Pax Britannica - An English/British EU3 AAR

Pax Britannica

Oct 4, 2013
Hi guys!
Recently, there has been a shortage of EU3 AARs, forget British ones. Yeah, yeah, I know EU4's out and it's fun but I've always found eu3 way more entertaining! I'm not a particularly patient fellow, so I'm going to set the core gain time to 20 and lose to 30. Better, eh? I'm going to go through the route of international empire :) Technology? I have no serious planned route, but I want to begin colonisation as early as possible so trade, government and naval are going to take the spotlight there.

So yeah, here's an AAR - Pax Britannica - by the one and only... Pax Britannica.

Chapter 1 - The Beginning
We start in 1399, with the Army of Scotland down near London, and a one regiment strong Royal Army :goodjob: I'm going to begin with strengthening these before conquering Ireland or something! I would have done this with homegrown troops if it hadn't have been for effing allied Milan with their effing mind effing starting an effing war before I was effing ready so I had to sacrifice SIX EFFING REGIMENTS take over some effing provinces in effing Hungary which ended with Milan asking for a white peace anyway. Needless to say, that alliance is over.


Aren't they looking sexy up there?

We're the greatest in the world, with a grand total of... 52 PRESTIGE! This isn't going to impact much, and I'm not going to do anything to preserve this until later, once I make sure it is impossible for me to be eradicated from this world :)


Orgasmic joy.

AND NOW, we make our very first move (after splitting the army in two)! I'm moving up there because Scotland sent me a diplomatic insult which probably means they'll probably DoW me pretty damn soon.

An alliance offer accepted from Milan! I chose yes 'cause me pro.

I had to join in their damn war too. Read my rant above for details.


Stay tuned for Chapter 2 - Italian Conquest
just as the small print I wrote the first few bits of the AAR a while back, but never published. Might as well now eh?
First post on Civfanatics and it's an AAR for a Paradox Interactive game?

I like the cut of your jib, good sir. Subscribed.
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