OT Notice Board

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Lefty Scaevola

Retired Moderator
Oct 24, 2000
San Antonio TX USA
1. Reviving old discussion threads is allowed as long as the post is relevant and adds to the discussion. Also don't revive several at one time.
2. No postcount threads or posts.
3. If an official thread is available for a purposes, use it and do not start your own tread. Keep to the point in official threads.
4. In picture threads, no more than two posts in a row in the thread without a topical picture.
5. 'Help me with my avatar' threads are not allowed in the OT or Feedback forums, please put all requests in the "Avatar Help Thread" in the Computer Talk forum.
6.) Threads aimed at specific people, or popularity-contest threads are not allowed.
7.) When posting a discussion topic originating from a media article, please post a link to the article as well as the content you wish to discuss. To frame the discussion, you should post your opinion, and what aspects of the article you want the discussion to focus on. Posting a link and just "discuss" is not sufficient.
This section will be a simple guide to posting, not only in OT but in other forums as well. It will serve as a guide to posters newly arrived, as well as a reminder for long-time posters.

Watch this space for updates and edits.

1) The Forum is not a chatroom. It's not the marketplace, where housewives gather to gossip while buying food for the day. It's not the local bar, where workers drag themselves to after a long hard day's work to talk rot. It's not the locker room, where grunts grunt at each other after a game or training.

It is the Forum, like where the old Senators of Rome of yore gathered to debate. Pls keep this image in mind, before hitting the 'Submit' button the next time you post.

2) Pls keep discussions civil and polite. We're all civilised matured people here; no need for vulgarities or personal barbs to get your point across.

In the event of trolling and flaming, do not, I repeat, do not leap up and troll/flame back. You are not a Hero or Knight, steadfast and armed to defend the dignity of the Forum - we are. You will use the 'Report to Moderator' function to call upon the forces of righteousness and justice to deal with the miscreants. Or the forces of evil and darkness (depending on how you look at it).

3) Smiley-only posts are not allowed. Smilies are meant to support your worded posts; not replace them. One or two-worded posts are also heavily frowned upon.

These are bad. They are spam. They hog server resources. They make me feel mean, evil and cranky. You do not want me to feel mean, evil and cranky.

4) Your sig is not sexy. Pls keep them to 5 lines max (for normal font), incl empty spaces.

5) No spelling or grammer police.
If you cannot post without using foul language, you will receive a warning, and if you do not stop, you will be banned. A number of people seem to have forgotten that.
As of now, any new "Ask a...." threads will have to be approved by a moderator before posting.
Please pm a moderator for a permission.

Moderator Action: Edit: This rule has been overturned.
Please keep in mind that spam threads will not be tolerated, so don't start "Ask someone who breathes every day" - type threads.
When replying to a post, please don't reply inside the quote box, but take the time to break up the quote box.
It will keep the forum readable.
If you want a temporary vacation from CFC, the best way to do it is to participate in (and contribute to the demise of) a thread that has turned into a train wreck. Somewhere north of a half-dozen posters learned this anew today. If you think a thread is a troll/spam thread, just use the 'report post' button, don't try to ride the thread into the ground. Sometimes the thread just gets locked or deleted, but sometimes we mods have enough time and energy to go through the thread and individually infract all the posts that deserve it.
Copycat threads will get closed as spam. Just because someone posts a legitimate thread talking about their favorite musician/religion/ethnicity/food/whatever doesn't mean that you should post a duplicate thread talking about yours, particularly if it comes across as a mockery of the original thread.
As of now, any new "Ask a...." threads will have to be approved by a moderator before posting.
Please pm a moderator for a permission.

Moderator Action: Edit: This rule has been overturned.
Please keep in mind that spam threads will not be tolerated, so don't start "Ask someone who breathes every day" - type threads.

From now on all new parts of serial type threads will be started by moderators only.
This includes but is not limited to:
The Babe thread
Random rants
Random raves
The thread for questions not worth their own thread
What music are you listening to
What movies have you seen lately
Member photos
Cool photos
In Which we Discuss Avatars and Custom User Titles
Signature discussion

When an old thread reaches 1000 posts, please report the thread and wait for a new one to be started.
Any serial threads started by non moderators will be deleted and infracted as spam.

This decision has been made to reduce spam.

Moderator Action: This rule has been overturned.
After discussion, new rule for starting the threads that get to 1000.

  1. Person who posts 1000th post gets to start the new thread (that is, the person who posts the post with the "1000" in the top right, not the 1000th 'reply')
  2. New rule of no consecutive posts by the same person in these threads (use the edit function, if you must).
  3. New rule of must have at least two other people posting in the thread before you can again.
  4. No person who started the 'current' version of the thread can start the next one. If they happen to get the 1000th post, then the thread can be started by the 999th person.
  5. If thread is not started within 24 hours by the 'proper' person, it goes to the 999th poster, then 24 hours later the 998th etc. Anyone else starting it will have their thread deleted, and risk a spam infraction. :evil:
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