Oh no I got ... as my nieghbor

Curtin is a hypocritical A-hole who always seems to snowball. Gilgamesh is a sod if he spawns near you but is a great neighbour from the mid game on. I always seem to get on poorly with Wilhelmina because I can rarely spare a trader to satisfy her agenda early in the game.
Kind of a reverse, but I hate NOT being the neighbor of Wilhelmina or Mvemba becuase it's hard to trade with the first/convert the second, so they get mad.
Seondock, because hwatchas can be nightmarish to deal with if she gets aggressive

I never went war against her Korea.
But when will she says 'While others reached for heaven, you crawls at dirt'? With player generates low cultures or science? but Korean super campus was superior and that made Koreans hitech civ.
I always eliminate Korea every chance I get. Also Saudi Arabia due to a very bad game once. Blood never sleeps after all.
My bugbear is John Curtin. JOHN CURTIN OH MY GOSH NO. It's not necessarily if he starts next to me, but I find his AI a little annoying, plus he seems to appear in the majority of my games. There's a few civs I never seem to get, but I always get him.

Kongo can be pretty annoying, just for their city spam and the religion stuff (especially if I'm not playing a religion game). Gorgo's bloodthirst can be a little irritating if you're not playing a particularly violent game. Hungary in late game loves Rock Bands, and I find them quite a pain.
Pedro annoys me no end. Mostly because of his smug arrogant personality. Last three games I played Brazil was randomly picked each time and he annoyed me each time. I've chosen all my opponents this time around so I don't get him again!
Korea is a pain as a neighbour if you end up at war with them. Last game I ended up at war and she had spammed Hwatchas and those things are not nice when there are a lot of them.
John Curtain and Teddy are hypocrites for sure. But I now expect them to be so am not surprised when they decide to get all warmonger-y.
Surprised to see America and Australia as the two most consistent themes. Only time I've played with Australia I was using TSL and they got screwed over by the bad start location. Now I want to try a game where I face off against America, Australia, and maybe the Aztecs to see if they're as bad as everyone says.
Which civ do you hate to get as a neighbor? For me it's Russia they seem to always be just a little stronger than me no matter when I go after them. Everyone other civ seems to have a sweet spot where you can kill them quite easily. But not Russia. So I ask who do you hate running into.
I don't like France. Because in the middle of the game against him is very difficult to play
I don't like Alex as neighbor because he keeps bothering me why am I not on war. And more than once he fought against me.

Also I don't like Chandragupta, but he doesn't like anyone I guess....
Best Neighbor: Montezuma, We can actually exploit his UU for the profit of ourselves. See "pelican strategy"

Worst: Maybe Tamar. She gets quickly walled up so it is hard to rush her either early or mid-game.
Close neighbours:
Teddy Roosevelt, for his hipocrisy and early strenghtened horders rushing to my lands.

Seondeok, for her constant whining about my science.

Mapuche, for their boring music and them appearing in every game I start for some reason.

Alexander, for his warmongering and whining.
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