P3-01 - Our god is better than their god!

Sounds like fun, I see you have room for one more? may I join? I am pushing immortal atm(read trying to win more than 1 in 10 on immortal -.-), but Emperor is more fun for me :D

Looking at start 1 SE picks up a cow, but puts us off the lake so Idk if its worth it since religion is in the cards :p
Looking at start 1 SE picks up a cow, but puts us off the lake so Idk if its worth it since religion is in the cards :p

That also costs one extra turn, but I'm sure we can use those cows for another city. It's not like we're lacking production for our capital in any case :p
Surprise, a lake! Well, remember the first commandment: Thou shalt not delay seeking the One True Way! I wonder who wrote that first commandment since he doesn't seem to have found that way himself yet :confused: :lol:

Not sure whether to take poly or meditation, for some reason I always go poly if I want to have a shot at an early religion.
I agree with Noncho here as Poly is safer(we can grab Jew if we miss hindu, which I doubt), and since we have a nice production cap it leads the way to GL so we only have to research Aesthetics later...

Early wonders the henge looks great, and I am thinking mids and angkor wat would be nice (STONEEEEEEE), a priest economy looks like a good idea here...
Not sure whether to take poly or meditation, for some reason I always go poly if I want to have a shot at an early religion.

Most common reason is that Polytheism leads to Mononotheism and Literature, while other do not. Especially Organized Religion is very important to us, so we should head there in any case. Just have to be careful not to found another religion, but I don't think that's a problem at emperor difficulty :)
Early wonders the henge looks great, and I am thinking mids and angkor wat would be nice (STONEEEEEEE), a priest economy looks like a good idea here...

Stonehenge for sure, but the rest are situational. If you have to choose between Pyramids and burned heathen, we all know the answer ;). Although Pyramids are quite easy to get with stone and the amount of forests we have.
Of course Meiz, just thinking out loud... also what do you think about theology bulb for an appropriately aligned AP (and 2 hammer bonus), of course also situational, but it seems to fit with the concept behind this game.
Somehow mids and therefore representation seems a bit out of character with our religious zealousness... Hereditary rule keeping our folks happy with religion and numerous units dressed in shiny metals seems more appropriate :) Apart from that, mids would be great of course.
Of course Meiz, just thinking out loud... also what do you think about theology bulb for an appropriately aligned AP (and 2 hammer bonus), of course also situational, but it seems to fit with the concept behind this game.

Again we would have to be careful not to found a second religion. This made me think that we might want to get our religion from Theology instead with Great Prophet bulb (which is safer than Oracle). Shouldn't be too hard to pull as long as we get henge. I think AP is a must have with our theme :)

Or we could beeline for Oracle and keep our Great Prophet as a backup plan. If we get the Oracle and Theology, we already have the guy for the shrine :)

But there are risks involved here (like AI oracling Theology), so early religion would be much safer bet.
The bad news? I did not listen to your advice of Poly because I didn't read the thread yet when I played...

The good news? We were first to Meditation! ;)


Full report up in half a hour or so. Loki, you're in. :)
Hey, no true religious fanatic would complain about that fact! :D

We will generate two Great Prophets easily, especially if we skip Pyramids. I would suggest that we use the first one for the shrine and hold the other one for Theology bulb. We just have to wait until someone else discovers it first and then race for the AP.
I would suggest that we use the first one for the shrine and hold the other one for Theology bulb. We just have to wait until someone else discovers it first and then race for the AP.

Sounds good for me too.
Rep fits because it allows a priest economy to be relatively efficient, and a theocracy would definitely enjoy having priests..., however hereditary rule is more in the interest of our glorious queen...

Anyway Meditation eh... its quick I guess and will allow us to get worker techs up faster, no complaints, however we still need poly and mono for a theology bulb, but if we are waiting for someone else to grab that isn't that urgent.
Well, I tried and took the short route to religion. Settled in place, first tech Meditation. While this start is good there are a few problems, such as no easy food (we need to go AH for that) and no prereq techs for AH. We need to hurry along a bit. As such, first build was a warrior because a worker takes forever on a 2-food tile and he'd have nothing to do anyway.

The first competitor on our continent was in after 5 turns: It's Hannibal. I'm not quite sure what to think of that. He's pretty balanced, techs well and sometimes aggressive, but does not often prioritize religion and does not attack at pleased. I'd say he looks more like a potential convert than a competitor in the religious arena.


And when Meditation came in... it turned out we were first. When we got our choice for religion, I of course picked Christianity, Izzy's favorite religion.


After that I went Hunting. The main problem is that we'll need AH before this capital will be of any use to us (well we can farm the, and I can easily see BW coming late and getting us into barbarian problems (remember we've already lost time by going meditation instead of worker techs). Just to be on the safe side, we now have the prereq for archery... just in case. This just was the safe&quick choice.

AH is queued up after finishing Hunting. I doubt that we'll change that, seeing as how badly we need that.

Our land isn't half bad. We have a FP site, some gold nearby. I think it's best to get the gold with the second city, seeing as we'll likely still be developing slowly and can use the extra commerce.


Oh, and feel free to change my worker build. While we do want a worker once AH is in, he'll be around early and have nothing to do. That, unfortunately, is the fate of Spain going for an early religion with no seafood or agri resources... Nevertheless, I think we're in a good position, development hampering through early religion notwithstanding.


PaulusIII - just played
Arlborn - UP
Ralph_Jackson - on deck


Good call on hunting, short route to AH, prereq for archery, great round, however I think I smell a strategic resource in that unwooded grassland....

I would advocate putting a few turns into SH while waiting for a few more worker techs to get us started on that so we can nab an early prophet for Church of the Nativity.

In my experience Hannibal does not tend to found religions, however I have seen him(and most financial AI's) found Judaism sometimes.

And a city on that plain forest by the gold would nab gold + floodplains + wheat, but I would need to see more exploration before I even attempted to suggest serious city sites.
Solid round Paulus :)

We definitely want AH to get our capital started, but I don't think we have time to hold Stonehenge until the stone is hooked up. We could put 6 turns of full hammers to SH and then time our worker to be completed at the same time as AH comes in. We can then finish SH, helped by improved cows.

It would also be good to check if there's some fish hidden near the gold site. Otherwise Loki's suggestion sounds good.

I would use our city guard to explore more terrain from the east. Currently there's no reason of keep him idle :)
Solid round Paulus :)

We definitely want AH to get our capital started, but I don't think we have time to hold Stonehenge until the stone is hooked up. We could put 6 turns of full hammers to SH and then time our worker to be completed at the same time as AH comes in. We can then finish SH, helped by improved cows.

It would also be good to check if there's some fish hidden near the gold site. Otherwise Loki's suggestion sounds good.

I would use our city guard to explore more terrain from the east. Currently there's no reason of keep him idle :)

I like the suggestions. How many turns should I play by the way?

Hum, what should we go for after AH?
I think mining-masonry-BW(mining first for full beaker discount on masonry, we won't have quarry up before we have SH done I don't think anyway...) maybe do BW before masonry idk, I suspect strategic resource in BFC so copper might pop.
Hum, what should we go for after AH?

That's a good question :p

I would get some action for our worker and head for the Wheel, continued by Mining and Bronze working. We need to divert to Archery if there's no bronze or horses available.

After that might want to start clearing the religious techs for possible Theology bulb. So Masonry -> Mononotheism for starters? Masonry also let's us finally do the quarry for stone and opens Pyramids.
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