Obama to offshore oil drill in on East Coast of US...is he a Republican or Democrat?

Tough crap. It's not on STATE property at that point, it is national territorial waters. Screw 'em and fire up the drills.

Seriously, I really do hope they find the biggest most massive oil field in the world right under waldon pond, enough to guarantee oil for America for 1,000 years so all the lefties will see their precious little pond drilled in.

(P.S. - Yeah, I ahve been there and seen it. It's a pond. )
you do realize Walden was anti-big government right? he wanted to fight it with civil disobedience instead of guns...

will you be proud to tell your children you participated in the destruction of beauty made by God?
Why the need to flame him for this?

Good to see Obama taking the impending energy shortage seriously and acting out in many branches..
Agreed and why stop here? Norway and Brazil don't seem to have any problem drilling and exploring. It's time we access our resources.
Doh. Forgot something.

I, BasketCase, approve Obama's actions.

Really. Honest. I mean it. NO, I'm not on crack. :D
Doh. Forgot something.

I, BasketCase, approve Obama's actions.

Really. Honest. I mean it. NO, I'm not on crack. :D

March 31, 2010: Obama and BasketCase agreed on something, and from that day forth Civilization was doomed. (again)
you do realize Walden was anti-big government right? he wanted to fight it with civil disobedience instead of guns...

will you be proud to tell your children you participated in the destruction of beauty made by God?

If it were the biggest oil field in the world, I'd support drilling through my grandmother's grave.
Wow, this is a blatantly political decision. You have to be an f-ing moron to think that drilling in the US will do much in the way to offset foreign oil.

Screw drilling for oil, we need to invest big bucks in finding and funding an effective replacement for dead dinosaur goo, before it is too late.
Wow, this is a blatantly political decision. You have to be an f-ing moron to think that drilling in the US will do much in the way to offset foreign oil.

Screw drilling for oil, we need to invest big bucks in finding and funding an effective replacement for dead dinosaur goo, before it is too late.
I agree, but...

Agreed and why stop here? Norway and Brazil don't seem to have any problem drilling and exploring. It's time we access our resources.
I have not heard one good reason not to drill? It's seeing a dollar on the floor and NOT picking it up because it won't make you rich.

It's going to give some people jobs. Something is better then nothing, and that seems a fine reason to drill in it's self.
I agree, but...

I have not heard one good reason not to drill? It's seeing a dollar on the floor and NOT picking it up because it won't make you rich.

It's going to give some people jobs. Something is better then nothing, and that seems a fine reason to drill in it's self.

You do realize that there are risks associated with oil drilling, right? Also, it isn't exactly free.

To top it all off, there is only about 7 billion gallons offshore in the Atlantic. The US consumes about 20 million barrel a day.

Do the math. It simply isn't that much oil.

It distracts from the real issue, the need for a replacement for oil.
Well the US does do offshore oil drilling. Just no new ones. So tell me about these risk. In the past, oh, 30yrs how much oil has been spilled from drilling? I willing to bet no more then a few thousand at most. Hell I just from that one naval ship that sunk in NK ended up spilling more oil then the past 30 something years of the US doing offshore oil drilling.

Yes, with anything in life, there is risk, but how real is the risk. How well is Norway and Brazil doing? We are on page 3, and not one fact about risk has been said. I'm sure if you go back some 40,50,60 years back to find something about a an oil spill, then that just proves the point how really safe it is.
Well the US does do offshore oil drilling. Just no new ones. So tell me about these risk. In the past, oh, 30yrs how much oil has been spilled from drilling? I willing to bet no more then a few thousand at most. Hell I just from that one naval ship that sunk in NK ended up spilling more oil then the past 30 something years of the US doing offshore oil drilling.

Yes, with anything in life, there is risk, but how real is the risk. How well is Norway and Brazil doing? We are on page 3, and not one fact about risk has been said. I'm sure if you go back some 40,50,60 years back to find something about a an oil spill, then that just proves the point how really safe it is.

Regardless, the risk does exist, and it isn't like 7 billion barrels of oil will do much for the US.
Brainstorm. As a result of this oil drilling thing, I finally figured something out.

The health care reform issue had some people blustering about how the Republicans weren't willing to compromise, blah blah blah. Well, here we have something where Obama pretty much rolled over without a fight and did something Republicans have really been pushing for.

A while back, some commentator on a talk radio show nailed it on the head without knowing it--Obama pretty much doesn't listen to anybody. He does whatever suits him. Playing stubborn on health care? Fine and dandy. Drill baby drill? Fine and dandy. Which doesn't answer the question of why, but now we know the what.

Okay, now back to the usual quoting people and then beating up on them. :)

Wow, this is a blatantly political decision. You have to be an f-ing moron to think that drilling in the US will do much in the way to offset foreign oil.
It's called supply and demand. When the supply goes up, the price goes down.
Regardless, the risk does exist, and it isn't like 7 billion barrels of oil will do much for the US.
Since once we start drilling the oil, we're going to stop consuming all oil except that 7 billion, right? :crazyeye:

Worse yet, once we're out, we'll never be able to buy oil from other places ever again! :eek:
I don't really get why this is being criticized. I can see now why the administration would be reluctant to reach out to the proverbial "other side".
To top it all off, there is only about 7 billion gallons offshore in the Atlantic. The US consumes about 20 million barrel a day.

What?! If I'm doing my math correctly, that isn't even a year's worth!

However, Amadeus does have a point about how it wouldn't be the exclusive source.

It distracts from the real issue, the need for a replacement for oil.

I agree. The easiest place to start would be the energy plants, I think. Whip those millions of convicts into slave laborers and build wind turbines across the Midwest!

Also convincing people to conserve energy and resources regardless of where they come from is a good idea. If we all shut off our unused lights, I imagine the necessary fuel to power the economy would plummet by a fair amount.
What MUST happen today is that everyplace that is currently in production that contains LESS than 7 billion barrels of oil must cease operation immediately. That little amount is obviously never going to do any good, so why risk the potential environmental damage by continuing to drill in such places for so little payback?
What MUST happen today is that everyplace that is currently in production that contains LESS than 7 billion barrels of oil must cease operation immediately. That little amount is obviously never going to do any good, so why risk the potential environmental damage by continuing to drill in such places for so little payback?
I agree.

Goodbye Norway, Oman, Egypt, Britain! You guys can stop pumping oil now, you don't need it. :D
The west coast of Florida at Tampa still gets a 125-mile buffer zone instead of the current 234 miles. So it could have been worse. Just ask Galveston...

This is not that great as Obama has not opened up more of the Gulf of Mexico and the coast of Alaska.

Why is the left against oil drilling? If you don't think we should be using oil then fine, but not drilling for it is not going to make us use less.
This is not that great as Obama has not opened up more of the Gulf of Mexico and the coast of Alaska.

Why is the left against oil drilling? If you don't think we should be using oil then fine, but not drilling for it is not going to make us use less.

I imagine they don't see the point in destroying the environment for a short-term relief, when long-term solutions could be pursued without environmental destruction.

...That and some are of their fringe are just a bunch of eco nuts. :lol: I'm sure most leftists adhere to the first idea, however.
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