One AI Far Ahead

why goto war with the portugeese? just make a MA with a ROP. doesnt slow u down and will slow him down if he counter attacks (at least it aint your territory being invaded)
Well Portugal is current at war with me. Anyway I want their cities as bases to heal.

BTW I have no problem conquering another country, I've done it all game...:mwaha:
The other civ was probably lucky, they might have had a large area, a successful conquest war, and a well placed goldenage. I often get rid of them with a war involving many allies. (it is good to get them before they pic off the other civs you could get against them)
Since all of their city names appear to be Celtic, I think it was a great isolated start. They have a huge peninsula to themselves, much like the Sumerians.
I have noticed this myself with one AI getting far ahead.

First time was with Persia. They were the obvious benefitor of the GPT bug (had 30K gold at one point). They also are Scientific.

In my current game (with beta patch), Greece has pulled ahead by 5+techs by the early industrial age. Hard to say how long they have had this much of a lead since they are one the other major continent in this game. When first contacted, the other civs on this continent appeared to be about even in terms of tech, resources/luxuries, cities and area size. This was early to mid-Middle Ages.

I suspect that the Science Leader (SL) is an unbalancer. Especially for Science oriented civs. What is the chance... 5% for Science trait, 1% for other civs? As I have posted previously, the SL seems to have a good chance of knocking the tech race out of balance.

I must say this about C3C though... they have greatly (at least it appears this way at this point) improved the common experience of Vanilla/PTW games were every civ instantly traded techs between themselves which made for a homogeneous game. I'm seeing much more variety in the civs now.
Originally posted by Fanny Brice
I suspect that the Science Leader (SL) is an unbalancer. Especially for Science oriented civs. What is the chance... 5% for Science trait, 1% for other civs?
3% for other civs. And the balancer for civs sitting peacefully blitzing through the science is a warmongering civ hungry to take over the territory and infrastructure generating that science (*cough* me *cough*).
Yes, the whole SGL concept is completely UNbalancing: only the guy in the lead can get free bonuses to increase their lead??

Picture a horse race where the first horse to each milepost can suddenly be transported (beam me ahead, Scotty!) another mile ahead. It's the very opposite of balancing.

I think whoever made that change hated us poor innocent warmongers. :( They thought they were helping peaceful players. Well, how is it working out?:confused:
It rewards those who are a builder. I think it's a good change.
I don't think its unbalancing, because maximizing the profit of research in general and SL especially means to neglect your army in some way.And this is the chance for anyone who wants to fight...
But I agree with the agricultural trait, it is very strong and I am currently playing a game on a huge map against those seven civs, which are agr. and it seems that all of them are rather strong, compared to the strengh of the civs in a game with random opponents.
I am glad to see this complaint finally voiced...I do not believe that in history one Civ was a gazillion miles ahead of EVERY
other civ in terms of tech- when a Civ is way out in front and on another continent by the time u get there with ur riflemen and Calvary u get to fight Tanks and Mech. Emperor level this happens all the time- and my only win on that level had to do with a crazy map that had one big continent and the rest little isles and I happened to be on
the one big continent.
what I do when an AI has a considerable lead on me is make good with all the other civs. I eventually declare war on the leading civ, and get everyone else to declare war. I sit back, and focus on scientific research, while not spending a considerable amount of money on units. (just enough to sufficiently defend my cities) At this point, the leading civ will turn most of their attention to building military, and who knows, may undergo a revolution eventually. (cha ching!) Try to keep the military alliances as long as you can. Of course, if you want to take a few cities from them while you are trying to get a tech lead, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea either. ;) Once you have a tech lead, go for the UN or spaceship.

Oh yea, I forgot. Make sure you blackmail them for a lot of tech once you sign a peace treaty. It may also be a good idea to take a city right before you do so.
Wait did you just say that you were bombing youself into submission? Sorry i am french.
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