Cheezy the Wiz
Socialist In A Hurry
innonimatu said:As many as the US government wishes... creating new money is free for them. What a government can not afford is to lose control. I don't expect financial collapse to happen suddenly and dramatically, governments always have tools to prevent it. What will happen are more "bailouts", more money dumping, and general disorientation as to why it isn't working.
My guess is that what will bring governments down is mass unemployment, accumulating over this year. That they can't control simply by creating new money.
The unemployment problem has been developing for a very long time, it was an inevitable consequence of the increase of productivity. Fools (supported with the academic authority of many economists) kept claiming that technological change (more and better automation) just shifted jobs around. A look back at history would show them very clearly that every single big social chance was caused by technological evolution. With disruptive technologies, and the flexible (software driven) automation since the 1970s is one, jobs don't just shift around, the whole fabric of society changes.
When agriculture became more productive we had an age of revolutions, the development of cities and industrialization. When "heavy" industry - metals, textiles (yes, I know that economic texts don't call it "heavy") fertilizers and base chemicals, etc. - ceased being the main urban employer (between and including the World Wars) we had another revolution, with "services" and to a huge degree the state supplying new job demand. But even services can be improved, automated. So now we will be forced to acknowledge a third big change. As with the other epoch changes this one will take (has been taking) a few years. From attempting to shore up the old organization, to searching for a new one, to build it... We should have a thread to discuss the various ways to recreate the logic of employment, I guess...
Anyway, as the old organization goes so does the political support of the current power holders. Some will "recycle" themselves (politicians, as politics, are eternal), others will disappear form scene. I just hope that this will be a peaceful change.