• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Open Spots in NES.

Good job moving to gamlecatcher Sixchan.

SNESII-Imperial World
The Age of the Nes is coming. With turn restrictions people who are hooked will need more NES's. here it is.

The Roman Empire never fell. Now it rules most of the World. The Germanic Tribes have formed a nation and the chinese empire also persists. Britain hasd independence from rome, although they are allies.
Rome was forced to Imperial Democracy by an unsuccesful American Rebellion.

Open nations:

Government: Monarchy
Ruler: ?
Huge (ineffective) Army
Medium Navy
No Airforce
Tech: Middle Industrial
MPP: Japan (Asian league)

Aboriginal League:
Government: Confederacy
Ruler: ?
Large Army
Large Navy
Small Airforce
Tech: Middle Industrial
MPP: Kiev (Pact of Freedom)
Note: Created by Kieven Support to Australian resistance of Rome

Free Carribean:
Government: Republic
Ruler: ?
Small Army
Medium Navy
No Airforce
Tech: Middle Industrial

At: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22042

limit to 3 posts a day from here on out. 1 age can be completed in a month. a tech takes 2 days to figure out although you don't have to announce what ur reaserching. I'l figure it out if you cheat.
Premise:The Age Of Colonization(or something like that this is not at all factual just based on the Age of colonization) Spain and Britain fight the natives for N. America and European interests in Africa begin to rise. Germany needs to Unify, as does Italy, Asia is begining to see more and more foreigners as Persia and Babylon wage their holy war against India and Japan makes a grab for Chinese land

Free Civs:

Ruler: ?
Military Strenght: Medium on land, very good navy
Tech. Level: Medium Middle Age
In War With: China
Mutual Protection Pact:

Government: Despotism
Ruler: ?
Military Strenght: Large(weak) land army, and no navy
Tech. Level: Early Middle Ages
In War With: Japan
Mutual Protection Pact:

Government: Republic
Ruler: ?
Military Strenght: Small land army and No navy.
Tech. Level: Early Middle Age.
In War With: Persia, Babylon
Mutual Protection Pact:

Government: Monarchy
Ruler: ?
Military Strenght:Weak land army and small navy.
Tech. Level: Early Middle Age
In War With:
Mutual Protection Pact:

Government: Theocracy
Military Strenght: Medium land army, no navy.
Tech. Level: Early Middle Ages.
In War With: India
Alliances: Babylon (v.India)
Mutual Protection Pact: With Babylon

Government: Theocracy
Ruler: ?
Military Strenght: Small land army, no navy.
Tech. Level: Early Middle Age.
In War With: India
Alliances: Persia(v. India)
Mutual Protection Pact: Persia (Holy Alliance)

Government: Monarchy
Ruler: ?
Military Strenght: Medium land army, Small navy
Tech. Level: Early Middle Ages.
In War With: Britain
Mutual Protection Pact:

Government: Despotism
Ruler: ?
Military Strenght: Small land army, No navy
Tech. Level: Later Ancient Ages.
In War With:
Mutual Protection Pact:

Ruler: ?
Military Strenght: Weak army, No navy.
Tech. Level: Medium Middle Age.
In War With:
Mutual Protection Pact:

Government: Monarchy
Ruler: ?
Military Strenght: Large antiquated land army, no navy
Tech. Level: Late Ancient Ages
In War With: Spain
Alliances: America (against Spain)
Mutual Protection Pact: America

Government: Republic
Ruler: ?
Military Strength: Large land army, No navy
Tech. Level: Early Middle Age.
In War With: Britain
Alliances: America(v. Britain)
Mutual Protection Pact: With America

At: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21666
AoA really hates me, so I have decided to leave totally. All my positions in any NES will go, and others can take them if they wish.

Anyone can reach me at Gamecatcher.

If you want, we could start another NES there, but I am leaving for good.

I'll miss you all. :cry:
I miss you too!
Please read the sticky about NESs if you do not know what one is.


I am beginning a new NES(I know what you're thinking, not another one!) because I think that combat is unfairly regulated in others, as the decision maker usually plays a country.

In this one, the only countries I will control are those without players, and I will do this only in the capacity of defending themselves, and possibly limited diplomatic negotiations. While judging combat against these, I will be completely fair, a raid against a nation without a leader is very likely to succeed. But if you try a total invasion, then I will no longer make them a pushover, as a nation even if it hasn't got a leader will fight if it is invaded.


We advance one tech level every Sunday at midnight GMT. For simplicity, your army is only made up of one type of unit, and your navy the same(until aircraft carriers), and as you advance, it automatically upgrades.

When you reach the atomic age, you receive an air force and aircraft carriers. The numbers of planes and carriers you receive will be posted by me when the time comes.

A nation with a more advanced army or navy has a better chance in combat, but start with 100 less ships or regiments. This is made up for by those who begin in medieval, instead of advancing into another age when those still in atomic upgrade to modern, get the extra 100 back, either as planes, ships or regiments.

ie; Britain advances to the modern age ahead of China. On the Sunday when China advances to the modern age, instead of advancing to another age(there isn't another one), the British instead get an extra 100 planes, ships or regiments. Which one they receive is their choice.

Army: spearmen Navy: galleys

Army: knights Navy: frigates

Army: musketmen Navy: ships of the line

Army: riflemen Navy: ironclad

Army: infantry Navy:dreadnought

Army: tanks Navy: battleships and carriers Air Force: fighter-bombers

Army: modern armour Navy: AEGIS cruisers and supercarriers Air Force: jet fighter-bombers

When modern age is reached, the game stays in that age until the end. Those already there and waiting for those behind to advance get a 100 unit boost instead of advancing, as talked about above. You only get this boost once. Countries which begin in the ancient age never get this boost.

You may wish to name your type of unit something else, ie; samurai for Japan instead of knights, or panzers for Germany instead of tanks. These will be allowed, but they will still fight as if they were the unit they are replacing.


One year in the game is one real day. Every seven game years, you advance one age(as mentioned above).

This page will be updated every day hopefully, and have a big update once a week, on Sunday or Monday night.


Regiment= 1,000 men
Division= 10,000 men


When you invade somewhere, or fight a country, say what forces you will use. Then the enemy must say what forces they will use. If the attack is against a non-playing country, I will decide the opposing forces. These will usually be small numbers unless you specifically want to hunt down a large group or you are attacking their capital.

Also expect sometimes that there will be natives in places you colonise. If there is, and they are hostile, then I will tell you, and they will probably begin to attack your forces. However, they are usually primitive, and not much of a threat.

Men and ships lost are only replaced on Sunday midnight GMT, when you advance one tech level.


Apart from the boost of 100 in the modern age for the more advanced countries(see above) so that all are equal, no one may have a larger army or navy than is listed here for them.

Notice that those who begin in medieval have a total of 900 ships and regiments, and those who begin in ancient have 1000 in total. This is why the more advanced get the boost in the modern age.

Please note this is not based on actual world history.

Leader: ?
Capital: London
Army: 15 divisions(150 regiments or 150,000 men)
Navy: 750 ships not including transports
Tech Level: Medieval

Leader: King Monrique D'esoleil(Toasty)
Capital: Paris
Army: 65 divisions(650 regiments or 650,000 men)
Navy: 250 ships not including transports
Tech Level: Medieval

Leader: ?
Capital: Berlin
Army: 70 divisions(700 regiments or 700,000 men)
Navy: 200 ships not including transports
Tech Level: Medieval

Leader: ?
Capital: Rome
Army: 45 divisions(450 regiments or 450,000 men)
Navy: 450 ships not including transports
Tech Level: Medieval

Leader: ?
Capital: Moscow or St. Petersburg, player decides
Army: 95 divisions(950 regiments or 950,000 men)
Navy: 50 ships not including transports
Tech Level: Ancient

Leader: ?
Capital: Madrid
Army: 50 divisions(500 regiments or 500,000 men)
Navy: 400 ships not including transports
Tech Level: Medieval

Leader: ?
Capital: Istanbul
Army: 80 divisions(800 regiments or 800,000 men)
Navy: 200 ships not including transports
Tech Level: Ancient

Leader: ?
Capital: Stockholm
Army: 60 divisions(600 regiments or 600,000 men)
Navy: 300 ships not including transports
Tech Level: Medieval

Leader: ?
Capital: Cairo
Army: 85 divisions(850 regiments or 850,000 men)
Navy: 150 ships not including transports
Tech Level: Ancient

Leader: President Al Gore(sealman)
Capital: Washington
Army: 40 divisions(400 regiments or 400,000 men)
Navy: 500 ships not including transports
Tech Level: Medieval

Leader: ?
Capital: Delhi or New Delhi, player decides
Army: 90 divisions(900 regiments or 900,000 men)
Navy: 100 ships not including transports
Tech Level: Ancient

Leader: ?
Capital: Beijing or Shanghai, player decides
Army: 98 divisions(980 regiments or 980,000 men)
Navy: 20 ships, not including transports
Tech Level: Ancient

Leader: ?
Capital: Kyoto or Tokyo, player decides
Army: 35 divisions(350 regiments or 350,000 men)
Navy: 550 ships not including transports
Tech Level: Medieval

Leader: ?
Capital: Player decides
Army: 70 divisions(700 regiments or 700,000 men)
Navy: 300 ships not including transports
Tech Level: Ancient


Each nation starts with a powerful Secret Service, with agents in every country.

You can always get intelligence estimates from these agents by PMing me, saying whether you want a vague or specific report.

Vague reports are ones such as "If a division of mine fought a division of theirs, who would win?" or "What are their important military production areas?" etc. These reports have no risk factor, they are always safe to ask however many times you may ask questions, even it it is about the same country.

Specific reports are ones such as "Would I be able to take Ireland from Britain?" or "How much damage would a Secret Service raid on Portsmouth Harbour do?". One of these on a nation has a small risk factor of being discovered, with the risk factor increasing the more times you enqiure about that country.

The risk factor is the risk that the agent may be caught, or what you asked discovered. If an agent is caught, he may or may not tell what nation he came from, and he may or may not reveal the question that he was asked to find out the answer to. Caught agents are replaced easily, but if the captured agent had revealed the nation he came from, then there can be severe diplomatic problems arising from this, possibly even war. Knowing his mission can prepare an enemy for what is coming, and possibly even make them act first.

Be warned that estimates are just that, they're not always accurate.

The final way your Secret Service can be used is in sabotage. You can attack a barracks, shipyard, air field or storage dump of your enemy to destroy their weapons, ships, aircraft or stores, thus causing them to lose men, planes or ships until it is repaired. The length of time to repair it can vary, as can the damage done. Targets can be acquired by asking a vague question about that nation's important military areas. These sabotage missions carry high risk factors of the agent being discovered and of their mission being revealed. And be warned, if the agent is discovered and reveals where he's from, there's bound to be a war.


Secret talks between countries can be had by Personal Messaging(PM) each other. Only public announcements should be posted here, and any reflection on your leader than you would like others to see("Alexander was crushed by the defeat. How could he have lost?! It didn't seem possible to him. But he would get revenge."), and of course your military actions. By military actions I mean those that are to take place, special service actions should be PMed to me, not posted.



If anyone has any questions, or I have made any mistakes above, or would like to change/add rules, please say so!

Good luck and have fun!

I know there are currently 3 NES's in progress, but I thought I could make one to see how the position starts out, and if anyone wants to play one more game............ All Military sizes are based from none, tiny, small, medium, large, huge, Imperial

America: Skilord
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Ruler: King Regan
Medium Army
Huge Navy
Large Airforce
MPP: England (Anglo-American Pact), Canadia
Note: Is third World Power, and a 1st world country

Canadia (former Iroquios): Xtreamskier27
Government: Democracy
Ruler: President Bob
Small Army
Medium Navy
Imperial Airforce (IUAF Iroquios United AirForce)
MPP: America
War: Scandinavia, Germany
Note: Is a quiet, not commonly known nation

Aztlan (SANU- South American Nations United):
Government: Unity (Yes, a new government)
Large army
Medium Navy
Tiny airforce
MPP: Is actually made of a serious of MPP's between S.A. Nations
War: Egypt (Not a battle has been faught)
Note: Is powerful nation, but prone for rebelling

Italy: Kefka
Government: Facist
Ruler: Emperor Kefka
Small Army
Small Navy
Medium airforce
MPP: Germany, Russia, France, Spain (Euro Alliance)
Note: Euro Alliance is most feared and strongest pact in the world

Spain: Vanilla Cube
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: King Vanilla Cube
Large Navy
Medium Army
Tiny Airforce

England: Jason The King
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Ruler: King Jason
Tiny Army
Imperial Navy
Large Airforce
MPP: America (Anglo Pact)
War: Scandinavia, Germany
Note: Strongest Navy in world

Government: Communism
Medium Army
Medium Navy
Medium Airforce

Government: Nazi Reform
Ruler: Fuhrer Kwanzn
Medium Navy
Small Army
Small Ariforce
War: English, Canadia, America
Note: Outcast from the rest of the Euro Alliance

Government: Communism
Imperial Army
No Navy
Small Airforce
Note: Largest nation in the world

Government: Communism
Imperial Army
Small Navy
Tiny Airforce
MPP: India
Note: Has nasty plots towards Russia.

Government: Ancient Monarchy, Diety Ruler
Imperial Navy
Tiny Army
Large Ariforce
Note: Very isolated country

Government: Democracy
Huge Army
Small Navy
Medium Airforce
MPP: China
Note: Sort of like a Second China

Babylon: Radramon
Government: Peoples Republic
Ruler: Prime Minister Radramon
Medium Army
Larg Navy
Imperial Airforce
MPP: Egypt
Note: Refuses to aid Egypt in war Against Aztecs

Egypt: The Diciple
Government: Ancient Monarchy, Diety Ruler
Ruler: Diciple
Medium Army
Small Navy
Huge Airforce
MPP: Babylon
War: Aztecs

Free United African Nations: Pfry
Government: Democracy
Ruler: President Hue Jass
Small Navy
Imperial Army
Small Airforce
War: Australia, API

Government: Peoples Republic
Huge Navy
Huge Army
No Airforce
MPP: Asian Pacific Islanders (API)
War: UAN

API (Asian Pacific Islanders)
Government: Peoples Republic
Huge Navy
Tiny army
Large Airforce
MPP: Australia
War: UAN
Note: Most recently revolutionized from Japan. Hates Japan

Scandinavia: Erik Mesoy
Government: Monarchy
Ruler: Erik Mesoy
Medium Navy
Small Army
Large Airforce
Note: Recently had revolution of England

Here is map:

Note: If any quesiotns about colors, post. Also, sorry colors of Australia resemble those of russia. They are, however, their own nations.

Rules: Here are the forum rules. To make it more strategically difficult and make it so all of us can keep up with the story, each person is allowed to two game posts a day (not counting OOC). If more is taken, the last post is discarded. I will be counting. Second, the year is 1930 and all everyone is at the same tech level of that year. Third, the count is one 'game' year for every 'human, or real' week. I will also count, and the date starts this Saturday. Each new technology to research will take at least half a year to complete, one year if it is very important. I just want to try to keep this equal and fun. I will also set up World Meetings in chatrooms. Please look at this page before you post anything, so you can see any and all updates. Thanks, and may the game begen.
SNESIII- Star WarsThe Hutts:
Ruler: ?
Gov't: Monarchy
Small Space Navy
Medium Army
No Aquatic Navy
War: none
MPP: none

The Empire:
Ruler: ?
Gov't: Monarchy
Huge Space Navy
Large Army
Small Aquatic Navy
War: Rebels, Mon Cal
MPP: none

The Mon Calamari: TAKEN
Ruler: ?
Gov't: Republic
Large Space Navy
Small Army
Huge Aquatic Navy
War: Empire
MPP: Rebels

The Rebels:
Ruler: ?
Gov't: Republic
Large Space Navy
Medium Army
No Aquatic Navy
War: Empire
MPP: Mon Cal

Maybe my facts aren't 100% straight but lts still a great idea. Colonizing the unknown regions is not allowed + that is where new civs (not rebelling) emerge from.
Link: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22194
Capital City: Tenotchitlan
Government: Theocracy
Military Strenght: Large (but primitive) army and little navy
Tech. Level: Late Middle Ages
In War With:

Mohawk Confederation:
Capital City: Mohawk
Government: Tribalism
Military Strenght: Large (but primitive) army and no navy
Tech. Level: Early Middle Ages
In War With:

Great Britain:
Capital City: London
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Military Strenght: Small army and huge navy
Tech. Level: Early Industrial Age
In War With: Ireland and Germany
MPPs: With Rome-Gaul and Greece (Anti-German Coalition)

Capital City: Babylon
Government: Theocracy
Military Strenght: Small (and untrained) army and little navy
Tech. Level: Late Middle Ages
In War With:

Capital City: Ismail
Government: Theocracy
Military Strenght: Large army and medium navy
Tech. Level: Late Middle Ages
In War With: Srivajaya

Capital City: Delhi
Government: Monarchy
Military Strenght: Medium army and no navy
Tech. Level: Early Middle Ages
In War With:

Capital City: Beijing
Government: Monarchy
Military Strenght: Large army and little navy
Tech. Level: Late Middle Ages
In War With:
Updated the Simple and Regulated NES info.

AMNES or Ancient Mediterranean Never Ending Story is now accepting players. There are ten countries:

1. Rome
2. Carthage
3. Greece
4. Gaul
5. Iberia
6. Egypt
7. Phoenicia
8. Macedon
9. Anatolia
10. Numidia

Rome is now taken, but all nine other spots are OPEN. The game will start when 4 more people join.

I don't want to waste space, for more info just visit the site at http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22794 .
Suffice it to say, this is probably the most realistic NES yet, with diplomacy, science, luxuries, combat, money, trade, and secret plots and skullduggery all factored in! Visit it now to see if you'd like to join.
The HNESII is in pretty desperate need of a China. All applicants should atend the 'Historical NES II - The Dark Valley" thread immediately :D.
Hey I am here to get more players for the Historical Nes II. I would like a yugoslavia and or a romania player. The entente petit needs more players in it to really be effective.
Okay, since neither Pachy or WTE_OzWolf have answered me about Canada, I'm throwing it open.

Anyone want to join the UKNES2, come onto the thread and ask me! Even if Canada is taken, I'll reserve a place for you in the next expansion.

There is plenty of space in the UKNESIV lol.

Lots of room in Fanatics's NES. I have not yet resorted to bribery but will be happy to if it increases the amount of people who join.
Come one come all to Return to Our Roots' sequel. This time it will not be destroyed by laziness and have a daily updated timeline.
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