OK, I Officially don't know how to Win


Dec 30, 2024
Ok at first it was cute, because I was new, & understood, I'm learning a Game & a Genre I'm unfamiliar with. It's another thing when you read the Rules on how to Win, you achieve those requirements, &... Nothing happens.

Once I hit 12 Dip points I realized I could Finally win after Weeks of Playing & Dozens of Hours. I researched & watched video after video on how to Win a Diplomatic Victory, I read the requirements, I'm at 18 I see a video on how the Statue of is worth 4 Dip Points, I finally build it, I get hyped during the Cutscene and nothing happens, I end up losing anyway.

Someone please tell me what I did wrong...
I'm not sure exactly what's going on from your screenshot, but you need 20 points for diplo victory. It usually triggers on the turn after you reach 20. When you say you end up losing anyway, did someone else get the diplo victory, or another victory type? Is diplomatic victory enabled for that game?
I actually actively avoid to get that win again, I also do what I can to prevent the AI from achieving that win (and no I don't turn off that victory condition:)).
There a few easy diplo choices from the world congress I know will likely get me a point:
Choose melee units get 50% increased strength.
Participate in disaster relief and give out money (easiest way, quickest way to get those points)
Ban gaining GP prophets, when most of the players already have a religion.
Be friendly to CS and AI to get influence to force your diplo choices in world congress.
I'm not sure exactly what's going on from your screenshot, but you need 20 points for diplo victory. It usually triggers on the turn after you reach 20. When you say you end up losing anyway, did someone else get the diplo victory, or another victory type? Is diplomatic victory enabled for that game?
Man I wish I would have taken a better screenshot. Basically I'm playing as Mansa Musa, I reached 18 Dip Points, Congress Voted for me to lose 2 Dip Points (Somehow my points didn't decrease), but it didn't Matter because I built The Statue of Liberty for 4 points. All in all my screen showed I had 22 Dip Points, but no Victory I kept playing & checking my points, until eventually they stopped showing the points I had (which is the Screenshot you're looking at). Then Finally Victoria won a Culture Victory.
I had a similar experience once, where I was due to complete the Statue on the same turn as a World Congress. The logic seems a little messed up when those happen on the same turn. I think that I had 16 points, so the Statue should have put me over. I voted for myself, but lost so I lost 2 points. Grrr!

I reloaded a save, and then changed my vote. I voted for myself to lose 2 points, along with the AI. Since that vote succeeded, I got a point for "voting the right way," limiting my loss to one point. I also delayed the Statue for a turn by rearranging the citizens in the city. When the Statue completed the *following* turn, I won.
I had a similar experience once, where I was due to complete the Statue on the same turn as a World Congress. The logic seems a little messed up when those happen on the same turn. I think that I had 16 points, so the Statue should have put me over. I voted for myself, but lost so I lost 2 points. Grrr!

I reloaded a save, and then changed my vote. I voted for myself to lose 2 points, along with the AI. Since that vote succeeded, I got a point for "voting the right way," limiting my loss to one point. I also delayed the Statue for a turn by rearranging the citizens in the city. When the Statue completed the *following* turn, I won.
Ok, so I guess it's just a weird circumstance, that's a relief...
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