One more thing for Civ 6 from an earlier version

Hull tyyp

May 1, 2020
Civilization 7 is coming with a bunch of new ideas and mechanics. But if you could have one more thing in civ 6 that exists in an earlier civ but not in this game, what would it be?

For me it would be the Neuschwanstein wonder. I'd love to build another mountain wonder like Machu Picchu.

There are plenty of other good stuff from the past I'd like to see.

Like more wonders - Brandenburg Gate, Leaning Tower of Pisa ect.
More civilizations - Huns, Austria, Monaco ect.
More city center buildings that are tied to resources (like watermill and bonus farm improvements) - Circus (horses, ivory), Stone works (stone, marble), Mint (gold, silver), Forge (iron, copper) ect.
National wonder mechanic, special wonders that can be built once per civilization but cost increases with the number of cities - Heroic Epic, National College, Ironworks, Grand Temple ect.
Controlling other civilizations or cities without annexing - vassals, puppeteering ect.

Civ 6 does have a lot of stuff and features, can’t really remember much of anything else that the past games had that civ 6 doesn’t.

Moderator Action: Made the title a bit more descriptive --NZ
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National wonder mechanic, special wonders that can be built once per civilization but cost increases with the number of cities - Heroic Epic, National College, Ironworks, Grand Temple ect.
I suspect that the terrain-requirements of wonders in Civ VI is why this mechanic was dropped; if it were still present, there'd be a risk that some players would not be able to build certain national wonders without acquiring new territory, which would somewhat defeat the point of them. That said, reinventing them for VII wouldn't be too hard; simply put a cap on the number of national wonders a player can build and have enough variety that a player under the cap will never not be able to build one
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