Peace= Unhappiness?


Evil Norse Wolf
Nov 17, 2001
Naperville, IL
I noticed in a recent game that after I signed a peace treaty with a nation I had long been at war with, about 100 of my cities went into civil disorder the next turn. Now, I know that you get an initial happiness bonus when someone declares war on you, but it seems counterintuitive that your people would be unhappy at peace. People celebrate the end of a war; they don't protest. It's not like I lost either - I got something like a world map and some gold out of the agreement.
As you noticed, your cities became happy when at war with an old enemy. Now that you are no longer at war, your populace is unhappy, because they wanted the war. My recommendation: Pursue that war some more :D
Also, if the other civ declared war on you, they WILL be happy (nationalistic pride of defending the homeland). Also, I think militaristic civs are happy when you're at war. (Not sure on that).
Just for the sake of it, make sure that in the same turn, some luxury trade did not end as well, or you haven't lost a luxury to the enemy or by nearby AI culture expansion...

Did you change government (playing a religious civ) when you ended the war? Going to Republic or Demo, may be the people did not forget the war.

On the other hand, there have been lots of threads regarding patriotism, that will make people happy for some time, but then when war was over, they would go mad at you... :crazyeye: (i don't have the links to them though)
No, I didn't change anything else, and at the time I owned 2/3 of the world. Also, I was still at war with 3 or 4 other civilizations, so if the people wanted war or peace, they had some of both. The reason it frustrated me was because I had to spend 15 minutes dealing with civil disorder.
Is it possible the civilization you signed the peace treaty was your "mortal" enemy? (I forget what the exact term is). Basically if you've fought the same civ in 3 or more wars, they become your mortal enemy (although I think you only get one of these so if you've really been warmongering, it would be the first one you did this to), and your people are happier when you fight them. you get a bigger WW bonus when they attack you, etc. So I think its possible that if nothing else changed, this might be what's going on...
--Katie G.
I've never heard of this mortal enemy concept, but now that you mention it, this Civ was always declaring war on me. Since they were on another continent the wars never amounted to much, but I probably did have at least three wars with them. Very interesting.
Why would you sign a peace treaty anyway? If you own 2/3 of the entire world, why not go for all? Coward! :eek:
Hey, come on now. I signed the treaty because I had already gained all I was going to from the war. Technology had advanced to the point where I was going to have to win by spaceship or else someone else would, and the remaining land was too large for me to conquer in time, so I decided to ease off the warmongering, mostly because I wanted to get the game over with, so the fewer units I had to move around, the quicker the turns would be.
I noticed that after I goto war (btw i am china), alot of my major cities go into "we love the chairman day". And When I am winning, my people are generally happier.
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