Owning a continent and feels....unmotivated


Ocean King
Sep 24, 2010
So I finally owned my continent (playing as Harun on Prince, Continents) and on the other continent is Bismarck. My people is unhappy, my gold income is declining, and my production is low. Bismarck then came invading. My one pathetic city can hold off his half hearted invasion. I can try invade him but somehow I am unmotivated.

So I started a new game. Still as Harun, still on Prince, and still on continents. Met Biz, Alex, and Eli. A scout quickly morphed into a Crossbow. I then pull a steamroller on Biz and Alex with one crossbow and three warriors. And eyeing Eli now, I got horsemen and archer she still got warriors. Got plan to dominate the continent but I am afraid that I'd be bored when I dominate. Ruling a big continent is simply a drag now, what with the global unhappiness, slow unit production (I usually pop a TANK every 2 turns on Civ IV from my best unit producing city), and SLOW tech progress.

Probably I'll research astronomy and continue on lawnmowing to other continents....
Sounds like it's time for a new map type. Tried Pangea? I like it, not so much messy water and you're not really alone on the continent until all the others are dead.
I usually pop a TANK every 2 turns on Civ IV from my best unit producing city), and SLOW tech progress.

In Civ IV you needed stacks of tanks, artillery, and infantry to take a city. You only need 4-6 now. The unit density is much lower, so why shouldn't the production be much lower? You can't fit 20 units on a hex, you are not suposed to have an army in the hundreds of units, so what is the problem with having low production? This matches up with the FEWER units on the board.
I have a couple of suggestions:

If you feel the game is too slow then play on quick.

Otherwise, maybe you aren't doing it right? I know I don't feel the way you describe.

I know that in Civ 4 it was possible to make mistakes, and that unless you had your strat down pretty well you wouldn't be making a tank in 2 turns.
Sounds like it's time for a new map type. Tried Pangea? I like it, not so much messy water and you're not really alone on the continent until all the others are dead.

Yeah, probably will try pangaea after this one. Will have so much fun with barbarians, I suppose :lol:

I have a couple of suggestions:

unless you had your strat down pretty well you wouldn't be making a tank in 2 turns.

that's why I miss religions and civics in Civ V....Organized Religions, State Property, and Police State, and add Nationhood.
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