices quickly rose up to the ears of the Immortals, but were silenced just as suddenly as they had come with the deep, disgruntled grunt of Epricurus the Fifth.

"Silence! Those who are not worthy of entering this sacred of sacred halls leave now." With a swift jut of his whole arm he gestured to the dark purple-clad blodies at the center of the room, "Take those with you; we have no time to play janitors when there is war to discuss."

Not long after this word came that the armies of the Dual Kingdom had mobilized and were but a few weeks outside the outermost territory of Aros. The Immortals would have little time to muster the citizens of the republic, but where they had little time they knew that they could count upon the steely nature of their people.

Aros' Forces
Spoiler :
Total# 30,000
-Poor Infantry (15,000) (exp. 1) (dis. 3)
-Rich Infantry (6,000) (exp. 2) (dis. 5)
-Ranged-Javelins (7,500) (exp. 1) (dis. 3)
-Cavalry-Light (1,500) (exp. 2) (dis. 5)

Due to the sudden nature of the war it can be expected that at least 5,000 Poor Infantry and 1,500 Ranged- Javelins will not be avilable immediately unless orders specifically say to wait; this is due to the unorganized nature of the republic's armed forces and reliance upon volunteers showing up.

A Friend of the Republic!

Spoiler :

A Mighty Host Behind Her, Does Brygmia Simply Seek to Honor a Friendship?

Not long after it was known that Aros was forced into war with the Dual Kingdoms did the republic's staunch ally, Sakkema, answer a call to war that the republic had not put out. Brygmia, the Immortal sister of Aros' own Immortals and sole Queen-Elect of Sakkema, arrived at the southern gates of Aros. Behind her was a host of Sakkem Heroes, both male and female, almost 15,000 strong.

"Brothers!" Brygmia called, her voice travelled throughout the city and seemed to resonate in the Curia Hostilia where the Immortals looked down upon a table covered with maps, records, and things pertaining to war, "Fear not those traitors from the north for we are here with you now! The Heroes of Sakkema seek honor at your side!"

Sakkema Heroes
Spoiler :
Total# 15,000
-Heroes (Rich Infantry) (15,000) (exp. 4) (dis. 2)

The Sakkema forces will be under no players command, but it is expected of the players to relay their battle plans to the Sakkema forces so that their actions may best benefit Aros'

Fires In the North

As the Immortals gather the Arosans together to go off to war more and more refugees flee into the smaller towns around Aros and Aros itself. They bring with them horrifying stories of town after town falling before what they describe as a 'black plague of man'. It would seem that the Dual Kings are wreaking havoc wantonly so as to relieve their troops of what could otherwise be a tedious march.

Of course some see this as a boon- long have the townships immediately around Aros been held back by their small populations- but for others this is seen as a possible encroachment upon Arosan land. Already the Council of Patricians deliberate over what to do with these refugees and the longer they deliberate the more uneasy the rest of the population becomes.

Currently there are two prevailing opinions:

I) Have the refugees simply expelled from Arosan lands or, better yet, enslaved for the good of the Arosan peoples. This would not only bring extra, and more importantly cheap, labor, but 'safely' integrate the newcomers into Arosan society. However, this flies against all notions of common decency and if Zios, God of Thunder, Law, and Hospitality still sits upon his throne the people of Aros would surely be rebuked.
-Note: Hospitality would only apply to the wealthier refugees!

II) Slowly settle the refugees into Arosan lands, granting them the possibility of citizenship if they opt to serve as auxiliaries during the war against the Dual Kingdoms. While tensions would surely flare, some Patricians argue that these disputes could easily be handled by the CoP.

Regardless of what the Council of Patricians decides, many of the wealthier refugees are already trying to buy their way into Arosan society.

Trade Delegates From the South

Still, with all the matters of war occupying the minds of most there is coin to be earned and deals to be made. Shortly after the appearance of the first refugees an extravagant ship makes its way up the Hieron River, docking itself at Aros' river port. The people crowd round the ship and the strange event even makes its way into the hallowed halls of the Curia Hostilia where the Immortals plan their war. A man, tall, olive skinned, and dressed in a toga so white that some swear it is woven from Aionotos' beard itself.

"People, people!" He calls out with a smile as he holds up his hands before the throng, palms up in a sign of greeting, "I come not for your brilliant smiles and wondering eyes, but for your leaders! Please, take me to them!"

In no time it is learned that he represents the Corin city-state of Salpe. His mission is simple: he wishes to establish formal trade relations with the city of Aros.

Map of the Known World & Troop Movements
Spoiler :

An Example of Some Actions
-Decide A Military Strategy
+Choose a general (or more than one) to lead the army
+Choose naval actions (if any)
+Relay these to Sakkema
-Decide whether or not to 'suggest' courses of actions to the Council of Patricians
+Suggest how to deal with refugees and provide compelling arguments for your POV
-Decide upon trade contract
-Decide how to spend budget (atm 75d)
+Infrastructure (include exactly what about the infrastucture)
+Public Programs (free grain, celebrations, etc.)
-Court Various Factions
+Proclaim support
+Ask what you can do for them

The Mood of the People is Uncertain
Can you add all the immortals on the front page please?
(And a map :D)
Complete update is up! I will let you guys decide whether or not you want to do debates/proposals in here or in a social group. Let me know so I can do the necessary actions.

If there is anything confusing or if you have a question in general please, please, please ask!
*A note!
1 trireme carries 200 men, so 50 carries 10,000 men.

You could build more ships, but that takes a long time!

I may or may not opt to have a maintainence cost for the navy, there is not maintenance for the army as yet, tho, because the current makeup of the Republican forces is FAR from professional.
I've posted the first six Gods, and will be posting their children ASAP.

I've got most of the reworked history done and will have that up as well by tonight or tomorrow afternoon at the latest.
To: Rest of Immortals
From: Ichthyos

Give me Ships and Men and you will be assured that Zelotage will be successfully invaded by Sea.

That depends. How large a force do you require for this mission?
I meant the number of troops. And when you said that you would like to invade the enemy with a navy, you should have at least thought of the exact number of troops and vessels you would need to accomplish whatever the heck it is you are planning to do, no?

I believe it would be wise for the council and others to disregard Ichthyos's suggestion until he can put a plan behind it.
to Other Immortals, from Cedros:
Oh brothers and sisters hear me now. I say let Ichthyos have his navy and force to land south of Zelotage and harass their city and supply lines. With little supplies and much annoyed citizens they will not be able to continue this war for long. Beside that we should defend Aros and soon push north west against our treacherous brothers.

Also I call you to accept trade with the strangers from the ships. Trade will strengthen our economy and force to be able to handle all that come upon us.

I also wish to deny the Patricians the ability to ransack through the many refugees. Aros are good and hospitable. We must make laws how we accept new citizens into our city and nation. Any refugee to join our armed forces will be able to become a citizen after 4 years fighting in the name of Aros. The rest would be allowed to be free men and be allowed to become debt slaves if so they wish.

Lastly our budget should be spent on creating new settlements north of Aros for farming and supplies of resources that are well needed in our city in this time of war.
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