Part 2 - ...And prosperity leading to conquest.


Jun 23, 2002
As we left Part I, I had successfully landed my space ship and "won" the game, but it wasn't enough to satisfy. I had avoided war for nearly 6 millenia, and now it was time to put my technology to work.

After choosing the "Keep Playing" option, I switched my government back to Communism, setting my luxuries high enough to keep people happy while still acquiring a new tech every 3 turns.

I wanted two units for my conquest - Stealth Bomber and Armor. As I waited for my new units to be researched, I began to amass my naval raid party fleet - 2 AEGIS Cruisers alongside a Carrier loaded with cruise misslies, with a transport filled with Alpine toops.

I decided to use my proximity to go after the most powerful military Civ - the Vikings. They had recently discovered Gunpowder, and were dangerously close to Conscription. Hordes of Viking Riflemen didn't appeal to me, so I decided on an attack on their Capitol and 2 largest cities that were all in the northern part of their main territory.

I sent my raiding party to the south and began to unload cruise missles at southern cities while setting up a fortified perimeter in the middle of the southern cities with my alpine troops. The distraction allowed me to soften the northerm cities with cruise missiles fired from my own port cities while a second transport full of Alpine troops captured the Viking capitol as well as their second largest city. This left their northern most city (which was one of my "big 3" targets) isolated from the rest of the Viking world - making it easy for the spy I bought as soon as I captured the capital to subvert the city, giving me control of 3 very high shield cities.

As my fortified perimeter in the south drew massive amounts of fire, my newly captured northern cities began to buy up my newly acquired Armor units, which stormed south, capturing and crushing the remaining Viking cities as my Carriers continued to pound the inland cities with cruise missles. The vikings would fall in 5 turns after I captured the capitol. The Romans would crumble soon after - surrounded on both sides by my forces.

From there, I began to emulate the strategy of the Egyptians and the Americans, forming a front line with my navy - with plenty of cruise missle and bomber laden carriers, and march my way northward, rolling over the Japanese with ease.

This would now put me in direct conflict with the Egyptians and the Americans. I now controlled southern 2/3rds of the map. I was also in an alliance with the Americans - which meant I was also at peace with the Egyptians.

Instead of a direct assault, I sent 2 unescorted transports - 1 filled with spies, the other with Engineers - deep into the heart of each empire to plant nukes in the 4 biggest cities of each.

In the fallout from the nukes, my blitz of death began. Cruise missles took out the large number of Ironclads that made up my naval opposition, while bombers rushed in to rain death on the mainland. Behind them, waves of Armor came in on transports, crushing what little resistance remained while my Engineers cleaned up the radiation damage.

Both Civs fell fast, with only the more powerful Americans able to hold out their last city for a couple of extra turns as one of my bomber Carriers was sunk by an Ironclad assault (which made me realize that you never take technical superiority for granted)and was unable to dispatch the bombers for support of the ground forces.

Less than 30 years after landing my Space colony, I marched into the last pocket of resistance victorious with only a single casualty during the entire world conquest. A single sunk Carrier blemished what could have been a perfect takeover.
how do you research faster than 4? the Min is 4......

and how could you win the Space race without having the research for armour etc? :confused:

OOPS! im in the Civ2 part of this forum :crazyeye: :rolleyes:
My all time record for research is gaining 12 technologies in one turn. Yes, that is not a typo, twelve. It was on the Mars scenario...
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