• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Oriental Magic-Users (27 August 2006)


Retired Moderator
Nov 14, 2003
Big trouble in little China! These three characters all have basically the same model and animations, but I did like the different fabrics that I found for them...

The Oriental Wizard



(There are some palette glitches with this animation - but not with the unit itself.)

Get him here.

The Oriental Enchanter



Get him here.

The Oriental Mage



(Just a walk preview, but his other animations are the same as the others.)

Get him here.

[EDIT - 20/10/06] - I've done new Civilopedia icons for the Wizard and the Enchanter. Check out the downloads pages to get them.
Cool stuff :thumbsup:, and these magic users can post themselves to the future too. It's the 26th today. ;)
Plotinus said:
Thanks! It's nice to get such responses so quickly.

AlCosta: You're living in the past. It's the 27th where I am...

Really? My bad then.:blush:
Sweet, the enchanter's got that Emperor lightning going on there. Guess this is the Eastern response to all those attack priests you made before.

Very nice collection. :clap::clap:

What's next, ME mages ? :D
Hey, that Oriental Mage is perfect for the Geomance UU that I had planned for the Fynn alliance....
:hmm: I thought you were in the UK ... (Plotinus)
This is totally awsome! :D

Now we've got Mages from every major culture group! :D (Middle East has already been done [a few, but not many], European has been done plenty)
This is great! :goodjob: Now my "Mage" lines for the Annals of Seven Kingdoms is almost complete! :D :D :D
Partizanac said:
Very beautiful but what about the Orthodox priest???
can you make him??? pls! :) I need him for my mod!
Does the Friars he made a while ago count?
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