With recent reflections on the fact that this year will be Civ III's 20th anniversary, as well as on our late comrade Balthasar, I've been thinking about his legacy and specifically the monthly, yearly, and decade-ly competitions a fair amount this month (see also my post in the Annivesary sub-forum about starting to organize a new decade award competition for this fall).
It appears that the yearly awards fell off the radar after 2016, and the monthly ones in early 2017. We'd run into some challenges with not always having enough new material for monthly competitions, and as the annual awards were based on the monthly ones, they both dried up once the monthly ones did.
However, taking a quick stock of the forums and Downloads Database, I think we have enough material for an annual awards competition for 2020, across several categories including Unit of the Year, Leaderhead of the Year, PCX of the Year, and Scenario of the Year. In fact, in Unit of the Year, we have hundreds of new units, with @Delta_Strife having had a very productive year.
I'd be willing to take the lead on organizing some year-end competitions, though in some categories I'd seek additional input on which entries to include as contestants. In any case, one of the main goals would be to elevate the visibility of creations that may not have become known to those who don't visit every sub-forum (myself included).
I will be making one executive decision on a change of format. As many categories have fewer than 25 entries, I will likely be including all new entries in several of the categories, such as Leaderhead of the Year, rather than requesting entries be submitted via dormant Monthly Competition Submissions Thread. The exception being Unit of the Year, where some assistance will be needed in narrowing down the candidates. My current thinking is to request that Delta Strife select one unit per month (or one per quarter, if he prefers) to include in the competition, and depending on the number of other units either including all of them, or asking their creators to similarly select one per month or quarter to include. Failing that, I'd likely ask for the forum members at large to nominate units for the competition.
Thoughts? Nominations? Requests to retroactively have 2017 through 2019 competitions as well?
It appears that the yearly awards fell off the radar after 2016, and the monthly ones in early 2017. We'd run into some challenges with not always having enough new material for monthly competitions, and as the annual awards were based on the monthly ones, they both dried up once the monthly ones did.
However, taking a quick stock of the forums and Downloads Database, I think we have enough material for an annual awards competition for 2020, across several categories including Unit of the Year, Leaderhead of the Year, PCX of the Year, and Scenario of the Year. In fact, in Unit of the Year, we have hundreds of new units, with @Delta_Strife having had a very productive year.
I'd be willing to take the lead on organizing some year-end competitions, though in some categories I'd seek additional input on which entries to include as contestants. In any case, one of the main goals would be to elevate the visibility of creations that may not have become known to those who don't visit every sub-forum (myself included).
I will be making one executive decision on a change of format. As many categories have fewer than 25 entries, I will likely be including all new entries in several of the categories, such as Leaderhead of the Year, rather than requesting entries be submitted via dormant Monthly Competition Submissions Thread. The exception being Unit of the Year, where some assistance will be needed in narrowing down the candidates. My current thinking is to request that Delta Strife select one unit per month (or one per quarter, if he prefers) to include in the competition, and depending on the number of other units either including all of them, or asking their creators to similarly select one per month or quarter to include. Failing that, I'd likely ask for the forum members at large to nominate units for the competition.
Thoughts? Nominations? Requests to retroactively have 2017 through 2019 competitions as well?