Overseas Empire (Interactive Story & Game)


Feb 28, 2004
Brooklyn, New York
You may join in at any time. The first save was lost at 3220 BC so I had to create a second one. Ignore posts #2 and #4. The new save starts at post #19

Well, haven't ever done a story here, although I've been meaning to try one. So here it goes.

The goal of this game is to beat out the other civs at establishing and dominating the overseas continent. We'll be playing a terra map. It does make it a little more interesting to use civs that had major overseas empires during the Age of Exploration, so you will only find England, The Dutch (Netherlands), France, Portugal and the Spanish.

It was a real toughy between the Dutch and the Portugese, but I had to go with Jaoao, since his UU allows us to start to colonize without astronomy. The East Indiaman though is tempting, but I don't think it will come in that useful since the AI never really wages good naval wars, and I never see privateers.

So, now that we have a starting civ, let's get down to the mechanics of how we shall play this, as a team (or a monarchy, maybe a dictatorship?) It's not the most democratic of ideas you will see here, but anyone who signs up to play will give input to what I should do. This isn't a succession game, as I will be the only one playing, but as citizens you may earn positions in the government as well as control over units, armies, even cities. Who knows, maybe you will even become King himself one day and take control of the whole game.

So sign up now!
List of Citizens
Rex rgis of Ter
Sjakelen (Dutch Governor of Amsterdam)

List of Current Positions
Despot - Ice2k4
Ambassador to the British - e350tb
Petty Officer on the 1st Royal Fleet - Rex rgis of Ter
Warrant Officer in the 1st Regiment (Lisbon Garrison) - Linkman226
Mayor of Oporto City - TheLastOne36
Military Research department as the Chief Advisor to Ivory-Based Warfare - FourthThunder
Sergeant in the 2nd Regiment (Oporto Garrison) - KilKill
Mayor of 3rd City - Shadow0704
Anyway heres the start I got:

I settled on site. It's actually not a terrible start. I'm just hoping were on open ocean, not a huge lake. I don't plan on settling any inland cities.

And within a few turns we meet Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth.
What difficulty level is this on?
I progressed a little further into the game to meet the Louis XIV of France. His people seem to call him the sun king. "Hah" I said to them, "the sun does not have a king!"

And when the year 3320 BC struck, word came to the great city of Lisbon that some crazy story of higher spirits and souls being reborn in new earthly forms when they die was appealing to the people of distant lands.

Finally I chopped a settler out of Lisbon after building a worker and researching BW. The current dotmap looks like this:

I don't plan to settle anywhere but the red dot. The blue dot isn't that enticing, all though it would be a costal city. And I may settle the green dot when I know more information about it's location. The red dot looks like it will produce a fine large city and also cut off the English before they rapidly expand. I didn't want to settle inland much, but that location looks to tempting to pass up.
Err sorry it's on Prince difficulty, Normal Speed, Random Seed on Reload.

Although I'm starting to wish that I made it Epic/Marathon Speed (whichever is the faster of the two) and Monarch difficulty.
I'll be the Eng British Ambassador
I'll be the imperial advisor to Great Britain.
I wish to deal with matters involving Elephants, if I get this job, I will be a strong advocate of founding cities near Ivory and building way too many war elephants. If there is no ivory, I will be very sad.
Sorry, I haven't posted I've had a crazy week. Anyway,

Boom22, we already have an ambassador to the British so the jobs kind of overlap. Your welcome to request something else.

Rex, I like to start everyone in lower positions so they can work their way up through the ranks. You shall start out as a Petty Officer on our first fleet.

KilKill, your welcome to request a position anywhere. If you don't have one in mind, I'll assign as a mayor of a city.

TheLastOne36, You shall be governor of Oporto City.

Linkman, again I like to start people out as lower positions, so your welcome to be a Sergeant in the garrison in our capitol.

FourthThunder, you shall be in our Military Research department as the Chief Advisor to Ivory-Based Warfare.

Sjakelen, sure you can be Dutch. It would be nice to have a villain ;) for role-play purposes.

Anyway, everyone is welcome to make little roleplay stories as posts to further help them advance in their careers. They could be reports to the despot, or any other creative piece. I'll post an update shortly. (I'm about to play it.)
Thanks ^^ So then what am I, a sergeant, general, governor? Just whatever I choose?
Pretty much whatever you choose.

Also, I'm sad to inform everyone that I lost the save file and I'm not sure how. It literally disappeared out of thin air. :/ I've searched everywhere on my pc. I'm starting a new save now, but on monarch difficulty with marathon speed. All the other settings are the same. (Atleast we didn't get far on the old save.) *sigh*
The Starting Position 4000 BC

The sun shone upon the sleeping Earth, especially upon the Portugese ;)
As Joao woke up he was immediately presented with a map of his precious Lisbon and it's surroundings.

2840 BC - Oporto Settled!

"Sir I have good news" said the despots advisor. "The 1st Scouting Warrior Regiment has entered a tribal village and has provided us with out a scouting regiment."

"Excellent" replied Joao "What has come of the tribal village to our East?"

"They have given us a generous amount of gold, our treasure keepers estimate that it amounts to 30 coins. However, as the 1st Scouting Warrior regiment moved farther west, a tribal village was found to be hostile and ambushed our warriors. There are reports of no survivors. The 1st Scouts Regiment acquired from the tribal village has survived numerous wolf pack attacks and has now been promoted as a one star regiment. In it's travelings it has met the Spaniards run by Isabella. They are not to far east of Lisbon, and believe in supernatural higher beings, calling this crazy idea Buddhism."

Mandate & Charter to TheLastOne36

I here by delegate mayor duties of the city of Oporto to you. Congratulations are your new found position. You have complete control over production and land working, as well as any garrison regiments or working crews I dispatch to you. You also have the power to appoint lower officials, as well as call or dismiss any assemblies pertaining to your city. Currently a worker is being built in Oporto for the greater good of your city as well as the empire. After it it built I give you full control.

- S1L3nT (Despot)

FourthThunder you shall be happy to know that we have built a camp on the first elephant inhabited plot.

Other Information: I have built a worker while researching Bronze Working. Once both were finished I chopped out a settler while research hunting, and mined the hill I chopped. From there I built a camp on the tile 1 west of Lisbon with ivory. The settler settled Oporto and work has begun on a worker there, and a workboat is being built in Lisbon. Animal Husbandry is currently being researched.
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