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P3-01 - Our god is better than their god!


Unholy Warlord
Mar 13, 2008
The Netherlands
P3-01 - Our god is better than their god!

Remember the days you were still new to Civ 4... everything was so much easier, and so much less care. You didn't need to adopt other religions... you just founded your own and stuck with it, no matter whether the AI's liked you for it. You just kept with it because you could and it seemed the obvious thing to do at that time. By now, we have learned that following own religions instead of going with the rest can make it difficult and even lose you games. That will not stop us from reliving those days and adding another level of crazyness to it, though. ;)

And we're of course going to throw some holy wars! If we're going to stick to our own religion we might as well have a good time in the process.


Map: Fractal
Size: Standard
Speed: Normal
Difficulty: Emperor
Leader: Isabella of Spain

Game Rules (or the Five Commandments)

1. Thou shalt not delay seeking the One True Way.
(Founding a religion should be priority)

2. Thou shalt be my first disciple, and not accept second place behind another.
(We will found our own religion, and stick with it!)

3. Thou shalt not worship false gods.
(We will found only one religion, and not change our state religion. Temples and monasteries of heathen gods are off-limits)

4. Thou shalt not cast religion aside, even if the rest of the world tries to enforce thee.
(FR is off-limits. UN votes for FR will be defied)

5. Thou shalt remove all doubt from the unbelievers as to the One True Way. When thy quest is done, only one shrine will be standing tall and it will be to Me.
(Before victory, all holy cities except our own must BURN.)

SG rules: Have fun, destroy the heathens, 24/48 rule. Not much else to say really ;)

Ow, it looks like fun! But doh, it is emperor, I am still winning only around half of my Monarch games. I don't want to embarrass myself! So, if you really need one to fill up the rooster in a few days, you can put me in. Otherwise, I will be lurking!
Time to punish the heathens..."Burn the witch"

Sign me up Paulus


Winning half your monarch games is know where near as important as wanting to get in spirit and break out your "Witchhunter General's" anti heathen stakes and firewood (e.g. if the game inspires you then playing ability is a far less important qualification) so sign him up Paulus :deal: as the line

"looks like fun" is the best entry qualification to an SG that I know!!

Time to punish the heathens..."Burn the witch"

Sign me up Paulus


Winning half your monarch games is know where near as important as wanting to get in spirit and break out your "Witchhunter General's" anti heathen stakes and firewood (e.g. if the game inspires you then playing ability is a far less important qualification) so sign him up Paulus :deal: as the line

"looks like fun" is the best entry qualification to an SG that I know!!


Haha, well, if he will have me then.
Don't worry Arlborn... it might be difficult but the group mind will compensate for that. Most important is, as RJ noted, that we're going to have some fun!

As leader I was either thinking Izzy or Justinian. Both zealous enough for some holy war!
the line "looks like fun" is the best entry qualification to an SG that I know!!



Basically a monarch player with some emperor games under my belt. If the fun of it is more important than the hypercorrectness of every move, I'd like to join in!


Basically a monarch player with some emperor games under my belt. If the fun of it is more important than the hypercorrectness of every move, I'd like to join in!


Fun should always be more important than the hypercorrectness of every move so that's good enough for me ;)
As leader I was either thinking Izzy or Justinian.

Must confess when I think religious zealot in Civ it's always Isabella that springs to mind so one vote for the "Spanish Inquisition".

Must confess when I think religious zealot in Civ it's always Isabella that springs to mind so one vote for the "Spanish Inquisition".


True, but I think Monty might be one for this game too! :D

Crazy fanatic!
Fun should always be more important than the hypercorrectness of every move so that's good enough for me ;)

Must confess when I think religious zealot in Civ it's always Isabella that springs to mind so one vote for the "Spanish Inquisition".

I guess we'll have a lot of Monty Python quotes then coming along! :D

Given my country of residence of course I'd vote for Isabella too and let's then start spreading hinduism like there is no tomorrow! For historical correctness maybe we can have "choose religions" and take Christianity if that doesn't feel politically incorrect in these troubled times we're living in... O wait, it's just the economy we have trouble with these days :)
Since this game is probably going to offend every single religion represented in Civ (either we'll be slaughtering them or we'll be committing atrocities in their name) I'm not too much worried about political correctness. ;)

And well... for a game which has taking religious zeal to its extremes as its objective, how can we go wrong with Izzy? Monty's a nice fit for crazy religious zeal too but he's already up in another SG I'm playing (Immortal slavers; check that one out if you want to see really crazy play and warmongering Monty-style ;) ) so I'm a bit reluctant on using him.

I must say with Izzy I always feel like having Christianity as the SR: but on Emperor getting an early religion can be difficult and Christianity is about the most-wanted religion with Choose Religion on. Still have to think of a nice way to make sure we get our religion right. ;)
If you run izzy, just re roll till you get a lake and you are in!! :lol:

Hinding for the jew back up or just screw it and try for bud lite.

One thing to note since in the process of playing an izzy sg, Conq's are bugged to not ignore walls/castles like cuir's do =/

Unofficial patch fixes this I'm told.

Avoid econ like the plague and aim for 18 exp Artillery!!!

I've been looking for an emperor SG with twisted variant for a while...

...so in other words, ready to burn the pagans! :D

And as was mentioned, how can we go wrong with the spanish inquisition!
If you run izzy, just re roll till you get a lake and you are in!! :lol:

Spain on a lake, where did I hear that before? :confused::)

Personally would be ok with rerolling like that, it's not like we're stacking the odds hugely in our favor that way.
Other option is prepicking opponents with other favourite religions according to what I saw in the sevopedia (Gandhi, Toku, Qin, Saladin, etc).
I'd prefer not to handpick opponents but Spain on a lake sounds intrigueing :p
I think we could handle the first roll, but getting early religion would make the early game more spicey :). So i'm fine with rerolling a lake start.
Well, since the roster is almost full I decided on rolling up a start with Isabella, and look at what we got on the first roll...


Woo hoo! Spain on a lake! And with stone and two good resources in view to boot!

Settling in place is the way to go, I think. We have stone, pigs and cows for a good early capital. Techpath... well, its Spain on a lake, so how about we try for an early religion? ;)


Great start! I am all for an early religion and settling in place!
That's a nice start, definitely settle in place and head for religion. Since relogion is most likely in the bag, we should priorizite stone henge and get our shrine quickly.
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