On Pacifism

Agent Miles

Dec 19, 2012
I decided to try pacifism. My University faction would not attack anyone or take any other faction's bases, although I would of course defend my bases. My peaceful scholars would instead win by ascending. I then set up a game on Transcend level with a large, harsh, mostly ocean planet and aggressive AI with lots of worms.

The island I was on gave me about 60 tiles with which to work, so I made it a priority to increase its size. I built about 18 bases and had them crank out colony pods that joined the HQ. Although everyone but Santiago had a vendetta with me, I got the HQ up to a population of 100 by 2273. I was able to achieve one Research Goal per Turn (1RG/T) thereafter.

Dierdra and Miriam were only a couple of tiles away to the south across a channel and Morgan eventually spread to within range of my island as well. I had a continuous struggle with them and even Lal joined against me. My base defender unit was an Infantry chassis with my best weapon, heavy artillery and AAA. By massing these I could destroy any invading force. Although I never captured an enemy base, I also never lost one of my own.

The Voice of Planet was finished in 2300 and the next turn on New Year's Day of the 24th Century, Provost Archimedes got a Transcendence Victory score of 2688.

Give Peace a chance.
One of the beauties of a sandbox is you should be able to use any approach you please.
well where is sandbox?

Hi ZenReputation,

In this context, a "sandbox" is a slang term meaning something like "a game that is set up so you can experiment without running into problems."

Do you play Alpha Centauri?
Sandbox in these terms mean you can use any approach you want to achieve any victory you want (or defeat... if you do poorly or are unlucky).

Even other 4x games like Civ V and Fallen Enchantress are sandbox games.
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