OCC Rome Monarch Epic


May 31, 2023
Hello everyone. I'm a long time Civ 4 player and a DoC addict probably from one of the first version. I never attempt any historical victory cause i'm a maniac who always think long-term game and i hate to see my civ collapse. I attempted many weird challenge before: my favourite one was an England/America Eco-Fascist Society where i did'nt cut trees and made war to everyone who were cutting them, protecting Amazonia, Congo, North America and North Eurasia, but that's another story...

I already tried One city Challenge before; i only once made it to the end with Rome/France but i had to go world builder to erase Paris the AI made, so it wasn't satisfying for me. (I am very superstitious about the world builder: why have they to ask if i am sure to open it every time?! So i don't in legit saves)
I tried some other, like China Luoyang were AI America cheated and completed the space race before me (i have proof! this game has soul!) Had some plan for England or Japan too. But i did'nt play many years and i just recently came back to test new features.
When i saw in custom game that you can have OCC and build as many wonders as you want, i thought that it was the right time to do another attempt.
Monarch Epic one city agressive AI and no technology brokering. Maybe other settings could be right too because it was not that difficult. Just thought that if AI gave away too much tech it could be hard. And the real tough challenge would be in Emperor.
I made many tests and understood that city still flip back in your core area when rising so i had little choice to make a true one city.
I first tried to build Rome with Greece in order to settle 2 great scientist and improve the terrain but find out that you are defeated when your only city flip to roman. I also had Melpum/Mediolanum issue so i founded my greek city in northern italy (Aquilea) to raze it with roman after. It was dumb because the city flipped anyway and i had to wait for a Celt to raze it.

Still, the save was good: Only Pyramids and Oracle were built so i decided to begin from there.
It gave me the idea that if i destroy the other civilization it would gave me the possibility to build more wonders, so... that was what greeks did! Crushing Egyptian till collapse, destroying Babylone and Phoenician leaving from the original stack only one dreadful Hoplite waiting at the gate of Persia to quench his blood thirst.

Destroyer of the Worlds.jpg

After tidying the ancient World it was time for another city to raise and fulfill her destiny: becoming the Largest Metropolis ever...

Pisae beginning.jpg

I did'nt choose to settle Rome after a long thinking. It was a heartbreaker not to settle near a river, no +2 health, no levee, no Golden Gate and no Delta Works!!! But with the crabs, wine and rice spawning later, i thought it was the good choice to settle Pisae that i rename Qwizåryåh after.

My plan was simple i just wanted to make the more wonders i could, settle the more GP i could and vassalizing some European civ to have strategic ressources later.
I was planning to win the Space Race. It would probably have been possible but i had to reload long ago and i was happy with a time victory for this game.

It was a bit messy beginning with this second city annoying my wish of a true One City, but Celts destroyed it pretty fast.

True One City.jpg

I actually don't have much to speak about this early game. I destroyed Carthaginian right in beginning, leaving me alone in Mediterranea. It was just madness to build almost every Classical Wonders and i was repeating myself that it was too easy and something gonna turn wrong but it did'nt.

Very Quiet World... In a way it still is Mare Nostrum... ;)

Silencieuse Méditerranée.jpg

A consequences i didn't expect about this loneliness is that i didn't get Justinian Plague in late classical era... No trade routes, no plague from East. And a city growing till the 14th century Black Death.

I already made a roman late game, so it was easy to deal with barbarians with minimum troops. Most of history i was just building building building...

I had to reload once in this period because orthodoxy spread to fast to my city and i didn't complete some important pagan wonders. I didn't have time for some important orthodox wonders tho, so i don't know what would have been better.
I asked myself how i could be the triple Christian holy city but drop the idea because it seems too uncertain. If someone want to speak about it i'm interested...
However i became Catholic and Protestant holy city so it was enough to me.

I was on monarchy vassalage manorialism redistribution monasticism for a long time. Adopted republic when i could build national theater in medieval era.
Centralism asap of course. Central planning in late game. Tributaries, isolationism and multilateralism when it was the right time.

When European Civ spawned i was not that far in tech and because i was filthy rich, i could afford to buy a lot of tech. I never use spy in this game but i read here that it could worth it.

In 11th century i took my pretorian stack, veterans from barbarian wars, and vassalized HRE, France, Spain. Had to raze some city for them to obey me and almost collapse from this but i recovered.

I then vassalize Holland and Prussia. And all of them stayed my loyal vassal because i treated them good.
I wanted to vassalize England and Russia as well but i was too late, their empire too big and i could'nt do it without razing many cities and therefor collapse. So i just weakened them twice in history to be safe.
It's hard to vassalize civ with only one city they really need to be rock bottom down to accept it.

I don't know what more i can tell. I was surprised how easy it was. I just discover very late that i wouldn't have time for the space race. So i keep growing the city and planning war to America if they wanted to contend my victory. (i had to reload because they beat me last turn for some point. Just asked them to change civics the last turn and i won by time)

So that's the city in 2020. Never thought it could be that big but with appropriate wonders and civics you can do magics... It could have been bigger if i did'nt try space race and focus on even more growing.

Qwizaryah Victory City zoom.jpg

I had gems and silver that spawn with events during history. Not really needed but still nice.
Qwizaryah Victory.jpg

You said specialist economy?
Qwizaryah specialists.jpg

Almost 650 millions people... Really it's possible to do bigger...
Qwizaryah Victory Stats.jpg

So that's it... I hope you enjoyed this little story of mine. Sorry for my mediocre english, i'm french and i don't write english often. If you want me to detail some specific point i would gladly do it, just ask.
I'm just tried yesterday with Rome, and playing peacfull - you'll get with Great Lighthouse a lot of commers from trade. Also, did you build Trade Company? You can build it while city at unrest and befor had benn razed, maybe you'll need capture 2-3 city (for me 2 was enought). And i didn't vassalized anyone, just forgot about such option))) You can buy resourches very cheep (like 4-8 gold for rice or silk). And i send started setllers in China and India, so i was in constant contact for tech and resourches trade with Asia. I was tech leader for entry game (i have stop playing in early industrial, look like Pisae beter place for OCC then Rome. It's critical to get Rice, and in my game China collapsed and i lost it. Spying is great, but you need constanly use spys to get two great spy. And OCC is very fast game, End turn, end turn, end turn)) Now i try with vassals, i got +100 commers with tribunaries in enother Rome game (Russia and England was vassalized)


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Yeah i did same with the scout to stay in diplomatic contact with eastern civ. I didn't build trade company, i didn't thought it was an option actually. I preffered to have other national wonder i guess. Yeah i could buy ressources for very cheap. I think there was an actual bug in late game cause i could get any ressources for ridiculously cheap price. The Rice ressource was indeed one of my concern and one of the reason i choose Pisae for the fish market. I did build the great Lighthouse, maybe had some commerce with it in beginning but persia did collapse, and i really think i did'nt had trade routes till medieval era. OCC is very fast game indeed, you can't do everything. I did vassalize european in order to be safe in late game and have less contender for the tech race. I followed the bottom tree tech line so i lost time to built oriental pearl, skytree, etc... If i took the other way i think it's possible to win the space race but still very short windows of time to do it.
And you asked in another post about Mediolanum. It didn't spawn in my game because of greek Aquilea but it had the same result. You just have to wait for a barbarian to destroy it. There is no other way i think cause mediolanum spawn the same turn as Rome. I used to destroyed it with greek in previous version cause its not a good location for a city.
I dont think Space race could be won by single city in current version of the mod. There is not enouth time to build all space componets with one city. But i'll try)) With tribunaries research should be much faster.
And as i noticed in other post. Cites what you demand in congress stay freally with you. So with Mediolanum and other cites late you can win Space Race, but it won't be OCC game. OCC games with cheats))
I dont think Space race could be won by single city in current version of the mod. There is not enouth time to build all space componets with one city. But i'll try)) With tribunaries research should be much faster.
And as i noticed in other post. Cites what you demand in congress stay freally with you. So with Mediolanum and other cites late you can win Space Race, but it won't be OCC game. OCC games with cheats))
Yeah tough challenge, as you said. Even if in this game i built in 2 turn the biggest space components, there still need time for your ship to go to mars. In this save America sent his spaceship in 2024, and i really don't know how cause few turns ago they did'nt have tech to do it. Maybe they cheated again ;). So yes difficult challenge. I don't know if i will attempt this rn, i don't really have time neither the mood to do it again but maybe. If you make some progress keep telling i would be glad to hear it.
I take my word back. Space victory with OCC possible.
The difference.
I didn't build National theater, coz happines not such big deal, you can buy it from India and China, instead i build Trading company - 2 trade routes boost research. I stayed with Regulated trades and Tribunaries until Globalism, and even then i regular switch between it and Central Planning + Multiculti. With old civics research boost at 80%. So then i need biuld - new civics, then nothing to build or you need boost research - old civics.
Vassals. Spain was first, the war with moors was going not well for them, so i took my chance and make it quick. I razed Madrid, so i started war with moors and helped Spain take Cordoba.
Dealing with France was easy, Bordeaux was Holy city (barbarians found Catholicism, yep) but all the same It wasn't without razing. I razed Paris and left Strasburg, Starsburg much more productive city.
Russia. It was hard to vassalized them, they didnt whant to be Province of Sarmatia, they prefer be Khanate of Golden Horde)). So I razed 2 core city... incl Moscow, and make them my vassal. Then i gifted 1 settler and they found Klin in core area.
USA. Then congress start - they will eat France colonys and Mexican cites - so i reject their demand and war begin. It this time Canada has spawn, and France got all thier troops in New-Orlean (dont foget to give them Riffles). I send expeditionary corps to protect my vassal. War was goin not bad. France took old colony and two more city with my help, incl Washington. And Mexicans captured Las Vegas. But then i stuck. USA didnt want capitulate, that ever i do. So it went to positional war, and i got tired of this, and build UN in 1907 and maked peace.
Then i rejected congress demand - Turkey with Austria and England declare war to me. And despite the fact that the Turkish army was backward, it was large and reached my capital. Destroying improvements and requiring me to produce more soldiers. After all they collapsed and we made peace. But. Austria blocked my workboat to clams. So later i build some tanks and declare war. With such powerfull vassal we destroyed them quick. So, Austia was destroyed because of the workboat)). That's probably why my city didn't grow as much as yours. Then Germany sudenly declare war to me, and I wasn't even involved in the war. The vassals did it themselves.
Stealing. I stealed from England in industrial era and then in global gifted tech to vassals a lot. Then in Digital give tech to your best vassals and ask them research something for your spies)) So stealing is imortant part. Lubyanka is must have.
And i think about India... If you can help them to figh with Mugals, do it. India sell resourches for you while Mugals won't do it, and Mugals probably will build Luovre befor you, and even could build Hermitage.


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In 1999 under Rome's control 18% of population and 13% of land area... So... it's look like you can try win by Domination??? With such powerfull vassals and tech advantage...
And for anyone trying the OCC game with the goal of winning a space race, a couple of tips:
having Vassals very important, coz most of needed resourches no one shall trade. Aluminium and Copper. Grow Peru and Mexico strong, give them tech, spread religion for stability. And they will pay you back. Mexico without me captured 3 city from USA, and i just rayzed 1 city near Denver for securing Uranium (Manchester can get clean power only from Nuclear plant or ITER (to build ITER yoy dont need Uranium). Also Aluminium can be find in France or in French colonys, with Colombia and Peru you can capture allmost whole South America.
On screenshot i didnt manage to build space companents, coz i didnt build Ironwork, i thought with cheap England production - i could do it without it. And build National Park. It was mistake. So i reload
And don't wast time for wonders what you dont need. Gold not a problem (on the screenshot income +77 gold, and I pay for resources 180 gold each turn), last need wonder - Collider, Skytree definitely don't need to build


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It must be after the latest update but OCC have become easier lately.

Holy Cities cannot be razed and I was able to - with Greece and Korinthos to control 6 other Holy Cities.
I did not intend to research for Ethics etc to get the Holy City myself. However I prefered other civilizations to do the job and conquered it afterwards.

Biggest issue is the lack of settlers to improve existing cities. So all cities had to build everything itself.

Now I go try the Asian OCC with Eastern religions.
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