Removing saltpeter would turn the game upside down during medieval age. It's such a centralizing resource and then suddenly it's gone.
Modern day use of saltpeter is: "Major uses of potassium nitrate are in
tree stump removal,
rocket propellants and
So having access to saltpeter as a strat resource should boost your food as well shield income. Shield income can be done with the editor. But the smallest boost is 25%. It's a bit too much. I don't wanna make industrial age cities that much more productive than they already are. Just a slight boost will do.
So I've come up with this solution: A new city improvement called let's say: Fertilizer (I use the dairy farm graphics with the cows removed)
Thanks to C3X, city improvements can generate bonus resources that are local (doesn't enter trade network) and can yield resource gains. So Fertilizer generates "Bonus Fertilizer" with the yield of let's say 1 food and 1 shield. I initially made it yield 2 food. But that just helps the humans a lot for he/she can just add another or 2 mined tiles while the AI would just end up with more pop that get turned into specialists (they're nerfed back to 1 beaker/gold in my mod).
So for now Fertilizer will be available with Industrialization (where a new whole generation of units appears that no longer require saltpeter since it can be synthesized industrially). But having access to natural sources should give you a perk.
"From 1903 until the
World War I era, potassium nitrate for black powder and fertilizer was produced on an industrial scale from nitric acid produced using the
Birkeland–Eyde process, which used an electric arc to oxidize nitrogen from the air. During World War I the newly industrialized
Haber process (1913) was combined with the
Ostwald process after 1915, allowing Germany to produce nitric acid for the war after being cut off from its supplies of mineral sodium nitrates from Chile (see
Cost of Fertilizer for now is 80 shields, 1 maintenance and has the Ag Trait. For the human player, that's could be 2 extra shields for a city done growing. And if I'm not mistaken, the bonus yield comes before multipliers kick in. Fertilizers also need a Factory since it's heavily perfumed and new cities have better things to build.