On converting from Democracy for wartime....


Nov 4, 2001
I'm seeking suggestions on how to convert smoothly (as smoothly as possible, anyway) from Democracy to a government better suited for a protracted war where I am the aggressor...

Republic seems to help a bit, far better than Democracy it seems in regards to war weariness, but that still gets out of hand fast. How can I keep from putting too big a crimp in my worker productivity and income while still being able to force a protracted war? :confused: I was looking at Communism, as it seems to be the best-appearing overall.

This is post-endgame, so I have no concern for points or diplomatic niceties, and I have all techs and resources available to me.

Suggestions please? It's really time to wipe out the other folks on my island... :)
I have found that monarchy is best for wars. You still get better production and no war weariness. Of course, I usually play as Babs so I only have one turn of anarchy because they are religious.

OK, the awful truth. . . Because I couldn't stand the INCREDIBLE (98%) corruption, my son changed the tags in the editor so that religious and learning centres reduce corruption.

Hope this helps. Being a religious civ really pays at this point.
Errrr, maybe I'll just do all my workups under Democracy and switch to Communism for the duration of the war.... Like, make all my tanks and planes and such till my economy begs for mercy then try switching...

They sure made it harder to be a warmonger in Civ3, eh? :)
Not really. The Germans are perfectly set up as a war machine. They have to be careful not to have a golden age before they get the Panzer, though. Communism has a lot of attractive wartime features. By spreading out corruption, distant cities at least get a little production, instead of one a turn. Add sheild bonus for the golden age and mobilization and bigger cities can easily crank out a Panzer in 3 turns. In fact, just having golden ages linked to special units increases warmongering.
I say it is a toss up between Communism and Monarchy. For Communism put police stations in all your production cities, before you make the switch, even in the capital city. Otherwise the corruption is like 66% in a large empire. With a courthouse and police station, corruption is more like 45%. With Monarchy only cities near the capital or Forbidden Palace can produce anything and research and money take a huge hit.
I just finished a war that went 20 turns and I stayed in Democracy all the way. Could have gone longer. Every 5-6 turns you get a lot of unhappiness, but make adjustments and it goes away for awhile. In the end, I had 30% luxeries going and had traded for some luxery items from my allies to help out.

Only reason I went 20 turns was to keep my allies on my side. Most wars should not last that long.
I've been very happy in Republic. War weariness exists in Republic, but...not really. If you're in a REALLY long war you may need to bump up your luxuries to 10%. The only disadvantage of Republic is you don't get the 50% worker bonus of Democracy--I can live with it.

I've ended many games in Republic, never even using Democracy if I'm non-religious. I tend to always want to be at war with somebody, to try and churn out GL's. To compensate I'll just have more workers; I can live with that. :)
I'm in a similar situation in my current game and am considering communism. Here's my situation:
- I have a huge military and alot of idle workers. Expensive under democracy.
- I have several core cities with very high production that should still produce ok under communism.
- I'm planning on a prolonged battle which will more than double the number of cities I control.
- Corruption at the edges of my civilization is already problematic. In other words, all cities captured will be at maximum corruption and waste.

Although I've never tried communism, I think in this situation it would work well for the following reasons:
- No war weariness for my prolonged battle.
- Communism supports a large amount of units free. 2/town 4/city 8/metropolis I think.
- My new cities will have some production.
- Communism allows population rushing. Good use for all those excess foriegn workers.

Once my military objectives are met and my new cities have the requisite improvements I'll switch back to democracy.
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