So basically it's a watered-down version of what we had under the not-conservative leadership of G.W. Bush.
Yeah, what a uniter this clown is.
actually this is one thing Obama has done I support. Oil prices are already nearing $90 and we're still in a recession (not technically but jobless is still very high). Although this will have no effect in the short term, as it takes so many years to get any benefit.
Let's face it, technology isn't coming along as fast as it should to help us out of oil dependency. We need another 40 or so years of oil. Oil will most likely start running out around 2050 anyways. So why not use the oil we have?
As for global warming, who really cares? How is this the U.S.'s problem? People in low lying areas, need to move. Throughout thousands of years of human history, humans have moved to new areas, when older areas became unsuitable for habitation. Why should we not expect to do this today? Global warming will eventually reverse itself when oil runs out anyways. I see global warming policies as forced wealth redistribution to third world countries (who do not have to abide by global warming standards), I will always be against that.