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The one and only.
Oct 24, 2001
Charlottetown PEI, Canada
This is not a political party, we have no leadership, and only this agenda:

war is bad.

anyone who belives in this can join in, we have no specific belifs other then that war is bad, and that it is out job to critizize those that belive otherwise

to those who claim that these ideas are already public, I ask you, look at the threads its public in, they have been closed. the war church took a while for a member to join, leave this thread open for atleast 3 days. if no one joins by then, go ahed, close her up.

hold peacefull demonstrations against war

make the peace sign whenever possible

draw the peace circle on our flag, where the lion is suposta be :) and distribute it throughout our empire... or is it a republic?

be nice to everyone, even people that you dont like

and tell anyone who supports war how they are wrong

smoke pot

grow long hair

there are 2 wings: the runners, and the walkers. the walkers walk away from war, and tell others so. the runners run in elections against candaties. I, for now, will be a walker. since this is not a political party, you can join even if you are a watcher, and 2 or more peacenicks can run for the same office if they want.

use :love: in your sig.

spread love {and some pot} throughout the empire

The OACF is in complete opposition to this long haired pot smoking phenomenon!!

I condemn the "peaceful" goals as damaging to the Empire and to the Colonies. Are we to stand by while the infidels and the savages destroy the products of Colonist labor?!


However, if you give the OACF money, well found Colonies to grow pot and sell it to you guys for a profit! $$$! :D :D :D
*with pot in hand*

THATS IT! I herby challenge the war church to... a hardy game of checkers. actually, I suck at checkers, so I challenge you to a nonviolent, pot smoking compition. the one who smokes the most pot is declared the.... whoa! look at hy hands... he he he... they are SO big!!!

us peacenicks belive that we can spend our production on important things, like the manufacturing of pot, which is made in temples, coloseums, and some cathedrals... things like that will make people, Reeeeeeeeelaxxxxxxxxx!!!

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

oh yea, thats the stuff!
Quoting Pellaken:
make the peace sign whenever possible

It seems to me that you're apllying a democracy/republic government disavantage (the dreaded SENATE) to our empire disregarding the government.
I haven't played CivII for a while, but I remember the senate would sign a cease-fire before you have the chance of recapturing a city lost to the enemy.
Everyone hates that and you're proposing a policy of peace signing every chance available.
In my opinion, your strategies, Pellaken, are too rigid. You want to "ALWAYS SIGN PEACE TREATY" or "NO MORE THAN 10 SHIPS, NO LESS THAN..." whatever. But this game is not played like that. In a given time you have a situation, you analyse the situation, and you act in a given manner. You may act more militarly or more peacefully, but that depends on the situation.
The War Church thing favors an aggressive policy: they'll not give in to enemies and they have a great tendency of invading another civ if they find it attractive. The Colonists thing wants aggressive expansion, by any means necessary. These groups have TENDENCIES, not fixed, strict rules like yours.
Originally posted by Pellaken
*with pot in hand*

THATS IT! I herby challenge the war church to... a hardy game of checkers. actually, I suck at checkers, so I challenge you to a nonviolent, pot smoking compition. the one who smokes the most pot is declared the.... whoa! look at hy hands... he he he... they are SO big!!!

us peacenicks belive that we can spend our production on important things, like the manufacturing of pot, which is made in temples, coloseums, and some cathedrals... things like that will make people, Reeeeeeeeelaxxxxxxxxx!!!

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

oh yea, thats the stuff!
We'll bury you! :D

The War Church disdain to stoop to pot-smoking in a contest of wills. We'll settle this in a true manly fashion - in a gladiatorial fight-to-the-death contest once we have built the Colisieum (spelling?).

The War Church also supports infrastructural development for a strong infrastructure is pre-requisite to a powerful military. ;)
No, Pellaken, I keep telling you, invest in the Colonies and you'll get all the pot you want! Just don't get in the way of the Colonies!
today. in the news, Pellaken was involved in a horse acceident with CornMaster. Pellaken was reported as high on pot at the time. CornMaster refuses to comment on weather charges will be laied or not.

on a lighter note:

ACW, we are peacenicks, this orginization is not affiliated with the KEE Party. We blive that war is not an answer, peace is. If a city of our is taken, we should take it back, of course, but we should not invade others.

a quote:
In my opinion, your strategies, Pellaken, are too rigid. You
THAN 10 SHIPS, NO LESS THAN..." whatever. But this
game is not played like that. In a given time you have a
situation, you analyse the situation, and you act in a
given manner. You may act more militarly or more
peacefully, but that depends on the situation. "

we support a small military, no one {peacenicks} has put a 10 ship limit on anything. when we make first contact, peace is primary, but if there is a really annoying neighbour, we should be able to attack, but not just out of city gain. we are peacenicks, not lemmings :) we should act as situation dictates, but we blive when there is a choice of making an enemy of an ally, we should take the latter.

peace out! :cool:

PS. truth be knowen... I am playing a very militaristic game right now, civ II, that I started last night, after thinking about if my stragety truly sucks or not, and am doing very well... should 'us peacenicks' turn out to be 'the peacenick', I may join a more... agressive orginazation.
King of England, Knight-Dragon, this ones for you!

Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub, And who do you think they be? The General, the Colonist, the Peace maker, Turn them out, knaves all three.


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ACW, we are peacenicks, this orginization is not affiliated with the KEE Party. We blive that war is not an answer, peace is. If a city of our is taken, we should take it back, of course, but we should not invade others.

Oh shut up! This has everything to do with youre stupid kee party and youre "anti navy coalition" that has been reformed in the "anti millitary coalition".You have been warned to don't do it again and you still persist ,against everybody on this forum.
And you always push for the max ,always trying to draw as much attention as posible.It is a clear case of spamming and i'm sure that you will grow to regret all these thing's.Why? because you have no boundaries ,no'r respect for other people on this forum.

This isn't youre world here you stupid water bird ,this is a collective with 50 people ,each with their own oppinion's about the game.And most people like to play a millitaristic game ,because it's fun and it's the best style to play.

Oh and about youre sick psychological "i'm cool because i smoke pot" problem: get the **** a life will ya.
Originally posted by TheDuckOfFlanders

Oh shut up! This has everything to do with youre stupid kee party and youre "anti navy coalition" that has been reformed in the "anti millitary coalition".You have been warned to don't do it again and you still persist ,against everybody on this forum.
And you always push for the max ,always trying to draw as much attention as posible.It is a clear case of spamming and i'm sure that you will grow to regret all these thing's.Why? because you have no boundaries ,no'r respect for other people on this forum.

This isn't youre world here you stupid water bird ,this is a collective with 50 people ,each with their own oppinion's about the game.And most people like to play a millitaristic game ,because it's fun and it's the best style to play.

Oh and about youre sick psychological "i'm cool because i smoke pot" problem: get the **** a life will ya.

Altough (IMHO) the Peaceniks' partys ideology is strongly from ***,
but this was just unjustified flaming. KEE Party and ANC we're not allowed,
but this will be. If it should not be, then the War Church should also be closed.

Pellaken, uh, try to play Deity or Emperor with this tactic, and
you understand why everyone disagrees with you.

Peaceniks' tactic is only for Warlord, Chieftain and Prince :p :p :p

So, nobody will join this. :p

EDIT for more messages:
As I said in my first post these "groups" arent contributing anything to the nation. So why do they exisit?
Well, let me say, for example (just example): War church isn't contributing anything
to nation. IT SHOULD BE CLOSED. US Democratic and Republic parties
aren't contributing anything to US.
They should be restricted, we all know that communism is the only useful goverment form! ;)

Understand my point now? It's all about opinions.

Oh, Pellaken, everybody hates your pictures. They just plainly S U C K.
So try to forget posting them, will ya?

As soon as Pellaken really understands that nobody will like his party, he forgets it.
You (and your posts) would be taken more seriously if you acted in a serious way. This includes:
- Stopping the pot smoking (and all the other hippie nonsense)
- Your strict rules, which are easily breakable by yourself (the creator) since they are, well, nonsense.
Now if you say that by "always sign peace" you mean "never be the aggressor by invading another civ" then it's a completely different story. If you read your first post then your last post, you'll understand that you said two completelly different things. And while this strategy may not be the best, it is a valid one. Being the opposite of the War Church strategy, it would be accepted (in my opinion) if you could be just a little clearer and less annoying in your posts.
edit: don't mind this ,i pushed the rply button before the neccesariry text was there and editing was not nessecary after the reply's that foolwed on it.
well, thats interesting...

let me reply in order, last to first.

this organazation is clearley not a party, and its belifs are open. this was a request of Duck to me in a PM, but I created this before I red the PM, it was also something that AoA made clear.
the pot smoking was all in charicter, in real life, I am opposed to drugs.
the KEE Party had strict rules. This does not. You understand that. You are also right that this stragety isent the best, I have played a game, on emperor, and am using a military for once, and I am doing well. at one point I had 5 legions nullify a city, and support a settler build one at a critical choke point. by the end I had only 2 legions, but the gain was worth it. I am, in truth, more of a colonist then a peacenick, and will therefore ask this thread be closed. and lastley, to your comment about me being clearer... all my life I had had problems will not being 'clear' enough. this is a problem that I must deal with myself, as soon as I get the hang of it, I will do it, but till then, I will keep strugglin.

I have tried a game on emperor, and played with a military, and am doing well. I therefore would like to have this thread closed. I think these 'groups' are good things. they are, in truth, mini-political parties, but they do add to the game. I urge you to look at american history, at first, political parties were outlawed, but they devloped anyways. well here we have colonists and worriers, you can outlaw thenm, but they will still exist. Just cause you, or you, or you dont agree with these, dosent mean that my ideas are any worse then anyone else's. These ideas DO suck, but if everyone in the world tells me, I dont belive it, I need to see it for myself. I saw it for myself, and now realise it. I want to thank Corn and AoA for keeping the thread open this long, and allowing me to 'feel' my way around.

these groups are very good things, they allow people with similar belifs to join togethor. if we went all out we would need to ban the watchers guild, and if we did that, but even 1 member kept calling himself a watcher, we would have parties being formed by PM or E-Mail... like it or not, the process has been started, now its impossible to stop.

duck, duck, duck...
This thread has to do with my belif, {just as KoE's belif in colonists} that military is bad. the KEE Party does share this view, but this is NOT the KEE Party
I dont desire attention, and I am not pushing anything. are you going to yell at rmsharpe for his party, or kinght-dfragon for the warchurch AND the watchers guild. gee, duck, sounds like he wants attention to me. luckly I know that he is a nice fella, and I wont start accusing people of random things just cause I dont lkike them. Perhaps no one else lieks these ideas, that dosent mean I cant have them, that dosent mean I cant try to convince others of them. just ask Corn, he calls himself a communist, do you think the Communist Partyy of the USA just wants attention? after all, what do they have, a member, 2? do you REALLY think they will ever be elected to ANYTHING? Perhaps you need to read up on what SPAM is, your hostile post is more SPAM then what I post. and also, I do respect members here at the froum. I have never let my personal anger get in the way of getting between me and anyone, unlike some people, who resorts to name calling, and making hostile posts in order to hurt. Pellaken, if I may say so again, for the 100millionth time, is a space ship, not a earth bird. are you really that bad of a speller? {I know I am, its part of a disability of mine} is the millenium falcon a 1000 year old bird? well the Pellaken isent a bird nethier.
This is indeed a collective, and everyone has thier own opinions. mine are different from the majority. you and juize seem to disagree on my, for example. most people like a militrsistc game, perhaps I do, I am in the process of learning, but even if I dont, that dosent mean I cant express my opinions. Weather its more fun or not, is an opinion question.
I have said it before, and I will say it again, I am opposed to drugs, and the pot thing is a charicter thing, not a real thing.

now some things I want to say to you

perhaps I am not the one who needs a life. you seem to spend all your time antogonizing me, and hounding me. its clear you dont like me, wlel know what? join the club. there are, by now I am sure, about 1000 of you, spread all throughout PEI, Tornoto, and the Civ World. Its my belif that everyone should be treated as an equal no matter what. ever heard of steve ukrel? I have had people suggest that I am like him. Perhaps I am. But all I care about is this:
you do NOT know me, so do NOT even try to understand my life. perhaps what I do seems to you like being annoying, but all I am trying to do is to help, help everyone. I understand that it may not be the thing that any of you want, but please, instead of resorting to what you dod, duck, why dont we all just settle down, and CLOSE THIS GODDAM THREAD!
Originally posted by spycatcher34
I with you duck:goodjob:

As I said in my first post these "groups" arent contributing anything to the nation. So why do they exisit?
Just my contribution to spice up the Empire's life. Things were getting boring what with all the build what, go where polls. If all we're doing is voting, IMHO game participation will slowly dwindle away with time. Half-the-time, I am not even sure what's happening. :o

Now that I think about it, there's only a very thin line betw these groups and political parties. Except that we don't run on a platform for getting elected, campaigning based on a certain strategy.

If the Powers-to-be think it's not good for the game, then I will shut down the Watchers and the War Church. Then we can spend all our time voting.

PS I originally envision the Watchers as simply a list for ppl not wanting to run for elections. ;)
these groups are very good things, they allow people with similar belifs to join togethor. if we went all out we would need to ban the watchers guild, and if we did that, but even 1 member kept calling himself a watcher, we would have parties being formed by PM or E-Mail... like it or not, the process has been started, now its impossible to stop.
I have never solicite participation or banding of any kind thru email or PM. Everything I am doing (and did) for both groups are above board and posted here.

I dont desire attention, and I am not pushing anything. are you going to yell at rmsharpe for his party, or kinght-dfragon for the warchurch AND the watchers guild. gee, duck, sounds like he wants attention to me. luckly I know that he is a nice fella, and I wont start accusing people of random things just cause I dont lkike them.
Don't drag KoE and me into your arguments with the administration; it's your problem with them, not a problem betw citizens groups and the administration.

I repeat - if Duck and Cornmaster thinks we aren't really doing anything, I'll straightaway shut down both the Watchers and the War Church and never start another movement. Promise. ;)
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