Official CFC Insomia Thread

For the purposes of this thread, insomnia shall be defined as a chronic inability to get an amount of sleep required for long term mental and physical heath.

...I'm tired of not getting enough sleep
I never would have guessed Pasi, you always seemed the most cheerful and chipper fellow on the boards. :mischief:

I stop trying to fight insomnia long ago. I just enjoy it now. If it goes on long enough eventually I'll crash and sleep 10 or 11 hours a couple nights in a row.
It's not hard if you got something to do.

I could pull an all nighter if people in #fiftychat didn't get boring about 3-4 am. :p
That's funny, people's watches must've stopped, cause everytime I go in there people be acting like it's 3AM. :mischief:
Anyone able to pull all-nighters just for fun? Because I know I can't :(

Anything can be fun if you decide to have fun with it. :D Sometimes I decide to have fun with the fact that I'm not gonna sleep. I'm not sure about just for fun, though.
Some days I can sleep well
Some days I cant
Sounds like the beginning to a song.
Or a chocolate bar commercial. :mischief:

I listen to relaxation music -- harp and flute instrumentals, or thunder/rainfall. If I'm really desperate for sleep, audio books work, as I have yet to get through a single one of those without falling asleep.

But do NOT read a scary, creepy novel about a guy stranded on a planet that's covered in jungle and all the plants want to eat him in various gruesome ways -- and then try to sleep while listening to jungle sounds! :eek:

It doesn't work. :shake:
I have yet to find an activity that is a better use of my time than sleep.

Anyways, it comes and goes - it almost always takes me at least 30 minutes from lying down in bed with the lights off to falling asleep, sometimes hours.
I kicked the habit...for tonight anyway. The previous night's lack of sleep caused me to collapse and take in ten hours. Just as well...the Yankee game went past 3 AM (I was already well asleep) and they lost in the 11th.
I have yet to find an activity that is a better use of my time than sleep.

Anyways, it comes and goes - it almost always takes me at least 30 minutes from lying down in bed with the lights off to falling asleep, sometimes hours.

Me too. That's the problem. It's extremely frustrating to turn over in bed and realize that it's been ninety minutes since I turned the lights off and put myself to bed.
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