PAE VI Patch 6.5 and higher (02.2024-12.2024)

Yes, I just stopped modding, waiting for your success! Due to real life, I can't do anything at the moment any way.
You even can prepare that version as PAE VII (full version).
Hi Pie,

There appears to be a problem with the way the AI makes its attacking stacks. It favours rams to the extent that it will send maybe 10 rams with a single other unit. Sometimes that unit is a druid. Obviously these stacks are doomed to fail. I've seen this a lot on different scenarios, usually in the early and midgame.
You're now able to download PAE 6.10 !

I hope everything works!

see patch notes of 6.10 in the first post.

About the AI ram problem: this will be solved in the upcoming PAE VII version, which will work with dll (for Windows) only.
PATCH 6.11 is now available!

download link in the first post. I hope, everything works fine!

here are the changes:

Patch 6.11 (28.11.2021):

- governor help text update
- Unit Supply: fresh water added
- CtD fix on city renegade (thx to Rob!)
- naval formation full speed: +4 movement instead of +2
- less collateral damage for ships
- bugfix gold cart didn't move to capital/government center
- Events: missed text (TXT_KEY_EVENT_MEUTEREI)
- arts: great lighthouse a bit bigger, colossus a bit smaller
- new feature: mounted generals or high rank mounted units can swap their horse/camel in cities with stables to move on
- captured missionaries become slaves
- fresh water tiles (lakes) fill supply carts
- wonder pic for small oracle, craft center and war dog breeding
- fix: dog distribution
- specialbuilding tholos tomb instead tumulus for greek nations
- weaker bonus for Cybele, Indra and fertility cult
- new building: garum manufactory
- less flee chance for units in cities
- higher chance of getting slaves during fight
- more slaves for capturing cities
- higher prod costs on later eras
- captured units lose their fear for mounted units
- bugfix: selling cheap mercenary warriors
- new recurring city events: city fire
- new scipts for First Punic War scenario (by Barcas)
- building bonus check (bronze, granary): chance decreased from 10% to 5%
- city conquer: supply wagon emerges (chance of 33%)
- main interface: unit info on left bottom: "(x) unit stack:" instead "unit stack (x):
- razing cities: creates a state religion missionary if city has that religion
Of course! there are new XML codes included. eg. the garum building.

sorry, I always forget to mention that...

6.11 is not save game compatible!

so, finish your game and then upgrade.
I've got three unhappy citizens in one of my cities. Two messages are: 'We don't want foreign gods', and another is 'We yearn to join our Motherland'. But this is a city I founded myself. It is close to two barbarian cities, does/should that make a difference when it's my own city?

Edit: I've found out that this happens when you add immigrants to your city. I don't know if it depends on the number or whether it's different if they are captured immigrants, which these were.
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It depends on captured immigrants. They've got their own culture. This is bad if their culture dominate yours in a city. (BTS mechanic)
Wait, why are there literally zero ways to build culture in a city before the Iron age, unless you have a religion or a metal resource(for megalithic tombs)?

Like... I don't remember it being the case in previous versions and playing as a civ without a religious option(Hittites) feels unnecessary restrictive and boring

Am I missing something or do I need to make do with 1 city radius until I am able to build libraries??? It is literally half the game through...
Fertility cult is your friend there. So long as you have access to some sort of food resource, you can give each of your new cities +1 food and +1 culture at the cost of a little extra upkeep. Really useful for early-game growth.

You can also run the unlimited priests you get from temple economy. +2 culture a turn there, and you don't even need to worry about hooking a city up to your trade network for resource access. Really good for when you have to settle in a weird spot to grab a key resource, or inland settlements in general.
If you want to try PAE 6.12 BETA, you can download it here: PAE 6.12b

It is not save game compatible.
It has so many changes, I will list them when it comes to the official release.
what I can say:
Changed game speeds, changed city growth, changed cultivation rules (see PAE cultivation concept) with adapted cults, new buildings, new techs, a stronger Roman army, a great new domestic advisor, new merchant creation rules, new bonus resources, more pedia infos (founding religions), new religions (I need for future patches),...
PAE is the greatest CIV, keeps getting better. I've always thought it should end with Islam. Thanks for all your work.
2 cents on a millennia of controversy: 'Orthodoxy' existed before 'Catholicism' (as the tech tree reflects with the later invention of the papacy). The fourth ecumenical council was when the 'Oriental Orthodox' went their own way. I enjoy the addition of another religion, the more the better. Forgive what may seem like nitpicking. Thanks again!
thx tia!
hm... it is no problem to switch, that Orthodoxy is found 0 AD and the Christianity is found due to councils. I will need some research for that... although, I could imagine, that every religion will say they were first....
yes, they will likely say this... why I wanted to get a word in first! :)
Just tried out the new patch - I like it a lot so far! Cities definitely seem to grow more slowly early on, but can blossom once you gain access to a variety of resources. Some notes:

The new jeweler and tannery buildings require an improved resource in their vicinity to function, but only need that resource in your empire to be built. Cities that shouldn't be able to build one will have it show up in their building list, but if you build it, it will immediately deconstruct. These should probably be changed to needing the resource in their vicinity to be built in the first place.

Barbarian forts no longer spawn when generating a map with the PAE map scripts, though this may be intentional. Barbarians and animals seem to slow the game a lot less, which is good.

And Tia's right about the orthodox church - The 4th Ecumenical Council is when Chalcedonian Christianity (what we'd know as Catholic and Orthodox today) and non-Chalcedonian Christianity (namely the churches of Alexandria and Armenia) split. Catholicism and Orthodoxy had regional differences at this time (mostly over the supposed primacy of the pope in Rome), but wouldn't really start to grow apart from one another until the 800s, and wouldn't formally split until 1054, which is probably outside of the timeframe of the mod. I'm not really sure what a good way of representing the Ecumenical Councils in-game would be... Creating a religion for every major Christian branch seems like it would be a bit superfluous (though if you did, I'd say Arian at the first council, Nestorian at the third, and Miaphysite at the fourth), but maybe there's a good way to represent the various creeds being confirmed as orthodox or heretical.
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I don't want to add 4 Christian religions. What I can do is, not to found a religion at 0AD, but let the Catholic Church and the Othodox Church be found later. But when? 1054 is an official break, but they exists far earlier? so from the 4th council?
Hmm. For the time period, if you were to do two Christian religions, I'd probably have one as generic "Christianity" and the other as Arianism, which was probably the most important heresy of the time period (converted two Roman Emperors, and nearly all of the major Germanic tribes).
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