Not at all paradoxical. Spain during World War II, for example.Police State + Pacifism
Difficult but not impossible. The slaves would need to be allowed to vote; it doesn't mean they'd need to be freed from their masters.Universal Sufferage + Slavery
Again, not at all paradoxical. It just doesn't happen very often.Police State + Free Speach
No, that would just be a nightmare.What about Decentralization and Bureaucracy?
Not at all paradoxical. Has happened many times in history.Theocracy & Free Speech -> Theocracy means that you have not allowed to speak(or even think) about other gods than state religion has but freedom of speech means something else... like Iran or countries like that.
Not at all paradoxical. Spain during World War II, for example.
Pacifism is Civ4 doesn't mean "we never fight ever under any circumstances;" it means "we maintain a relatively small or inactive army for our size." It's probably not the best example, though.Not a good example. Franco sent a small volunteer force to fight alongside the Nazis and Italians as a cobelligerent in Russia without a declaration of war, both to mollify Hitler and because, in his mind, it was important to defeat the "Godless communists". Spain otherwise avoided participation in the war more due to calculation and the fact that the country had been devastated by the Civil War in the '30s and needed to recover. He certainly wasn't a pacifist, in that he took up arms against (what was then) his own government during the Civil War.
What about Decentralization and Bureaucracy?
Athens had universal male suffrage for those who had born in Athens from Athenian mother and father ( even today most countreis that have Universal Suffrage difer about the definition of citizen, especially about age and country of origin ( Germany, until some years ago, only allowed as German citizen a person who had "German blood" ( AFAIK, of course ), some countries only recognize citizenship to people over 25 or 21,..... ) ) and had slaves....Universal Sufferage + Slavery
Pacifism is the religious belief that all violence is against the will of god. Man must not fight his fellow man. If a person slaps your face you must turn the other check. Basically, what happens much to a person in this world doesn't matter much at all: if a bully takes your stuff or kills you and you don't fight back, you will gain your reward in heaven. (or the next incarnation) The bully my enjoy his ill-gotten gains for a few paltry years in this world, but he will suffer ten fold in the next.
Under a police state the government maintains strict control of thier populace by means of a police force. (and often a "secret" police force) Civil liberties are denyied and those who voice opinions contrary to the government face penalties ranging from imprisonment to death.
Universal Sufferage means everyone votes, no exceptions.
Universal Sufferage means everyone votes, no exceptions.
Universal Sufferage means everyone votes, no exceptions.
Just an aside, in America, Universal Suffrage is generally taken to mean that women can vote, too.
Athens had universal male suffrage for those who had born in Athens from Athenian mother and father ( even today most countreis that have Universal Suffrage difer about the definition of citizen, especially about age and country of origin ( Germany, until some years ago, only allowed as German citizen a person who had "German blood" ( AFAIK, of course ), some countries only recognize citizenship to people over 25 or 21,..... ) ) and had slaves....
Well technically speaking, if you're not allowing ex-convicts and mentally handicapped the right to vote, you don't truely have universal suffrage.
I was refering to this statement:
Those examples are clearly not examples of universal sufferage. Germany can't claim to have universal sufferage and at the same time ristrict sufferage to those with german blood. Claiming they are not citizens, if they have lived in your country thier entire life, is just a means to the end of denying them suffrage, and probably other rights.