Obama to offshore oil drill in on East Coast of US...is he a Republican or Democrat?

So basically it's a watered-down version of what we had under the not-conservative leadership of G.W. Bush.

Yeah, what a uniter this clown is.

actually this is one thing Obama has done I support. Oil prices are already nearing $90 and we're still in a recession (not technically but jobless is still very high). Although this will have no effect in the short term, as it takes so many years to get any benefit.

Let's face it, technology isn't coming along as fast as it should to help us out of oil dependency. We need another 40 or so years of oil. Oil will most likely start running out around 2050 anyways. So why not use the oil we have?

As for global warming, who really cares? How is this the U.S.'s problem? People in low lying areas, need to move. Throughout thousands of years of human history, humans have moved to new areas, when older areas became unsuitable for habitation. Why should we not expect to do this today? Global warming will eventually reverse itself when oil runs out anyways. I see global warming policies as forced wealth redistribution to third world countries (who do not have to abide by global warming standards), I will always be against that.
Since once we start drilling the oil, we're going to stop consuming all oil except that 7 billion, right? :crazyeye:

Worse yet, once we're out, we'll never be able to buy oil from other places ever again! :eek:

Yea, that is totally what I said. :rolleyes: Anyway can you stop resorting to strawmen?

Focus on the problem. The Atlantic seaboard of the US only has about 7 billion in oil. It is a drop in the bucket, simple as that. It is not worth the time, money, distraction, and ecological damage along with the potential risk of another Exxon Valdez.

We need to replace oil, and projects like this will only divert funds and attention away.
What?! If I'm doing my math correctly, that isn't even a year's worth!

However, Amadeus does have a point about how it wouldn't be the exclusive source.

I agree. The easiest place to start would be the energy plants, I think. Whip those millions of convicts into slave laborers and build wind turbines across the Midwest!

Also convincing people to conserve energy and resources regardless of where they come from is a good idea. If we all shut off our unused lights, I imagine the necessary fuel to power the economy would plummet by a fair amount.

I have a smoking habit, I smoke about 4 packs a day. Luckily, I am a tobacco farmer, and produce about one pack day, meaning I only have to buy 3 packs a day at a price.

While taking a stroll in my farm, I realize that I have enough space to produce an additional 1 cigarette per day.

While looking at this new space, I gaze out at the encroaching desert that will destroy my tobacco farm.

What should I do?
It is not worth the time, money, distraction, and ecological damage along with the potential risk of another Exxon Valdez.

It is if it clears the way politically to make the other energy reforms that are needed possible.
I imagine they don't see the point in destroying the environment for a short-term relief, when long-term solutions could be pursued without environmental destruction.

...That and some are of their fringe are just a bunch of eco nuts. :lol: I'm sure most leftists adhere to the first idea, however.
Modern oil technology is quite clean I am sure;) Becides Anwr is a wasteland and the new spots where they would be drilling in the Gulf are 100 miles from the coast.
I don't listen the of the eco nuts.:lol:
Modern oil technology is quite clean I am sure;) Becides Anwr is a wasteland and the new spots where they would be drilling in the Gulf are 100 miles from the coast.
I don't listen the of the eco nuts.:lol:


looks nice to me, besides the ANWR drilling would happen in ANWR leaving oil spills, however you are quite right in that modern oil tech is cleaner, but how can it get worse when previously it left a barren wasteland

looks nice to me, besides the ANWR drilling would happen in ANWR leaving oil spills, however you are quite right in that modern oil tech is cleaner, but how can it get worse when previously it left a barren wasteland
The 2000 out of 19 million acres they want to drill in looks like this.
Focus on the problem. The Atlantic seaboard of the US only has about 7 billion in oil. It is a drop in the bucket, simple as that.
Let's put it in some perspective.

7,000,000,000 barrels of oil is roughly equal to:

9% of Russia's proven reserves
33% of America's proven reserves
55% of Brazil's proven reserves
105% of Norway's proven reserves
140% of Sudan's proven reserves
200% of Britain's proven reserves

Sounds like a lot, doesn't it? If you don't want it, I'll gladly take the nearly twice as much oil as lies around the sea around Britain.

How about this? Let's say that they start pumping oil out at a modest rate of 500,000 barrels of oil per day. This would make the Atlantic seaboard the world's 31st largest oil producer, just under Ecuador at about 505,000 barrels per day.

Oil could be pumped day in and day out for about 14,000 days, or 38⅓ years. The market value of that oil pumped daily, at $80/barrel, would equal $40,000,000.

It is not worth the time, money, distraction...
I'll let the oil companies decide that one.

...and ecological damage along with the potential risk of another Exxon Valdez.
Well, if you don't want to drill for oil here in America, I'm sure we can always buy it from Angola and the Republic of the Congo, two nations I'm sure which have stellar records for environmental protection.

We need to replace oil, and projects like this will only divert funds and attention away.
Divert funds? Unless the government is going to be drilling that oil, I don't think any money would be moving from alternative energy projects to oil production.
We need to maintain the oil prices as they are. $70.00 a barrel is a sweet spot, in that its just high enough to encourage development of alternative sources, but low enough that consumers can handle it.
Your pink text is getting paler and harder to read with every post Karalysia, are you anaemic?

Have some consideration for us old 'uns. :old:
It doesn't matter what it looks like - it is still a very fragile and unique ecosystem.
So, drilling in that small area will ruin the whole ecosystem? What about the animals getting along fine by the other refineries?
This is good. The east coast can finally start pulling their waith. Alll they do is sti around drinking their lattes and riding their limos.... who do t hey tyhink pays ford htat? Maybe if they get their hands dirty they'll appreciate wht that rest of us do every day!

of course, when applying all this revenu aganst Osama health care bill... it'll just be a drop in the bucket. :lol:
So, drilling in that small area will ruin the whole ecosystem? What about the animals getting along fine by the other refineries?

Tell me something – how does the oil get out of that “small area”?

And a couple of pictures of a lot of reindeer in a field doesn’t really mean that ecosystem is doing well…
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