PAE VI Patch 6.5 and higher (02.2024-12.2024)

Civic section in Civilopedia doesn't work :(
Something weird going on with automated workers - why do they build farms on range 3 if city can work just range 2 ? The specific plot has no forest/jungle, so it's not that they do it to just cut the trees. There seems to be also no need for irrigation spreading due to how river and hills are set up. And farm improvement has no chance of discovering bonuses. So why does the worker build that ? Are they able to see unrevealed bonuses, perhaps ? 🤔

Also Tribal Warriors civic screen description is lacking to mention the part that Tribal Warriors civic also(!) produces military units by using half food, half hammers, same like Peasant Militia civic does.
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I don't know why the automated workers do this. Due to the imp. costs, you shouldn't let them work automatically.... as we know, workers rebuild improvements when there is a current need (low taxes, production).

Tribal Warriors don't use food as Peasant Militia. You may not mix it up with the food storage feature of PAE while units not only costs hammers, they cost food too. no matter which civic you have. at least human soldiers. ships don't. You can see it in the unit pedia, where units have food costs next to prod costs.
This shall reduce city growth because young men left the city for war.
the next big point of this PAE feature is: collect grain. the more grain you own, the less a city loses food for unit creation. this means: if you own no grain resource: a unit costs 50% prod costs in food. if you own all five grain resources (wheat -10%, oat -10%,...) a unit costs 0 food extra costs.

so it is a passive bonus if you are able to possess all five grain resources.
To be frank, the bugged worker automation is the sole reason I don't play Civ5. I simply dislike ordering workers around manually.

Well I suppose I can roleplay the PAE weird automation as corruption. As long as they don't start a vicious rebuilding cycle that they sometimes do in some mods 😬
You're right, I can understand.
But in PAE you should really improve only the plots a city uses, because of the costs. At least at the beginning.
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Hi Brettschmitt
In the hope that this might narrow down the issue for us I did notice that as you suggested to save the game and load....but interestingly the globe still remains whirling around on the new re-load?? So its actually saved the game with it hanging???Does that narrow the issue down for you to solve or is it a needle in a hay stack??

We try to solve this. We find a possible wrong xml setting for the hunter. It seems that CIV can't handle combat and worker units, if it's one unit.

After this last test, I'll upload version 6.14.
Hi Pie
Yes that makes sense as I have prioritised getting hunters and interesting that my last crash was just as a hunter was created!
It's not your own hunter.
It's the AI having problems with their hunters, since hunter can build a camp with the new patch. If barbarians are on the tile they want to build on it leads to endless loop...

At least that's what I understood ;)
Thx rjs,
hunters will be able to build camps via python and this is how it will work.
Hi Pie
It seems to have gone back to the original Hunter settings ie a ranged unit ?? Was that intentional?
I did wonder Pie as I did miss the ranged hunter early on and felt that the advantage of a camp did not make for it.
There we go again (newest patch, clean PAE reinstall):
Thx Silicia !
but... I compared alle files (, CivicInfos.xml and CivicOptionInfos.xml) in date and time of my basis game and patch. It's ok.
The error says: unidentifiable C++ exception. as if civ doesn't know what's in screen.setTableText(). Perhaps your version doesn't know WidgetTypes.WIDGET_PEDIA_JUMP_TO_CIVIC.

Do you really have CIV IV + Warlords + BTS 3.19 ?
Or CIV IV Complete Edition (with BTS 3.19) ?
I have all the installations separate - Civ4, Warlords, BtS, 3.19 patch. I think I only have Civ3 as some "complete edition", not Civ4. I mean, I'm here on CFC for... years. Even playing this mod since who knows when. Obviously I just used the same way of installation as before. Also all the other Civ4 mods doesn't have such problem as PAE.

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