Hello everybody,
Looking back at what has been achieved in the neighbouring Enjoyable Deity Games thread, it just struck me that maybe there is interest for something similar on other difficulty levels as well. For this first experiment I chose King, since it is a nice casual level. I will not be uploading as regularly as in the Deity thread, but I would like to read about your thoughts on a thread like this. Do we need it or not? Please leave some feedback!
What do we have here? The map is an unmodded Pangaea map with Quick speed and Small size and the civ to play is Russia. QC and QM are turned on and all VCs are enabled. In a way, I wanted to copy some of the features from the multiplayer environment, albeit in a single player format. You can obviously go in any direction you want but the designed VC is Culture Victory. You have a fantastic starting location and a nice nearby NW to settle with your first expand. Even if this game is unmodded (and I also submitted my game), the vicinity of the nearby NW looks odd. Three tiles that looks like plains tiles are actually mountains. Otherwise, I think you will enjoy this map. There are pictures from the starting location and from my win and obviously you will also find the game save to play down below. Enjoy!
As a comparison, I won my game on t167, using a very straightforward strategy. I had two expands out very quickly, didn´t go for GL nor SH. Instead I built ToA and Hanging Gardens. 3 city NC on t57 and I reached Education on t73. I settled one more city after NC. From there on I think I more or less built all wonders in the game and the tech path was Printing Press-Acoustics-Industrialization-Archeology-Refridgeration. Out of sheer boredom, I also conquered Ankara and Edirne from the Ottomans and eliminated Enrico alltogether. He had to go since he converted one of my cities and showed me the finger when I asked him to stop. I needed just two GMus into english territory to win and the easiest way to do so, was to gift Kathmandu to Elizabeth and then declare war to get my GMus inside her borders.
Looking back at what has been achieved in the neighbouring Enjoyable Deity Games thread, it just struck me that maybe there is interest for something similar on other difficulty levels as well. For this first experiment I chose King, since it is a nice casual level. I will not be uploading as regularly as in the Deity thread, but I would like to read about your thoughts on a thread like this. Do we need it or not? Please leave some feedback!
What do we have here? The map is an unmodded Pangaea map with Quick speed and Small size and the civ to play is Russia. QC and QM are turned on and all VCs are enabled. In a way, I wanted to copy some of the features from the multiplayer environment, albeit in a single player format. You can obviously go in any direction you want but the designed VC is Culture Victory. You have a fantastic starting location and a nice nearby NW to settle with your first expand. Even if this game is unmodded (and I also submitted my game), the vicinity of the nearby NW looks odd. Three tiles that looks like plains tiles are actually mountains. Otherwise, I think you will enjoy this map. There are pictures from the starting location and from my win and obviously you will also find the game save to play down below. Enjoy!
As a comparison, I won my game on t167, using a very straightforward strategy. I had two expands out very quickly, didn´t go for GL nor SH. Instead I built ToA and Hanging Gardens. 3 city NC on t57 and I reached Education on t73. I settled one more city after NC. From there on I think I more or less built all wonders in the game and the tech path was Printing Press-Acoustics-Industrialization-Archeology-Refridgeration. Out of sheer boredom, I also conquered Ankara and Edirne from the Ottomans and eliminated Enrico alltogether. He had to go since he converted one of my cities and showed me the finger when I asked him to stop. I needed just two GMus into english territory to win and the easiest way to do so, was to gift Kathmandu to Elizabeth and then declare war to get my GMus inside her borders.