Only two civs remain...

The civs I'd like to see included would be Ethiopia/Axum because of it's long history and with the excuse of filling up the African continent and then either Poland or the Hittites. The former because of the lack of eastern european civs in-game and the latter because of it's ancient history and the huge opposition it gave to Egypt in it's short period as a superpower.

I would really object to a Scotland or Polynesia civ. Scotland never had any real say in the way the world was run and if Scotland, why not include a Wales or Ireland civ? As for Polynesia...the game is called 'Civilization', which the Polynesians never really achieved. Sorry if there are any taking offence at this, but it's my opinion. I wouldn't agree with an Austria civ either, because even though it was powerful throughout the 19th century, it was simply another German realm that wasn't conquered by Prussia, so it's represented anyway.
My list still stands for

1. Siam/Khmer
2. Poland/Austria
3. Ethiopia/Kongo or another Sub Saharan African civ.

Also why doesn't anyone like the idea of Burma/Myanmar? I think the Idea is great.
I do not know if this has been said already, but I am pretty sure that that SE Asian civ will probably be the Khmer. I mean...think about it. They were fairly large for their time, and had a strong empire.
I do not know if this has been said already, but I am pretty sure that that SE Asian civ will probably be the Khmer. I mean...think about it. They were fairly large for their time, and had a strong empire.

and us viets are pretty crazy in war for all times. :) anyhow, if i weren't vietnamese, i would say that the Khmer have the best chance of making it.
Lacaixa, but this number includes welsh, scottish and irish people, which would be counted as celtic. Thats why I lowered english pop accordingly.
Fair point Bastien-Bux. So the population of the British Isles is roughly 40 million English and 25 million Celts minus ethnic minorities.
Well you can live a long life, in a comfy upper middle class home tucked in the suburban centers of Stockholm with a good education and be totally unhappy because, you are unmarried and lonely, have no friends and stuck with a dead-end job you can't quit till your 60.

This counts as an argument?

As for using an index where having a lumber industry automatically means that you must be unhappy, that is simply braindead.

I believe is another big factor, most of the top 40 or so seem to be quite religious, Catholic Latin America and Phillipines, Islamic Morroco, Indonesia and Maldieves and Buddhist Vietnam, Sri Lanka.

I don't think religion necessarily makes anyone happy. And I really don't get the impression that Latin Americans, Filipinos, Moroccans and Vietnamese, for example, are radiantly happy because of their religion.
Bastien- Bux

Looking at your figures again you've still lost 10 million Celts from the British Isles population ,more if you put in 3 million Celts from Brittany. The total population of the British Isles is 65.6 million not 55 million. I except your point that British/Irish are over represented in the game but not is much as you claim especially considering that Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc have no representatives and are largely made up of Anglo- Celts.
I don't understand also where you get the Romantic element of the English . The Normans were French speaking Vikings and the Romans were an occupying army.
Plus I don't think that the Celts were meant to represent only Ireland, Wales, Scotland and Brittany. Lets not forget that the Gauls were Celts, and there were several Celtic-Germanic peoples. It seems to me that in Civ4, the Celts are a Civ that are meant to represent all the European peoples that the Romans and Greeks called 'Barbarians'. Although this isn't accurate, it works for me.
I am really hoping if there is a SE civ that it is Siam or Ayyuthaya or Thai whatever you want to call it over Khmer. I know alot of people are rooting Khmer, but I would prefer Siam in the end it was the Thai Kingdoms that brought and end to the Khmer empire thought it was failing already. they do share alot of cultural ties with each other however and it will be nice to see a SE Asian civ for once I for one am tired of european civs and African civs... I want to see more Asian civs and possibly some hot female asian fetish...but anyway thats my 2 cents...
Southeast Asian Civ
and Polynesian (maybe with an extra naval advantage

falling short are:
Anyway. I think I've made my point clear about Sweden and Scandinavia and all that. So why don't I just make my three civ list:


Go, Vietnam, Go!
There was also many slavic Celts...
Erm... No, there weren't. Slavs and Celts are seperate ethno-linguistic groups. True, the Celts once lived in areas that are now Slavic (as well as areas that are now Germanic) but they were pushed out of those areas during the Westward expansions of the late Roman Empire.
In short, "Slavic Celt" is a contradiction in terms.
Erm... No, there weren't. Slavs and Celts are seperate ethno-linguistic groups. True, the Celts once lived in areas that are now Slavic (as well as areas that are now Germanic) but they were pushed out of those areas during the Westward expansions of the late Roman Empire.
In short, "Slavic Celt" is a contradiction in terms.

Exactly what i meant.
^^, theLastOne36, my whole "there are so and so many" explanation was just there to place a highlight on one fact: just because there are so and so many noisy (polish/scottish/swedish) supporters doesn't mean it would be fair to add Poland/Scottland/Sweden and not other nations.

This whole thread is speculation on "which civs should be introduced". Well and nice, but all those speculations are based on different paradigmas, or most often prejudices. It doesn't make ANY sense to compare reasons for a civ vs another civ, if the category of those reasons are different.

"Poland should be in, because Poland-Lithuania has been an important nation for a few centuries".

"The Hallstatt-culture should be in, because they made such beautyfull pottery."

"Siam should be in, because south-east Asia is underrepresented compared to its population / importance of the SE Asian market."

You see? Three completely different categories of reasons.

#1 the "military-econo-political approach" reasons that a number of nations have been holding a place of econo-political importance during parts of human history. Thus they must be included in every era. Because, because, well we are the greatest nation anyway. ;)

#2 the "cultural achievement and influence approach" reasons, that certain civs have been so important as culture givers, and cultural fundaments. ancient Egypt, Greece, China ... they all formed the modern cultures. By the same reasoning we should include even more fundamental cultures, as frex the afformentioned Hallstatt culture.

#3 the "real world market / fairness approach" reasons, that a) having a similar civ in will increase the sales numbers (speculative but sounds at least possible). b) that it makes sense to have a fair distribution of civs on an earth map (which is true ... for earth maps only). And c) that it is a question of political correctness / fairness to represent all current cultures somehow (and be it by way of a remote ancestor). Never mind that political correctness in and by itself is a highly questioned paradigma. ^^

I'm sure you'll find several more categories of reasons. Are they all equally valuable? How to distinguish those categories values? And which are realy used by Firaxis?

I'm fairly sure that an anglo-centric and also an euro-centric prejudice is part of the decision process. Not because the Firaxis guys are nationalistic morons, but because this prejudice is part of our (western) culture. Plus the main markets for Civ4 are to be found in this western culture. And thereby this prejudice is "ok".

Does it make sense to add even more prejudices to this established one? By frex stating things like "there are at least as many reasons to include Poland as for England/Spain"? I doubt it.

But until it is clear which categories of reasons are given what value, I can't deny even such (IMO) valueless reasons. If there are enough Poles that ail Firaxis "include Poland and we'll buy BtS" then this will have an impact (positive or negative).

OK, what was all this jabber-wabber about? I just ask people to think about the categories of their reasoning. Because this way you can much better give a number of reasons why and why not a certain civ should be in. And, being an hopeless optimist, maybe the reasons brought up here could influence Firaxis decision making on Civ5?
Erm... No, there weren't. Slavs and Celts are seperate ethno-linguistic groups. True, the Celts once lived in areas that are now Slavic (as well as areas that are now Germanic) but they were pushed out of those areas during the Westward expansions of the late Roman Empire.
In short, "Slavic Celt" is a contradiction in terms.

Well, I can only speak for myself - I'm Celtic Germanic, a mix of Celtic and Norse blood. So are all Icelanders. This is from wikipedia:
Icelanders are the nation or ethnic group of Iceland descended primarily from Norseman of Scandinavia and Celts of the British Isles. The language spoken is Icelandic, a North Germanic language, and the religion is overwhelmingly Lutheran.
So it's not entirely incorrect :)
Actually while this is true genetically (all icelanders can genetically be traced back to a small group of viking colonists and an even smaller group of irish slaves), this isn't as much true culturaly ;). But here again: what does count more? Blood or culture?
Actually while this is true genetically (all icelanders can genetically be traced back to a small group of viking colonists and an even smaller group of irish slaves), this isn't as much true culturaly ;). But here again: what does count more? Blood or culture?

You got me check mate there :crazyeye:
Although Icelanders have a lot in common with it's Irish mothers; We like alcohol really much and like the same kind of music the Irish like. But the culture is overwhelmingly Scandinavian and has been for 1200 years.

You're right Bastian!
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